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Board of Directors D. Kevin G. Burns, President Mr. Burt Odelson, Chair Mr. Steve Ruff '64, Counsel Mr. John Birney Mr. Brian Coughlin '75 Mr. Mark Donahue '74 Mr. Patrick Elwood '85 Dr. Brian Farrell '74 Mr. Shaun P. Jacob '93 Mr. Jim Kramer '64 Br. Dominic Murray '63 Br. Peter O'Loughlin Mr. Michael Petrik '75 Mr. Steve Rosenbaum '74 Ms. Laura Shallow Mrs. Joyce Sterk Mr. Michael Stillman '87 Sponsored by the Brother Rice Board of Directors

Brother Rice Alumni Association 28th Annual All-Alumni Reunion Dinner Friday, November 9, 2012 Brother Rice Cafeteria
Cocktails .......7:00 p.m. Class of 62 Procession into Cafeteria Brother Rice Fight Song Brother Rice Band Opening Prayer..Father Mark Walter Master of Ceremonies.Bob McDonough 73 Alumni Hall of Fame Award..Marine Corporal Conner Lowry 06 Accepted by Modie Lavin, Conners Mom Moment of Silence - Taps Junior of the YearCaleb Kennedy 13 Other Finalist: Justin Ceh 13 Brendan Hogan 13 Mackenzie Oldfield 13 Matt Page 13 Man of the Year..Brother Eugene Carty Distinguished Family Award...The Harrigans Accepted by Tom 64 and Jim 92 Live Auction and Fund-A-Need Live AuctionKeith Jones, 2012 Illinois and Indiana Auctioneer of the Year State of the SchoolDr. Kevin Burns, President of Brother Rice High School Fund-A-Need...Keith Jones

Special Acknowledgements: Classes of 1962, 67, 72, 77, 82, 87, 92, 97, and 2002

Past Honorees are as follows:

Men and Women of the Year:
(Alumni Men of the Year are also inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame)

1985 Joe Johnston 1986 Brother Eugene Pilon, Tom Mitchell, Marty Berry 64 1987 Brother JB Moore, Joe Bergmann, John Leahy 61 1988 Brother EV Corrigan, George Sedlacek, Bob Andrews 64 1989 Will Kellogg, Dan Schramm 63 1990 Brother KF Chapman, Bob Baader, Marty Auz 66 1991 Brother CJ Gattone 66, Pat Cassidy, Steve Ruff 64 1992 Tony Hanrahan 61 1993 Brother JR McDonald, Tom Lyons 63, Cliff Petrak 60 1994 Brother TJ Collins, Don Pawelski 78 1995 Shirley Cari, Brian Lynch 80 1996 Brother ET Hennessy, Leo Henning 1997 Mike Fitzgerald 76 1998 Jack Hackett 61, Ed Kilcoyne 62, Tom Broderick 78 1999 Jim Moose Mulcrone, Ed Zabrocki, Jim Casey 70 2000 Mike Barton 60, Frank Daily 60, Raleigh Kean 60, Dr. John McInerney 75 2001 Rich Marfise, John Wakerly 66, Greg Papiernik 76 2002 Helen Pitula, Kevin Ryan 67, Gary Little 69 2003 Jim Cannon 63, Bob Twardy 65, Paul Duggan 68 Brian Bulkley 78 2004 Tom Billish 64, Dennis Duffy 64, Ed Napleton 69 2005 Nick Markulin, Tom Palmer 70 2006 Jim Antos, Pat Condon 66 2007 Tom Murrihy, Bob Jacob 67, Phil Morris 67, Jim Cranley 82, 2008 Dorothy Mendes, Larry Platt 68, Tom Carmody 69, Bill Chromizky 73 2009 Mark Donahue 74, Brian Farrell 74 2010 Joe Terrell 70, Tom Gorman 85 2011 Mark Sterk 71 2012 Brother E. Owen Carty CFC

Alumni Hall of Fame

All Alumni Men of the Year and the following:
1998 Dave Collins 66, Larry Korpitz 68, Jim Capraro 68, Tom Mitchell (Honorary) John Harper 60 U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Ray OHare 84 George Sedlacek (Honorary)

