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How A Hypnotic Voice Drives Women Crazy, And How To Develop It

October 11th, 2010 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'How A Hypnotic Voice Drives Women Crazy, And How To Develop It'

P.S. I don't share your email with ANYONE else, EVER!!

Most of us take our voices for granted. Yet the resonance, speed, and tone of your voice are some of the most important factors in creating sexual rapport with women. The words you say to a woman are not so important as HOW you say them and HOW you project yourself. The womans limbic brain is sexually stimulated based on the nonverbal you, not your words. For example, if you have a resonant, sultry, sexy voice, women will often become sexually intrigued as soon as you open your mouth. The sound of your voice alone can change her state from neutral to captive and intrigue. Of course, what you say CAN affect the outcome of creating sexual rapport; but it is much more important to learn to sound good. Think about it, what do you want to convey with the sound of your voice? Do you want to convey fear or power? Do you want to convey submission or dominance? Do you want to convey nervousness or relaxation? Now what if your voice starts out strong when youre speaking, but then tends to peter out at the end? Or what if you speak really soft and quiet like? Or what if you speak like this with a nasally tone of voice? Or sound squeaky? If you speak in any of these ways, no one will want to listen to you. And it wont matter what you say to a woman because shes already judged you as insecure or fearful based on the sound of your voice. Its not going to turn her on. Its not going to make her feel sexual rapport with you no matter what verbal lines or languaging youre using.

But with a sexy voice, its almost like youre a walking talking hypnotist. Thats because when you have a sexy voice, everything you say is hypnotic. After all, what does a hypnotist need to do to put someone into a trance they need to speak with authority, relax their patient, and put to sleep that critical part of the mind that makes judgments and resists suggestions. Now you dont need to speak to a woman like a hypnotist, like, You will deeply relax now and follow the suggestions of my voice. If the tone and quality of your voice is already relaxing, deep, commanding, and resonant, you fulfill all the requirements of hypnosis. When someone hears the kind of voice that makes them stop, relax, listen, and assume youre an authority, then theyll let what youre saying enter in and affect them. They will go into trance. In fact, most people are walking around in a relaxed, trance-like state ALL the time and its just your job to make them to listen to YOU. After all, your voice IS your identity and you must speak to other people; you cannot hide your voice. Your voice is something that you have to use all the time. Your voice is communicating the kind of person you are all the time. And yet, most of us dont even consider how we may be projecting ourselves to the world around us through our voices.

Speaking Loudly Is Like Growing A Huge Pair of Tits

I just want to drive home the point of how important your voice is to generating hard attraction in women. How by making that one small tweak in your overall profile makes you so much more attractive. Lets say youre sitting in a coffee shop at Starbucks and in walks a woman whose relatively attractive but you dont look at it twice. This woman shes wearing a baggy shirt nothing special and she orders her coffee. And no one else in the room seems to notice or. But then you look up to see that shes lifting up her sweater, up over her head. And now its suddenly revealed, as her sweater is removed, that she has these large voluptuous breasts underneath the Titan are a waste she takes her coffee her breasts just jiggle up and down. And all the guys in the coffee shop turned their heads to check out this woman with the fantastic breasts. And this woman, she just went from being a 7/10 do like being a 9/10. And what was it that made the difference. Just the change of that one curve from being flat in front, to having a big S shape is what made all the difference in how attractive she was. By making one small change in her silhouette, this woman went from no one noticing her at all, to all the men in the room drooling over and other women in the room blistering with jealousy. It took just that one small change, that one small tweak, in her physical appearance that made all the difference.

And speaking loudly with your voice is exactly the same. Its like growing a huge pair of tits. And when you speak with a very loud voice you suddenly go from being a nobody and needing approval, to generating hard attraction on a primal level with women.

3 Awesome Hypnotic Voice Tips To Attract The Ladies

I want you to think for a moment, what turns you on? What makes you horny? What makes you randy baby, yeah! Chances are, youre thinking to yourself something like Im a legs man or I like blondes or something else you wouldnt want your momma to read. Thats alright. Men are DOGS, of course youd think something like that. Nah, Im kidding, its not that men are dogs, its that men are VISUAL. For most men, it is what we SEE that initially triggers attraction. Its not the be-all and end-all, but it dominates our first impressions. Duh, you say? Obvious, you say? Well smart guy, how often do you think about what turns a woman on? You may be fooled by listening to ladies occasionally hooting cute butts or swooning at Antonio Banderas. Dont be. Youve probably heard the phrase It aint the size of the wave, its the motion of the ocean. Well, it aint the shape of the gut, its the way you strut. Women are MUCH more in tune to body language and non-verbal communications, and thats where their buttons are pushed. Sure, a handsome man with a good body is ATTRACTIVE to women, but he wont necessarily CREATE ATTRACTION. Attraction is created by style and attitude, by CHARISMA, what women often call CHARM. If you dont look like Brad Pitt, this is good news, because it can be learned. And just as BODY LANGUAGE trumps BODY SHAPE in attracting women, your VOICE will trump your WORDS. Lots of guys, when they are trying to learn how to be more successful with women, turn to pick-up lines. Men seem to think the RIGHT WORDS will move a girls heart. Maybe its because weve seen guys get a girl by talking to her. Maybe she changed her attitude after he spoke to her. Maybe we just cant get the difference between the JOKES we tell and WHAT REALLY WORKS. If at some point youve thought that pick-up lines were the key to breaking the ice with a woman, you may be forgiven. You should give yourself a number of numbing slaps to the face, but then forgive yourself and lets talk about what DOES work.

It doesnt really matter what words you use you could have the best pick-up line in the world and, with poor delivery, it will fail. But if you deliver your words well, it doesnt really matter WHAT you say. Hello can be the sexiest word in the language. No, really, trust me. Controlling your voice the right way will have a positive affect on MANY aspects of your life, but right now, we care about how it affects women. There are three keys to speaking in a commanding, confident way that women find sexy and attractive.

Hypnosis #1. Speak Loudly

The easiest one is volume. Speak LOUDLY. That doesnt mean you should YELL at a woman. Your volume has to come naturally, from the chest. If you sound strained when you speak you sound, well, STRAINED. I know, I know, you can thank me later. Your volume should be the sort of thing that fills a room with your confidence. When you speak quietly, it communicates that you DONT BELIEVE what you say has WORTH. Youre telling women (and anyone else in your teeny hearing radius) that youre a WUSS. Thats the last thing you want someone thinking. Especially an attractive woman. In an instant youll splash into the NEXT category, and you probably arent getting out. Once a woman passes, the best thing you can do is move on. So, dont YELL, dont WHISPER, just speak from your chest in a voice loud enough everyone can hear.

Hypnosis #2. Resonate

That brings us to the next point; you need to speak clearly. Resonate. Sound picky? Listen. Think of the dorkiest possible person you can. Pocket protector, coke bottle glasses, nose turned up, OBNOXIOUS laugh what does that person sound like? Ok, yes, Erkel. Whats Erkel sound like? Yeah, he speaks through his NOSE. Unless you are British royalty, you arent getting away with a NASAL voice. It just well, if you want a little peace and quiet, talk like this and people will run from you like from fingernails on a chalkboard.

Speaking of which, avoid squeaking too. High voices they arent manly. What, you want her to think your testicles havent dropped? Theres a reason Barry White is the sexiest singer out there, and it isnt his body. The man can TALK! He can sing too, but its that deep resonant voice which gets everything going. The key, again, is to speak from the chest. You want to feel vibrations in your torso, not your nose.

Hypnosis #3. Slow Down

Finally, you want to slow your speech doooowwwwnn. When-you-are-nervous-or-scared-of-losing-attention-you-speak(breath)fast.You-soundon-edge-and-unstable-and-READY-TO-LOSE-IT. Especially if youre speaking loudly. Think Regis. Not sexy. But if you take.. yooouuur time breeeaath deeeeeeply speak from fuuuuuull luuuuungs you sound confident. Even hypnotic. Ok, its freaking annoying to read. But try reading it out loud. Take your time. No rush. Youve got ALL the time in the WORLD. You sound like a man in control of himself. Hell, you BECOME a man in control of himself. The more carefully you consider your words and slow down your cadence the more sure of yourself you will ACTUALLY become. If only because youre LISTENING to YOURSELF for once. Its worth it. Alright, youve got this negative nag in the back of your head. I know you do. Its saying something like My voice is my voice. Barry White is sexy, great, but I cant do that. Its fine. We all have the nag sometimes. Now is the time when you go Fight Club on his ass and shoot your nag in the head. Yes, your voice is your voice. And your bicep is your bicep. Just as you can change your bicep with exercise, you can do the same with your voice. The biggest key is PAYING ATTENTION to what youre doing, and WHAT YOU WANT to be doing. Get a recorder. Listen to your voice (and dont worry, we all hate our own voices). Then remember how you want to sound, think about what you want to CHANGE. Work on it.

The simple act of PAYING ATTENTION will slow your speaking down, which is great. Youll sound more deliberate and in-control just by listening to yourself. Watching your BREATHING is another great key. Not only will you be one step closer to Buddhahood, you also will avoid RUSHED or WINDED deliveries. Breath deeply and youll CALM yourself and youll KNOW youre calm. That calm will quickly translate into COOL someone in control of situations, a leader. An alpha. The guy girls want to be with. Do those two simple things PAY ATTENTION and BREATH and youll improve exponentially. Those are the keys to having a hypnotic, attractive voice so practice them. ~ Jesse

12 Great Voice Exercises For Developing A Sexy, Seductive Voice

September 23rd, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book '12 Great Voice Exercises For Developing A Sexy, Seductive Voice'

P.S. I don't share your email with ANYONE else, EVER!!

To practice improving the sound of your voice as a sexual cue for creating sexual rapport, youll need to get a sound recorder.

The voice that you hear when you speak is not the voice that other people hear. When you speak, the sounds of your voice vibrate through your head and chest. But a listener only hears the sound vibrations from your voice that travel through the air, which sounds more stripped down and flat compared with the warm, resonant sound that you perceive.

The only way to have an objective ear about your own voice is by recording it. Its the easiest way to listen to your own voice and accurately assess it. Once you have a sound recorder, realize that the only thing keeping you from having a sexy, attractive voice that women will respond to is your own set of habits. Fortunately, poor speaking habits can be unlearned and you can develop new ones that will dramatically improve the sound of your voice so that its no longer merely a voice, but acts as your sexual cuing magic wand at your command.

Voice Exercise #1: Voice Assessment

Your first assignment is to find out what you actually, really sound like. Again, the voice that you hear when you speak is not the same voice that everyone else hears. What other people hear is more thin and flat because theyre only hearing that part of your voice traveling through the air. Find a book, magazine, or newspaper and read a few paragraphs aloud into your sound recorder and listen to the playback of your voice. Once youve listened to your voice, ask yourself these questions. Do you like the sound of it? Do you imagine that your voice would create sexual rapport and attraction in women when they hear it?

Now before you become overly paranoid about the quality of your sound, keep in mind that even the vast majority of professional singers dont like sound of their own voices. Even most professional singers will admit that their voices are full of flaws.

Just Relaaax
But even if you do feel that your voice is relatively smooth and nice to listen to from the recorder, a lot of us will choke up when talking to other people, particularly choke up when speaking with an attractive woman. Out of excitement or nervousness we start speaking faster and we dont breath as deeply as we normally would, so we dont get enough air to make the sound of our voices as resonant or as clear as we normally would sound. Thats why to keep a resonant, calm and steady voice that expresses emotion and sexiness, you have to be relaxed. If youre not relaxed then youre not breathing properly and youre speaking too quickly which makes you sound high-pitched, nasally, and nervous. So of all the techniques Im going to show you for developing the sexual cue of voice, being relaxed is the number one way to improve the sound of it.

And one of the simplest ways to relax is to learn to breathe smoothly and deeply as a matter of habit. Breathing smoothly and deeply calms your mind, relaxes your muscles, and keeps a consistent airflow necessary to project, resonate, and keep a consistent smoothness. Since sound is caused by the vibration of sound waves in the air, the more air you breathe in and breathe out to form the sounds of words, the more projection and resonance you can attain. However, a lot of people breathe very shallow breaths throughout their day which precludes them from having a sexy voice. What you want is to get into the habit of breathing more fully and deeply.

Posture and Breathing

To begin with, to breathe more deeply, you want to keep a straight posture. Slumping forward even a little partly collapses the upper rib cage and prevents the lungs from being able to expand with air. To feel for yourself what Im talking about, and how important it is for speaking purposes to have a healthy volume of air going in and out, sit down in a chair with your back straight, in proper alignment, and your shoulders down. Make sure that youre not slumping forward or that you have your shoulders rounded forward. Begin to count slowly from one to ten, and as you continue to count, slowly round your shoulders and move them toward your knees as if youre bending down to look at

whats under your chair. As you curl down, youll begin to notice your voice begin to choke, until its nothing more than just a husky wisp. Once youre hunched all the way down to your knees, try taking a deep breath and youll notice that your lungs just physically cant expand but a little. Even a small amount of slouching will constrict your breathing, thats why you want to keep a good straight posture at all times.

The Relaxed Breadth

However, keep in mind that when I say to breathe deeply, you dont want to unnaturally force deep breaths. The key to good breathing for speech is that its not forced. You want to maintain deep, but RELAXED breathing. You shouldnt feel any self-induced pressure to inhale or exhale. A good, deep breath should almost feel more a like a relaxed sigh. So go ahead and sigh right now. (SIGH) Youll notice as you sigh, you become MORE relaxed. A sigh is taking a deep breath that relaxes you, its not something thats forced or feels laborious. As an exercise, pick up a book or magazine to read aloud. As you read, experiment with breathing more deeply than you normally would. Dont force the breaths; you should remain relaxed and natural as you read. The point is to get out of the habit of that shallow breathing youre used to taking. Practice this breathing exercise every day and write down your results in your journal.

Voice Exercise #2: The Breathing Exercise

For this next breathing exercise, I want you to slow down your speaking pace and become more intentional about your breathing. Read the following passage from your exercise booklet aloud into your recorder. But take the time to stop and breathe, so that every sentence has full breath support behind it. It should sound something more like this: When the sunlight / strikes raindrops / in the air, / they act like a prism / and form a rainbow. / The rainbow is / a division of / white light into many / beautiful colors. / These take the shape / of a long round arch, / with its path high above, / and its two ends / apparently beyond / the horizon. / There is, / according to legend, / a boiling pot of gold / at the end. / People look, / but no one ever finds it. / When a man looks / for something beyond his reach, / his friends say / he is looking for / the pot of gold / at the end / of the rainbow. And so on. Spend time reading while taking extra time to breathe. Its a great way to overall improve your breathing in general. And pay attention to your breathing all week. Monitor it throughout the day. Everywhere you go, be conscious of it. In different situations, spontaneously ask yourself how youre breathing. Whether youre working, reading, watching television,

or spending time with a friend, pay attention whether youre breathing shallow or deeply and adjust it. And notice how, when youre speaking on full, relaxed breaths, how the difference in your new voice effects those around you differently.

Voice Exercise #3: The Volume Exercise

Now, lets do some exercises that deal with the volume and projection of your voice. Of course, there will be times when youre in an intimate situation with a woman, when youve already developed some sexual rapport with her, and a soft, almost breathy voice can be good for creating a sense of allure and intimacy. But when youre speaking softly like that, I only want you to do it because you consciously CHOSE to speak softly for creating a particular effect not because its the normal way you speak. Because, the fact is, many of us run around speaking as if were talking privately to ourselves and to no one else, as if what we have to say isnt all that important, as if were afraid others might judge us based on our words. Take for example, Michael Jackson. On stage he belts out his songs with feeling, with emotion, with projection. However, when hes speaking in an interview he speaks very softly as if hes full of fear and self-doubt. Having volume and projection is usually purely a matter of breathing fully and a matter of letting go of that fear of being heard by others. Even if youre not shy per se, you may be holding back your voice so as not to make waves, so as to blend into the crowd and not be noticed. If you dont speak very loudly it could be your breathing, but most likely, psychologically, something is holding you back. Most likely youre afraid to be heard. To remove fear and doubt, and allow your voice to energize your whole body as you speak, its good to keep in mind to be playful. Have fun with your speaking voice. Let go a little, and dont take yourself so seriously. For this exercise, start laughing out loud. Just laugh. Go ahead and laugh out loud. Really laugh. Theres no need to worry about looking dignified. Just laugh out loud and become comfortable not only with the way you sound, but also with the volume of your voice. If you find that you gave a half-hearted or weak laugh, or didnt laugh at all, it probably means that on some level youre shy of using your voice. Youre shy of being heard. And you have to get over that. I want you to really laugh now, laugh out loud, laugh so that your neighbors can hear you. Dont be afraid to play. I dont care how stupid or unnecessary this exercise may sound, you need to get used to making noise. This is an exercise you should repeat every day for a few weeks until youre not shy about the sound of your own voice. Now pretend your Tarzan of the jungle. Beat your chest and make that Tarzan animal call. If you dont know what Tarzan sounds like, pretend as if youre the king of the jungle and imagine the kind of animal call Tarzan would make to call the other animals.

I want you to come away from these exercises with the idea that you need to make a conscious effort to speak more loudly with volume to speak as if what you have to say is important to speak as if to be heard by others. Remember, that speaking is suppose to energize the whole body the more you speak the more energy youll have, and the more people will stop and listen to what you have to say.

Voice Exercise #4: Volume Exercise #2

For this next volume exercise, read the following passage, found in your exercise booklet, out loud into your voice recorder. It goes like this, You know what I find really interesting about different people. You know when you just meet some people, and theyre nice and friendly, and you seem to get along with them. And yet, theres something missing. You dont feel that spark. But then, with others, theres something about them that you just cant quite put your finger on. Theres something about them that you find mysteriously attractive. Maybe its the way they smile. Or maybe its the way they look at you. Or maybe its the way their voice seems to penetrate you with its command and presence. Whatever it is, you dont meet this kind of person very often. But when you do, you feel that spark. You feel that spark start here inside your chest and it just spreads out all over your entire body, until you just cant resist that feeling of attraction and you just want to talk to that person more and more. However, when you read this passage, focus on projecting your voice as if youre talking to someone across a table in a noisy restaurant, so that others would pay attention to what youre saying, as if you have something important to say. Now, this doesnt mean shout or make your voice hoarse. If you breath properly with deep, relaxed breathing, your voice shouldnt become sore.

Voice Exercise #5: Chest Resonance

Now lets move on from volume and projection to creating warmth and resonance in your voice. You dont want to sound nasally or squeaky, that will turn a woman off and hijack any chance of creating attraction. To practice speaking with resonance, make a long uhhhhhh sound out loud. Where do you feel the physical vibration when you say uhhh? Most likely, if your resonance is poor, youll only feel the vibration in your throat. Touch your throat for a moment, say uhhhh and youll feel the vibration there on your fingertips. Now touch your chest and say uhhhh and you probably dont feel much vibration there at all. When you speak only from your throat, you dont get much resonance in your speaking voice. Now try to move the vibration of the uhhhhhh down to your chest. You may have to play around for a while to get it there. But youll know you have it when you feel a strong vibration there. Your chest and throat should both have that vibration when you speak.

Repeat this exercise every day for a few weeks and throughout the day, monitor your speaking so that you can feel the sound vibration not just in your throat, but in your chest as well. At the same time, ask yourself throughout the day how your much resonance your voice has and adjust it.

Voice Exercise #6: Resonance and the Larynx

Another method of making sure you have resonance is to keep your larynx positioned down. Often, that nasally, pinched voice that you sometimes here can be eliminated by lowering your larynx. To lower your larynx, hold your Adams apple, which feels like a bump in the front of your neck, between your two fingers. Gently hold the end of it where it extrudes the farthest out thats where your Larynx is. Now say a e i o u Youll notice that you can feel with your fingers that your larynx moves down about a quarter of an inch when you speak. Now practice speaking a e i o u into your recorder, making a conscious effort to keep your larynx positioned down in this new placement. Then practice speaking a e i o u into your recorder, making a conscious effort to keep your larynx positioned up. Youll notice that your voice sounds much more nasally. So one of the tricks to developing resonance, is to speak with your larynx positioned down. Try practicing speaking with your larynx positioned down with the resonance exercise found in your booklet.

Voice Exercise #7: Resonance: The H Sound

Now that you know how to create resonance in your voice through, number one, breathing relaxed and deeply, two speaking so that you feel vibration in both your chest and throat, and three positioning your larynx down, Im going to give you a few verbal exercises for developing your resonance. Practice speaking out loud into your sound recorder the following sequence of vowels which start with an h. Breathe deeply like a sigh and say Ha, ho, hu, hi. and again, breathe and say ha, ho, hu, hi. and again. Breathe and say ha, ho hu, hi for a few minutes. Record your voice into the sound recorder and notice how it changes or improves over the session.

Voice Exercise #8: Resonance: H Words Now practice speaking aloud into your sound recorder the following one syllable words, using relaxed deep breathing, a lowered larynx and vibrating from the chest and throat. Breathe how, have, hoe Breathe head, him, hear Breathe her, help, hen Breathe hide, horse, hay Breathe high, hound, who Breathe hill, half, hand And again how, have, hoe Head, him, hear Her, help, hen Hide, horse, hay High, hound, who Hill, half, hand By the way, the reason the words begin with an H is because thats the normal sound you produce when breathing naturally. Spend a moment now to pant like a runner, like this (demo). Youll notice that the sound of your breaths naturally starts with a soft H. Continue to produce the one syllable H word sequences for five minutes or so, playing with the amount of resonance you can get in your voice.

