Spinning Ball Experiment by Bruce DePalma

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1? Uarch 19?

Bruca E. DePal,Ea


and the gplnnlnA

BalL Experlnent


lhe splnnlng bal,l sxperlneut oonalgts of tho obseavatand Lnertla forcea on e lotet.

1on of the lntenaotloD of gtr4vltetlonal lng E&terla1 ob Ject. In the lntractlon of Datetlal

lorceg on a rotatlng

physl.cel obJcot,

four experlEents ere poaslble: 1) InertlaL obJects ln flld forces actlng on non-rotetlDg Estorlal

fro spaoo. forcos actlng on rotetlDg Eaterlal obJots

2) Inortlal 1n f1ld free spacp. l) Inertlal

forcaE ectlng on non-rbtatlng fle1d..


obJocts ln a gr4vltat,lonal 4) fnertlal ln a gravltatlonal

f,orceE actlng on rotatlng



fte ld.. ye routd

DlscusElon of the Experllqents: In exprlnents 1), anaf l), expect the nornBl lnertlal

forces eulnarlzed by Nelrtonrs LBws of there lE reaaon t,o betlove tb6f6 enl8ncangnt of

Decbanl.cal @otloa. In experLEent f),

v111 be, ( supported. by experlEental evlalonce), 8 sught lnertla by the Brsvltatlonal flelal.

th cases of experlEnts 2) end 4),

have not been adequetely trested

ln th lltoraiure.

Behavlof of RotatlnA Materlal Justlfld the beIlef




consld.eratlong of ob_

by the author thBt the !0echanlca1 propertlsE by rotEtlon 4!tl that

Jects would be alired the gravltatlonal out suppot'tlng thls

tblE would be the beelE of


A 8r1es of experlEents haE ben carrled Thr lepotrt of sorde of these exper_ d.lssertatlon. The nsults

baEls of actlon.

lnents has been appended,to thls vllL bo pre sented hare.


1) ExperlDenta] evld,nca supports the fact rotatln Eaterl4l obJect x1l1 galn in 1nent1g. lntrectlon

thet, a rapldly

2) lhe

torrn of the gr4vltatlonal p!ope!.ty, gl,

ls that reel

tbo sdal_

lt1ona1 lnertla

o! rspld.ly rotatl! for


obJectE, rsprsents and supplylng a rotatlng

en aald,ttlonal repoEltory

th extractlon fleld.. (Thlg means

of work lrou

or to e gr4r'ltatlonaL oore raplally

naEs w111 tell

(wlth Broatr accleratlon) of e

than a cotrlresponllng non-roiatL!6 gravltatlonal f1eld.. ) Inte!:actlon:

objoot under the lnlluence

Forn of th6 Gravltatlonal physlcal

The co4plete dascrlptlon of naqy experlnents.

of To6ether

phenoEna d,pends on the result

wlth the behavlor of splnlrln ball --


thene 1E another ser16s

force roEchlne pend.ul.ueexperlroentg -- whlch have been reported. }Ee_ vhere, (c.f. !.eprlntE avalleble). Baslcally the phenoEena reponted her6 are guBdarlzed by these !:esulta t 1) A force !0schLne pendulu-o, 1.e., ot two Ldentlcal Syroscoplc forcagi flyr{hels contra-rotetlng; lor a penlulud cohpoaed the cancellatlon o,

swlngE rlth

a pr1od E11ghtly lncreased over that 1n

of the non-nerglzed. force Dachlne. Thls lnd.lcateE a net lncrase

the lnertla

of the rotatl!]8


2) The 8w1na1naol the ener'Blzed.penduluE 1s non-E1Duso1da1, wlth a ltrhortenlng ,) nt1a1 property, (flettenlng) of tbe peaks of tlre swlngr. stored ln the ctreatsa 1n-