1999 2000 2001

2002 Michael Flatley 77, Bob Martin 77 2003 John C. Reilly 83 2004 2005 2006 Dr. Thomas G. Moran 74 Bill Dunne 65, and Ten Alumni Who Died in Service of our Country Joe Bergmann (Honorary)

2009 J.J. Konstant 99 2010 John Knight 78, Alex Valadez 00, Jared Stanker 06, Brian Carey 99 Tom Wortham 98 Brother Tom Collins (Honorary) Bill Hite 66


2012 Marine Corporal Conner Lowry 06 Harrigan Family

Congratulations to Brother E. Owen Carty CFC The Harrigan Family Marine Corporal Conner Lowry 06 from the Alumni Association Board
Jim Casey 70, Alumni Director Br. Thomas J. Collins, Moderator Mike Elwood 74, President Larry Heavey 71, Vice President for School Affairs Joe Kenny 87, Vice President for Events Tom Harrigan 64, Vice President 60s Larry Heavey 71, Vice President 70s Bob Warda 87, Vice President 80s Donn Domico 90, Vice President 90s Tim OConnell 03, Vice President 00s Joe Ferrick 75, Treasurer Brian Barkowski 95, Editor of the Rice Review Donna Eastman, Secretary Alumni Association Committeemen Tom Billish 64 Marty Auz 66 Mark Durkin 71 Dave Chocola 77 Michael Rodriguez 80 Dan McGuire 86 Joe Payne 86 Steven McCloskey 87 Michael Gilmartin 95 Lutalo Ayree 97 Matt James 01 Matt Kotheimer 01

Dont forget to sign up for Career Day Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Alumni Golf Outing at Gleneagles Country Club Friday, June 21, 2013 Call or Email Donna Eastman at (773) 429-4340 Go to

Alumni Hall of Fame

Marine Corporal Conner Lowry 06

Seventeen alumni deserve to be remembered above the rest, because without them, nothing that we cherish about our lives would be possible, including this reunion celebration. Without men and women who risk their lives in the armed forces, or as police officers and firefighters, we would not enjoy our lives the way we do. And speaking about enjoying life, Conner Lowry, Class of 2006 knew full well how to enjoy his short life. His many friends would gladly attest to that. But Conner also had a calling to do something extraordinary with his life, and serving in the United States Marines turned out to be just what he was called to do. Tragically, as you all know, Marine Corporal Conner Lowry, was killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan on March 1st of this year. Go online and read and share every possible article you can about how Conner has been remembered during these last 8 months. Bring yourself back to March and remember how the streets were filled from 103rd in Oak Lawn to 99th & Pulaski, through Evergreen Park to 103rd and Fairfield, with personal friends from many schools in line with students from Brother Rice, Mother McAuley, Southwest School, Evergreen Park High School, and St. John Fisher. Thousands of complete strangers stood together with Conners many friends, as the Freedom Riders led a line of countless vehicles filled with family members, close friends, police and fire personnel from all over Chicagoland, all there to escort Conner from Midway Airport, non-stop until they reached the front doors here at 100th and Pulaski, when Conners Mom, Modie, and his sister, Grace, exited the limo to embrace school leaders and the young Crusader, Jim Habishom 12, Graces friend, who played taps at curbside.

Those who were there are likely to shed tears every time they bring the occasion to mind, but it is not enough to weep. We must also always remember. We must remember that Conners life was just getting started and that his facebook posts in February were filled with optimism anticipating his tour of duty coming to an end within a couple of months. We are told by people who knew Conner well, that he would not have wanted the supreme sacrifice of his life to be remembered through non-stop, everlasting tears. Proof of that is found in the many positive and uplifting fundraising events organized by family and friends to provide scholarships, including the Sox game outing in August organized and hosted by friends and family members, and the Freedom Isnt Free 5k Run on October 28th, organized by Sean Hughes and Conners brothers and sisters in the Marine Corps, adding thousands of dollars to a scholarship established by Jim Zangrilli. At the dinner, we were all honored to meet Modie Lavin who came to accept the Brother Rice Alumni Associations induction of her son into the Alumni Hall of Fame. We trust that all who read this will join us in pledging to her that we will always remember her son, and the other 16 Alumni who have died in the line of duty, and that we will continue to do what we can to build the kind of world for which they sacrificed their lives. In honoring Conner on Veterans Day weekend, we acknowledge that Freedom isnt Free, while coming together to celebrate, as we also always remember those who have made these celebrations possible.