Voice Exercise #9: Resonance: ng words

Now the English language has three commonly occurring nasal sounds: ng as in sing, m as in swim, and n as in win. Try it for yourself right now. Say swim but prolong the m sound. Like this swimmmmm.. As you prolong the m sound, hold your fingertips up to your lips. Where do you feel the vibration? Around your lips? Around your nose? Or perhaps your forehead. Continue to repeat the words swim, sing, and win but prolong the end nasal sounds of m, ng, and n. Then concentrate on feeling the vibrations, not just on your lips, but throughout your entire head. Again, repeat sing, swim, and win over and over again for a few minutes, focusing on feeling the vibrations throughout your head. Then, once you can do that, see if you can start to move and feel the vibrations in your chest as well. You want to gradually practice expanding the field of vibration of these naturally nasal sounds from your lips, to throughout your head, to down through your chest. And gradually, with practice, this exercise will give your voice more resonance that is sexy and attractive to listen to.

Voice Exercise #10: Speaking More Slowly

Now lets move on from resonance of the voice to practicing tempo, the speed at which you tend to speak. Its really important not to speak to others too quickly. Speaking quickly conveys nervousness and prevents you from breathing deeply and often enough to speak with a resonant, warm voice. However, when you slow down your speech, not only can you speak with resonance and warmth but it helps people to understand what youre saying. When you slow down your speech, you can place added emphasis on words and create drama and interest in your speech with pauses and silences. Take the line for instance, Excuse me, but I just had to take the chance to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. Now this line itself is not very powerful as I just spoke it. In fact, any line you use, no matter how good it supposedly is, will lose its power if you speak it too quickly. Now imagine we slow this line down and say it to a woman slowly. Slowing it down a little gives the line more emotional impact and makes you sound more relaxed and confident. However, we can slow it down even further, by adding powerful silences. For example, a pause after excuse me, a pause after tell you and a pause after I find you. With the three pauses it sounds like, Excuse me. but I just had to take the chance.. to tell you that I find you. absolutely beautiful. Notice how much more powerful that sounds with anticipation and drama than when read fast like, Excuse me, but I just had to take the chance to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. Now you try saying the line, which youll also find in your exercise booklet, into your sound recorder. Record it once aloud speaking quickly, and then record it again speaking slowly and then a third time with the power pauses. Listen back to your voice and notice how all the recordings sound different. And decide which one you think sounds the most powerful.

Voice Exercise #11: Tempo Exercise

In general, when speaking, make a conscious effort to take your time. Dont be hurried. Make others wait for you to gather your thoughts and to speak clearly. For this next tempo exercise, read the following passage at a normal pace, which is also found in your exercise booklet, into your recorder. What I find really interesting about listening to a persons voice, is the pace at which they speak. Because when you meet someone who speaks clearly, so that you can catch every word they say, so that every word is enunciated and clear, you just find yourself intrigued and fascinated by every word they say. Like take the word chocolate. Its so much sexier when you say chocolate. Eating rich, dark, chocolate and drinking delicious

red wine. And its almost as if, the warmth of that voice just wraps itself around you like two strong arms giving you a great big hug. Read the passage once at normal speed into your recorder. Then read it again, but this time slow it down and add the pauses. When read more slowly, it should sound more like this, What I find really interesting about listening to a persons voice, is the pace at which they speak. Because when you meet someone who speaks clearly, so that you can catch every word they say so that every word is enunciated and clear you just find yourself intrigued and fasc-in-ated by every word they say. Like take the word chocolate. Its so much sexier when you say choc-co-late. Eating rich, dark, choc-colate and drinking de-li-c-i-ous red wine. And its almost as if the warmth of that voice just wraps itself around you like two strong arms giving you a great big hug. Then play back the recorder back and notice which of the two recordings you prefer. What sounds more like a sexual cue for creating attraction when you read the passage at your normal pace, or when you slow it down and add the pauses? Record it again and play around with the speed. Notice, what speed gives you the best sound of voice. What speed makes you sound sexier? What speed makes you sound cool, calm, and collected?

Voice Exercise #12: Putting it All Together: Harvest Moon

Now were going to put all of these elements of the TREV system together tempo, resonance, and volume. Find the poem Under the Harvest Moon by Carl Sandburg in your exercise booklet, and read the poem along with the following emphasis. First, read Under the Harvest Moon as you would normally into your sound recorder. Then read Under the Harvest Moon into the recorder focusing on projecting enough volume, as if youre reading to be heard. Next, read Under the Harvest Moon into the recorder focusing on resonance, so that your voice doesnt sound squeaky or nasally, but has a nice resonant warmth to it. Next, read Under the Harvest Moon into the recorder but this time focusing on having a slow, sexy tempo and making sure to enunciate all of the words properly. And lastly, record the poem into the recorder a number of times playing with all the elements of TREV. When youre done, play the recordings back and write down in your journal how your voice sounds through all the variations. Note which reading you like the least, and which reading you like the most. And practice getting into the habit of speaking the way that sounds the best to you, all the time, everywhere you go.

The TREV Formula

So, to conclude the sexual cue of voice, remember the TREV formula tempo, resonance, and volume.

Dont take your voice for granted. Its a critical sexual cue for creating sexual rapport. How you say your words is more important than the actual words themselves. How you say your words is what will bypass a womans critical mind and directly stimulate her limbic brain into feeling attraction or not. Be that hypnotist, that special person who can hypnotize people just with the sound of your voice, no matter what youre saying. Be that person who can grab peoples attention in an instant, relax them, make them feel good, and do it all with an aura of confidence and authority. Your voice is a Porsche under the hood, waiting to come out so use it. Youll find however, that even though when youre practicing, your voice sounds resonant, smooth, sexy, and pleasant to listen to, in the real world bad habit can throw you back into your old way of speaking. And keep practicing with time, your voice will improve and youll be able to move people emotionally and sexually with the sound of your voice alone in ways you didnt think possible. ~ Jesse

3 Wicked Vocal Range Exercises To Speak To Cutie Girls Like A Gangster

October 23rd, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book '3 Wicked Vocal Range Exercises To Speak To Cutie Girls Like A Gangster'

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I want to give you 3 really awesome exercises to improve your voice with women namely, speaking more loudly. One of the cool things about speaking like an alpha male, dominantly, speaking loudly, is that the very act of doing so will make you feel far more confident. The principle behind this is that a emotion follows motion. Your feelings, your state, your emotions follow your physical motion. So if youre feeling down and depressed and you start jumping wildly up-and-down, forcing yourself to smile, forcing yourself to laugh, youll start to feel better, even if youre just forcing yourself to go through the physical motions of jumping, smiling, and laughing. Or conversely, if you slump your shoulders down, and you put your hands over your face, you start to feel bad, even if you have no reason to feel bad. Your emotions follow your physical motions. And when you speak loudly, when you put your vocal cords into physical overdrive, when you project your voice, your going to start feeling far more confident and alpha and dominant automatically by the virtues of your physical motion of your vocal cords. Like if you start yodeling loudly like an Indian, youll get a rush of powerful alpha energy throughout your entire body. So even if you dont feel like speaking loudly, even if its uncomfortable, even if you dont yet feel very alpha or loud or dominant, just by forcing yourself to speak loudly, youll begin to feel like a new man, and youll begin to adjust quickly to the new social pressure. What Im saying is, force yourself to speak loudly and deliberately with farther range and pretty soon it will just start coming naturally, and youll naturally start to feel more

confident and alpha. Your emotions will follow your physical motions. So fake it until you make it if you have to. Heres 3 exercises to get you speaking more loudly to girls

Vocal Range Exercise #1: Tarzan Laughter Exercise

Now heres your first exercise for developing a dominant Alpha, loud voice that you can do at home. Its called the laughing Tarzan exercise and its purpose is to first unstifle your voice. Start by laughing out loud. Just laugh. Go ahead and laugh out loud. Really loud. Really laugh. Dont worry about looking or sounding dignified. Just laugh out loud and become comfortable not only with the way you sound but also become comfortable with the volume of your voice. If you find that you gave a halfhearted or weak laugh, or didnt laugh at all, it probably means that youre shy about using your voice. Youre shy of being heard by others. And thats something that you want to get over. So I want you to laugh loudly, out loud laugh so loud at your neighbors can hear you. Buk dont be afraid to be playful. I dont care how silly this exercise may sound like, you need to get used to making noise and being loud. Now pretend that youre Tarzan of the jungle. Make of that Tarzan animal call. If you dont know what Tarzan sounds like, just pretend that you are the king of the jungle and imagine what kind of animal call Tarzan would make to call the other animals in the jungle. Remember, laughing out loud and calling like Tarzan is supposed to energize your entire body. Remember that motion follows physical motion. By being allowed and not caring about what others think, that will make you feel confident on the inside, that will make you feel like a bad ass on the inside. The more you speak loudly, the more energy will have, and the more people will stop and listen, and the more hard attraction youll generate with women. So this exercise, the laughing and calling like Tarzan, is something you should repeat every day for a few weeks until youre not shy about the sound of your voice and farther vocal range anymore.

Vocal Range Exercise #2: Vowels Exercise

Now lets do a few exercises specifically to work on your volume, to project, to speak loudly, so that you can speak over loud music, so that you can lead a group, and so that you can be the center of attention, and come across naturally as the leader, which is what generates hard attraction women, regardless of what youre saying. For this first exercise you simply say the vowels, A, E., I., O., U.

Practice speaking, A, E., I., O., U. A, E., I., O., U. A, E., I., O., U. Feel the vibration go from your throw and move it down to your chest. And increasingly get louder with every repetition. A, E., I., O., U. A, E., I., O., U. A, E., I., O., U. Make sure that you bring the vibration from your throat, dowm to your chest, so that both your throat and chest are vibrating. If only your throat is vibrating it will sound and easily like this, (NASAL) A, E., I., O., U. And just keep repeating the letters louder and louder, until your unstifled, until you grow comfortable being loud. I want you to come away from this exercise with the idea that you need to make a conscious effort to speak loudly, a few levels louder than everyone else, with volume. To speak as if what you have to say is important. To speak as if you need to be heard by others. To speak as if you cannot be ignored.

Vocal Range Exercise #3: The Store Clerk Exercise

For this exercise for the voice, you have to actually get out of the house. This exercise takes advantage of the fact that we live in an economy where were completely dependent on total strangers for our basic needs and survival. Every week you meet three or four if not dozens of total strangers in the process of buying your groceries or going to the drugstore. Our society provides a built-in structure for meeting strangers in a legitimate, safe setting for both you and them. Your mission is to go to a store, like a nutritional supplement store or a clothing store, and start talking to the clerk about the products. It doesnt matter who the clerk is, can be young or old, man or woman, and start asking the store clerk about product. So lets say you go to a nutrition supplement store, youll say, Hey Im interested in learning more about supplements, can you help me out. Yeah, what is this protein powder, how does this work, what does it do for you? Youre speaking in a high volume, more loudly than anything you would normally speak, so that other people in the store can overhear you. And youre speaking in neutral and breaking rapport volume, rather than seeking rapport.

Or go into a furniture store and ask as if you were going to decorate a house, Hey what do you think is the nicest sofa in here. Speak loudly so other people can over hear you neutral and breaking rapport. Go to a clothing store, and talk about the clothes with the sales clerk. Or whenever youre ordering say fast food, give your order with a booming voice, with other people standing around you, Yeah I want the burger, the French fries the soda. Just speaking LOUDLY so that you are noticed. And for extra credit stand up straight like a champ. I want you to go out, each day, for 30 minutes, and get into these quick conversations with sales clerks where you BOOM your voice. Yes, it will feel hard at first. You want you to be speaking LOUDLY and in many other cases with other people around you. Thats the point though, you want others to be able to hear you, you want to catch other peoples attention, thats what makes you attractive. And just by doing the exercise youll feel more confident and youll quickly adjust to the social pressure emotions will follow your motions, remember. So just punch through initial resistance that you feel and youll quickly adjust to speaking with a louder range. And what you want to achieve is to be speaking like this eventually ALL the time so that its just second nature to you, its just what you do. Do this exercise, I know it takes time, but its important. Its doing the exercise that will actually produce the transformation in you. ~ Jesse

How To Woo Girls With Your Voice Alone 10 Must-Have Tips

October 23rd, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'How To Woo Girls With Your Voice Alone 10 Must-Have Tips'

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Heres how to woo girls just by using just your voice alone. When most guys, they go to a club or they go to a bar, they go up to a woman and her voice is very soft and apologetic. In fact their voice isnt any louder than the surrounding music typically. Usually the girl that theyre talking to can barely hear him speaking above all the surrounding noise, and what happens then is that he cant lead the girl or grab her interest or dominate the interaction. You cant hold the girls attention because her friends will try to distract her wanting her attention as well. And so the set will go nowhere, because shell quickly get bored with you, she cant hear you very well, and you get blown out of the set because youre not loud enough. And this is the reason that guys dont speak loudly enough in the club. Its because they want the girls approval. Just like if youre going up to your boss at your job and you want something for your boss at the raise or you want your bosss approval, you dont go up to your boss in a loud commanding voice, louder than everyone else. No, your voice is soft and often approval seeking. So you up to the girl, your voice is not loud enough to grab the attention the group, you come across as approval seeking and needy, and thats what gets you blown out, thats what gives you the back turns from the girls.

How Loud To Woo Girls?

So how loud does your voice need to be. Remember your voice is the most important tool in all of this. Your voice it has to cut over the music and has to be loud enough to boom out a few levels above everyone else who is talking and above the music. Your voice it needs to come in like a steamroller and not everyone over. Imagine your voice is like a Star Trek tractor beam. Essentially it attracts everyone in the vicinity, in the room, and it puts social pressure to stun the brains of every guy. Because its your loud voice that gives you value. If your voice is soft and quiet it just comes across as approval seeking and needy and unattractive. But when youre loud with your voice your mood comes across as confident as dominant, as positive, which are all the traits that you want to convey, regardless of whatever youre saying. And heres why a loud voice is so attractive to women, even though it might not seem like such a big deal to us men. Women will respond the most to the most dominant man in the room. Women respond most to the most out for dominant man who is the center of attention and is leading the group. Its not the best looking guy. Its not the best dressed guy. Its not the guy with the loads of funny stories. Women respond to the man with the most booming voice, who with his voice, can open up the group, they control the conversation, just by the virtue of the loudest of his voice and the dominance of his voice. That is what turns women on the most.

The Corporate Example

Lets take an example in a corporate board room where theres a meeting between the boss and management. Its the boss whos going to be speaking in the loudest voice, at least a few levels above everyone else in the room, because the boss is leading the meeting. And his underlings will be speaking more quietly and more softly with the seeking of approval tonality. Thats how you can always tell who the boss is, who is the most dominant alpha man in the room from everyone else. Its the man speak the loudest everyone else. If a boss wants to take control his company, and he has a lot of other alpha middle managers in the room, hes got to speak louder than everyone else or theyre not going to take him 100% seriously as an authority figure who is fit to lead the company. And when youre in a bar or club or social party you need to be the boss, the leader, who can direct and lead the girls, and that all comes down to the loudness of your voice. Your voice is your number one tool, your number one demonstration of having higher value.

Breast Implants Example

I just want to drive home the point of how important your voice is to generating hard attraction in women. How by making that one small tweak in your overall profile makes you so much more attractive. Lets say youre sitting in a coffee shop at Starbucks and in walks a woman whose relatively attractive but you dont look at it twice. This woman shes wearing a baggy shirt nothing special and she orders her coffee. And no one else in the room seems to notice or. But then you look up to see that shes lifting up her sweater, up over her head. And now its suddenly revealed, as her sweater is removed, that she has these large voluptuous breasts underneath the Titan are a waste she takes her coffee her breasts just jiggle up and down. And all the guys in the coffee shop turned their heads to check out this woman with the fantastic breasts. And this woman, she just went from being a 7/10 do like being a 9/10. And what was it that made the difference. Just the change of that one curve from being flat in front, to having a big S shape is what made all the difference in how attractive she was. By making one small change in her silhouette, this woman went from no one noticing her at all, to all the men in the room drooling over and other women in the room blistering with jealousy. It took just that one small change, that one small tweak, in her physical appearance that made all the difference. And speaking loudly with your voice is exactly the same. Its like growing a huge pair of tits. And when you speak with a very loud voice you suddenly go from being a nobody and needing approval, to generating hard attraction on a primal level with women.

Capitalism Likes Quiet Workers

So the question is why arent we already naturally loud speaking? Well its the way that we been raised within the capitalist economic system. Under capitalism, you have different classes of people. At the top youve got the boss, the owner of capital, and in the middle you have the managers, at the bottom you have all the workers. The bosses give orders to management who in turn give orders to the workers and the workers simply follow the orders and do what theyre told. And in school, you are groomed, you are trained, to have a function, a place in society, as either a manager who gives orders, or as a worker who takes orders. So in school, what happens? Besides learning factoids and information and learning arithmetic, learning how to read and write, you are trained at all times to follow orders from your teacher. Theyre essentially training you to be a good worker within the capitalist system.

And to be a good worker, whose obedience and follows orders, you were taught to speak softly and quietly to your teachers, and not to speak out of place. Youre taught to be approval seeking each and every day in school to get your teachers approval. To get approval from authority, to get approval from teachers who will give you rewards in the forms of As or Bs. As a result weve been consciously trained as children to speak a few levels more softly than everyone else. Weve been trained to speak even more quietly when we want approval from someone, like approval from a hot girl. But when we talk to girl like that, we come across as a beta male, whos been trained to follow orders, whos been trained to be a worker bee, whose needy and approval seeking. Speaking softly, we dont come across as the alpha male, the kind of man that a woman wants to meet, who will take what he wants from her and dominate her. But so that we speak softly, its completely understandable and completely normal, given the system that were brought up in. And weve been trained that way are whole lives. So getting over it is a matter of doing the exercises Im going to give you to retrain your mind so that you speak loudly again.

Speak Slowly To Woo Girls

Now in addition to speaking loudly with enough volume to dominate the interaction, you want to slow down your speech a little bit because a lot of guys speak way too fast when theyre talking with a woman. Because what happens is the guy starts talking to the woman and he starts talking quickly, like oh youre so cute, I want to tell you this story about this thing I did blah, blah, blah, blah Guys speed up their tempo because theyre trying to get approval or acceptance from the girl. He starts speaking fast because youre worried that shell stop listening to you and your not going to get out what you have to say. Just think of when you are chatting with an authority figure, or someone that you admire, or someone that you want to be liked by, lets say its a celebrity. Your speech will change when talking to them, youll speed up your temple, like ooh its Angelina Jolie can I have your autograph, I watch all your movies, youre are amazing, I cant believe Im meeting you. See you tend to speed up your speaking rate when youre needy for the persons attention and you want to be liked. And that conveys a neediness. Take for our example the line excuse me but I had to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. If I say that quickly it sounds like this, excuse me but I had to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. Now this line itself is not very powerful as I just spoke it. In fact any line that you use no matter how good it supposedly is, will lose its power if you speak it too quickly.

Now imagine we slow down this line and were to speak it to a woman slowly. Slowing down with what you say gives more emotional impact and makes you sound more relaxed and confident. So lets slow it down. You say excuse me but I had to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. Notice how much more powerful that sounds than when you speak too quickly likeexcuse me but I just had to take the chance to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. So in addition to speaking loudly, you dont want to race through whatever you say. You want to slow down to a normal speaking tempo.

Trying-For-Rapport Tonality
Now in addition to speaking to softly, in addition to speaking too quickly, most guys speak in a trying for rapport tonality. Trying for rapport tonality is where you turn up your tone or your pitch at the ends of sentences. Its where are you end your sentences with a higher pitch. Trying for rapport sounds like this, hey my name is Jesse and Im really trying hard to get to know you and I hope you like me because of my clever story. See, the voice is a little higher and slopes up at the ends of my sentences. I hope you really like me?? See, you sound overly friendly and overly nice, you can even give commands with his trying for rapport approval seeking tonality with upturns at the ends of your sentences. For example youre giving someone directions and you tell them, first take a right? and then take a left? It makes you sound like youre apologizing for even talking. It makes you sound like youre constantly affirming to yourself that its okay to continue speaking. Like youre asking for feedback from the person that youre talking to. It makes it sound like you doubt yourself and what youre saying. Like youre trying to get a reaction from a girl, trying to get her to like you, trying to get the girls approval. And this makes you sound like a beggar when you woo them, like you want something from the girl, and the girls auto response is to move away from you when you use trying for rapport tonality. Because youre communicating to the girl that you have a low amount of social value compared to her, and its a complete giveaway to the girl. Unconsciously it just turns her off.

Neutral Rapport

so instead you want to speak with neutral rapport. With neutral rapport your voice tone and inflection stays neutral room of the ends of sentences. Meaning you dont allow your sentences to rise in pitch. Your tone is flat, its neutral, you dont fluctuate that much. For example you say hey my name is Jesse, welcome to my world, Im the master of my domain, whats up. Thats neutral rapport. Calm and cool, this is how you talk with your best buddies. This is how Im talking with you right now. Neutral rapport. Neutral rapport conveys to the girl that youre not seeking anything from her, that your speaking normally, calm, relaxed, cool.

