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E d u c a t i o n & Re t r e a t C e n t e r

About Ghost Ranch

Ghost Ranch, 21,000 acres located in northern New Mexico, stands proud as an ecumenical and interfaith education and retreat center of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). For more than half a century people have come for spiritual development, to discuss issues of peace and justice, to work together in creation care, to paint and write, to hike and ride horseback, to research rich and globally renowned archeological and fossil quarries, to see where Georgia OKeeffe painted or simply to rest and renew their spirits.


Monday, February 18 - Sunday, February 23, 2013 Silence of the heart is necessary so you can hear God everywherein the closing of the door, in the person who needs you, in the birds that sing, in the flowers, in the animals. -- Mother Teresa
Perhaps the greatest gift we can give another is to truly listen to their story. Listening brings healing; listening brings hope. In our time together we will listen deeply to our inner voices. We will celebrate the wonder of Gods Presence in all aspects of life with stories and silence, with music and movement, with laughter and perhaps some tears. Includes a visit to the Christ in the Desert Monestery. We will have fun, rest and reflect.

About Casa del Sol

Located two miles from the main campus, Casa del Sol is a retreat space at Ghost Ranch dedicated to deeper spiritual contemplation.

To Register:
Call (505) 685-4333 ext. 4155. After Dec. 10, 2012 register online at $365+Lodging and Meals (semiprivate or private at Casa del Sol) Course Number G13CDS231

Instructor: Carol Ingells is a

trained spiritual director based in Michigan and a Companion of Casa del Sol. She has come to Ghost Ranch repeatedly and is an experienced facilitator, teacher, worship leader and counselor. Her blog can be found at


Ghost Ranch Education & Retreat Center in Northern New Mexico

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