Man of the Year

Brother E. Owen Carty, CFC

Brother Carty joined the Brothers in 1955 after graduating from Cardinal Farley Military Academy in Reinbeck, New York, which he attended after attending Good Counsel Grammar School in Manhattan. Brother Cartys Mom learned about Farley from two Christian Brothers who believed the extra discipline offered there matched young Eugenes spirit, a move Brother Carty recalls with the words Thanks be to God! I dont know where I would be if I didnt go there. Young Eugene so embraced the values learned, that he became a cadet leader. Brother Carty began teaching at All Hallows Grammar School in the Bronx, before he began sharing his gift of discipline with high school boys, first at St. Laurence in 1963, then at St. Pats in Vallejo, CA, and then later at Brother Rice. Along the way he would also share what he learned as a half-miler as a teenager, when he became head track and cross country coach at St. Laurence, during the second year of the schools existence. Always the community builder, Brother Carty also helped build St. Laurences first track. Brother Carty would also coach track at St. Pats in Vallejo, while becoming a highly regarded retreat coordinator in the Napa Valley. Brother Cartys coast-to-coast experiences in how best to reach boys who have a nose for trouble, boys who need more guidance, and boys who could use more spiritual fulfillment, have been available to Brother Rice Crusaders for 27 years, where he has served as a dean, a teacher, a moderator, a guidance counselor, and a Kairos retreat leader.

According to Brother Tom Collins, his friend for more than 50 years, during which time Brother Carty never changed his WWII crew cut, Brother is a behind-the-scene builder of community, who always thinks of others ahead of himself. Brother Collins said Brother Carty has been elected and re-elected the community leader for the brothers who live at Brother Rice, for the same reason he was such an effective counselor, teacher, coach, and dean. Like St. Joseph in the bible, Brother Carty is frequently described in three words as a just man. When Brother Carty speaks about how best to instill in our students the Essential Elements of an Edmund Rice Education, everyone listens. It is a remarkable distinction that a boy with a nose for trouble from Manhattan would grow to be such a highly regarded teacher, counselor, dean, and coach, that he would be inducted into two high school halls of fame, one in California and one in Chicago, here at Brother Rice in 2001. We are therefore past due in recognizing Brother E. Owen Carty as the 2012 Alumni Association Man of the Year.

Harrigans back when

Tom Harrigan 64

Jim Harrigan 65

Michael Harrigan 66

Bob Harrigan 68

Dennis Harrigan 69

Richard Harrigan 72

Tim Harrigan 73

John Harrigan 76

Marty Harrigan 80

Jim Harrigan 92

Tim Harrigan 94

Bill Harrigan 96

Bob Harrigan 98

Dan Harrigan 00

Ricky Harrigan 02

John McGowan 02

Mike Harrigan 03

Pat Harrigan 04

Tim Harrigan 04

Brian Harrigan 05

Kevin Harrigan 05

Andrew Harrigan 06 Matt Harrigan 06

Pat Walsh 06

See last page for update

The Harrigans Distinguished Family Award Are you old enough to have ever heard the very old song, H-A-BROTHER RICE HIGH-G-A-N spells Harrigan? Ok, George M. Cohan did not write it exactly that way, but ever since Tom Harrigan 64 transferred from Quigley to Brother Rice, thats been the way the song goes. There are a few interesting ways to look at the large numbers. Two generations (9 in the first and 15 in the second) of Harrigans attended and graduated from Brother Rice, from 1964 to 2006, in five decades of the schools history - 5 in the 60s, 3 in the 70s, 1 in the 80s, 4 in the 90s, and 11 from 2000 2006.. Six brothers and one sister had 15 sons attend Brother Rice. Much of the Harrigan school spirit derives from their love of athletic competition, as many of them competed as Crusaders on the basketball, football, baseball, and golf teams. And the spirit continues after all have since graduated. Today and for the last twenty years, virtually every home or nearby Crusader varsity basketball, football, or baseball game would have two, three, or a handful of Harrigans in attendance, along with wives, mothers, sisters, and cheerleaders, including the cheerleading coach. Harrigans also support many and various Brother Rice golf outings, while many still play here in alumni basketball games. Tom jokes about how he and his brothers all fell in line, went to Rice, and turned out relatively sane. But it was when his last two boys enrolled that he stepped up his involvement and gained more appreciation for how special Rice has been for his sons and nephews, believing that the camaraderie among the students is second to none. Jim Harrigan 92, the oldest of the second generation of 15, also called Rice, special, while pointing out that no one forced his two brothers and 12 cousins to attend Brother Rice, but it felt like home for them. Jim added, There may be more computers and better sports facilities here now than in the 60s & 70s, but the reason Rice has been special and Home for us is because of the people - the Brothers, the Teachers, the Coaches, and most importantly, the Alumni. Who knows how many more Harrigans will be a part of the schools future, but with 24 graduates, they have already distinguished themselves as being a central part of Brother Rice history, and are therefore a clear and natural choice to receive the Alumni Associations first Distinguished Family Award.