Breaking Rapport To Woo Girls

In addition to neutral rapport, you can also speak with breaking rapport tonality. With breaking rapport tonality, your voice slopes downwards towards the ends of sentences. With breaking rapport tonality it almost sounds like youre interrogating someone or that youre skeptical, or that your commanding whoever youre talking to. For example, hey, where are you from? Notice how my pitch lowers at the ends. It almost sounds like youre testing the girl. Or you call over a girl and say, hey you. It sounds like youre interrogating her or that youre skeptical of her. And when you speak to a girl with breaking rapport tonality, that will cause her to speak in return to you with a trying for rapport tonality, which is what you want the girl to do. You want the girl to be trying to get rapport with you. So if you say to a girl, where are you fromwith a breaking for rapport tonality, shes likely to respond with a trying for rapport tonality in return, where her sentences rise in pitch like, Im from California! So what you want is to generally be speaking with neutral rapport with some breaking rapport mixed in. And no trying for rapport at all. There should be absolutely no trying for rapport. Again lets go over the difference. Heres trying for rapport. Hey my name is Jesse and I am a chump trying really hard to get to know you. I hope you like me because of my clever story.. And then you have neutral rapport. Hey my name is Jesse and I am a chump trying really hard to get to know you. I hope you like me because of my clever story.. And then you have breaking rapport where your tonality turns downward. . Hey my name is Jesse and I am a chump trying really hard to get to know you. I hope you like me because of my clever story.

Why Does Voice Feel Difficult?

Now when you go out into the real world to woo girls and you start speaking a few levels louder than everyone else, you speak slowly which conveys confidence, and you speak with neutral rapport or with breaking rapport, women will instantly respond with hard attraction for you. The whole room will turn to look at you. But speaking that way can feel incredibly uncomfortable if youre not used to it. And having all of the attention on you can feel uncomfortable if youre not used to it. Because the fact is, weve gone around speaking our whole lives, as if were talking privately only to ourselves and to no one else, as if what we have to say isnt all that important. Or is it were afraid were going to be judged or speaking up. The thing is, being able to handle that social pressure without caring about what others think, is exactly what makes you an attractive man. Do you think that attractive women have to deal with anything less? Imagine a young woman walking into a social part. She has large breasts, she has fantastic legs, and shes wearing a beautiful fancy dress. All the men turned to her to look in lost, and all of the women turned to her to look with jealousy. Most women cannot deal with that kind of social pressure. Most women, although they may wish to be stunningly beautiful, cannot handle everyone elses eyes on them in reality. Most women are way too concerned about what other people think of them and they dont like the social pressure. So instead they dressed down. They prefer to wear blue jeans instead of address, they prefer to hide their breasts rather than to show them off, because they dont want to stand out too much. Most women unconsciously, go out of their way not to be stunningly attractive. And if youre a man, speaking softly and with a trying for rapport tonality, does make everyone like you, does make you sound friendly, does allow you to blend in unnoticed, it doesnt make you attractive. That wont generate hard attraction in women. The only way to generate hard attraction in women and woo them is to get noticed by everyone in the room, with a loud voice, breaking rapport tonality, and speaking at a normal pace. By having all of the social pressure come down on. So youre going to go through a period of discomfort when speaking loudly at first, until you become comfortable with the additional social pressure. It will take time for you to become comfortable with the new you, until you wont even notice that you speak more loudly than everyone else. Just imagine a young woman who gets big breast implants for the first time. She goes from an A cup to suddenly being a D. cup, and suddenly she gets all of this new attention from men and wandering eyes. Of course at first, shell enjoy the attention, but shell feel uncomfortable, because shes not used to the social pressure on her. But with time the woman grows into her new self, and with time she doesnt even notice the added social pressure anymore. She just comes to enjoy all the extra attention of generating hard attraction in men.

And it will be the same way with you. When you start speaking loudly, very loudly, at a normal temple, with neutral rapport tonality, at first the added social pressure will cause anxiety and discomfort, but with time you will acclimate to the social pressure, and it will become second nature to speak that way and woo girls. ~ Jesse

esses Giant List of Tips For Hot Body Language, Voice, Eye Contact, And A Sexy Smile For Men
September 23rd, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'Jesses Giant List of Tips For Hot Body Language, Voice, Eye Contact, And A Sexy Smile For Men'

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The womans limbic brain is responsible for lust, desire, and mating- light it and shell feel attraction no matter her reasons not to date you. Heres my ultimate list of nonverbal attraction game tips to get cute girls.

Jesses Manly Voice Tips

Resonance, speed, and tone of voice are the most important nonverbal cues for creating sexual attraction with women

With resonant, sultry, and sexy voice, women will become sexually excited as soon as you open your mouth Your voice betrays you- with it do you convey fear or power, submission or dominance, nervousness or relaxation If you sound timid, soft, or squeaky women will judge you weak, insecure no matter how clever your tongue is With a sexy voice, youre a walking talking hypnotist- everything you say is a trance and women will fall for its spell You cannot hide your voice, you cannot escape it. Your voice IS your identity. How you speak creates your very being To hold and engage a woman, speak at a listen to what Im saying volume. Grab hold of the words and direct them outward with intention If you talk quickly and pause only enough to take a short breath, you come across as insecure and unsure- slow down! If you speak fast, women will miss what you say and the importance will be lost- but pausing after a word gives time for the idea to sink in When nervous, you dont breathe properly and speak too quickly- which makes you sound high-pitched and nasal- slow down and relax! Breathing shallow prevents you from having vocal resonance- get into the habit of breathing fully and deeply

Jesses Smile Tips

A smile shows that youre an open, friendly, relaxed person. Its an attitude that says without words, Im in a good mood. Im approachable Ever notice how much more friendly and inviting a woman is whose smiling? Likewise, your smile makes you the man Smiling is infectious- women naturally smile when they see yours, making THEM feel open, friendly, and relaxed Women enjoy the ACT of your smile rather than its physical perfection- the ACT of smiling shows women that youre friendly and confident When you shut your mouth with a stern expression you communicate to women, Stay away from me. Smile, smile, smile! Money and a fancy car may excite the societal programmed woman- but your smile excites her soul

Get into the habit of smiling- all the time. When meeting a woman, any women, approach with a smile and leave with a smile Give the sales lady a wide, open smile. Pause a beat and hold- until she smiles back. When her eyes glow, ask her name

Jesses Body Language Tips

Strength, success, and sexiness are the signs of good posture- tension and weakness the signs of poor Dont fidget on the date- move in a measured and controlled fashion, slowly and deliberately and with purpose No playing with your hands, no pacing. No shifty eyes, no looking around the room. No crossing and uncrossing your arms and no tapping your leg If your body is tense, relax it. If your arms crossed, uncross them. If your feet pace, ground them. Mental confidence follows physical relaxation In unfamiliar situations like a date fight your instinct to speed up- slow down the reality around you and relax Open your body uncross your arms, keep your hands apart, open the stance of your legs like a peacock spreading its bright feathers When you sit down spread your arms out and lean back like youre the owner of the club with not a care in the world- thats PIMP sexy When talking to a woman, dont lean in to hear her- its needy. Motion the woman to lean into you

Jesses Getting Physical Tips

A simple touch, even a casual touch on the arm, sends a clear message of electric fireworks to the lust center of a womans brain You can easily talk to a woman for an hour and not have as intense an effect if you put your hand on her shoulder or stroke the back of her neck A womans body is covered with thousands of sensory receptors that trigger off like a thousand hot torches all at once at the slightest touch Casual touches shows a woman that youre not afraid to touch because, likely, women like to be touched by you Dont underestimate how one or two well-placed touches on the shoulder or back can make a woman think of you as a sexual crush

Physically cut just slightly into a womans private, intimate space 18 to 12 inches away to trigger a palpable sexual tension Come close enough to a woman for her to be uneasy in a way that she cant quite put her finger on what it is, but not close enough for her to object As long as she doesnt back away and the more rapport you have, the more you can move in further into a womans intimate space to turn up the heat

Jesses Smelling Sexy Tips

Women smell a little body odor from 3 feet away whereas a man smells none- pretty flowers want a man with a morning shower Womens sense of smell is x100 more powerful than a mans- safer to be a little paranoid of your scent then a little lax Womens smell glands pass directly to her limbic brain which feels either attraction and lust, or revulsion and disgust- smell nice! Researches have found that odor influences peoples opinions and that its one of the quickest ways to change a womans emotions Women have a visceral, primal response to scent on a deep level. Nothing attracts a woman like a man with cologne

Jesses Eye Contact Tips

Your eyes can do far more talking than your words. Your eyes can make a woman feel uneasy and excited Any wuss can make eye contact from far away; only a romantic hero can make eye contact up close and hold the sexual tension Eye contact by definition is mutual- when shes actively avoiding you and not reciprocating eye contact back youre staring Dont dart your eyes or look away- linger longer on her eyes than you would normally, almost as if your eyes stick to hers like soft glue Continue eye contact with a woman during silences in the conversation. Strong longlasting eye contact that stays overtime electrifies When you do look away, look away reluctantly. Drag your eyes away slowly, as though theyre stuck with soft glue ~ Jesse

3 Drills To Get Laid By Smiling

September 8th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book '3 Drills To Get Laid By Smiling'

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Even if Im not feeling great, Ill even force myself to sexual cue with a smile. With any interaction with another person, you want to approach with a smile and leave with a smile. Of course, it takes some practice to be able to pull off a big smile on the fly. Many of us just arent use to smiling at all and are quite self-conscious about our smiles. Its harder than it might sound if youre not use to it. Thats why Ive developed a set of exercises you need to perform everyday for at least thirty to sixty days to develop the smiling habit so that it comes across clean and natural. I guarantee that by mastering this one simple nonverbal sexual cuing skill, by mastering this fundamental attraction cue that women are biologically programmed to respond to, youll be able to create sexual rapport with women much more quickly and consistently than ever before.

Your Smile Doesnt Have To Be Perfect

But before I go into the exercises, remember, your smile doesnt have to be perfect. If your teeth are slightly discolored or a little crooked it quite frankly doesnt matter. The point isnt that you have the whitest smile or the straightest teeth. Whats important is that the smile conveys to her youre a relaxed, friendly, and warm person. Whats important is that smiling itself is a sexual cue. Whats important is the ACT of smiling.

That being said, if you do lack confidence about your smile, even after doing the following exercises, modern science has come up with all sorts of corrective measures you can take. Like drugstore teeth whitening systems or the one hour dentist procedures. How white or straight you want to make your smile is in YOUR hands. Thats your responsibility. What Im going to do is now give you the exercises you need to get into the habit of smiling on a daily basis, all the time.

#1. Smile in Mirror Exercise

To do this first exercise, get in front of a mirror and give yourself a big, wide, open smile. You dont need a reason to do it. Fake your smile if you have to. Fake your enthusiasm. Again, give a good solid smile for a minute into the mirror and hold it. Youll find that after a minute or so, for no apparent reason at all, youll begin to feel better and happier. Youll find that instead of smiling because youre happy, youre happy because youre smiling. It may sound strange, but scientific studies demonstrate that this happens. The more you smile, the better you feel. Now relax your face to get the smile out. Then smile again to the mirror. Then relax. Then smile. The purpose of this exercise is to get use to smiling and comfortable seeing your own smile. Your smile may feel terribly fake at first but if you just keep forcing it out, practicing it, sooner or later it becomes real and natural. What you want to do is continue this exercise everyday in the morning for at least thirty days. Write down in your journal Did the smile in mirror exercise. If you notice a difference in they way you felt afterward or if the smiling changed your mood or state, write that down too.

#2. Visualization Smile Exercise

Now its one thing to smile to yourself in the mirror, but its another thing altogether to smile to an attractive woman walking down the street toward you. Visualization rehearsal is a powerful tool for practice. This second exercise will allow you to practice smiling at women without having to leave your house. And you can do it any time. Make sure youve got a good twenty feet of space in front of you and walk across the room. Carry yourself in a relaxed stride, not in any hurry. And as you walk, visualize or vividly imagine, an attractive woman walking toward you as if outdoors on the sidewalk or indoors at a mall. As she gets near to you, make eye contact with her and give her a big, open smile. Even if it feels fake, force it out. See if you can maintain eye contact and smile to her without looking away. You should do this exercise for 10 minutes following the previous exercise every day for at least 30 days. And be sure to write down Did visualization rehearsal smile

exercise in your journal. If you noticed a difference in how you felt, write that down too.

#3. Store Smile Exercise

For the third exercise you have to actually get out of the house. And no excuses, I want you to get out and do this. Its the only way to get good at smiling in public. This exercise will really show you the difference between approaching someone with a stern expression like you may normally do, and approaching someone with a smile and the 500% better response youll get. This exercise takes advantage of the fact that we live in an economy where were completely dependent on total strangers for our basic needs and survival. Every week you meet three or four if not dozens of total strangers in the process of buying your groceries, in the process of going to the drugstore, in the process of paying tolls along the highway and in a myriad of other situations. Our society provides a built in structure for meeting strangers in a legitimate, safe setting for both you and them. Now to start youll need $2.00 or the equivalent of whatever currency you use. Go to a drugstore, grab a 25 cents pack of gum, and get in line to pay, but with a line that has a lady sales clerk. Now, you dont want to wait in line to pay the whole time with a big open smile on your face, it may look goofy. As its your turn to pay, first make direct eye contact with the sales clerk, and then break open a big smile for her. Now it can feel awkward to go from being expressionless to a big smile like that. Thats why, while you wait in line, you want to have a slight smile going on, a playful smirk, so that transitioning to a wide, open smile isnt such a big leap. To do the playful smirk, smile slightly with the corners of your mouth, like you have a playful attitude. As I said before, as its your turn to pay, make eye contact with the woman sales clerk and give her a big smile. Pause for a good long beat. Then say hi. Dont try to say hi before the smile or as you smile, you want to be sure to smile first and hold it without interruption for a full beat after all, youre practicing smiling. And not interrupting the smile for a full beat makes it stronger. And while you smile, hold it, say hello, hold eye contact with her, and dont break eye contact. Heres an example from my own journal. I wrote, I walked down the store aisles once just to get use to where I was and get my bearings. Most importantly it allowed me to form a playful smirk, which I let come through on my lips. I came by a mirror and smiled into it to warm up. Grabbing a protein bar off the shelf I walked over to the check out counter to pay. The check out lady looked to be about 28, not terribly attractive, but I thought to myself how Im going to make her day. I broke into a slightly larger smile as I approached her. She said, hi rather bored like probably the 100th time shed said hi that day. I went from my playful smirk to breaking into a big open smile and held it for two beats one beat two beats. Hi, I said back. She gave me a huge smile and lightened up completely. She was as different as night and day.

And, when YOU do this exercise, be sure to write down how it went in your journal and the kinds of reactions you get. Remember, $2.00 is enough to buy eight packs of gum, or practice this exercises eight times in a row. So I want you to, above all else, remember the following rule. The rule for the nonverbal sexual cue of smiling is, practice smiling until it becomes a natural habit you do ALL the time. ~ Jesse

How To Smile Your Way Into The Girls Pants

September 9th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'How To Smile Your Way Into The Girls Pants'

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The next nonverbal sexual cue you want to learn is what I call the soft playful walking smile. Smiling is one of the most important nonverbal sexual cues you can project. So important that I encourage you to always be in the habit of smiling. Not just when youre about to talk to someone, but when youre walking down the street or walking through the aisles at the grocery store. Thats the kind of friendly, confident energy you want to project in public always. Always. On the other hand, you cant just go around with a big wide open grin all the time like youre stoned or something.

Instead, you want to project what I call a soft playful walking smile. A soft playful walking smile is just that its almost like your smiling to yourself and it just comes softly through on your face. Almost like a James Bond kind of smirk. Really, only the corners of your mouth need to be slightly upturned, if that. What this soft playful walking smile does is act as a sort of launching pad for delivering a big, wide open smile when a woman passes by so youre always ready to deliver that most important sexual cue. Now, some people get a little uncomfortable being in public with a slight smile. This is just another form of self-consciousness you have to let go of. Because really, if you look all serious in public you look more like an angry mass murderer or like you want to beat someone up and you should be more self conscious about looking like that. So Im going to give you a number of exercises for developing a soft playful walking smile that you should practice for a number of weeks.

Mall Exercise
This first exercise is really pretty simple. Go to your local mall or large shopping center or grocery store. Walk around everywhere. Dont rush, dont hurry, but take your time, and walk deliberately. But instead of being all serious like you normally would be, keep a soft playful walking smile on your face. You dont need a big toothy grin, just a SOFT playful walking smile that shows up slightly on your face. And keep it up for a full 30 minutes. Time yourself if you have to. And when youre done write down your experience in your journal. Write down if you noticed any unusual reactions from other people you passed by. But more importantly, write down how your state changed by the end of the exercise.

Day Exercise
Once youve had some practice in these 30 minute sessions being out in public with a soft playful walking smile, youre ready for something more of a challenge, for what I call the soft playful walking smile day challenge. In this exercise, I want you to keep a soft playful walking smile ALL day, and I mean all day youre out in public and at work or driving your car. If youve got friends or family I want you to use it in front of them too. Now all day is a long time. At times you may forget to do it, but I want you to catch yourself when you forget and start the soft, playful smile up again. You need this kind of marathon practice to really get good at it and turn it into more of an automatic behavior that youll keep with you for the rest of your life. So I dont care how you plan to remind yourself throughout the day, tie a red string around your finger if you have to, but keep the soft playful walking smile going for the entire day. At first it MAY will seem a little unnatural and tiring but thats why I want you to do this exercise for at least one entire day every week until it becomes easier.

And of course, be sure to write down your results in your journal. Write down if anyone makes a comment that you seem more in a good mood or if others seem to be in more of a good mood around you. Write down how the soft playful walking smile affected your state throughout the day and how natural its feeling for you to do it. So the all important rules for the nonverbal sexual cue of the soft, playful, walking smile are, First. Keep a soft, playful walking smile when out in public. And second. Use a soft playful walking smile to springboard into a big open smile when the time comes to do so. ~ Jesse

19 Ways To Be A Sexy Man!

October 26th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book '19 Ways To Be A Sexy Man!'

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All the game advice out there can get confusing, and we can easily lose sight of whats most important. So I want to give you 19 fundamental tips to be a sexy man to women.

Sexy Man Tip #1. Be Relaxed And Chill

The best state for meeting women is actually a chilled out, relaxed state, and not a hyper state where youre bouncing off the walls super excited or freaking out. The best state for meeting women isnt extravagant. Its just relaxed and chill. Because talking to a girl being all relaxed and chill communicates to her that youre not desperate to please her or kiss her butt or get her approval. It shows her that youre normal and confident. And the best way to be relaxed and chill is to draw your state from within. Youre positive and relaxed from within no matter whats going around you or what the girls are doing. So if a girl gives you a positive response, you just remain relaxed and chill, just as if she were to give you a negative response. You remain unreactive to the ups and downs in the environment. Youre steady like a rock. And thats what women want to find in a man.

Sexy Man Tip #2. Dont Apologize For Your Actions

Dont apologize for your actions. When you go up to a girl, or you grab her hand, or you give her a hug, or you give her a compliment, or whatever it is, follow through with your actions and dont apologize for your actions. Being unapologetic is the key to getting away with any move, and to get the girl reacting to you.

Sexy Man Tip #3. Speak Loudly!

Speak Loudly! The loudest guy in the group is typically the guy who has the most social value, who is the leader, who is looked to for leadership, who is the most comfortable guy in a social situation, who is the most confident guy. Because if youre not confident, you wont be talking, let alone talking very loudly. Loudness is a cue for confidence, and girls love it.

Sexy Man Tip #4. Demonstrate Sexual Intent

You want to convey sexual intent to the girl. When you just pretend to play aloof, or you completely hide your sexual interest from the girl, shell just assume that youre not a sexual guy or youre not interested in her sexually, or youre just a nice guy. By hiding your sexual interest, it ensures that youll be liked, but it doesnt create any sparks of attraction in the girl. Instead, you want to convey sexual intent to the girl by showing her in some way, that you have sexual interest in her, that you see her as a sexual woman. Like you can be talking to her normally, but you massage her back. Or you throw up a compliment in the very beginning. Or you hold eye contact and talk slow and sexy. Something that conveys sexual interest and intent. And that tells the woman that youre confident enough to go after her. And thats what a woman wants to see in a man, confidence to go for what he wants.

Sexy Man Tip #5. Draw Your state From Within

Go out for yourself. And draw your happiness from within yourself. Dont look to women to make you happy. If you need girls on any level to make you happy or feed your ego, thats going to create approach anxiety. Because you have an outcome in mind that you need the girls approval to make you feel good. And thats where you get nervous. So instead, draw your state within, let go of the outcomes, and your approach anxiety will melt away and youll feel happier and more fulfilled.

Sexy Man Tip #6. You Like Silences

Be comfortable with silences. Normal conversations will have silences. If you feel like you have to keep talking non-stop to avoid any silences, or to cover up any silences, the girl will notice that and it comes across as nervous and frantic. Silences in fact are a good way to create sexual tension, by talking slowly and making eye contact during the silence, thats where sexual tension can be created.

Sexy Man Tip #7. Its Okay To Lose

Youre not going to win every time and youve got to be cool that. But the times you dont win, youll learn. If youre out there taking action, taking responsibility to go out, learning and achieving things, youll progress. You wont win every time, but youll achieve. And when you learn and you win and you go, you feel good about yourself, you feel congruent with being a man of action. Because the worst thing you can do is do nothing with your time and just watch TV or play videogames. Because the time will pass and your opportunities will be lost.