Mechanlcal nergy ol eotlonr

Thts tnert141 fteld 99, appars as an &ggq!3M9-14. has the pt oparty of conferrln8 lna!:tla gn Eu$oundlng Eatorl4l obJootsi &t -- a reductlon 1n tho frequency of osclLLetlng loctrlca1 clrqulta

placed ln the v1c1n1ty of th6 energlzed EachlDe. When we xaE1n the bbavlor of tho splnnlng ball' In r6latlon to tho

ebove Dbe!.oEgns w c8n extla.ct

thg fol-lowlDg behavlon. aoEe

s tlhen th6 plnn1ng ball. 1s throun upw&Fd 1t leevgs the cup vlth veltloal voloclty v. In order to atts,ln thls prlor veLoclty

tho sp1r,nlng ball

had begn aocolerateal vortlceLfy Aoceler&t10! of B rotatlng non-rotatlng

to the tlne of loaYlng tho oup.

natr1a1 obJeot roqul'ros Srsater gnergy tban one 61nce 6one sner8y 1E supPlled to tho

e corresponlln8 od. fletd..

When tho splnnlng obJct 1e4ves the cup' th klnotlc enrgJr gf ootlon 16 d1vlded betweon tho lnv2 of tne rrrealrr oass ol the object' and the enorgy stored 1n the created 1nertle1 propsrty' theso two oDergles allows to attalnoont the dolng of wofk sgei.nst tho od. The su.o of reached' 1n

of a Sreater Hght fleldt


ln coEparlson to a veloclty.

non-spln-n1ng obJect novlnB wlth the 8aE 1n1t1a1 vertlcal

ifhen we exaElne the bEtlAvlor of the fa111ng non-splnnlng object vs thd 8plryrlng obJect, re notlce the epln!1n obJect fall1ng grator acc e 1ratlon). Ye lnfer the bhavlon of the falllng non-Bplnnlng obJ6ot, f4111!g 1n fastef. (wlth

accot"i wlth Nentonrg I3i{8, le a speclal case ol ihe notlon of obJects

ln gonoral.. The nore EeneraL cas6r lnvolvlng the Bravliatlolr4l 1ntract1on.


lE obscured by

Ve would expect, 1f we could lncreaEe the lnrtle rotatloa

of an object'


or by sone othar Eeans)' that the objct would. lal1

Eore E1ov1y

1n a grevi.tatlonaL lnerttal property,

fLLd.. It uE conElder ho'wevcr ihat whlle a coDferred od, irould roduae the acceleratlon outer 3g:9; of a glven body act-

ed on by a g1v6n for:oe g

1n tbe presenc ol B gravltatlon-

a1 fleLd,, th conferred lneFt1a1 proprty would b an Edd1tlotr4l EeohenlcaI rrdlroonslon'r for tbe exttEctlon of ener8y fron ihe 6ravltat1oD4l, fleld rrdlEln ta111ng. -golversely, enougb energy oould be dellvetred frorq th18 enslonrr to canocl, on ovgFcor!9, thg EechanlceL ner'6Jrextr:actqd fron an obJct ralsd ln e grEvliailonal On thls basls we Day wrltei floLd.

tor the splnnlng

rlslng t


ttre Ep1nn1ng ba 11 fa1l"lngt

In a 6tr1ct

fnr,# r.fnof

+ ro6v

senge, the preclse appllcatlon to non-rotatlng fleId,,

of Newtonrs t.elrg would beve froe sltac.

to be reEirlottl fn & gr4vltEtlonal

nechanlcal obJects ln flelA of extractlon

th posslblllty

of Sreater energy

by a new oechanlcal d.lloenslon opens the posslbl11ty lone1 lnteractlon. fn a rotatlng

of en antl-gr4vltat-

fotco nachlne, od ensrgy can be aupp1led.:

drlven fors6 nachlns ? vtrere,tl, LE the engular veloclty

of th forq Dachlno d.rlvs ax18. enrgy to work

H6re 1s the poEElbllLty

of the convor"Elon of rotatlonel fleld,.

