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Discharge Planning

M - edicine

Instruct significant others to let patient continue medication and take it on the right time and with right dose as prescribed by the physician such as : Haloperidol Bisperedine HCL Fluphenazine Decanoate Chlorpromazine Explain to significant others the importance of taking medication regularly and remind to let the patient avoid missing a single dose of it. Encourage significant others to keep a written list of medications including its dosage, frequency, and side effects. Instruct significant others not to let patient drink alcohol while taking the prescribed medications. Instruct the client and his significant others about the side effects of the medications and the difference between side effects and adverse effect Encourage the client and significant others to maintain a good and safe environment to have fast recovery. Encourage the significant others to let client have a daily exercise. Encourage the significant others to let client get enough sleep, preferably 6 to 8 hours of sleep, so that he would feel rested. Stress out the importance of complying with medications



Encourage client to provide self periods of sleep and rest Instruct client and significant others to let client engage in recreational activities. Instruct significant others to remove negative stimuli that alters clients behavioral changes.

H-ealth Teaching

Encourage oral hygiene such as toothbrushing using soft bristle toothbrush Discuss importance of continuing and schedule of Medication


Encourage to have follow-up checkups Provide a well-balance diet according to clients preference.


Encourage to eat fruits and vegetables to boost immune system. Advise client to drink 8 glasses of fluids every day Inform the clients significant others to report to the nearest health care facility of any of the following signs and symptoms are evident in the client: Hallucination Delusion Flat and blunted affect Flight of idea Alogia Perseveration Confused Sarcasm Encourage family participation in care through observation of the signs and symptoms. Encourage client to pray often to God. Encourage client to interact with others because this can help the client to decrease the possibility of acting on hallucinations and delusions

Sign and Symptoms

Spiritual and Social

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