Sexy Man Tip #8. Physically Escalate

Physically escalate! You can be the best conversationalist in the world, by funny, be interesting but that only makes you cute, it doesnt make you sex worthy attractive to women. Women get sexually attracted and wet between their legs when you TOUCH them. So you need a touch escalation sequence, like hugging the girl, taking her hands, spinning her, whispering into her ear, etc.

Sexy Man Tip #9. Let Her Game You Back!

If youre just gaming on the gaming, gaming on the girl, but the girl doesnt game you, youre not going to have sex with her! Youve got to get the girl to chase after you at least part of the time. And you get the girl gaming you in the bonding and rapport stage where you transition into a 50/50 give and take talking ratio. This is where you can ask her questions about herself and youre getting to know the real girl. And shell ask questions about you, and that in itself is a basic form of the girl gaming you. Of using push pull physically to push her away, and allow her to step back into the space to touch you back. And the more she finds herself gaming you, the more shell find herself liking you and youre that much closer to her sleeping with you.

Sexy Man Tip #10. Be Authentic

Make your conversations real and authentic. A topic Ive been covering quite a bit in past lessons. Basically speak about whatever YOU want to speak about it so it seems real and authentic and youre not trying to kiss the girls ass or trying to impress her and youre not going inside your head for the right thing to say. And besides, the more real you are, the more balls that takes and the girl likes it, it tells her that you talk to beautiful girls all the time and youre not freaked out by it.

Sexy Man Tip #11. She Feels What You Feel

Whatever you feel, the girl is going to feel. Shes not judging you so much on your looks, or your words, or your status symbols, but how you are feeling beneath all that. Because if you feel like shit, shell feel you are low status. So its best to be feeling good. And to feel good, you can do a number of things. Hit the gym, eat nutritious vegetables and fruits instead of sugar snacks, get enough sleep, and be a man that takes action, daring action. And be a fun guy to be around. Smile, laugh, dont take things too seriously. And that positivity will radiate from within you. And once the girls sees that youre not looking to her to make you happy, but that you have a neverending well of self-generated positivity, shell be extremely attracted to that and your positivity will be infectious.

Sexy Man Tip #12. Meet Her Face-to-Face

Approach the girl face to face. You want to put yourself out there on the line, face to face, vulnerable, facing up to the social pressure, thats what makes you attractive. Forget the talking to the girl over your shoulder and other complicated techniques, just approach the girl normally, face to face, thats the most attractive way to approach.

Sexy Man Tip #13. Persist!

Persist! Pass a womans congruence tests. Every time a girl tries to ignore you or blow you out or not make eye contact, and you ignore her initial unreceptiveness like it didnt happen, her attraction for you goes UP for you. Thats because women want to see if youll slink away with your tail between your legs, or if you can hold your own frame of positivity and pull them into it.

Sexy Man Tip #14. Dont Be Perfect

Being natural and making mistakes is attractive to the girl. Because if you were to run perfect game and say everything perfectly, it would make you look plastic to the girl, and as if you were running a big routine. You dont want to come across as too seamless and too perfect. You want to make a lot of mistakes, big mistakes, because thats what makes you cute to the girl, and seem really real and genuine. Its that naturalness and making mistakes that makes you attractive. Like being Indiana Jones, he makes a bunch of mistakes and bumbles around, but thats what makes him likable. So dont be afraid of making lots of mistakes in interactions, consider the mistakes part of the routine of what makes you cute to the girl.

Sexy Man Tip #15. Embrace The Unknown

You dont want to try to micromanage everything in interactions. If the girl sees you going inside your head too much to try to figure out what to do all the time, or sees you second guessing yourself and calculating game, shell see that as not cool. Instead, you want to be present, in the moment, and trusting that all of your actions are the right actions.

Sexy Man Tip #16. Assume Attraction!

Assume attraction! This is where your perception of yourself and perception of the interaction tends to become reality. If you assume you suck, youre going to go into the interaction being needy and unworthy and nervous, and youll get a sucky result. But if you just assume the girl is massively attracted to you, and assume that youre the most attractive guy in the world, the girl will sense that confidence and certainty and drive in you and be massively attracted. It will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Assuming attraction, creates attraction!

Sexy Man Tip #17. Dont Judge Her

Dont be judgmental of women. If you assume shes a bitch, or shes a slut, or shes a caricature picture of a feminist, its going to make you think negatively, and will ruin your game. Instead by open minded and be a source of positivity, and thats what will attract women to you because girls want to be around a cool guy, a cool guy being a guy who is non-judgmental and positive.

Sexy Man Tip #18. Hold Eye Contact

Make eye contact and hold it. Dont dart your eyes around, dont keep breaking eye contact with her. Its when you hold eye contact, especially through pauses and silences, that you create sexual tension and butterflies in the womans stomach!

Sexy Man Tip #19. Stand Out!

Do you stand out from the crowd visually? Do you workout and exercise and keep fit? Are you wearing cool clothes? Or are you dressed exactly like everyone else, trying your best to fit in to the crowd and be just another guy in jeans, flip flops, and a ragged T shirt?

How To Woo Girls With Your Voice Alone 10 Must-Have Tips

October 23rd, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'How To Woo Girls With Your Voice Alone 10 Must-Have Tips'

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Heres how to woo girls just by using just your voice alone. When most guys, they go to a club or they go to a bar, they go up to a woman and her voice is very soft and apologetic. In fact their voice isnt any louder than the surrounding music typically. Usually the girl that theyre talking to can barely hear him speaking above all the surrounding noise, and what happens then is that he cant lead the girl or grab her interest or dominate the interaction. You cant hold the girls attention because her friends will try to distract her wanting her attention as well. And so the set will go nowhere, because shell quickly get bored with you, she cant hear you very well, and you get blown out of the set because youre not loud enough. And this is the reason that guys dont speak loudly enough in the club. Its because they want the girls approval. Just like if youre going up to your boss at your job and you want something for your boss at the raise or you want your bosss approval, you dont go up to your boss in a loud commanding voice, louder than everyone else. No, your voice is soft and often approval seeking. So you up to the girl, your voice is not loud enough to grab the attention the group, you come across as approval seeking and needy, and thats what gets you blown out, thats what gives you the back turns from the girls.

How Loud To Woo Girls?

So how loud does your voice need to be. Remember your voice is the most important tool in all of this. Your voice it has to cut over the music and has to be loud enough to boom out a few levels above everyone else who is talking and above the music. Your voice it needs to come in like a steamroller and not everyone over. Imagine your voice is like a Star Trek tractor beam. Essentially it attracts everyone in the vicinity, in the room, and it puts social pressure to stun the brains of every guy. Because its your loud voice that gives you value. If your voice is soft and quiet it just comes across as approval seeking and needy and unattractive. But when youre loud with your voice your mood comes across as confident as dominant, as positive, which are all the traits that you want to convey, regardless of whatever youre saying. And heres why a loud voice is so attractive to women, even though it might not seem like such a big deal to us men. Women will respond the most to the most dominant man in the room. Women respond most to the most out for dominant man who is the center of attention and is leading the group.

Its not the best looking guy. Its not the best dressed guy. Its not the guy with the loads of funny stories. Women respond to the man with the most booming voice, who with his voice, can open up the group, they control the conversation, just by the virtue of the loudest of his voice and the dominance of his voice. That is what turns women on the most.

The Corporate Example

Lets take an example in a corporate board room where theres a meeting between the boss and management. Its the boss whos going to be speaking in the loudest voice, at least a few levels above everyone else in the room, because the boss is leading the meeting. And his underlings will be speaking more quietly and more softly with the seeking of approval tonality. Thats how you can always tell who the boss is, who is the most dominant alpha man in the room from everyone else. Its the man speak the loudest everyone else. If a boss wants to take control his company, and he has a lot of other alpha middle managers in the room, hes got to speak louder than everyone else or theyre not going to take him 100% seriously as an authority figure who is fit to lead the company. And when youre in a bar or club or social party you need to be the boss, the leader, who can direct and lead the girls, and that all comes down to the loudness of your voice. Your voice is your number one tool, your number one demonstration of having higher value.

Breast Implants Example

I just want to drive home the point of how important your voice is to generating hard attraction in women. How by making that one small tweak in your overall profile makes you so much more attractive. Lets say youre sitting in a coffee shop at Starbucks and in walks a woman whose relatively attractive but you dont look at it twice. This woman shes wearing a baggy shirt nothing special and she orders her coffee. And no one else in the room seems to notice or. But then you look up to see that shes lifting up her sweater, up over her head. And now its suddenly revealed, as her sweater is removed, that she has these large voluptuous breasts underneath the Titan are a waste she takes her coffee her breasts just jiggle up and down. And all the guys in the coffee shop turned their heads to check out this woman with the fantastic breasts. And this woman, she just went from being a 7/10 do like being a 9/10. And what was it that made the difference. Just the change of that one curve from being flat in front, to having a big S shape is what made all the difference in how attractive she was. By making one small change in her silhouette, this woman went from no one noticing her at all, to all the men in the room drooling over and other women in the room blistering with jealousy.

It took just that one small change, that one small tweak, in her physical appearance that made all the difference. And speaking loudly with your voice is exactly the same. Its like growing a huge pair of tits. And when you speak with a very loud voice you suddenly go from being a nobody and needing approval, to generating hard attraction on a primal level with women.

Capitalism Likes Quiet Workers

So the question is why arent we already naturally loud speaking? Well its the way that we been raised within the capitalist economic system. Under capitalism, you have different classes of people. At the top youve got the boss, the owner of capital, and in the middle you have the managers, at the bottom you have all the workers. The bosses give orders to management who in turn give orders to the workers and the workers simply follow the orders and do what theyre told. And in school, you are groomed, you are trained, to have a function, a place in society, as either a manager who gives orders, or as a worker who takes orders. So in school, what happens? Besides learning factoids and information and learning arithmetic, learning how to read and write, you are trained at all times to follow orders from your teacher. Theyre essentially training you to be a good worker within the capitalist system. And to be a good worker, whose obedience and follows orders, you were taught to speak softly and quietly to your teachers, and not to speak out of place. Youre taught to be approval seeking each and every day in school to get your teachers approval. To get approval from authority, to get approval from teachers who will give you rewards in the forms of As or Bs. As a result weve been consciously trained as children to speak a few levels more softly than everyone else. Weve been trained to speak even more quietly when we want approval from someone, like approval from a hot girl. But when we talk to girl like that, we come across as a beta male, whos been trained to follow orders, whos been trained to be a worker bee, whose needy and approval seeking. Speaking softly, we dont come across as the alpha male, the kind of man that a woman wants to meet, who will take what he wants from her and dominate her. But so that we speak softly, its completely understandable and completely normal, given the system that were brought up in. And weve been trained that way are whole lives. So getting over it is a matter of doing the exercises Im going to give you to retrain your mind so that you speak loudly again.

Speak Slowly To Woo Girls

Now in addition to speaking loudly with enough volume to dominate the interaction, you want to slow down your speech a little bit because a lot of guys speak way too fast when theyre talking with a woman. Because what happens is the guy starts talking to the woman and he starts talking quickly, like oh youre so cute, I want to tell you this story about this thing I did blah, blah, blah, blah Guys speed up their tempo because theyre trying to get approval or acceptance from the girl. He starts speaking fast because youre worried that shell stop listening to you and your not going to get out what you have to say. Just think of when you are chatting with an authority figure, or someone that you admire, or someone that you want to be liked by, lets say its a celebrity. Your speech will change when talking to them, youll speed up your temple, like ooh its Angelina Jolie can I have your autograph, I watch all your movies, youre are amazing, I cant believe Im meeting you. See you tend to speed up your speaking rate when youre needy for the persons attention and you want to be liked. And that conveys a neediness. Take for our example the line excuse me but I had to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. If I say that quickly it sounds like this, excuse me but I had to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. Now this line itself is not very powerful as I just spoke it. In fact any line that you use no matter how good it supposedly is, will lose its power if you speak it too quickly. Now imagine we slow down this line and were to speak it to a woman slowly. Slowing down with what you say gives more emotional impact and makes you sound more relaxed and confident. So lets slow it down. You say excuse me but I had to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. Notice how much more powerful that sounds than when you speak too quickly likeexcuse me but I just had to take the chance to tell you that I find you absolutely beautiful. So in addition to speaking loudly, you dont want to race through whatever you say. You want to slow down to a normal speaking tempo.

Trying-For-Rapport Tonality
Now in addition to speaking to softly, in addition to speaking too quickly, most guys speak in a trying for rapport tonality. Trying for rapport tonality is where you turn up your tone or your pitch at the ends of sentences. Its where are you end your sentences with a higher pitch. Trying for rapport

sounds like this, hey my name is Jesse and Im really trying hard to get to know you and I hope you like me because of my clever story. See, the voice is a little higher and slopes up at the ends of my sentences. I hope you really like me?? See, you sound overly friendly and overly nice, you can even give commands with his trying for rapport approval seeking tonality with upturns at the ends of your sentences. For example youre giving someone directions and you tell them, first take a right? and then take a left? It makes you sound like youre apologizing for even talking. It makes you sound like youre constantly affirming to yourself that its okay to continue speaking. Like youre asking for feedback from the person that youre talking to. It makes it sound like you doubt yourself and what youre saying. Like youre trying to get a reaction from a girl, trying to get her to like you, trying to get the girls approval. And this makes you sound like a beggar when you woo them, like you want something from the girl, and the girls auto response is to move away from you when you use trying for rapport tonality. Because youre communicating to the girl that you have a low amount of social value compared to her, and its a complete giveaway to the girl. Unconsciously it just turns her off.

Neutral Rapport
so instead you want to speak with neutral rapport. With neutral rapport your voice tone and inflection stays neutral room of the ends of sentences. Meaning you dont allow your sentences to rise in pitch. Your tone is flat, its neutral, you dont fluctuate that much. For example you say hey my name is Jesse, welcome to my world, Im the master of my domain, whats up. Thats neutral rapport. Calm and cool, this is how you talk with your best buddies. This is how Im talking with you right now. Neutral rapport. Neutral rapport conveys to the girl that youre not seeking anything from her, that your speaking normally, calm, relaxed, cool.

Breaking Rapport To Woo Girls

In addition to neutral rapport, you can also speak with breaking rapport tonality. With breaking rapport tonality, your voice slopes downwards towards the ends of sentences. With breaking rapport tonality it almost sounds like youre interrogating someone or that youre skeptical, or that your commanding whoever youre talking to.

For example, hey, where are you from? Notice how my pitch lowers at the ends. It almost sounds like youre testing the girl. Or you call over a girl and say, hey you. It sounds like youre interrogating her or that youre skeptical of her. And when you speak to a girl with breaking rapport tonality, that will cause her to speak in return to you with a trying for rapport tonality, which is what you want the girl to do. You want the girl to be trying to get rapport with you. So if you say to a girl, where are you fromwith a breaking for rapport tonality, shes likely to respond with a trying for rapport tonality in return, where her sentences rise in pitch like, Im from California! So what you want is to generally be speaking with neutral rapport with some breaking rapport mixed in. And no trying for rapport at all. There should be absolutely no trying for rapport. Again lets go over the difference. Heres trying for rapport. Hey my name is Jesse and I am a chump trying really hard to get to know you. I hope you like me because of my clever story.. And then you have neutral rapport. Hey my name is Jesse and I am a chump trying really hard to get to know you. I hope you like me because of my clever story.. And then you have breaking rapport where your tonality turns downward. . Hey my name is Jesse and I am a chump trying really hard to get to know you. I hope you like me because of my clever story.

Why Does Voice Feel Difficult?

Now when you go out into the real world to woo girls and you start speaking a few levels louder than everyone else, you speak slowly which conveys confidence, and you speak with neutral rapport or with breaking rapport, women will instantly respond with hard attraction for you. The whole room will turn to look at you. But speaking that way can feel incredibly uncomfortable if youre not used to it. And having all of the attention on you can feel uncomfortable if youre not used to it. Because the fact is, weve gone around speaking our whole lives, as if were talking privately only to ourselves and to no one else, as if what we have to say isnt all that important. Or is it were afraid were going to be judged or speaking up. The thing is, being able to handle that social pressure without caring about what others think, is exactly what makes you an attractive man. Do you think that attractive women have to deal with anything less? Imagine a young woman walking into a social part. She has large breasts, she has fantastic legs, and shes wearing a beautiful fancy dress. All the men turned to her to look in lost, and all of the women turned to her to look with jealousy.

Most women cannot deal with that kind of social pressure. Most women, although they may wish to be stunningly beautiful, cannot handle everyone elses eyes on them in reality. Most women are way too concerned about what other people think of them and they dont like the social pressure. So instead they dressed down. They prefer to wear blue jeans instead of address, they prefer to hide their breasts rather than to show them off, because they dont want to stand out too much. Most women unconsciously, go out of their way not to be stunningly attractive. And if youre a man, speaking softly and with a trying for rapport tonality, does make everyone like you, does make you sound friendly, does allow you to blend in unnoticed, it doesnt make you attractive. That wont generate hard attraction in women. The only way to generate hard attraction in women and woo them is to get noticed by everyone in the room, with a loud voice, breaking rapport tonality, and speaking at a normal pace. By having all of the social pressure come down on. So youre going to go through a period of discomfort when speaking loudly at first, until you become comfortable with the additional social pressure. It will take time for you to become comfortable with the new you, until you wont even notice that you speak more loudly than everyone else. Just imagine a young woman who gets big breast implants for the first time. She goes from an A cup to suddenly being a D. cup, and suddenly she gets all of this new attention from men and wandering eyes. Of course at first, shell enjoy the attention, but shell feel uncomfortable, because shes not used to the social pressure on her. But with time the woman grows into her new self, and with time she doesnt even notice the added social pressure anymore. She just comes to enjoy all the extra attention of generating hard attraction in men. And it will be the same way with you. When you start speaking loudly, very loudly, at a normal temple, with neutral rapport tonality, at first the added social pressure will cause anxiety and discomfort, but with time you will acclimate to the social pressure, and it will become second nature to speak that way and woo girls. ~ Jesse

Exercises To Multiply Your Male Sexual Energy And Control Ejaculation

October 1st, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'Exercises To Multiply Your Male Sexual Energy And Control Ejaculation'

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The Sexual Energy Multiplier Exercise

You can learn to stop ejaculation and absorb the sexual energy generated in the testicles and redistribute it all over your body. Do the Sexual Energy Multiplier as you get turned on during sex, drawing sexual energy from your testes, up through your spine, and into your brain where it increases your testosterone levels and sexually charges your entire mind and body. If you find yourself about to ejaculate, concentrate on moving the sexual energy away from your testes and up through your body even more. With each successive pre-climax peak, your orgasmic ecstasy will be even more intense than it was before, taking you to higher and higher realms of pleasure. 1. As youre making love, inhale and gently pull upward with the muscles around your anus, perineum, and testes. 2. Imagine that youre channeling the sexual energy from your testes, through the perineum, over the anus, over your tailbone, up the back of your spine to the base of the skull, and then up to the top of your head. 3. Allow the energy to circulate in your head as you continue to inhale as before, again pulling more sexual energy up from your testes, through your spine and into your head. 4. With every inhalation, continue to pull more sexual energy into your head until you feel youre not going to ejaculate. 5. Continue to make love as before. Repeat this exercise when you feel youre getting close to ejaculating again. Shell be impressed with your new found strength, vigor, and endurance. On a primal level shell be powerfully attracted to your seemingly infinite reservoir of testosterone. According to Taoist teachings, its important to give the sexual energy that has accumulated in your head a safe pathway out, and down the front of the body where it

can sexual charge the rest of your body. To release the energy accumulated in your head, use the Sexual Energy Multiplier for Trance exercise after making love. If a person doesnt learn this, they may get kundalini psychosis too much sexual energy in the brain leading to headaches and delusions.

