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Out of the past of Australia, you can also discover this wonderful country. Australia is the biggest Island of the world, you cant imagine all things you can do !

Here is the Ayers rock or Uluru.

This is the national monument of Australia. Its in any case the best symbol who represents this country. And its also a holy place for the Aboriginal. Some Aboriginal thinks* that this Rock (of 348 metres) was build during the Dream time**. It is possible to climb this rock.
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-You cant skip the famous opera of Sidney. -You must absolutely visit the Hunter valley and you must taste this delicious wine. Have you ever heard Tasmania? Its an island state of Australia. Tasmania is also called the Natural State because there are no really humans touch. If you visit this Island you will be absolutely fall in love for him.

Have you ever want to discover the culture of Aboriginal ? The oldest inhabitants of Australia. You are invited to visit this country with lot of place which Art of Aboriginal. And you are welcome to visit the Ayers rock (Uluru). The national monument of Australia !

* In reality, this rock is more than 400 million years. ** Dream time is a holy time for the Aboriginals , it is the main topic of her belief. IF YOU WANT TO BACK TO THE PAST TO DISCOVER HOW THE WORLD WAS, COME TO SEE THE LAST DISCOVERED CONTINENTS.




Australia is a country with more than 22 millions peoples, it is the world 6th biggest country, and the biggest island of the world. It was discovered to late in the XVII century. Why don't you come discover this wonderful country ?

60 000 years before to today, Australia is one of the oldest country! Come to see the cultures and the history of the Aboriginals!

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