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Step 1: understand the utilisation factor table that is available on most fittings .

step 2:calculate room index room index : the room index is a number that describes the ratios of the rooms length with and height . formula: k= where: L=ROOM LENGTH W=ROOM WIDTH Hm =Mounting height of fitting Work plane =Desk or bench height k= = 1.31

step 3:Using the room index and reflectance values in the utilisation factor table for the horizontal row select the reflectance that best describes the room.

for the vertical column select the room index value k as calculated above. the utilisation factor for this fitting in this room is where the row and column intersect.

Step 4 : to calculate the number of fittings required use the following formula : formula: N = WHERE: N=Number of fittings E=Lux level required on working plane A=Area of room (LxW) F=Total flux (lumens) from all the lamps in one fitting UF= utilisation factor from table for the fitting to be used . MF=light loss factor . this takes account of the depreciation over time of lamp output and dirt accumulation on the fitting and walls of the building . N= N= 11.99 = 12 lamps

step 5 : space the number of fittings uniformly around the room drawing and check the SHR nominal for the fitting has not been exceeded . if it has been exceeded re space the fittings to get back to SHR nom step 6 : Work out the number of fittings required in each axis of the room : SHR = A=SHR*H B=W/A C=N/NL SL=L/C WHERE: L=ROOM LENGTH W= ROOM WIDTH Hm=Mounting height of fitting WORK PLANE=Desk or bench height SHR = X = 0.771 X

A=0.771 * 2.2 = 1.7 M B=4.8/1.7= 3 LINS C=12/3 = 4 LINS SL= 7.2 / 4 = 1.8 M

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