Junior of the Year

Officially named the Brother Rice Alumni Association John P. Leahy Award for Outstanding Junior, the award was created in 1972 and named after the Rice graduate who was the driving force behind its creation. The purpose of the award is to make the student body aware of the Alumni Association, while also serving as a means for alumni to give something back to the school. The object of the award is to reward overall excellence. The selection process begins with juniors selecting 10 representatives. These 10 candidates are submitted to the faculty, who select the finalists. A committee of the Alumni Association, which selects the Junior of the Year, in turn, interviews the finalists. The Junior of the Year is awarded a scholarship for $2,500.00 for his senior year tuition. The other finalists also receive tuition assistance. Listed below are the past winners of the award and their graduation years. You will notice that no scholarships were awarded for three years during the early 1980s. This marked a time when the Alumni Association faltered and scholarship funds were non-existent. With your help and participation in the Alumni Association, that will not happen again.
Brendan Lynch 74 Gregory Oberland 75 Michael Barrett 76 John York 77 Richard Klein 78 Michael Casey 79 Brian Lynch 80 John Mundo 84 John Quigley 85 Michael Harlin 86 Matthew Himelman 87 Joseph Valenti 88 Michael Murphy 89 Kevin Camden 90 Robert Fanelli 91 Joe Carney 92 James Wills 93 Sean Giblin 94 Mike Minervini 95 Adam Wojcik 96 Dan Lazarz 97 Jeremiah Adeszko 98 Frank Cheers 99 Steve Scott 00 Timothy Carroll 01 Devin Kruski 02 Timothy OConnell 03 Timothy Harrigan 04 Luke Rohan 05 Brian Coughlin 06 Patrick Vail 07 Thomas Hickey 08 Thomas Rynne 09 Michael Rohan 10 William McGivern 11 Marty Kyler 12 Cal Kennedy 13

Alumni Association Junior of the Year Profiles of 2012 Finalists John P. Leahy Junior of the Year
Cal Kennedy 13, the 2012 Alumni Association Junior of the Year, is a four-year member of the basketball program, on varsity since sophomore year. He is a three-year member of the National Honor Society and is also the recipient of the Dads Club Hosty Award. Cal especially enjoys his roles as the sideline reporter for the Crusader varsity football team, and the announcer for Crusader varsity baseball. He is proud to be a part of Brother Rices Peer Ministry program and Kairos 118. Cal blogs for the Oak Lawn Patch news website, and is ranked 3rd in his class of 212, carrying a 4.7 GPA. Cal is also the editor of The Standard, the school newspaper, and a member of The Crusader yearbook staff. Other Finalists Justin Ceh 13 has been a four-year member of the soccer team and bowling team, as well as a three year member of the newly founded lacrosse team. Justin, who was a captain of the Scholastic Bowl Team and Math Team, also stayed involved in EcoSaders, Key Club, Spanish Club, Spanish Modern Language Society, Politics Club, Investment Club, and Edmund Rice Camp for underprivileged kids. He was a three-year member of the National Honors Society and was inducted into the National Society of High School Scholars. Justin served as an acolyte for St. Paul and as a peer minister for Brother Rice. As a Youth Ambassador for the American Cancer Society, Justin volunteered his time to assist the ACS in events to raise money for research. Finishing junior year with a 4.84 GPA and ranked 2nd out of 212 students, Justin was also named a finalist for the Dads Clubs John Hosty Award for exceptional leadership.

