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Career Path Day at Aviano Elementary

Friday, the 13th of January, proved to be a lucky day for the fourth and fifth grade students at the Aviano Elementary School. Not only did they have a half day due to a Teacher In-Service, but they were privileged to experience six different presenters from the base and community, who shared their careers with them! Counselors, Vicki OBrien, Kris Kessler, and Natelvi Archuleta coordinated a program to bring in experts that represented the six career paths: creative, nature, helping, health, business, and technology. Career choices have expanded into fields that were nonexistent ten or twenty years ago. Sgt. Chris Patten, TSgt. Fraga, Mr. Ben Engbrecht, Sgt. Barry, Major Jack and Sgt. Kabalan described their career paths; the education necessary to be considered for that line of work; and the expectations of their respective employers and themselves. The students rotated in and out of classrooms every twenty minutes. And, as a follow-up, each student had to record notes on each profession; why the presenter chose it; related fields of study; and the trainings and academic skills necessary to fulfill each job. Mr. Ben Engbrecht chose the business path. Ben, a graduate of Aviano High School, runs a gelato shop in Polcenigo. He showed students how he makes ice cream, which involves following a specific recipe (reading); measuring ingredients (math); and dealing with his customers (social skills). He also teaches groups how to make ice cream (public speaking). Our students loved watching him perform, and then eating samples of gelato hed made from his shop. Ben thought learning how to communicate with your customers was of utmost importance! The children loved TSgt. Fraga from OSI (Office of Special Investigations). Although he was not able to respond to all of the students questions, he did share his training and education, which included letting students handle plastic replicas of handguns and try on bullet proof vests. His video was fabulous, which dealt with the history of OSI, and our students were very surprised at the amount of education and experience he had to have, especially in Languages!

Sgt. Barry is a veterinarian tech or nurse-equivalent to being a registered nurse. She got stationed here because of our working dog program, but loves her main job, which is taking care of our animals from the community. She checks their teeth and vaccinates them. She had lots of cool displays and posters for the kids to study; and shared her opinion about having our dogs and cats spayed and neutered. The children liked learning about what causes heart worm, infected ears in animals, and preventing their teeth from decaying. She said her education in the sciences and math were the keys to her success with her job! Sgt. Chris Patten, Air Craft Mechanic, addressed students about the importance of problem solving and having mechanical and electrical knowledge. He centered on the importance that reading plays in the day-to-day rigors of his job-seeing that our pilots jets are ready to fly. He showed the kids a manual of 300 steps that he must perform on the jet for pre-flight; 300 steps and 300 more for the post inspections after each flight everyday-and every plane! Chris joined the Air Force shortly after 9/11. His Dad is a Navy veteran. Hes had numerous deployments in Afghanistan and Bahrain. The kids were impressed with the pride he takes in performing his duties each day, and his knowledge of the reading material. Major Dr. Jarred Jack has been in the Air Force since 2005. He is a doctor of veterinary medicine who stressed the importance of study. He also suggested that if any student wants to be a Vet that they work for a Vet first to see if they like it. This made sense to our students because Major Jack had to study for a very long time and earn a lot of degrees. Fortunately for him, he got a Masters degree in Public Health and was accepted into Vet school-all paid for by the United States Air Force. He stated that he was given retention bonuses which helped him pay off his student debt. Major Jack let the students know that it pays to work hard at what you doespecially if its something you like. He now works in public health. Sgt. Kabalan works for AFN. He told the students that broadcasting requires being creative and going places! Hes been virtually everywhere except Antarctica. He stated that you have to know a lot about technology; getting along with others; and problem-solving. He also stated that you must be personable because you are telling peoples stories. He cautioned the children about paying attention to learning English, writing, speech, reading and spelling. He showed the kids an Eagles Eye episode which the students could relate to and enjoy. He also stated that having a degree in communications can earn them a great salary in broadcasting. What a great experience this was for our students in fourth and fifth grade! If they ever doubted the need for a solid education, they dont doubt it now. This was also a wonderful opportunity for our Air Force community to join us in the education of their children. Brava to our guests; their leadership; and our counseling department here at Aviano Elementary School.

The gelato maker shares his business plan

and a taste of his ice cream

Vet Tech shares pet health information

Sgt Barry answers students questions

OSI speaker addresses the finer points of conducting an investigation

AFN TSgt Kabalan shares his stories around the world

Major raises awareness of medical concerns.

Sgt Patten explains the importance of responsibility in working on aircrafts

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