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Project Director Biyan Cutler Game Desigit ‘Mate Wilson Teadl Designer Jason Soles ‘Development Manager David Car ‘Art Direction Kis Asbin Lead Writer ouglasSeacat Adiditional Writing Simon Berman Matt DiPietro ‘Aeryn Rudel Jason Soles ‘Matt Wilson Continuity DouglasSeacat Jason Soles Faitorial Manager Darla Kennerud Adilitional Editing Jason Nichols Acryn Rudel Tin Wileos Graphic Design Layout Kris Aubin Shona Fahland Josh Mandervile Stuart Spengler Cover Illustration ‘Andrea Uderzo Ilustrations Caos abr Iman rend Studios Divid Kuo Shamir Mniak Nestor Ossndon Mintecy he Pali Dan Rudnick Boronstiz Theo Siyianes Ghster Seen “Aiea Users Concept Mlustration Michoel Franchi? than Ki Ertan Pees Henrie Petterson Michael! Pile Geoff Shupe andrea Uder20 ‘Chris Walton Matt Wilson ‘Studio Director Ron Keuzie ‘staff Sculptors Sean Bulloue! Brian Dogas Ben Misenar Miniature Sculpting Todd Harts Jason Hendricks Edgar Ramos Steve Saunders Staff Miniature Bainter Malt DiPietro ‘Miniature Painting Angel Giraldez. Vidal ‘Tom Schade Hobby Manager & Terrain Rob Hawkins Hobby Assistant 120 Carson DePasquale Phiotography Rob Hawkins Stuart Spengler President Eee Chief Creative Officer rete Creative Director Ed Bourelle Project Manager ‘Shona Fahland 8 Executive Assistant hare Kerzman, Customer Service Adam Johnson Marketiy Willams m8" ‘etait support & Development Mati unser? ranized Play & Ort Goon jason Martin Community Manager & staph Writer simon Berman Volunteer Coordinator Jenks No Quarter EIC ‘Aeryn Rudel Licensing & Contract Manager Brent Watcher sys Admin/Webmaster Chris Ross Production Director Mark Christensen’ ‘Technical Director Kelly Yeager Manufacturing ‘Manager Doug Colton Packaging/Shipping Manager Joo Lee Production Max Barsana Johan Cea Phil Chinzi Alex Chobot Jack Coleman Bryan Dasalla Cody Elis Joel Falkenhagen Jared Delo Green Thomas Marshall Jared Matter Michael Mcintosh Reese Nash Ben “Wombat” Sanders Nick Scherdnik Nate Scott Kyle Snow Jacob Stanley jamin Tra) Matthias Warren Playtest Cot David Cad Ed Bourelle David Carl Rob Hawkins Jen Ikuta) ‘Aeryn Rudel Nate Scott Douglas Seacat Jason Soles Ross Thompson Brent Waldher External Playtes ‘AlexBadion = ‘Andrew Brandt Brad Casey’ David Dankel Bric Emewein ‘Logan Fisher Steve Fortson Jeremy Galeone Peter Gaublomine ‘Tommy Geuns Devon Goda Andrew Hartland ‘Andrew Inzengal Nick Kendall Jeft Long Wout Maerschalek | Rob Miles, Dirk Finijens ‘Own Rehrauer Jarred Robitaille Josh Saulter John Simon Tim Simpson Mark Thomas Proofreading Bryan Cutler William Hun Darla Kenner ne rs Ty a very meal way, WARMACHINE: Woh ‘marks a celebration for us at Privateer Press, As the frst full expansion of WARMACHINE since second! edition, Wrath stands as our opportunity to set the tone for WARMACHINE development in ils Mk Il era, ‘Once you've had a chance to absorb the offerings contained herein, we think you will join us in our excitement of what WARMACHINE has in store, thelaunch ofthe game's Firstand foremost, the most exciting aspect of Wrath i the introduction ofbaltie engines, an entirely new mostel type, These mammoth models are so large and imposing that we hhad to create a whole new hase size to contain thelr, well, ‘WrathtIn the game, battle engines replace neither warjacks| or watriors, but they provide players with survivable, concentrated firepower and a wealth of tactical options that Will appeal to a broad range of play styles. On the table they stand as impressive centerpiece models sure to draw an audience, and on your hobby workstation they present Tewarding opportunities to showease your painting talents, Inaddition to our excitement regarding their impact on the {game, battle engines also herald a new production avenue for Privateer, Now in addition to the metal we normally produce, we are making resin parts for these its as well. We have explored resi proluction in the past, but ithas never STRUTS FUEL THE ENGINES OF WAR! been on this scale. The parts are looking great, and we are thrilled to see where this new line of production ean take us, Wrath marks just the beginning of some exhilarating plans Ie have cooking forthe future We did not stop there, of course, Wrath also introduces another new model type in ranking officers, Ranking olficers give Cygnay Protectorate, and Khador players leven more reason to field Mercenaries in theirarmies. They provide all the benefits you would expect from a typical tunit attachment, but they also transform their Mercenary Units into faction units subject o all the spells abilities, and) feats the faction has to offer, WARMACHINE books are about more than just the models, however, and WARMACHINE: Wrath immerses its readers jn no shortage of action in the Iron Kingdoms. Subtle maneuvering and raiding have given way to all-out war ‘once again. With the bear of the north no longer sated on. the ersitory of Llael, determined zealots applying pressure in the East, and the restless dead ever threatening, Cygnar tculy faces its darkest hour WARMACHINE is stronger than ever, and ils future i shining bright. With this book in hand, you are properly Equipped to step into the fires of wrath and join us & Forging the Future of WARMACHINE! TABLE OF CONT ‘THE CENTER CANNOT HOLD: PART ONE NEW RULES 16 CYGNAR| 18 PROTECTORATE OF MENOTH.. KHADOR. . cRYX. ENTS RETRIBUTION OF SCYRAH. MERCENARIES. MODEL GALLERY..... HOBBY AND PAINTING GUIDE THE CENTER CANNOT HOLD; PART TWO, Visit: GID aera Foronline customer service, email WARMACHINE: Wrath. WARMACHINE: Wrath Hardcover. rin i inline Ame 1SBN:978-1-935362.909 1SBN:978-1933362581-6.

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