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Mgmt623 VU Midterm Current Papers Spring 2012 [May 2012] Paper1: Short questions having 3 marks 1.

Write 3 components of attitude 2. Leadership traits that influence the leadership 3. Differentiate social and safety needs

Long question having 5 marks 1. Differentiate vision and mission 2. What is organizational culture and give its example


How exemplary followers increase their value in the organization (3 Marks) What is Internal and External locus of control? (3 Marks) List down three categories indicated in MBTIs? (3 Marks) What is the basis of Leadership Power? (5 Marks) What are the sources of Personal Power? (5 Marks)

Paper3: What is Internal and External locus of control? (3 Marks) Differentiate power and leadership (5 marks) List down the three dimensions of personality big five model.(3 marks) one question is about situational model.

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