d,one agalnst ihe gravltatlonal

What 1s not deternlned at thlE polnt the reltjht

1s the necegEary lncreoont of energy requllred to neutrallze

of 4 glven objeot,




tak 1.1 foot pounds of work to llft fleld. necesssry to estabflsh reploaents thg lnefllqlency fact 1s the

a o. pound object one foot. neutral

Thg lncrenentel

welght or ths hoverlng condltloD -ot a real

on lBok ot perfectlon

force Eachlne. The lEportant

98tab11sb!nt of the od f1e1d ae the Eechahlsn for a nechanlca.l inter_ acilon wlth tha gt'avltatlolBL fleld.i 1n ad.dltlon to, the roechanlcal 1n_ tgr&ct1ga exptresEed. NewtonrE LawB of tbe felLlng non_sp1nn1ng ea nechen_ lca1 bod.y. IntrpretatloB ol PbgElc4l IAw83 fhe fsot that Nwtonrs LawB do not d1s_ obJect represonts th6

tlnulEh betwen the Ep1rln1nend tbe non-fotatlD Etat of nechAnlcaL knowLedge at the tltle. dlstl!gu1sh betreen rotstlon

But bocaueo Newton d1d not

and non-rotatlon,

Bulsh between ths so-ca1led lnort rotatlon effects

Elnsteln dld not d1stln_ and 'rgtavltatlonal mags.,, ?he fect that

the neohanlcal pl'opertl.os of oblects pfaces Newtonr6 a geoEetrlcal lnt,orpretatlon of

lAws as a speclal caae &nd lnraLldates Epace.

!'fany quostlons hsve beon askod. about the lature fotatlonBl lnt!'actlon and 1ts theoletlcal

of the gravltatlonal

pre41q11aa. Bas1ca1ly the way. If we conalater a forco; f1e1d on a

theory can be looked at 1n the followlng such aa that ngendered by tho actlon noD-r'oteth neal object;

of the gravltatlonal

rre f1ni. we can 4ake a nea6ur.etlent of tbat If we exarolne the readlrlg on that

force on what we know eE a scale. scale,

ay one pound.; w6 can conduct our exelolnst1ons to that degre ol sccuracy to whsfe v can !.esoh uncartalnty. I.OOOOOOOOOOS???7 I+. ls not ol,ear: et that polnt whethen the unce!,talntles 1n the Bea6ur.eldent &re due to propertleE of th erpetrlBnt, or thet whlch is belng exper_ uncertalnty.

lEnted upon. Th levs1 of cauaeg alrl ffecte,

ff fl

ire consldr the resultE a nesl neienlal

of &ny experlnnt we flid



obJct 1s rotatd,

1t 1s fould th4t wltbLn the body fonces of, rotatlon. If re

of the qbjeot Ere nenlfeated the cnt.ptal

qonglaer a EeagurerDntof theee forceE we i.ould. flnd. the EaEs defeott thst ls the !F4Eu.!'eEent could be nade preclge caulreE 4nal ffectE;4r]d rer bllg lt enough to reach the nolag wh6thet

Lgyol, 1.e.,

{ould not be dlscernable or th4t

tho lluotuatlons b lDg experloenioa

caused by the expe:.loenter

Hhlcb ls

upon. Thls leve l. ls the lsvl

of defect

of fo!:ces Onoe E b6ln-

ElIl represeDtg the co![rectlon betwen notatlon thors 1E eetebllsheal a coryrectlon, the t!'anster

&!d gravltatlo!. ol energy follovs

oontroLLeble orlentatlon cause Suoh an objeot teraotloa

v1z: The Bplnnlng b4l,L taU.E llot'e raDldly nore enellglr ftroe 4 gravltctlona:.

san extract

than c4n a Dornal one, and as weL1, th6 atonege of energJr ln reEuLis ln dlroqt appllcatlon of, tbl's

& lorc nactrlno as 4n od, tleld,

ener8y to do work agalnst tho gravltetlorial

fleLd. and provlAo llftlDg

The conqpt of dfect, eplEtenologlcally, gIlI a thory (of a fleld or forco) was orlBlna1ly e1lo1teal

forolDg th besls of the authorrs thoory of glggof R411ttr based on the proprtles of r0easureneflt. of tho levo l- of causea end,

What le consldcred 1E tho real propertles offeots. lthat thls represents physlcally

connoctlon betwen rotatlon

as a forE of lnertla aDd 4 and 6rev1tat1on. lhe rrconnec lvl tyrr of t of lnertla f11d.8 1s better left

defct and the other r:eal, pfopertlos to dlgcusslons to begln ulth Eore properly left

the data preEentea herln.

