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20 Were Children 16 December 2012

I am Rachel: And the twenty: were children. They were looking forward to the end of the day: Friday, a week before Christmas vacation, A week before many expectations of stockings, presents, chestnuts, pictures with Mall Santa helpers I am Rachel: And the twenty: were children. Children who do not vote; Are not motivated by money, polls and super PACS; Play house, play war, and play hopscotch and double-dutch And hide-and-seek Are as honest, as pure as a human being could ever be; Will pull-no-punches: their truth if they tell it embarrasses and hurts: You stink! Youre a meanie! Youre not very nice. You must be a mommy/daddy. They are sugar, spice, everything nice; rats, snails and puppy dog tails. They are tossed hair, mud pies, drenched clothes from rain and cold, runny noseshugs They are on this side of Heaven, the visual demonstration of Agape love in the earth. They are the reason along with Emmanuel for the season They are the motivation for seeking Peace on earth, good will to all men. I am Rachel: And the twenty: were children. Matthew 2:18 "A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation, weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping [for] her children, Refusing to be comforted, Because they are no more."

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