Sexual Energy Multiplier Exercise for Trance

This exercise is similar to the previous one, except you can do this anytime in trance to continue multiplying your sexual energy. Use it to balance the energy flow to the endocrine glands: adrenals, pineal and pituitary, thymus, heart and spleen, and gonads. These glands regulate the body metabolism during sexual arousal, and their healthy functioning is essential to great sex. Perform this exercise daily. 1. Relax, take a deep breath, and place your tongue on the roof of your mouth. 2. Close your eyes and do the Deep Relaxation Exercise to completely relax. 3. In your minds eye, begin to see yourself in the future, having mastered all the techniques in this book. Notice how much better you feel notice where you find yourself notice how you move what your thoughts are what your sexual energy is now like how you are conducting yourself how you handle yourself around a woman and interestingly how you find your woman reacting and responding to you. 4. As you inhale, gently pull upward with the muscles around the anus, perineum, and testes and 5. Imagine that you are channeling your sexual energy from your testes, through the perineum, over the anus, and up your spinal cord 6. Until you reach the point on your back directly opposite the belly button and just allow the sexual energy to accumulate there until you feel its time to continue moving it upward 7. Up to the point along your back directly behind your solar plexus and just allow the energy to accumulate there until you feel its time to continue moving it upward 8. Until you reach the base of your skull and just allow the energy to accumulate there until you feel its time to continue moving it upward 9. Up to the point on the very top of your head 10. As you exhale and relax your muscles continue to imagine the flow of sexual energy along the route you have created as you 11. Inhale and exhale as before, until you can feel the sexual energy pulsating and tingling inside your head and 12. Allow the energy circulate within your head as you then 13. Allow the energy to travel down from your head, down the front of your face to the point right between you eyes allowing the energy to accumulate there for awhile 14. Until you allow the energy to travel down your face and into your throat, allowing it to accumulate there for awhile until youre satisfied then 15. Allow the energy travel down from your throat, down your body to the center mid-point of your chest as you allow the energy to accumulate there for awhile then 16. Allow the energy to travel down from your chest, down your body to your solar plexus as you allow the energy to accumulate there for awhile

17. As you now send the energy down all the way. down into the navel as you allow the energy to accumulate there for awhile 18. Before sending the energy down back into where it started back into the anus, perineum, and testes and just 19. Allow the energy to accumulate there again before sending the energy back up to repeat the cycle again. 20. Repeat the cycle up the back of the body and down the front at least three to five times. 21. On the last cycle, allow the energy to accumulate and settle into the navel by imagining it spiraling outward, first clockwise a few times and then 22. Imagining it spiraling back inward counter-clockwise a few times. 23. Now when you are ready, and sublimely both relaxed balanced and energized go ahead and mentally state Now I am going to count from one to five and as I count from one to five I will awaken alive refreshed and feeling better than ever before 1 2 3 4and 5. 24. Open your eyes and come out of trance. ~ Jesse

The Ideal Lover Transformation Exercise + Chakra Intensifier For Awesome Sex With Your Girlfriend
October 1st, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'The Ideal Lover Transformation Exercise + Chakra Intensifier For Awesome Sex With Your Girlfriend'

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From a very young age, women are introduced to the fantasy of the romance novel. Romance novels provoke and subconsciously fuel young womens passions. Romance novels make up HALF of all the books sold in the Western Hemisphere, diligently pounding a particular image of the romantic ideal man into the minds of women. Although a fictional archetype, this kind of man is deeply ingrained inside a womans psyche to the point where if she comes across a man displaying a combination of these qualities, she cannot help but become insatiably curious or aroused. You can now begin to install and develop the following archetype of the Ideal Lover within yourself.

Ideal Lover Traits: Danger, Adventure, & Aggression

The Ideal Lover, although he might be willing to defend and protect her, is not always readily available. He has his own life one of adventure and danger. The brief moments he spends with her are hot and passionate. His lack of availability makes him a rare treat that she makes time for, putting her other duties and obligations temporarily aside. The Ideal Lover stands up for himself and her feelings, respecting others and demanding respect in return. Ironically, he displays childlike qualities impulsiveness, authenticity, and playfulness. He is his own man who has created his own persona, and does not follow the crowd. He effortlessly stands out from others through a distinguishing and alluring style, yet remains vague and mysterious, always holding back just a little, never revealing everything. He is in a class of his own and unlike other men, cannot be conveniently categorized. The Ideal Lover is charismatic, exhibiting freedom. He is self-confident in a nondetached, non-disinterested way, radiating raw sexual energy, and always maintaining his sense of purpose.

Sexual Dominance
The Ideal Lover is aware that womens sexual inner selves are harshly repressed by societys expectations of the roles she has to play the roles of being a daughter, worker, wife, and mother. Women fantasize about the Ideal Lover because with him, he allows her to totally release herself from the mundane limitations of her life, paying careful attention to her inner most fantasies and desires and then artfully fulfilling them.

The Ideal Lover pays attention solely to her pleasure, knowing that if he satisfies and pleasures her, he will get his. He gets away from his own needs, wants, and desires, paying complete attention to the individual needs, wants, and fantasies of the unique woman right in front of him. Deep Trance Identifying the Ideal Lover Women are very sharp in that they pick up on very subtle signals that you emit. So its to your advantage to emit the same subtle signals of a good lover. Deep Trance Identification is a process by which you teach your unconscious mind to model unconscious signals in other people, including traits, skills, and in some cases abilities that would otherwise be unnoticeable to you. By practicing this in trance your unconscious will learn to identify with this person so deeply that the characteristics youre looking for will become part of you, giving you the feeling that youve always possessed these traits, skills, and abilities. The Ideal Lover Transformer exercise uses this principle of deep trance identification to help turn you into an exceptional lover on a very deep level. You dont have to take any notes or study anything. You simply choose who you want to model, do the exercise correctly, and you get the results. Do it daily for the next thirty days, keeping a journal to record the results you will experience. Writing entries in a journal afterward make the experiences more concrete and real to your unconscious, as if they really happened.

The Ideal Lover Transformer Exercise

Do the Deep Relaxation Exercise to completely relax Begin to imagine the Ideal Lover archetype described in the previous section titled The Romantic Ideal Archetype. Notice how he moves how he feels what his thoughts might be what his energy is like how he conducts himself how he behaves around a woman 1. Now, begin to imagine that this person appears about five feet right in front of you as you. 2. Imagine now that you step out of your body and into his almost as if you become this person adopting all the unconscious signals and traits he has morph yourself into this person while you look at the world from his perspective how you now move how you now feel what your thoughts are what your energy is now like how you are conducting yourself how you handle yourself around a woman and interestingly how you find women reacting and responding to you. 3. Now notice how you feel and allow the feeling to circulate throughout your entire body from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and back up to your head and into every cell of your body 4. Now when you are fully satisfied that these behaviors are programmed into your unconscious mind and become a part of who you are go ahead and mentally

count yourself out of trance by saying Now I will count from one to five and when I do I will awaken feeling much better than I have ever felt before understanding that anytime I want to acquire the skills and the abilities of any person I can go inside and program them inside my mind whenever I choose counting now 1 2 3 4and 5. 5. Slowly open your eyes.

Interactive Attribute Installation

How would feel to be able to covertly uncover and install in yourself the traits of the dream lover of any woman youre talking to? You have already learned to install the key attributes that women respond to. Now you will learn how to extract and add to your repertoire the specific qualities she uniquely looks for in an exceptional lover. In your conversation with a woman, introduce the topic of lovers, and the qualities you think a good lover should have. After introducing this, ask her about the actual qualities and characteristics she feels MUST be there in her ideal lover. Shell be very impressed that you asked her about such an important area of her life. Be quiet and let her answer as she searches inside herself for an answer. Get from her two or three attributes of her ideal lover. Dont ask her a barrage of questions one after another however; weave them naturally into your conversation. If youre confused about something she says, get more detail by asking, What do you mean by that? or Can you give me an example? Pay very close attention to what she says and how she responds. Agree with what she values, it will make her feel understood by you. Once you know her preferred attributes in an exceptional lover, you can install them into your unconscious using the techniques youve learned so far in this section. By you becoming this type of man, she will have no choice but to become attracted to someone like you.

Super Accelerating Your Change

Once youve practiced hypnotically installing the attributes of the Legendary Lover in yourself, you can follow up with the Chakra Intensifier to super-accelerate your rate of change. Weve included some references to Chakra lore. Were not going to attempt to explain the Chakras as many other books will explain it to you. Whether the Chakras are true or not does not matter. What matters is that your unconscious mind accepts the Chakra experience as a construct it can use to achieve the goal of accelerating your rate of change. In time, you will find the Chakra Intensifier to be an extremely powerful tool. Remember, the Chakra Intensifier is not an exercise in itself, it is meant to intensify and make permanent any gain resulting from the other exercises in this book.

The Chakra Intensifier Exercise

1. At the conclusion of any previous exercise, STAY in trance. 2. Notice the feeling you have, (for example, the feeling of Playfulness youre installing from one of the attribute installation exercises). 3. Take a deep breath as you allow this feeling to accumulate with all of your concentration and intent at the top of your head, silver in color. Allow the feeling to simmer there for about 30 seconds. 4. As you allow your aura or energy field to expand in all directions, silver in color. 5. Take another deep breath as the feeling now accumulates, with all your physical concentration and intent, at the midpoint of the eyebrows, purple in color. Leave your attention there and allow the feeling to simmer for about 30 seconds. 6. Take another deep breath to allow your aura or energy field to expand in all directions, purple in color. 7. Take another deep breath as the feeling now accumulates, with all your concentration and intent at a point in the middle your throat, blue in color. Become aware of the air passing through, leaving your consciousness there and allow the feeling to simmer for about 30 seconds. 8. Take another deep breath as you allow your aura or energy field to expand in all directions, blue in color. 9. Take another deep breath as the feeling now accumulates, with all your concentration and intent at a point in the middle center of your chest, green in color. Breathe from this place as you allow the feeling to simmer there for about 30 seconds. 10. Take another deep breath as you allow your aura or energy field to expand in all directions, green in color. 11. Take another deep breath as the feeling now accumulates, with all your concentration and intent at the point of your solar plexus, gold in color. Allow the feeling to simmer there for about 30 seconds. 12. Take another deep breath as you allow your aura or energy field to expand in all directions, gold in color. 13. Take another deep breath as the feeling now accumulates, with all your concentration and intent at a point at your naval, orange in color. Allow the feeling to simmer there for about 30 seconds. 14. Take another deep breath as you allow your aura or energy field to expand in all directions, orange in color. 15. Take another deep breath as the feeling now accumulates, with all your concentration and intent in your perineum (the area of skin between your scrotum and your anus), red in color. Allow the feeling to simmer there for about 30 seconds. 16. Take another deep breath as you allow your aura or energy field to expand in all directions, red in color imagine roots growing from your legs, rooting both you and the feeling into the ground. 17. Take another deep breath in as you now imagine a cord of silver light coming down from the heavens, into the top of your head, traveling down your body, cleansing and balancing all of your Chakra points. 18. Take another deep breath as you allow all the energy youve stirred up to permeate your being, enter every pore of every cell, and expand outward with your aura in a silver color as you then

19. Mentally say to yourself, Now I am going to count from one to five and as I count from one to five, I will awaken, alive, refreshed, and feeling much better than before 1 2 3 4 5. ~ Jesse

50 Mak Love Sex Tips To Orgasm Pretty Girls

September 29th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book '50 Mak Love Sex Tips To Orgasm Pretty Girls'

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Cunnlingus Tips
Even if youre the biggest loser on Earth, women will go crazy if youre able to give them explosive tongue thrashings You can easily compensate for having a small woody-woodpecker if she knows shes found a rare treasure tongue Oral sex is not a natural skill that youre born with. If you dont take the time to learn the skill, women wont get the thrill Attitude is everything- nothing is hotter to a woman than for her to think that you find her pussy the most delicious dessert on Earth

Dont give her oral sex for her pleasure- give her oral sex for YOUR pleasure. Eating her pussy is its own reward Throw her a devilish look that conveys lust- throw her one as youre licking and sucking your way down her stomach. Stop and look to meet her eyes Unless her clitoris is engorged with blood, it will be too sensitive to touch directly. Dont dive in without a little prep work- get her hot first Approach her pussy slowly. Women, even more than men, love to be teased. Make her anticipate the sensations About eating pussy, a lot of guys ask me, How long should I do it? And I answer them, How long can you last?

Controlling Your Orgasm Tips

By orgasm without ejaculating, you can orgasm repeatedly and satisfy your woman for as long as she wants it Develop strength and control of your PC muscles to prolong erections, last longer, and give yourself more ejaculation control

Female Fantasy Tips

Womens sexual fantasies are as vivid as mens- 35% fantasize of orgies, 25% of anal sex, 80% of sex with strangers and 35% have girl-on-girl fantasies The truth is, sex is very cerebral for women- unlike men, your woman can be trained to have orgasms through fantasizing alone Physically stimulating a womans body alone is not enough to becoming a legend in bed- you must also learn to stimulate her fantasies Research shows that women who think sexy thoughts and fantasize sexy scenes before having sex have more orgasms. Explore her fantasies The ideal lover allows her to release herself from the mundane limitations of life, bringing out her inner fantasies and desires and fulfilling them

Sexual Surrender Tips

The amount of pleasure a woman experiences is directly proportional to the level she can let go and surrender her body and mind to you To be an exceptional lover relax and completely let go of any fear and hesitation- make love to your woman uninhibited Womens sexual selves are repressed by societys expectations of her as a daughter, worker, wife, and mother- its your job to bring her sexuality out

Techniques are worthless if she cant let go and enjoy herself. The best sex shell ever have is when she feels good about herself and what shes doing Most women are self-conscious about their bodies- tell her how beautiful she is so she can trust you enough to let go and surrender The capacity for sexual arousal and orgasm is biologically programmed into the body of women- so if it isnt happening, something is in the way

Intimate Sex Tips

Steadily gaze into her eyes- keeping eye contact maintains that sense of connection and makes her feel a huge amount of sexual energy Focus on enhancing your awareness of pleasure in the moment and achieving a deeper sexual connection with your woman For an intimate experience, lie together on the bed and look into each others eyes. Match her breathing until its synchronized together Let go of any distracting thoughts and focus only on her. Let the rest of the world met away. Stop trying, relax, let go and all will come naturally Stare deeply into her eyes. Keeping eye contact creates intense intimacy. Imagine you can read everything about her by reading her eyes Place your right palm over her vagina, and your left hand on her heart, linking her pleasure and passion together

Breast Play Tips

Tickle, tease, caress, nibble and kiss her nipples. Dont hang from them or bite hard. Be gentle like youre touching delicate china First time, treat her breasts like theyre delicate china. Run your fingers around the contours and the undersides where theyre most sensitive Before you touch the nipple, blow a warm breath on it to tease- then lightly flick your tongue once across each nipple until she goes wild Put a hand on each side of her two breasts and push them together. Slowly run your tongue up between them a couple of times Pay attention to her breasts for at least five to ten minutes. If shes really hot for it then go on for another ten. Shell love you for it In foreplay, swirl the tip of your tongue around the outer edge of the areola in a circle, getting closer and closer to her nipple with each rotation

Once her nipple is wet, blow cool air on it for ten seconds. Then, immediately switch to a warming mouth suck- contrast the sensations

Dirty Talk Her Tips

You may be as surprised to learn that 99% of the women love dirty talk. In fact, women are even more sexually excited by the power of words than men Even if shes too shy to confess up to it, sexy talk her to be the bad girl she desperately wants to be in the bedroom Dirty talk isnt limited to the bedroom. When she calls you by phone tell her I just took a hot shower and jerked off while thinking about fucking you Tell a woman a forbidden fantasy while you make love. Remember, what makes dirty talk exciting is that its forbidden

An Open Mind
There is no effort, no goal, no path. The only thing to do is to let go and unlearn our prejudices about sexuality. A true lover requires an open mind The very sexuality that many try to repress can be used wisely for spiritual uplift and be transformed into a miraculous cure Sex is a journey of self-discovery without judging or expecting anything in advance but living passionately in the moment A couple should express their thoughts to each other exactly the way they are as their real selves, free from disguise, duplicity, or pretense Sex is a personal journey of spiritual and sexual awakening, of letting go of your prejudices and ego, and reframing lovemaking as a spiritual endeavor Poor lovers make love to gratify their ego or for sexual release and complete as quickly as possible. Dont get lost in the goal or your orgasm

Final Tips!
While making love, dont close your eyes and drift off into fantasy. Experience the moment WITH your woman Do seven shallow thrusts and then one deep to vary the stimulation- thrust SLOWLY and withdraw RAPIDLY to make her go wild To keep a girl crazy for you, the formula is pretty simple- simply be the best lay shes ever had and shell always be back for more If you are the BEST shes ever had then you have a monopoly on her pleasure. Shell always have to come back to you if she wants more of the good stuff

Stress is highly correlated with erectile dysfunction, performance anxiety, arousal difficulties, and lack of sexual drive in both sexes. So relax! ~ Jesse

A Sexy Word Game To Get A Girl Thinking Dirty Thoughts About You
September 27th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'A Sexy Word Game To Get A Girl Thinking Dirty Thoughts About You'

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If youre with a girl and want to get HER talking dirty, theres a fun game you can play with synonyms that will quickly turn her speaking more filthy words than a drunken sailor. Introduce the Sexy Word Game by telling your girl that you want to have a little fun using sexy and dirty words that you normally wouldnt use. Tell her that together youre going to think up alternatives to the word sexy, penis, fuck or any other racy word. Once you pick a word, lets say fuck, youll take turns thinking of synonyms. First she thinks of a synonym, then you, then her again.

Whoever is the first to be stumped for a fresh synonym loses the round and has to take a playful spanking, give the other one a kiss, or take off an item of clothing. This is even a great game to play with girls who you havent slept with yet a sexy game to seduce her. Just remember to be playful and fun and take any plausible sounding synonym as a good answer, even if it doesnt technically exist. And there are more sexy words than simply fuck, bang, and suck it. Youll want to familiarize yourself with some synonyms a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another to expand your seductive sexy talk vocabulary. Take the time to READ these synonyms, just to get your brain warmed up and cranking. Someone whos sexy is seductive erotic exciting attractive alluring tempting enticing corrupting appealing charming hot inviting Something delicious is yummy tasty scrumptious luscious delectable mouth-watering When a woman is aroused she is turned-on stimulated stirred horny hot warm wet moist aching throbbing swollen inflamed wild What you do with your hand is jerks slap spank stroke caress fondle pull push grab yank What you do with your mouth is suck slurp eat munch taste lick nibble bite chew swallow blow A woman might suck your penis cock dick prick rod sausage crotch You might suck a womans vagina cunt pussy cherry twat bush snatch hole box You might slap a womans butt ass buns rear tush fanny You might fondle a womans breasts nipples tits jugs boobs chest rack When you have sex with a woman you fuck penetrate ram screw plow thrust Bad girls are naughty slutty dirty whores nasty dirty messy Have fun and enjoy! ~ Jesse

Playfulness And The Secret To Get Any Girl You Want

September 27th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'Playfulness And The Secret To Get Any Girl You Want'

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One of the keys to getting into the right frame of mind is before you go out, you should get into a playful state. Being playful is by nature outwardly focused and gets you outside of your head. It eliminates your false sense of seriousness about whats ahead of you; it eliminates the false sense that you have to perform a task when every experience can be a fun interaction. And when youre in a playful state, no matter what happens youre having a good time. Youre a source of fun. The playful state rubs off on women and short circuits her negative thoughts and feelings and allows her to put down her guard around you because she feels so good with you. But a lot of guys tell me that they have trouble developing the right attitude around women the playful, relaxed, charasmatic attitude that women really go for. Of course, being the kind of man that exudes that kind of attractive energy is easier said then done. Well rent the movie Groundhogs Day starring Bill Murray and watch it.

Murray is the typical anti-seducer who turns women off with his pessimistic, dreary attitude on life. Hes pretty much given up on women and himself. And nobody likes him. Then one morning, on Groundhogs Day, he wakes up and day after day he experiences the same day over and over again. Every day is just like the last one. The only difference is HIM and what HE does. Very quickly he realizes there are no consequences to his actions because no matter what he does that day, the next morning its as if nothing he did ever happened. So Murray begins to do whatever he feels like doing, uninhibited, playfully, adventurously. He tries on different personas and different ways of interacting with people. He screws around with peoples mind. He begins living in the moment for THAT day. And living for the moment of THIS day is an important skill to have. Most people have all sorts of fears that hold them back from doing what they know, deep down, is best for them. Most people live in hesitation, anxiety, and fear of what other people might think. Theyre like Darth Vader, half alive and half dead and they go through their entire lives without ever getting the kind of women they truly want and can truly have. I remember the first time I tried to walk up to a woman. I spent a few hours every day for two weeks before I managed my first approach. And then it came out with so much nervousness in my voice that the girl kind of laughed at me and asked why I was so nervous. I never met her again, but Ill never regret taking those first steps toward freedom with women. But how can we feel playful if our bodies and voices are chained and limited in their expressiveness? Analytical, cold thinking and calculating throttles our sense of playfulness. For instance, most guys take themselves too seriously when it comes to women. For instance, most guys ask themselves needless questions that rarely lead to getting laid. For example, Am I wearing the right shirt? Will she like me? When should I touch her? Where do I take her? What do I talk about? How do I look? Should I shave? These questions block your mind from being playful. You become preoccupied by irrelevant little details when youre not looking at the bigger picture of how your attitude is the crucial factor for success. If youre not ready to have fun and be playful with her or WITHOUT her no amount of cologne or breath mints will make her horny for you. Some examples of better questions to ask yourself are,

How much fun can I have tonight? What do I find interesting about this person? What interesting things can happen tonight? What sorts of feelings can I make her feel? Can this girl prove her worth to me? Remember that even though attracting beautiful women is your goal, focusing too much on it will trip your game up. You need to learn how to have fun regardless of getting laid or not. Also, once youre in a playful state, you can relax because youre not placing so much importance on getting laid that you freeze up or scare the girl away. If youre playful, incredible sex adventures will come naturally to you as a side effect of who you are a fun guy that girls feel comfortable and good around. Being playful also means being positive. You should have the attitude that super hot babes give you blow jobs every day. Dont worry if its true or not the right energy will come out. Look at each girl as an experiment to experience something new. With this mindset there is no failure because you can always take something from that interaction and use it with the next woman. ~ Jesse

How Ugly Guys Get Pretty Girls The 4 Trust Principles

September 20th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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Most guys get nervous around pretty girls because they dont trust in themselves to say or do the right thing. They dont trust their own words, so they memorize routines.

They dont trust their own actions, so they freeze up, immobilized. They second guess and calculate their every move.

And the result is they come across as unnatural, stiff, and supplicating.

Good Game Comes Down To ONE Thing

Good game comes down to ONE thing having SELF TRUST.