The theory LE

to the arlous stuctents of thse 1d.eaE.As appnehenneceEar11y sntalle the dropplng of

slon ot the theory of gloula!.lty oertalD restrlctlons

on the nLnd of thg experlbenter.

tfbat can be Eald. 1s th18. In the furthe!, neflneFent of the art sortaln polnts of physlcal concoptlgna,

ther are of thlngg

!,eached, whetreln 1t 1E 1n the proper orderlng

concepts when they ha.v reeched the end of th61r uge_ fuLngss. In th9 seanch fot, th6 gravltatloDAL tntetsctlon,r{e have iar long been h4EpeIed by the grrroneous equatlon ol lnert ard. grerltatlonal. 84y, for.oe 1E an 919Eent, 1n the psrforEsnc of tvo sperEte experloents; ihe foroe of gravltBtlonal atrrsctLon of a toat Dasar and, the foroe neceEsltatod. to cause a teat DasE to eccelel'ate at ihe sane nat wlth whlch 1t f4l.1s. Nov.that we have dlgtlngulshd by Doan6 of rotatlon; betireen the lnert and gravltatlolrsl Deaaea. We could btter

to alrop cert&ln


there are two prlncl,pLoE lnvolvodr oxperlnents thl.ough the


DechanlEn of defect. 2) The .resolutlon froE anothor, or dlstlnctlon of oxporlmonta, one pFoc6duros. thre 1s


1) The connectlon botwoen all

on the basls of dlfforlDg tbat two oxperlnents

no basls to belleve eleont,

lnvoLvLng I conmon

( ln8tredlent ), have aqy basls to be coopareble 1n thelr nesults, v12., the partlcle and !rav6 hypothslE of llght. ft 1E also reaaons,ble to suggeEt tbat re lot apply nutd4ns con_ c e p t s o f ' r e 1 z e r r ,r r w e l g h t r r , , r n a 8 8 n , epln'r, elglrr, gtc., wlthout preclae exp11c1t neferenco to the expenloent belng perforned. glnce Eany of the 1das we heve about rnatter,r aFe condltloned by tha ood61s re conatFuot,, we may have reachd a, po1nt of do_ velop4ent i{her:g th6 rrnodelfl ae a concspt rqay be hsve to be allscerdd.


ls not 1noond.1v3!1. to thlr ot axparhantr,


to rsgaral ptvsl,a!

8s a ooll-


soDo of yblob nry lnvolTa onc or Dota coEEon of inotbar:, gaDj!-

elaDent!. .tc

llo orc arDatlnaDt svsr glvos the result! .xD.rlEent. .rD.!lE.nt lhusly stetaa!t

and allstlnot A dltf.rlnt

B1vo. i illff.!.nt

t crul,t. cxlr!1Dcnta,

lfo catl a.c tbrt tbat ls to talc

to ttk. foro.;

thr ooEroD .laEaat rDat tb.! ttk.

of tyo dlrtlnot

rDd th.n cqueta th.D -- htrlt lo&a tatlon ofn only taloly. of apeoc. tn fllrl 1!.aU

lba rcsult8 of tha .xtrrlEaBta, tourtt tbpn 'rcqulvalcatrr -- ruob 3 atlln a ouwrturc tb. of a grgD.tllsal of Dlv.lorl lrp!...n_ hva, lE


lnys:rlono. Drolrort,

raDlaoaal ir lng b.U llr.s

r ooDo.pt bt al.f.ot,

. rorl


blr th.

rt lDn_


rnal vbloh nor' r.pIao.s

thc lnyerLDo.

o? p\yatorl

ss th. uDlfytr

coloaDt of alL explhent8.

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