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My President_______________


What years was he president

Qualifications 13

Electoral college 13

What State were they from, how old were they How many electoral votes did they receive? What party nominated them? Fun facts about this President Who was their Vice President? Who was their Secretary of State? Did they nominate anyone to the Supreme Court? Who? Did they sign any major treaty? Were any Executive offices created during their presidency Did they Veto any bills? Name at least 3 of their cabinet members (besides VP and Sec of State) Did they recognize any new country while in office? How big was the federal budget while they were in office? Did they issue any executive orders while in office? What was a major piece of legislation passed while they were in office?
Did this President pardon anyone? Most notable

Cabinet 15 Cabinet 15 Appointment Power 14

Chief Diplomat Treaty Power13,14 Bureaucracy 15 Executive Departments Chief Legislator Veto Power Cabinet 15

Chief Diplomat 13 Recognition Power 14 Bureaucracy 15 Chief Executive 13 Chief Executive 13 Ordinance Power 14 Chief Legislator 13

Judicial Power 14

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