Mackenzie Oldfield 13 is a four year member of the basketball program, dressing for varsity three of the four, and a two-year member of the rugby team. Mac was named captain and started throughout his career in both sports. He is considering playing either sport in college. Ranked in the top 5% of his class, Mac has been a three-year member of the National Honor Society as well as an Executive Board Member of the Student Council. Mac began writing for both the school newspaper, The Standard, and the school yearbook, The Crusader, his senior year. He acts as a peer minister and Eucharistic minister within the school. In his spare time, Mac also takes part in both the Spanish Club and Politics Club. Outside of school, he is a part of the Ronald McDonald Teen Board, serving as a vital part of the youth mission of the Ronald McDonald House near Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn. Mac became a semi-finalist of the John Hosty Award, an award given by the Dads Club, at the end of his junior year. Matthew Page 13 is a member of the National Honor Society, a member of the Spanish Club, a peer minster, and ranks in the top ten in his class with a 4.72 GPA. He is also the quarterback for the varsity football team and a member of the varsity basketball team. Matt strives to be a leader in the classroom, in the community, and on the athletic field.

In Recognition and Memory of those Alumni who have made the supreme sacrifice

CPL Edwin J. Falloon 63 Lt. Brian R. Willey 60 QM3 Ronald E. Rakunas 63 Lt. Michael Wainwright 63 Lt. Fred A. Hartman, Jr. 64 SP Dennis A. Beuke 64 Sgt. Lawrence E. Johnson 64 S/Sgt. John L. Wilson 64 Cpl. Edwin M. Gray 65 Cpl. William D. Petrossi 66 Lt. Cmdr. Raymond E. OHare 84 Officer John Knight 78 Officer Alex Valadez 00 Army SPC Jared Stanker 06 Firefighter Brian Carey 99 Officer Tom Wortham 98 Marine Corporal Conner Lowry 06

Please contact the Alumni Office with information on any Alumnus whose name should be added to this Honor Roll.

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ADMINISTRATION Dr. Kevin G. Burns, President James Antos, Principal Robert Alberts '85, Associate Principal Michael McShane '87, Vice President Tom Harrigan '64, Executive Director M. Jacob Mathius, Assistant Principal INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT James Casey '70, Alumni Director Brian Badke '92, Major Gift Officer Brian Barkowski '95, Director of Media & Public Relations Nancy Condreva, Assistant Director Karen Van Assen, Grant Writer Donna Eastman, Alumni Assistant

Burt Odelson Mark Donahue '74 John Birney Brian Coughlin '75 Patrick Elwood '85 Dr. Brian Farrell '74

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shaun P. Jacob '93 Jim Kramer '64 Br. Dominic Murray '63 Br. Peter OLoughlin Mike Petrik '75 Steve Rosenbaum '74 FACULTY AND STAFF Marty Grogan '73 Jon Lee Hall Ann Hayes Br. Patrick Hayes Mary Lynn Hollendoner Mike Hurley Br. Paul Ickes Mary Beth Jantz Lynda Jaros Randy Johnson Sandra Jones Angelique Kelly Matt Kelly '96 Mark Klutcharch '82 Andrew Knoell Dee Kotheimer Feliz Lazaroff John Lettiere Therese Liston Sue Lucheon Dr. Leslie Luxem Debbie Lynch Tim Lyons '92 Nick Markulin Lisa Marley

Stephen Ruff '64 Laura Shallow Joyce Sterk Michael Stillman '87

Al Albanese Joe Augustyn Eileen Barkowski Denis Bergstedt Kirk Bosi Dan Briggs Beverly Buciak Phil Cahill Marta Carbol Jack Carlson Br. E.O. Carty Jo Anne Collins Br. Thomas Collins Deborah Cook Timothy Daniher 74 Darlene Diehl Frank Dinovella '89 Mike Dolan Eve Donnelly Max Dunn Dan Dwyer '88 Michelle England Al Filan Chris Forbes Bill Gleeson

Peg Mason John McCarthy Tom McAuliffe Dr. Michael McGrail Don Molenda Tim OConnell 03 Becky Pacetti Dan Panfil '95 Cathy Plumb Pat Richardson John Rolence Janet Rzeszutko Sue Salmon Judy Schramm Sue Stanley Mary Strahlman Dawn Tobar Br. J. Toole Bob Twardy '65 Elizabeth Van Fr. Mark Walter Tom Wazio '97 Ken Williams

Slalom Consulting Salutes the Class of 87 Twenty-Five Years!