Pretty girls DO like ugly animals, including men! Think of the difference between a swimmer and a non-swimmer. When the non-swimmer falls into the river, doubt arises. He starts feeling afraid that the river is going to drown him. And of course then, the river DOES drown him.

But the non-swimmer is drowning himself in his own doubt. The river itself really isnt doing anything. The swimmer, on the other hand, swims because he trusts that he wont drown. Hes not afraid, so he simply floats.

The difference between the swimmer and non-swimmer isnt much. The swimmer has learned how to trust, while the non-swimmer has not yet learned how to trust. Likewise, speaking with certainty and conviction requires trust in your words. And taking action without hesitation requires trust in your own actions.

And when youve got that self-trust, you become naturally attractive as a confident man of action. Here are my 4 principles for getting it,

Principle #1. Trust That Whatever You Say Has Value

Whatever you say has value because its coming from YOU. If youre talking about your pet dog, women will listen and be attracted because its coming from YOU.

If you like talking about computer programming, women will listen and be attracted because its coming from YOU. Whatever you say has value, and whatever you say is always the most important and cool thing that can be said!

Principle #2. Trust That You Cant Make Mistakes

You cannot make a mistake because everything you do is just fucking cool because its coming from YOU. Youre just showing the girl who you are, and whatever you say will be fascinating because its coming from such an attractive guy. And you trust its those little imperfections that makes what you say REAL. So no matter what you say, its the correct thing to say, always. Delusional? Yes. Confident and attractive? YES!

Principle #3. Trust That Youre Glorious

Indulging oneself in delusional glory All you need is to remain positive, smile, and stand like a champ. All you need is to speak with certainty and trust in your actions. Thats all you need to be attractive. You dont need to add anything new to yourself or build yourself into some glorious guy. You dont need money, a great body, or be a great conversationalist. Trust that you dont need any game, because everything you do, no matter how lame, IS good game. Complete self-acceptance of all your flaws and the belief that women will think all your flaws are sexy.

Principle #4. Trust To Let Go Of All Game

Trust to let go of goals and outcomes. Trust to let go of all thoughts and thinking. Trust to let go of controlling her reactions. Trust to lower your standards of what to say. Trust to let your mind go blank before taking action. Trust to let go of all game. After all, self-trust is another way of saying self CONFIDENCE.

A confident man is a man who trusts in his own actions, trusts that whatever he says is the right thing to say and whatever he does is awesome. Combine that delusional James Bond confidence and self-trust with positivity, a smile, and champ posture, and right there you have ALL you need to be massively attractive to beautiful women. And if your inner game and confidence with girls still isnt rock solid to the core, check out my 15 hour program Nonverbal Sexual Mind Control. The program is packed full of hundreds of inner game tips and dating tactics to magnetically pull even the cutest hotties into your immediate orbit. Just click on THIS link here to download the program! ~ Jesse

8 Nonverbal Body Language Cues That Create Instant-Attraction

September 18th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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These are eight nonverbal sexual cues you want to practice and develop as habit for bypassing a womans critical, judging mind and sexually stimulating her limbic.

Nonverbal Cue #1: Voice tonality

Follow the TREV system. The tempo, resonance and volume of your voice are some of the most important factors in creating sexual rapport with women. The words you say to a woman are not so important as HOW you say them and HOW you project yourself. The womans limbic brain is sexually stimulated based on the nonverbal you, not your words. If you have a resonant, sultry, sexy voice, women will often become sexually intrigued as soon as you open your mouth. The sound of your voice alone can change her state from neutral to captive and intrigue. What you say CAN affect the outcome of creating sexual rapport; but it is much more important to learn to sound good.

Nonverbal Cue #2: Smiling

Smiling shows her that youre a friendly, open person whose approachable. Smiling is infectious and it will make her smile and feel good and comfortable around you. Smiling alone will open people wide up to you in ways they normally would never have otherwise.

To improve your smile, practice smiling in the mirror. Walk across the room and as you do so, visualize a woman walking toward you and giving her a big open smile. Visit a bunch of drugstores and grocery stores and practice smiling to the sales clerk.

Nonverbal Cue #3: The soft playful walking smile

Since you cant go around all the time with a big open smile on your face, use the soft playful walking smile to generally project a good mood and to use as a springboard to launch into a big open smile when the time comes. At first at your work or school or a public place like the mall, practice in 30 minute sessions the playful walking smile where the corners of your lips are just slightly upturned it should come just slightly through on your face. Then practice the playful walking smile for the entire day.

Nonverbal Cue #4: Body language

Good body language communicates strength, success, and comfort. Its very attractive to women. Move deliberately. Dont make unnecessary or jerky movements. Dont look around the room too much or have shifty eyes. Move in a measured and controlled fashion, slowly and deliberately with purpose. Spend time in a public place and purposely slow yourself down, slow yourself down as if you were covered with sticky glue. Also, keep an open posture which shows youre an open, friendly person. Uncross your arms, keep your hands apart and keep an open stance with your legs. Notice throughout the day when youre posture is closed off and correct it. And, stand up straight. Press your heels, butt, shoulders and head firmly against a wall so that you stand straight a number of times throughout the day.

Nonverbal Cue #5: Touch

Touch sends direct signals to a womans pleasure center. Touch releases powerful sexual hormones into a womans body. For initial casual touching, touch a woman on the arm, knee, shoulder, or back when she laughs or when you make a point to emphasize something or to express agreement. Brief touches at first are best. Another way to initiate touch is with a handshake when you exchange names.

Nonverbal Cue #6: Scent

Women have a much better sense of smell than men do. So keep clean. Shower once in the morning and one after exercising. Keep your armpits, wear bacteria like to grow, shaved. Wear a deodorant or antiperspirant. Brush, floss, and use a mouthwash to keep that mouth smelling good. And to smell better than clean, take advantage cologne.

Nonverbal Cue #7: Physical Intrusion into intimate space

Most acquaintances keep a normal, social distance from each other, about 18 inches to 4 feet away. However, people have an invisible boundary around them that marks off their intimate space cutting just slightly over that boundary can create sexual sparks. Get close enough to a woman to create a heightened sense of physical intimacy but not so close to make her object. And the more rapport you build with her, the more you can continue into her intimate space. As an exercise to get a sense of where peoples boundaries are, have a friend stand in place as you walk closer and closer to them. Have them tell you when they start to feel uncomfortable or when youre too close. This is where their intimate space begins.

Nonverbal Cue #8: Eye contact

Your eyes can do far more talking than your words. They can make a woman feel uneasy and excited and women use it as a huge measure of your self-confidence. The first time making eye contact with a woman, dont be the first one to look away. Make her look away. Its a sign of confidence and dominance on your part. When speaking to a woman, dont dart your eyes around. Look directly into her eyes and linger there. Continue to hold her gaze through the silences. When you do look away, do so reluctantly. And the more nonverbal sexual cues you can learn to work together and stack upon one another, the more reliably youll create sexual rapport with women the more reliably youll be able to trigger heated sexual responses from them. ~ Jesse

The Ultimate Mens Guide To Smelling Sexy

September 14th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'The Ultimate Mens Guide To Smelling Sexy'

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Your mind is wired in such a way that smell sensations travel from the nose directly to the limbic brain, the same limbic brain responsible for emotional experiences including lust and ecstasy or disgust. Theres a direct connection. You smell something and the brain responds and makes judgments immediately, before youve even cognitively realized what youre smelling. Now, I know what Im about to say may sound extreme and over the top, but its true. Even a little bit of a foul smell, body odor for instance, can turn a woman off and conversely, a clean or fresh scent can, for a woman, be a big turn on. (And no, smelling nice doesnt make you the dreaded nice guy, as my pal Fred Tracy describes so eloquently. You WANT to be a NICE smelling BAD boy!) Keep in mind that study after study has demonstrated that a womans sense of smell is MUCH more powerful than a mans. With certain kinds of smells in fact, womens sense of smell is up to 100 times more powerful than mens. In fact, a womans sense of smell is so strong that most women can detect MILD body odors from over three feet away. And women can usually identify past lovers based on their smell alone. Similarly, researches have found that women can identify T-shirts worn by their children based on smell alone, while fathers couldnt. You could say womens noses are sensitive enough to detect a childs unique odor print. And this is where it gets really almost science fiction weird. A research study had 30 women whiff Ben-Zal-dah-hide, a cherry flavoring ingredient. After each whiff the women rated the intensity of the odor. What researchers found was that with each whiff the women became more and more sensitive to the cherry odor. When at first they could smell a moderate concentration of 1% Ben-zal-dah-hide in a bottle on the first test, by the end of 30 sessions they could smell a concentration of 1-1000th of a percent of Ben-zal-dah-hide in a bottle. Put in another way, the more women smelled the better their sense of smell became and they could detect odor of 1 part chemical to 100,000

parts water. They also did the experiment on men and us men were far, far behind in our sniffing abilities. So think of women as sniffing supermen, who can detect smells and body odor that you didnt even dream was there.

Its True Men Cant Smell!

So just because we men cant smell as well, we have to own up to the facts. That maybe, just maybe we have ignored to some extent and understandably ignored something we really cant detect with our own noses. Our odors, good or bad, are largely invisible to us. Now Im in the exact same boat as a lot of guys I cant smell anything to save my life. I can be at the gym for a good hour or more and think that I still smell as pretty and as clean as a rose petal. But of course, Ive owned up the fact that my sense of smell, well, just plain sucks. Some years ago, for a few weeks I went to a nearby gym on my lunch break to just do some light weight lifting exercises. I didnt even break a sweat. So I thought, nothing much, Ill just change back into my work clothes and not waste time it would take to shower and dry off. After finishing at the gym, I go back to work thinking everythings okay. After all I cant smell anything. But then my female coworker approaches me asks, Have you been to the gym? I mean I was surprised, because I mean, how would she know that. And she told me that I had that funny gym smell. She could smell something that I couldnt. Now part of the problem in this case is that not only cant men smell very well, but we lose our perception to a scent over time. Which means we may be in a locker room and get a whiff of that locker room smell, but then after a minute or so it goes away. At least we think it does, but in reality were just getting use to it. Meanwhile, for everyone else, the odor is still there.

My Friends Smelly Experiment

I can relate a more extreme case of this phenomenon in regards to one of my friends who was going through a fad with the hippie lifestyle and he came over to my house one day. But when I got within two feet of him I hit this wall of noxious body odor. It just hit me like a wave, like one of those killer Japanese Tsunamis. And Im telling you he must have smelled strong because normally I have no sense of smell whatsoever and yet I could clearly smell him from two feet away. I could imagine for women his smell wall must have sent a shock wave out about ten feet or so. Now he explained to me that, some Europeans only shower twice a week, and that since we live in a commercial society that tries to sell us on the idea of using hygiene products we should fight the cultural pressure and live naturally again as we once did hundreds of years ago.

Well, even if some Europeans do only shower twice a week, he hadnt showered in over two weeks. The thing is, he didnt believe me when I told him he outright smelled. Again, a person subject to the same scent for a prolonged period of time begins to lose perception of that scent.

Women Like Good Smelling Guys

Dont despair though. Fortunately, since women can pick up on body odor and the like easily, smelling good can work for you in hitting that limbic brain of theirs and turning them on. About 2 years ago, I went to a seminar on transformational experiences. On the lunch break, I went outside to the hallway to grab a drink of water when I bumped into this older, attractive woman I had seen at the seminar and I asked her how she liked it so far. Well unfortunately she was a little rude and kind of brushed me off without making eye contact, telling me that she liked it, but that shed been to this kind of thing before so she knew what it was all about. But then she looked at me differently and asked me, Hmm what are you wearing. I said, Jeans a shirt shoes She said, No I mean that scent. And she came in closer and smelled my shoulder. Then she smiled a little more, and said to me, Hmm you smell nice! After that she just kind of opened up and we ended up having lunch together. Then, after the seminar ended, she invited me for a drink at her cousins bar a few miles away. When we got to the bar we sat down together, ordered our drinks, and we ended up talking about everything, from the seminar to other esoteric topics for about two hours. But then I decided to cut it short, because I really had to go. I walked her to her car. I asked her, because her turn around in attitude toward me was so abrupt, Im curiouswhat made you invite a total stranger out for a drink? Her response was I couldnt get over your smell you smell SO GOOD! We ignore this sexual cue of scent at our own peril because theres a direct connection from womens olfactory glands to her limbic brain that will process emotions of either attraction and lust, or oppositely, revulsion and disgust before her conscious mind even knows whats going on. Your scent is working for you or against you. Fortunately, taking care of your scent is rather easy as long as you go through the motions that Im about to give you.

1. Shower and Body Wash

Probably the most important thing you can do to smell clean and keep clean is to take a shower everyday in the morning as well as shower after you do any kind of exercise or

heavy physical exertion. Yeah, I know maybe some people in Europe dont shower as often as that, but youre not them and you have different goals then they do. You should also use soap in the shower to get really clean. Personally for me, soap makes my skin feel dry and rubbery so I use a liquid body wash that will cost you a little more, but its well worth the money.

2. Shave Your Pits

Next, check your armpits. If youve got a lot of hair under there, shave it off. Its not actually the sweat in your armpits that smells sweat itself is just a mixture of water, salt, and chloride and is odorless. But your armpits secrete an oily substance called sebum which bacteria love to eat and breakdown causing the odor we all know and love as B.O. All that hair in your pits gives the sebum a lot of surface area to spread itself out on and collect odor-causing bacteria. So get yourself an electric razor and shave under your arms.

3. Use Deodorant and Antiperspirant

While shaving the excess hair from your armpits goes along way to eliminating obnoxious odors, youll also want to wear an antiperspirant or a deodorant for your underarms. Now theres a difference between an antiperspirant and a deodorant and you can use either one, its really up to you. Antiperspirants prevent you from sweating at all with zirconium and aluminum that block the skin pores that release sweat. Deodorants on the other hand cover up the smell. Deodorants may contain a fragrance or have anti-bacterial ingredients, such as triclosan which kill off odor producing bacteria. But they dont prevent sweating itself. So if you tend to have wet underarms an antiperspirant will be better as it will prevent you from sweating altogether. And if you dont like the idea of shutting off your natural bodily functions, a deodorant may be your preferred choice. As far as how much money you should spend in an antiperspirant or deodorant, theres really no difference between cheap and expensive brands. Any antiperspirant will have the same active ingredients that stop sweating and any deodorant will cover up the smell.

4. Clean Your Mouth

Your mouth is another place that bacteria love to flourish. At any given time bacteria in your mouth are producing hydrogen sulfide with its rotten egg smell; skatole (ska-tol-le) which is present in feces; indole (in-dol-le) which is used in small amounts in perfume but smells foul in large quantities; cadaverine (kay-da-ver-rine) which smells like rotting corpses; putrescine (pyoo-trescine) which is also found in decaying meat; and isovaleric acid which smells like sweaty feet.

Its usually the very back of the tongue rather than the teeth or gums where the bacteria that causes bad breath collects and thrives. However, bacteria can collect in any nook or crevice that isnt cleaned properly. You should brush and floss twice a day. But also use a mouthwash once in the morning and once before you go to sleep at night. Using a mouthwash before you go to sleep prevents bacteria from building up and causing odor during the night. Youll also want to keep a breath freshener handy if you expect to be involved in any close up encounters. Those lifesavers shaped breath fresheners are rather big and bulky to carry around and anything in a box tends to rattle. Whats worse is they take a while to dissolve in your mouth so its kind of obvious when you take one. So what I like to do is carry one of those breath strip packs or you might call them mint films. Theyre tiny pieces of transparent film that dissolves in your mouth instantly and thus discretely, leaving you with fresh breath. And the packs are tiny and dont rattle so theyre easy to keep handy in your pocket or wallet.

5. My Cologne Tips
But besides smelling clean, you also want to smell good, because after all to really trigger that sexual cue of scent in a woman you want to smell more than just neutral. I dont know if youve ever been in the situation where you got close to a woman and unexpectedly you smelled her skin and it smelled sweet or it smelled of flowers, but for me I find that very attractive. For example, researches have found that odor influences peoples opinions and that its one of the quickest ways to change shoppers emotions. For example one research study had two identical rooms stocked with identical pairs of sneakers. However, one room was unscented and the other room had a floral scent. 84% of the volunteers in the study said they preferred sneakers in the floral scented room, even though the sneakers were identical to the pairs in the odor-free room. The volunteers also said they would pay, on average, $10 more for them. In Las Vegas some casinos odorize their slot machines with a pleasant aroma because they know those slots will get played much more often than unscented slots. Just think about it. Some of the largest corporations in the world use aroma as their central marketing strategy. Take Starbucks or McDonalds. Both companies sell food with a compelling signature smell. Walk into a Starbucks sometime and youll notice that the smell is part of the whole atmosphere and the aroma makes you want to buy a coffee. As for a McDonalds hamburger I can smell one from 10 feet away and it triggers a hunger response in me every time. These companies spent tens of thousands of dollars figuring out what smells attracted customers because they knew that people have a visceral, primal response to scent on a deep, deep level.

Thats why, not only do you want to keep clean and fresh, but you want to wear a cologne on a regular basis to create attraction in women.

Important Points to Remember

Now I know that all this showering, shaving, deodorant, mouthwash, cologne, can all seem like a big pain after all we have busy lives, and it may seem over the top to squeeze in the time for something that we as men can hardly detect with our own senses. But Ill say this again. Ignore the sexual cue of scent at your own risk. Womens sense of smell is much, much more sensitive than a mans and it will work against you if you dont take it seriously. Fortunately, smelling good is not something you have to study. You can easily take care of it just by going through the motions that Ive described. So keep in mind these six rules when it comes to the nonverbal sexual cue of scent. First. Take a shower every day and after exercise. Second. Use soap or liquid body wash in the shower. Third. Keep your armpits shaved. Fourth. Use an antiperspirant or a deodorant. Fifth. Rinse with mouthwash after brushing and keep breath fresheners handy. And sixth. Wear cologne. ~ Jesse

3 Awesome Playfulness Exercises To Make You More Fun With Girls

July 18th, 2011 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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Lets say youre still having nerves with your approach. Lets take a look at a simple exercise to add to your relaxation exercise, which will help push you into playfulness.

Exercise #1. The Playful Positive Placer

1. Relax, take a deep breath, and close your eyes. 2. Do your relaxation exercise. 3. Allow yourself to think all the useless negative thoughts that often pop up and sabotage you. Things like Am I wearing the right clothes? Will she like me? When should I touch her? etc. 4. Type the words out in your mind. Create a box around them. Put all your negative feelings inside that box. Go wild here. 5. Start shrinking the box as you push it further and further into the distance, until it is just a speck. 6. Erase it. All that should be left is a calm happy state. 7. Now, think all the RIGHT thoughts and the RIGHT questions. How much fun can I have tonight? What will I find intriguing about the women Im with? What interesting things might happen?

8. Type the words out in your mind. Expand them until there is no blank space left, just boundless words and the positive feelings they engender. 9. Dissolve the words into your blank state, allowing that positivity and playfulness to soak into your very being. 10. Count from one to five, saying to yourself Im going to count from one to five, and when I finish I will feel much better than I ever have before. 1 2 3 4 5. 11. Open your eyes. Doesnt that feel good? Try to do this exercise every time you go out to meet women. Once youve gotten yourself skilled at it, establish a trigger just like with your relaxation exercise. You wont have to do the whole exercise each time once that trigger is anchored and youll be able to call on it at the drop of a hat. Thats huge because, no matter how smooth you are, theres going to be moments you get stuck, or stumped, or knocked out of your game for whatever reason. If you have an established playful trigger, instead of losing your cool, youll be the chill super-stud by stopping, triggering, and handling a difficult situation magnificently. Along with this exercise, you can use the Playfulness Amplifier Exercise. This is more related to fixing past negative experiences into positive ones, like we did in the last section. Before you start, pick a code word anything is fine. Mine at one point was poindexter. Heres how it goes.

Exercise #2. The Playfulness Amplifier Exercise

1. Relax, take a deep breath, and close your eyes. 2. Think about a time in your past when you felt playful. Lots of people choose warm childhood memories here, but any experience that you can filter down to pure fun relaxed playfulness. 3. Notice everything you see and hear and how you feel. Take in as much detail as possible. 4. Once you are completely in the playful moment, say your code word out loud to yourself. 5. Open your eyes. 6. Close your eyes. 7. Choose a moment from your past when you should have been more playful with a woman. Again, recall as much detail as possible. 8. Say your code word within this reality, and notice the changes to that world. 9. Open your eyes.

10. Close your eyes. 11. Imagine a time in the future when you need to be more playful with a woman you are chatting to. 12. Say your code word. Again, observe the changes in your feelings. 13. Count from one to five, saying to yourself Im going to count from one to five, and when I finish I will feel much better than I ever have before. 1 2 3 4 5. 14. Open your eyes. If it feels like Im overloading you with exercises that are covering the same ground, thats because I am. Different people react to different things some people are visual, some lingual, some emotional. And most of us react best to different ways of communication for different messages. So Im specifically giving you a bunch of exercises that overlap each other, so you can see which ones work best for you. Dont get frustrated thinking youre going to have to spend the rest of your time in meditating preparation. All I ask is you give each exercise a real try, and as you get to know them, youll pick out favorites to use often. The rest you can do later, after youve perfected triggers and code words to let you get results without entering a semi-trance each time. That said, Ive got something completely active I want you to try. Before you go out and do this, you should get your frame right (choose a favorite exercise) and pick a place where you can meet lots of women.

