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Objective: To practice multiplication facts and build fluency in multiplication Materials: 1 Deck of Cards excluding the Jokers. The values of each card are as follows *Ace=1 *2-10=their own value *Jack=11 *Queen=12 *King=0 Number of Players: 3 Directions: 1. Shuffle the deck of cards. 2. Deal the cards face down between 2 players. The third player is the captain. 3. Each player stacks their pile into a single pile face down. 4. During the Round: a. Each player flips one cards up to their forehead without looking at the number on the card. i. Player 1 flips up a 7 ii. Player 2 flips up a 9 b. The captain looks at both cards and multiplies them together. i. Captain sees the 7 and the 9 and multiplies them together ii. 7 x 9 = 63 c. The captain says, The product of the 2 numbers is ______. i. The captain would tell players 1 and 2, The product of the 2 numbers is 63. d. Each player must tell the captain the number that is on their forehead. i. Player 1 sees that player 2 has a 9 on their forehead and the product is 63. Player 1 must think what number multiplied by 9 will have a product of 63. Player 1 would tell the captain that they have the number 7. ii. Player 2 sees that player 1 has a 7 on their forehead and the product is 63. Player 2 must think what number multiplied by 7 will have a product of 63. Player 2 would tell the captain that they have the number 9. e. If both players correctly identify their number, then the players get the 2 cards. If one or both players incorrectly identify their number, then the captain gets the cards. f. The round is then over and the players are ready to start the next round. 5. The game is over when all the cards have been used. The players win if their card count is higher than the captains.

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