John Tobin 87


In Memory of Our Classmates From the Class of 62

Bruce Barnes Raymond Binkis James Bradley Wayne Bruggeman Gerald Chartier James Cismoski Francis Foley Anthony Gapsis Edward Hullinger Daniel Lamb James Martincic Thomas McGrogan Bob Michel Arthur Mrumlinski Richard Nottke Patrick OConnor Franklin Orrico John Pauritsch William Peppard Allen Rana Jeffery Reynolds Allan Smith Richard Sullivan Wesley Warren George Winters

Denny Mulloy Class of 62

to the

Harrigan Family
for receiving The Distinguished Family Award

Denny Mulloy Class of 62

Compliments of:

Thomas L. Broderick 78 Susan E. Broderick Colin T. Broderick 12 Patrick J. Broderick 15 Lauren E. Broderick

Welcome Back Brother Rice Alumni

Special Congratulations to the Class of '72

40 Years in a Flash From a Proud Alum Daniel J. McLaughlin Mayor, Village of Orland Park
Paid for by Citizens for Daniel J. McLaughlin




Thank you Brother Rice for a truly wonderful honor from all the Harrigans. Bud & Eileen would be bursting with pride.
Tom Harrigan 64 Jim Harrigan 65 Mike Harrigan 66 Bob Harrigan 68 Dennis Harrigan 69 Richard Harrigan 72 Tim Harrigan 73 John Harrigan 76 Marty Harrigan 80 Jim Harrigan 92 Tim Harrigan 94 Bill Harrigan 96 Bob Harrigan 98 Dan Harrigan 00 Ricky Harrigan 02 John McGowan 02 Michael Harrigan 03 Pat Harrigan 04 Tim Harrigan 04 Brian Harrigan 05 Kevin Harrigan 05 Andrew Harrigan 06 Matt Harrigan 06 Pat Walsh 06

to the

Harrigan Family

From The Novosels

Class of 1976

Peace & Love Toward All PAIS Class of 1960

to the

Harrigan Family
Thanks for your continued support and procreation! GEORGE H. ELLIOTT COMPANY Kevin Ryan 67 Don Pawelski 78

Jug Slip from 1967

They forgot: Going Down the Up Staircase -- Ken Piwowar, Class of 1967

James T. Marque, M.A., M.Ed. BRHS Faculty Member 1966-72 Individual, Couple & Family Therapy
Specializing In: Alcohol and Drug Addiction in Families Separation & Divorce Issues Single Parenting Issues Adolescent & School Issues Marriage Counseling Dealing With Sick & Aging Parents (312) 616-0203 Reasonable Rates/Sliding Scale Evening & Saturday Hours 155 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 571, Chicago, IL 60601 708 Church Street, Suite 223, Evanston, IL 60201 e-mail:

Congratulations to all the Junior of the Year Finalists throughout the years! Camden Law Office, LLC Kevin P. Camden 90 630-789-5896

The BRHS Alumni Association would like to thank the following for their generous donations: Dr. William J. Arnold 62 Lt. Colonel Steven W. Herman 82 Evergreen Park Firefighters, Inc. Michael T. Hughes 69 Michael G. Ryan 62

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Sign Up for Career Day! Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Call or email Jim Casey

Harrigan Crusaders Today

Sochacki Communications is proud to collaborate with Brother Rice High School and its students in the implementation of new web technologies, interactive media and digital publishing. We look forward to many great & exciting things to come!

Interactive Media | Websites | Video | Digital Publishing


Yellow Barn Design is co-partnered by Adam Middleton 91 and Rachael Bush Middleton (91 Mother McAuley). Collaborating with our clients, to offer simple, smart and comprehensive design solutions.

Yellow Barn Design is honored to partner with Brother Rice to help craft their brand strategy.

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