Exercise #3. The Crazy Playful Walk-up Exercise

1. Pick out a woman. 2. Say sincerely and playfully Hi, maybe you can help me Im lost can you tell me how to get to (name the city youre in). 3. This should make her laugh or cause confusion for a moment. WHATEVER she does, stay sincere and playful. YOU decide how to take the conversation next based on HER reactions. 4. If you feel an awkwardness, you can always bail with Well, it was nice meeting you. and walk away. Do this to at least 100 women in the next month. What? Why? Silly, right? Stupid, right? WHY, again, am I making you do this?

The reasons are twofold: one, if you can do this and stay PLAYFUL and RELAXED, youre never going to have trouble approaching women ever again. Ever. Really. Two, youre going to be surprised how often this stupid silly thing actually WORKS at getting digits and dates. Its gonna prove to you that it really doesnt matter what you say, but HOW you say it. Youre REALLY going to get it now, buddy. ~ Jesse

Starting A New Relationship Advice 7 Surprising Rules For Great Relationships!

November 15th, 2010 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'Starting A New Relationship Advice 7 Surprising Rules For Great Relationships!'

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#1. Dont Always Seek Her Permission

Dont always ask for her permission or seek her approval. Dont always try to get her clearance every time you want to do something.

If you want to get out of the house and spend some time with your friends, do it. If you want to change your style of clothes, do it. If you want to take her to the beach instead of the movies, do it. If you decide that you need a change of job career, do it. You may want to inform her and get her opinion, but be decisive and take a stand for what you feel is best for you. You should consider her opinions in your decisions, but you dont need her permission.

Starting A New Relationship Rule #2. Dont Try to Buy Her Approval
Dont try to buy a womans approval. Dont give a woman free reign to your MasterCard or feel that you have to buy her expensive dinners or nice clothes to win her approval and love. You should be receiving her approval and love as a matter of fact, without having to buy it. You may be able to buy her attention. But you can never buy her love. The worst thing you can possibly do is spend money on her when she doesnt deserve it, like if she puts you down and then you buy her flowers to win her approval. All youre doing is rewarding her bad behavior and reinforcing it. If she senses that youre so insecure about yourself that you must constantly win her over by spending money on her, she will sense that you are weak and foolish. This doesnt mean you shouldnt act chivalrous and act like a gentleman. You can still take her to dinner, go shopping with her, and take her on a honeymoon trip. But dont get carried away. If youre buying her something because YOU felt like rewarding her for her GOOD behavior and if you feel she would love you regardless of whether you spent the money on her, then its okay. But dont shower her with gifts and presents for no reason, or max out your credit cards just to meet her whims.

Starting A New Relationship Rule #3. Have Her Do Little Favors for You

Have her do little favors for you. Like clean your clothes, make food for you, bring you the mail, go the store and buy you something, or give you a back massage. Put her to entertain you. Make her strip for you and do sexual favors for you. Particularly if she has no job and is living with you, she cleans the house, makes you food, gives you the things you ask for, goes grocery shopping and amuses you at night like a Geisha girl. By having her do little favors for you, she will like you more and more because you behave like a king. Allowing a woman to meet your needs as a man actually is addictive to women. Of course, its natural to like doing things for a woman. But doing things for your woman must come when she does things for you in return. For you to provide for her, she must work to earn this privilege or she will come to disrespect you

Starting A New Relationship Rule #4. Never Ask or Beg for Sex
As a man, never ask for sex. Asking for sex is like begging, and you lose the respect of a woman. Never settle for mercy sex. In mercy sex, the attitude of the woman is, Ill do you a BIG favor. I really dont want sex or you. But if you insist, Ill accommodate you. You can use my body but you better appreciate it! She lets you climb on top of her to get you off her back. The goal for her isnt doing you, its getting done with it so that she doesnt have to do it tomorrow. She knows youll settle for lousy sex. And with time, she gets angry when you accept it, thinking you just want her for her body and not for an emotional and sexual connection. Eventually she comes to despise you for being such a Wuss. Mercy fucking withholds the sweetness and hotness of real sex of young lovers. Never paw at her. Let her paw at you. Never ask for sex. Let her ask for sex or just take her like a man. Sex is not something the woman is giving you. You should view sex as a gift that youre giving her. Sex is HER reward. Its the most powerful reward, and while women like dates and flowers, none of these pack the emotional punch that sex does. Sex from a dominant male is what a woman really wants.

If she does lots of nice things for you, like gives you kisses or cooks for you, make sure she is REWARDED with a thorough, proper fucking in return. As a man, never ask for forgiveness for your sexual desire as a male. It is part of your nature to have sex on a daily basis. Never ask for forgiveness for your own nature. Walk through the world proud of yourself. Great sex or no sex.

Starting A New Relationship Rule #5. Learn to Stay No And Stand Up For Yourself
First, you must stand up for yourself. Dont be afraid to say No to a woman. If she wants the keys to your apartment and youre not ready to give them to her yet, dont be afraid to say No. If she wants you to drive across the city to pickup up a special food for her and you were planning on visiting your friends, dont be afraid to say No. If she wants to do something expensive Saturday night and you want to do something simple, dont be afraid to say No. If she wants to buy a new pair of designer shoes and you know you cant afford it, dont be afraid to say No. The word No is one of the most important words you can learn to get the respect of your woman. You must stand up for what you believe should be done and what youre willing to do and not do. Set the rules and boundaries and stick by them. Set the terms of the relationship, enforce them, and dont back down. Never do something that you know is the wrong thing to do or change your mind just to please a woman. Dont be a pushover to her whims. Not only must you learn to say No, but you must act congruently with your decisions. Because if you say No while moments later caving into her demands, it makes it look like youre just whining and complaining. You must stand by your decisions. Thats what taking a stand means. That doesnt mean you need to win every time. But you do need to take a stand. At first she may pout and try to fight you, but once she sees that youre a strong MAN who sticks by his decisions, shell come to respect those decisions. Shell begin to think to herself, He is not doing everything I tell him to. He takes what he wants from life. Im with a real man.

And sure, you should always listen to a woman and take into account her opinions and suggestions. But in the end, make your own best decisions and stand up for them. Remain true to yourself and to your best judgment.

Starting A New Relationship Rule #6. Be Dominant, Not Domineering

As a Bedroom Bull, you need to be decisive and make decisions in the bedroom. You need to become comfortable with being in charge and in command. If you want her to wear sexy lingerie and high heels and dance for you before you fuck her, tell her, Put on your heels and something sexy. If she asks you which pair of shoes looks better, tell her. Have an opinion. Dont just say to her, I dont know whatever you like better. Women often want to just relax knowing that you have taken care of everything. Being decisive means taking the lead and surprising your woman. On the other hand, if youre unable to be decisive and take charge, your woman will feel your weakness and take charge for you. Shell start telling YOU what to do, nag you, and try to micromanage you. Taking charge and being decisive however doesnt mean taking domineering control over a woman. Taking charge doesnt mean micromanaging her activities, telling her what to wear all the time, or telling her who shes allowed to see. It doesnt mean playing dictator. You want to be dominant, but not domineering. You want to be strong, and yet sweet. Nor do you need to create a woman who is subservient. In fact, your woman should not hesitate to offer you her advice based on her experience and feelings. So what do I mean exactly by taking control? Taking control does NOT mean being macho. Taking control does NOT mean belting or popping a woman one when she gets out of line. Taking control does NOT mean emotionally abusing a woman. Taking control does NOT mean putting a woman down. Taking control does NOT mean losing your temper, screaming, or yelling. Taking control does NOT mean being a Jerk.

Never become brutal or violent physically or verbally with a woman to get your way. Creating a Fascist Germany atmosphere with domineering behavior will be interpreted by a woman as a form of weakness, and shell come to despise you for it. Shell lose all respect for you, and rightfully so, because its cruel behavior. A domineering man is unsure of himself. A domineering man is insecure. A domineering man is not the romantic hero women dream of but a thug who resorts to violence for control because he lacks control from the power of his natural charisma. So while you rightfully want to avoid the, Im a desperate super-nice guy, I-have-tokiss-her-ass-so-that-hopefully-shell-have-sex-with-me behavior, this doesnt mean you want to make the mistake of being domineering either. A dominant man doesnt allow himself to be walked all over by women but neither does he himself walk all over women either. Always demonstrate that you are gentle, sensitive, loving, and caring. Many men make the mistake of believing that being nice means being a pushover. Its not. You still want to be nice and loving to a woman, just not in a placating way, but from the position of taking command and being a man of action. So you have to take control in the bedroom without losing control over yourself. You want to be in control without resorting to any sort of domineering behavior. Being in control and being decisive simply means that you are a man of action, that you have direction, and that youre comfortable taking control when the moment arises.

Starting A New Relationship Rule #7. Take Charge in a Relationship

You, as a man, must be able to direct any social situation and bend it to your needs. If you dont direct the situation, especially with women, they will. If someone else takes the lead, youll find yourself alone and in a reactive position in life, where youre not the creator or instigator of a particular chain of events, but rather a passive observer with no power. In other words, you have no control and no women. The best way to do this is to own the frame. Think of it as defining the reality for her and for yourself. You bring women into this reality. It is your frame. You design it.

The best frame is that you are the designer of your own reality, and she automatically becomes a guest in it. Think of a talk show host. All eyes are on him. If you always hold on to the frame, you will own, define, and control the direction of the interaction. This means you make the plans. Having a plan means you always look like you know what youre doing. Women love this. They refer to it as taking charge. Take charge. If something goes wrong, you take it as if you expected the challenge to occur its part of the plan. And the challenge is sometimes also your woman. Whatever she says or does is exactly what you expected her to do, and this lets her know that you are the one to be chased here, not her. See the power of controlling the frame to suit your needs? Then both of you stay attracted. You both get what you want. She gets a leader. You get a complacent female utterly turned on by you. ~ Jesse

How Do You Talk Dirty To Your Girlfriend Hot Perverted Examples

November 8th, 2010 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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This is a basic guide on how to talk really hot and dirty and perverted to your girlfriend to make her orgasm harder. While youre having sex with your women, while shes in that Blissnotic, suggestible state, say to her, Baby, you would look sooo sexy wearing some red lingerie. That would be so sexy and hot. You can tell her this while in any sexual position, or if you prefer to whisper it into her ear, whisper it to her while youre in the missionary position. It can start off as simple as that. Next time, you can get a little bit racier. During sex, while youre in the missionary position, whisper into her ear, I love putting my cock inside you. Your pussy is so hot. I want to fuck you hard and fast. Now youre stepping into the role of a guy who gives it hard and fast and she has to step into the role of a woman who likes it hard and fast.

Again, keep it simple at first so that you gradually build her fantasy experiences being a woman who wears sexy lingerie and being a woman who likes it hard and fast and so that you dont get stuck in your head trying to think of what to say. Youre getting her accustomed to your voice during sex, and having her step into some simple fantasy roles, nothing more. You might again think that women who act like proper ladies in public would be turned off by sexy and PIMP talk. Just keep in mind that every woman has two sides to her nature. In public, she doesnt want to look like a slut due to the social pressure and programming placed on her by the culture. However, in the bedroom women want a man who will give her permission to get in touch with her sexual self without being judged. She wants a man who will encourage her to openly experiment with her sexual fantasies and being naughty. In fact, women are even more sexually excited by the power of verbal words than men. Even if shes too embarrassed to confess up to it, sexy talk, dirty talk, or any kind of PIMP talk that allows her to be the bad girl will turn her on. You dont need to talk sexy each and every time you have sex. At first, just once out of every two or three sessions you have sex is fine. Its like a muscle; you have to build its strength over time, over a number of workouts, until youve established a new pattern and the sexy talk feels completely natural and normal. After all, its only taboo the first time you do it. After that, its just something that you do.

Making Sexual Fantasies Become REAL With Sexy Talk

Whats really amazing is that each time you do a fantasy or role with a woman, it just gets easier and easier. Every time she becomes a paid escort or an innocent virgin, the easier shell pop back into the role next time. And every time she takes on a new identity, the easier shell pop into new identities in general. The first time it may be a taboo. But after that its just something that she does. And every time she does it, the new behavior and new identity gets reinforced in her mind. But not only can any role become real and true for her in the Blissnotic state, but any role can become real and true for her in the normal, awakened state as well. If you want to make your woman an insatiable sex addict or if you want her to be with other women, you can make that role real and true for her in the normal awakened state and not just in Blissnosis.

Lets say you want her to be fiercely bisexual, not just while shes in the Blissnotic state during sex, but in her every day life. The next morning after youve had sex and youre cuddling in bed together, while shes in a fully alert, rational state, use Recall. When shes in a fully alert, rational wakened state, reminisce back to the moment when she was sucking on your lower lip as if it were a womans clitoris. Tell her, You know that was so hot last night when you sucked on that vagina. Having you suck on a woman, your being with a woman was so nice. Reward her and snuggle with her. Or say you want her to be an insatiable woman as part of her every day, normal identity. Tell her the very next day, Its so hot, what happened last night when you were that insatiable woman in bed. Thats why I love you so much, and hug her. While shes in a normal awakened state, remind her of the night before using Recall and reward her by emotionally bonding and connecting with her. Because no matter how wild she gets in bed, theres still a dichotomy between how she is in bed and how she is with you outside of the bedroom. But by using Recall youre blurring the division between the two. By using Recall youre letting her know that its okay for her to feel attraction for women or be a wild woman in real, normal, every day life. To make this bridge, start off with some sexy talk in daytime situations. For example, call her and talk sexy to her while shes at work. Tell her, Hmm, I was just thinking about you how hot you were last night tonight Im going to dress you up in some sexy white lingerie which youre going to wear for me. And I want you to find a hot woman in the office and fantasize about her. Or around the house catch her off guard and whisper into her ear, Later tonight Im going to kiss and nibble your neck and run my tongue along your nipples. And you just cant wait to put my cock in your mouth because youre such a filthy little girl. Tell her while youre at the movies, Youre such a dirty girl all you can think about is sucking dicks. Or when youre at a club point out a chick to her and tell her, Yeah you want to suck her pussy.

Start talking sexy to your woman during moments when shes in a lucid, awakened state. Slap her ass, kiss her, and tell her how good youre going to give it to her a little later on. Simply keep escalating what youll say to her in the normal awakened state. And be sure to keep up the repetition. Repetition reinforces her new sexual identity. Repetition locks in the new programming. Repetition makes it stick.

An Example: The Sexually Starved Housewife Turned Aggressive Nympho

Being the seductress, the sexual aggressor is a common female fantasy. In the seductress fantasy, she is the aggressor. She sees her dreamy man and she turns on all of her charms to get him. As the aggressor in the fantasy she may dress sexy and provocatively in high heels and a revealing dress. Shes at home in her body and naturally sexy. Her body dazzles and radiates sexuality. In the fantasy the man has no resistance to her beauty or charm or to her intelligence and she wins him (also a common theme in womens romance novels). In reality most women cant have any man that they want. Sure, any woman can go to a bar and get laid with a man who will most likely dump her the very next morning, but most women cant capture the hearts of the most desirable men. Why? Because women all their lives have been taught not to be the aggressors. Women all their lives have been taught not to make the first move. Women since early childhood have been taught to sit back, to leave the role of the aggressor to the man, to passively hope that fate or destiny delivers them their prince. There are aggressive women out there, those that steer their own destinies, those that call the shots in the seduction, but theyre far and few. Women in general shy away from being the initiators. But in fantasy the seductress dispenses with social mores and goes after her man. She realizes her wildest dreams. She can stop men in their tracks, rifle their hearts, scramble their brains, and make them fall madly in love with her. One woman writes, My favorite fantasy requires a few props. I dim the lights and put on my most revealing dress and highest heels, no underwear. I am the only single woman at the incredibly ritzy dinner party, and Ive decided to steal the most gorgeous man from his wife and fuck him. I walk around the house for a while, imagining the scene and the guests, walking very sexy, and finally spotting my prey. By now, my cunt is dripping. Were seated at dinner, and Im across from my man. I put on my most sultry look and make sure I lean over so he can see my beautiful breasts and hot nipples. I know hes hard as a rock and is anticipating dessert. After dinner, I get up and wander off by myself, knowing hell be following.

I stand on this balcony looking out, and sure enough, I hear footsteps behind me. I dont turn. Suddenly, a hot hand has entered my dress and is cupping my tit, squeezing my nipple. Another hand is on my thigh, and there is an unmistakable bulge pressing on my ass. I lean back against him. His lower hand slips under my dress and finds my moist slit. Two fingers go into my cunt, and with his thumb on my clit he brings me to a quick orgasm. Another woman writes, An unknown male knocks at the door. He wants to come in and shows me his business card. We start talking. I am sitting on the edge of the couch. Luckily for him I am wearing a very short skirt and no knickers. He drops something on the floor, right in front of me. I see him try to get a better view under my skirt. I open my legs a bit more. I notice his eyes open wide as I expose my fanny to him. I keep my pubes very short, so nothing spoils his view. I am starting to feel very turned on at this point and can feel my cunt becoming moist. He must notice this, as he says he likes what he sees. I lie back on the couch, lifting my skirt as I do. I cannot see what he does next, but I can feel the warmth of his breath creeping on my thighs. He starts sucking at my cunt and probing me with his tongue. It isnt long before I come all over his face. In this next scenario, youre a single man and shes a married woman. Shes followed you to your apartment. Tell her during lovemaking, once shes in a highly suggestible Blissnotic state, Im a single man and youre a married woman. Your name is Ms. Jones. You are incredibly attracted to me and your aim is to seduce me. You will do whatever it takes to have me. Every time you look into my eyes you become more wet between the legs. You will make small talk with me while with your body you try to seduce me. And the more I resist your advances, the more you will feel you must conquer me. Or you can tell her, You are now a horny, sexually starved housewife who cant control her womanly urges. When I enter through the door I am the local repairman. If you can get my clothes off, you will instruct me how you want to be pleased and touched. You will explain exactly how to make a woman scream in ecstasy. This fantasy really works on so many levels. First, it trains the woman to be sexually aggressive and take control of a situation, which will make her more open to doing all sorts of other fantasies with you. Second, it trains the woman to look at you as a highly sexually desirable sex object which she must continually seduce to win favor from. And third, it trains the woman to openly and aggressively communicate exactly how she wants to be pleased sexually. It trains her to be conscious of and vocal about her sexual needs.

In addition, having her live out this fantasy as a seductress can be a great ego boost for you. We all want to feel sexually desired and when your woman is in total erotic lust for you, its an ego boost. ~ Jesse

10 Taboo Dirty Talk Tips For Sexually Possessing Submissive Girls

November 8th, 2010 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE book 'The Dirty Talking To Submissive Girls Ultimate How-To Guide' More than 100 dirty talking patterns and formulas to make girls orgasm 10 mistakes you want to AVOID when dirty talking

The #1 thing submissive girls want to hear from you

I respect your privacy. I will NEVER share your email address. That's more than a policy, it's my personal guarantee. ~ Jesse C.

Tip #1. Tell Her How Excited You Are

Tell her how shes making you feel. Women get sexually excited when youre sexually excited for them. Basically, youre describing to her the sexual feelings youre experiencing behind the physical actions. And to a woman, the sexual feelings are just as sexy as the physical actions themselves. Tell her, Having you bent over with my dick inside you, you make me feel so good baby. You make me so hot for you I want to fuck you deep and hard. It feels so good sliding my penis inside your pussy.

Tip #2. Tell Her How Bad She Is

Girls love to be told what a bad, naughty, slut they are on the inside deep down underneath the good girl everyone normally sees in real life. Tell her, Youre a bad, bad girl, arent you? Deep down you want to be naughty, deep down you want to be bad. I know what youre really thinking. Inside you have a dirty mind. Youre always thinking dirty thoughts. You wear those hot clothes, do your hair, do your nails to attract the men and make all the girls jealous of you youre so bad Everyone thinks youre this sweet, innocent girl. But I know the truth. I know what youre really like, that you have all of these dirty, naughty thoughts.

Tip #3. Highlight Taboo Contrasts

Highlight contrasts that might normally be considered taboo in proper society.

If youre an older man with a younger woman tell her, I love that young pussy its so wrong an old guy like me is fucking that young pussy that makes you so hot. If youre a black guy with a blonde tell her, You just loving wrapping your mouth around my black dick dont you. If youre a young guy with an older woman tell her, You love younger guys dont you having a young stallion fuck you long and hard. If youre a bad boy with a religious woman tell her, Youre such a little devil, a bad girl for having such naughty sex you dirty girl.

Tip #4. Tell Her This is bad

The theme here is to tell her how bad it is what youre doing as you proceed with the act anyway. This is a big turn on for submissive women. Tell her, We shouldnt be doing this this is so bad. I want to pull your panties off and eat you out right here no I shouldnt do that, that would be so wrong. Hmmm your hair smells so nice no stop that, I have work to do dont turn me on right now then again, your skin feels so soft and sexy

Tip #5. Cold Read Her Inner Desires

With a cold read, you state how the woman is feeling on the inside. For example, cold reading her inner desires might mean telling her how much she really wants sex and how much she really wants to be dirty. Tell her, You know you want to suck your strong mans cock. It feels good, doesnt it, you like that dont you. The more you feel, the better it is and the more you want it.

You enjoy to be told what to do by a man. You love watching your dirty ass ride up and down on my hard dick. That makes you so fucking hot. Of course, you cant know exactly how a woman is feeling inside, unless youre a mind reader. Rather, youre planting thoughts inside of her mind and passing them off as her own. In effect, you can lead a woman into a thought or feeling just by telling her thats the thought or feeling that shes having.

Tip #6. Tell Her to Surrender Herself

Command her to surrender herself to you. Surrender yourself to me surrender your mind, your body. Your body is mine. Your pussy is all mine. Surrender yourself to your strong man, baby. Just let go.

Tip #7. Tell Her That Shes Yours

Deep down, a submissive girl who is emotionally attached to you wants to be yours and belong only to you. Call her your naughty girl or your sex doll, rather than just calling her a naughty girl or a sex doll. Shell feel more dominated if you imply that you possess her. Tell her as you rail her hard, That pussy is mine, I own that pussy. You belong to me. Your pussy is only mine and Im the only one who can fuck it. The only reason you exist is to take MY dick deep inside of your pussy.

Tip #8. She Has No Control

Most women love that they hey cannot control whats happening to them. Tell her, Im fucking you now, and you cannot control whats happening youre at my mercy youre just being fucked hard You like being fucked hard by a strong man? What are you going to do about it? Youre getting fucked right now by a strong man.

Tip #9. Request Obedience

Women want to be led in the bedroom and you can explicitly request obedience from her. Tell her, Youll do as I say. I have the master cock, youll do what I tell you naughty girl. You like that dont you. You just love doing everything I say, dont you that makes you so hot being obedient to my strong will.

Tip #10. Who Is Your Master?

Have her call you Daddy, Master, or King. Women love being under your control in the bedroom. Tell her, Whos your master, your strong man, your daddy. Have her say, Yes Master, when you tell her to do things or move into new positions. Now, if you want to KEEP a hot wife or girlfriend, its not enough to just be a provider. You also have to be a hot LOVER as well to keep her coming back for more. Thats why you need to check out my program Blissnosis Sexual Mastery which will give you everything you need to a Legendary Lover in bed and make women scream with multiple orgasms even with two girls at once. Just click THIS link to download the program. ~ Jesse

My Giant Guide To Talking Dirty And Filthy In Bed, With Examples!

November 8th, 2010 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

Download my FREE e-book 'My Giant Guide To Talking Dirty And Filthy In Bed, With Examples!'

P.S. I don't share your email with ANYONE else, EVER!!

Talking sexy in bed to a woman enhances sex to be more provocative, enticing, and electrifying. It turbo charges the lovemaking. Think about this. What if you were with a woman and you couldnt vocalize ANY sounds at all? Imagine if you couldnt give the woman any verbal feedback, not even a slight moan. Imagine if you had to be perfectly silent during sex. Without getting any kind of verbal feedback from you, not only would it be dull, but the women could get confused, have a misunderstanding, and become frustrated. Sex is as much mental as it is physical. And if you couldnt even make a sound, sex is not going to be as hot, as passionate, or as steamy. Sound itself is a powerful erotic tool that can heighten her pleasure, magnify her feelings, and intensify her orgasm. Thats why your voice is so important to the quality of the womans experience. Now most popular books call talking sexy to a woman sexy talk. But thats a weak way to look at it. Rather, its better to think of it as talking dirty because its purpose is to dominantly lead women into sexual submission with your words.

Tip #1: Explosive Sex Is In The Mind, Not The Positions!

The key to becoming a great lover does not lie in ways to stimulate a womans body; it lies in ways to stimulate a womans mind. Most sex advice you find in books and popular culture comes from the common misunderstanding that women become aroused mostly through physical techniques like trying different positions. But thats not true. Physically stimulating a womans body alone is not enough to make you a great lover to her, particularly if she has a lot of mental hang-ups holding her back. After all, if she cant let go with her mind to orgasm or experience pleasure, how is simply changing her positions or hitting her g-spot different going to make that much of a difference? Think about it, good sex is mental. Try to masturbate and not fantasize at all. You cant do it. And unlike men, any woman can be trained to have orgasms <em>just through mental fantasizing</em>. Sex for a woman at its very nature, at its very core, starts from inside her head. Have you ever been with a girl who was sexually damaged inside her mind? I was with a girl once who years before had been raped. And in the middle of sex she would have flashbacks of the horrible event and it didnt matter what I did with her physically, she just couldnt let go and enjoy the experience. So yes, physical technique in sex is important but its your mental technique is what will separate you from all the other guys. Maybe you already know how to lick a woman to the heights of pleasure, but that doesnt mean you know how to make all her deep core fantasies come true. That doesnt mean you know how to clear all the inhibitions out of her mind that hold her back. That doesnt mean you know how to link up pleasure in new ways for her. Great physical technique may make you a good lover; but btapping directly into her mind, will make you a God.

Tip #2. Use Repetition!

Dirty talk commands become more powerful and forceful when repeated in rapid succession, creating a very trance-like effect. For example tell a woman, I love moving my fingers through your hair I love the way you smell I love everything about you baby Youre a bad, naughty girl. Thats right, youre so bad. Im going to treat you like a bad girl, the bad girl youve always dreamed of being deep down you want to be bad.

You like being fucked hard? Im going to fuck you hard take you and fuck you real hard against the wall and fuck you. Suck it! Come on, suck it! Suck it like you mean it! Your kisses are so warm; your hugs are so warm; your tummy is so warm; youre like my warm little teddy bear. Repeating the same words over and over in rapid succession like so drives women into a submissive frenzy.

Tip #3. Give Her Compliments

All women have insecurities and they like nothing more than getting compliments in the bedroom. Compliments put them at ease and they really eat them up. Tell her, I love eating your pussy it tastes so good. Whenever Im around you I feel so sexy. Your body is so sexy. Im so lucky to have you. I always feel so good around you. Your mouth is so beautiful sucking me off like that. I love the way you smell; Im having such a hard time trying to not kiss you. Your body looks so sexy half dressed. You have great tits; I love playing with them.

Tip #4. Pace the Action

Pacing the action means telling her what youre doing to her and what shes doing to you as the action happens. Youre describing the ongoing sex out loud in real time. For example, as you press your penis into her vagina tell her, Im putting my cock into your pussy now it feels so good being in that hot pussy of yours. As you penetrate her from behind doggie-style tell her, Your ass looks so good up in the air like that as I pound your pussy with my dick. As she gives you a blowjob, tell her, Yeah, put that pretty little mouth on my dick swallow that cock down your throat. Youd be surprised how much more erotic licking your womans body is when youre pacing the action at the same time. As you give her oral sex tell her, I love licking you all over.

As youre removing her clothes tell her, Im undressing you now. You look so sexy half dressed. As you push her down tell her, Im bending you over and sticking my dick in your pussy. (P.S. To give girls multiple, squirting orgasms with your dirty talking, click here for the Blissnosis Sex Formula)

Tip #5. Future Pace the Action

You can also future pace the action. This is just like pacing the action, except that youre describing the action that you will be doing to her before you do it to create anticipation. Future pacing implies too that youll be leading and controlling the womans experience, and women love it when a man takes control in the bedroom. For instance, when you say to your woman, Now Im going to gently suck on your tits, it allows for a woman to anticipate whats coming next. Im going to put my cock into your pussy it will feel so good being in that hot pussy. Your ass will look so good up in the air like that as I pound your pussy with my dick. Yeah, you will put that pretty little mouth on my cock and swallow that cock down your throat. Im going to spread your legs wide open and lick all of your pussy juices.

Tip #6. Give Commands

The command is the basic building block of dirty talk. Commands are inherently dominant and aggressive, the very qualities that women want in a Bull in the bedroom. Even high-powered career women enjoy giving up control and being submissive to a commanding man. When you use commands, responsibility is taken off the womans shoulders. Shes free to be sexually ruthless because she did not actively pursue the sex; she had sex despite herself which makes the sex okay. You can command a woman to do things for your own pleasure. Like, Get down on your knees woman. Take my dick into your mouth. Put your head down here now lick those balls as wet and dirty as you can yes, yes, thats it.

You can give a woman commands to stimulate you visually as well. Like, Put your finger on your clit and touch yourself as you suck me off woman. Look at me as you suck me off. Take your tit in your hand and kiss it baby as you take my cock in your mouth. Yeah baby, go deep and wet. Slobber on it. Slap that strong cock on your face. Open your legs and show me your pussy. Notice that commands are action verbs. Kiss, lick, suck, undress, masturbate, spread and so on are all powerful actions. The trick to having her follow your commands is not so much what you say, but HOW you say it. Whats really important is your tone. Asking her, Would, you please, please lick it, if it wouldnt offend you? is not a command. It does contain a verb, but that does not make it a command. Dont ask, Honey, why dont you sit up on the dresser and well do it there? Dont ask, just tell her where to sit and do it. Your commands will only have as much effect in direct proportion to your level of confidence and conviction you convey. Act utterly expectant and confident that your commands and suggestions will occur. Inspire confidence in her. Shell be much more suggestible and follow your commands if youre 100% confident in your abilities, no ifs ands or buts! Only then will a woman seriously consider your frame as her total reality.

Tip #7. Stacking Commands For Maximum Excitement

Once youve got the core formula down, you can start stacking a series of sexy talk and dirty talk patterns. During sex, once shes gone into a highly sexual, suggestible state, stack the first sexy talk pattern. Baby, its so hot when you suck me off like that you bad girl. Now stack the second pattern. You like being fucked hard and rough. You like it hard youre a bad girl who likes it hard you like it when I fuck you hard and rough like that dont you. Have her affirm it back to you. Tell me you like it hard and rough! Yes, I like it hard and rough! shell squeal.

Now stack the third pattern. You like it when a strong man fucks you hard. You just love being with a strong man, dont you? Stack, stack, and stack multiple sexy talk and dirty talk patterns. Remember to keep the patterns simple and to use lots of repetition. By the time the suggestions are repeated and repeated, and she verbally affirms herself the suggestions to be true, the suggestions will become true and real for her and become part of her sexual identity. And with each Blissnosis session you do together, it will become even easier to do the next because youre establishing a new norm that all of this is perfectly natural and normal something expected that you do together all the time. With each Blissnosis session shell leave the inhibitions of the Madonna and Buddy frames behind. With each Blissnosis session her critical factor will grow softer. With each Blissnosis session her identity as an uninhibited sexual woman open to anything you suggest will be strengthened and reaffirmed. Pretty soon, shell begin expecting you to push the limits. Pretty soon, shell come to expect that the routine is to break the routine.

Tip #8. Make Her Repeat The Talking Dirty Back To You
Once the woman is comfortable with sexy and dirty talk, once talking in the bedroom is established as a pattern, and this can easily happen within the fist few sessions, the next step is to get the woman to sexy talk back to you and become involved in the verbal fantasy instead of just being a passive recipient. A lot of women will start talking back all on their own. Theyll repeat back your dirty talk or even take it a step farther. If you tell her, Im going to fuck you hard, she might say back, Yeah I want you to fuck me hard, or Yeah Im a dirty girl, fuck me hard. But a lot of women wont initiate on their own. They have a fear of being judged negatively by you which holds them back from speaking. So to make her verbally interact, say to her, You like being fucked hard. Yeah baby, tell me that you like to be fucked hard. If she says nothing, tell her again, Tell me you like being fucked hard baby. Shell say something like, I like it. Most likely, it being the first time, shell say it timidly.

But a timid response is not what youre going for. You want to get a strong, solid response from her. Tell her again, Baby, I want to hear you tell me how you like being fucked. Tell me you like being fucked hard baby. The key is to get her to say it back to you, and have her say it with some strength and conviction. Thats why speaking to her with authority and certainty is vital. Heres why having her talk back is so psychologically powerful by having her repeat your talking dirty back to you, the new ideas and beliefs become more real. The very act of her speaking it is what accelerates and solidifies the change in her core beliefs and identity. Once she says she likes it rough and hard, thats when she becomes a woman who likes it rough and hard. By making her say it, it also brings into a psychological principal known as commitment and consistency. Once a woman says something out loud for you to hear like, Im a naughty girl, shell try to remain consistent with that new image of herself. For example, if you want to lose weight, one way to stick to an exercise program is to tell all of your friends and family about your goal. In the effort to remain consistent with your new public image, youll more likely stick with your goal to lose weight. Have you ever gone to church or seen on television where the minister wants you to say, I accept Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior? If its just the minister saying it, its not as real to you. But once you say it, your beliefs and identity tends to change. So get her to participate, as soon as shes comfortable with being talked sexy to. Otherwise, youre just talking dirty to a blow-up dummy doll. And again, once the sex session is over, be sure to reestablish your relationship and reward her by being close to her. Tell her how incredible she is as a person for being so sexy, for saying those sexy words and how close it makes you feel to her. Tell her how perfect she is and how much you love her for that. In addition, ask her how exciting it was for her. Shell say, Yes, it was very exciting for me. When she tells you, Yes it was very exciting, out of her own mouth, shes in effect giving herself an image to live up to that having it rough and hard is something that excites her, a self image that in the future shell want to remain consistent too.

Tip #9. Dont Use Trying For Rapport Tonality

Dont use dirty talk with a trying for rapport voice. Trying for rapport has an upturn at the ends of sentences. Im ending all of my sentences in a higher pitch. The voice is a littler higher and sloped UP on the end of the sentences when Im seeking approval.

So you end up sounding overly friendly and needy. It sounds like to the listener that youre almost asking a question. Like youre asking permission to continue at the end of every sentence. Its almost like you sound like youre apologizing for even talking. Or that youre constantly affirming to yourself that its okay to continue. Like youre constantly looking for feedback from the woman to continue. Ending on a high pitch at the end of every sentence, like youre asking everything as questions, is a total giveaway to the girl that youre coming from a place of lower social value and that you lack confidence in what youre doing. But the whole point of being a Bedroom Bull, a leader, and therefore a man, attractive and dominant, is NOT to be looking for a womans reaction or her approval for your dirty talking. Fortunately, you can easily solve the Trying For Rapport problem by instead of ending your sentences in an upward tonality, you want to end them in just a neutral, flat or even slightly downward tonality at the end, just like you would if you were talking normally. Dont allow the ends of sentences to rise in pitch.

Tip #10. Speak With BREAKING Rapport!

Even more dominant and sexy is BREAKING rapport. Breaking Rapport is where your tone slopes DOWN towards the end. Its almost like youre interrogating the girl, youre skeptical, or shouting orders at her. Hey, youre really sexy!!? Why dont you take off your clothes and lay down on the bed for me, baby!!? See youre tonality curves DOWN at the end of the sentence and its almost like an interrogation. Hey, whats your name? Who are you?? Talking in a breaking rapport voice is LEADING the interaction and its no longer SEEKING a good reaction from the girl. Thats whats so attractive about it, because all the other guys a girl meets will be trying to kiss her ass or suck up to her in a seeking rapport voice. MOST of your dirty talking should be done in this Breaking Rapport tonality. Thats what separates it from normal sexy talk, which is generally done in a more Neutral Rapport tonality. Speaking in a Breaking Rapport tone will also put the girl into a Seeking Rapport reaction.

If you say to a girl, Hey!! Take off your clothes!! in breaking rapport, shell usually respond with seeking rapport like, Um, um okay! Her sentences will RISE at the end in trying for rapport in response to your breaking rapport. Which is what you want, because now the woman is the one who is seeking a good reaction from you, and youre leading the talking dirty. The sweet spot you want to hit is a mix of Neutral Rapport and a mix of Breaking Rapport with NO trying for rapport AT ALL.

Tip #11. Be Passionate To Make Her Passionate!

When shes feeling sexual and highly aroused, talking dirty that may otherwise sound disrespectful will NOT be taken as disrespectful. In fact, the talk dirty will actually increase the womans sexual excitement. Understand that women are highly sexual creatures and will go along with most anything if your presence is sure and commanding. If youre passionate, shell be passionate. If youre excited, shell be excited. If youre relaxed about your body and sexuality, shell be relaxed about her body and sexuality. And if you have 100% belief in what youre saying, shell have 100% belief in what youre saying. On the other hand, what you say will feel uncomfortable if you feel ashamed or embarrassed. A woman can always tell if you feel uncomfortable about something, which only makes her feel uncomfortable. You lead her state. She will follow whatever state you yourself go into, good or bad. Now, when you talk sexy to a woman while shes in a suggestible, Blissnotic state during sex, theres a few guidelines to keep in mind that will really make things click for you.

Tip #12. Dont Explain What Youre Doing

First of all, do NOT explain to her what youre doing or that this is part of a program youre learning. Do NOT engage her conscious mind on a level where it can resist or say No. The point of sexy talk in the first place is to remove her critical factor from the decisionmaking process, and NOT toexcite it up by consciously telling her what youre doing. Besides, anytime a woman has sex she goes into an altered state of Blissnosis naturally and automatically. Theres nothing more you need than rapport, trust, and authority to

make it happen. Theres no need to explain sexy talk for it to work. Its a purely natural and automatic process. So dont tell her that youre doing sexy talk or asking for her permission, that defeats the whole point. Her mind will only lock up and try to resist. It would be like going on a first date with a woman and telling her that you took a seminar on dating and seduction and that youre going to try a few lines on her. No! Her critical factor will immediately go on the defense and get in the way.

Tip #13. Go With the Flow

Secondly, go with the flow. Accept whatever occurs with her and use it. If talking about lingerie into her ear doesnt interest her, dont worry about it. If something in your talking dirty doesnt get an optimal response, dont worry about it. Dont get attached to the result. This is a process. If she resists a suggestion or a command, its fine. Just back up and try something a little softer or different instead. All you did was go past her comfort zone and now you know where to dance on the line next time. On the other side of the coin, if you start out with talking dirty about lingerie and she starts talking about how she wants whips and chains, dont get stuck on lingerie. Go with the whips and chains. Go with the flow and dont resist.

Tip #14. Keep It Simple and Relax!

Simple dirty talking is great! You dont have to get real elaborate. Repeat the same ideas and commands. Repetition and unflinching force is more important than variety or getting every idea in there. Repetition locks in the new programming for her. Repetition makes it stick. When you repeatedly suggest and reinforce a command, its more likely to be accepted by her subconscious. Your goal here is not to recreate the phone sex version of Homers epic Iliad and the Odyssey. Just keep it simple. For example, say to her, Wow I love it when you wear that red lingerie. It makes you look so sexy. Yeah youre so sexy in that red lingerie you get me so hot when you wear that lingerie And continue repeating the same idea. With all that, youll be a dirty talking pro! ~ Jesse

When Talking Dirty To A Girl, Make Her Affirm Yes! Yes!

November 7th, 2010 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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An affirmation is when a woman says, Yes to your command. For example, when you say to a woman, You like having my dick in your mouth, dont you? you can get an agreement from her like a nod of the head or a Yes. This is an affirmation and her response makes the experience more real for her. When shes highly aroused and youre rubbing your cock at the opening of her vagina, tell her, Baby, tell me how much you want my cock inside of you. Shell affirm, I want it inside of me Tell her, You want my tongue inside your pussy hole? Tell me. Shell affirm, Yes. You like it when I fuck that cunt of yours dont you. Tell me. Shell affirm, Yes. You want me to fuck that cunt, right? Please

Who is that pussy made for? Tell me! Shell affirm, You How hard do you want me to fuck it? How hard do you want me to fuck it? Shell affirm, Hard fuck it hard! For an even more powerful effect, especially when she doesnt say Yes with enough conviction, have her give you a double affirmation or even a triple affirmation. As you have her bend over with her ass and pussy up in the air, say to her, Youre a very horny little girl for your strong man arent you? Tell me how horny you are. Tell me youre a horny little girl. Shell say Yes Thats the first affirmation. Tell her, You didnt say that with very much conviction. I want you to tell me that youre a very horny little girl for your strong man like you mean it. Tell it to me. Shell say, Yes, Im a very horny little girl Thats the second affirmation. Tell her again, Tell me like you mean it. Tell me how horny you are. Tell me how much you want my cock inside you, you horny little girl. I want to hear you say it. Shell say, Im so horny I want your cock inside of me! Please And thats the third affirmation. Whenever a girl affirms something herself, it makes it for real and true for her, because now she has said YES to it. ~ Jesse

Is Your Woman A Handful? Heres How To Pass Her Relationship Tests

November 7th, 2010 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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Every woman will test a man for a certain trait. And that trait is dominance, the ability to be a leader, the strength to stand up for yourself and be a Bull, not a Wuss. Particularly when youre setting the rules of the bedroom, a woman will test you fiercely. Shell test if your words are more than just empty stands, but that you mean them with action and discipline. Shell test if she can get away with her bad behavior if she pleas and pouts. Shell test if youre a strong man who wont just kiss her ass and always look for her permission.

What Tests Actually Are

A test is her challenge to you because she wants to feel your strength, your manhood, and your dominance. And generally the more beautiful and feminine a woman she is, the more numerous and intensive her tests will be. For instance, if a woman chronically arrives late to meet with you or doesnt arrive at all, and you let her treat you that way with a lack of respect, shell quickly realize that she can do whatever she wants with you and get away with it.

Or if a woman is asking all the time for outlandish favors and gifts, shes testing to find out if youre ready to do anything for her at her beck and command. If a woman gives you orders in a direct or impolite way, she finds out if youre the kind of man who will let her treat you badly and to the extent that she can direct you. If she speaks in a meandering way for hours about something that could be dealt with in a few minutes, shes testing to find out if youre man enough to interrupt her and tell her what to do. If she uses dramatic emotions in her speech, mood changes, and sudden emotional swings, its to train you to get used to every whim of hers. The basic meaning of all of these tests is, if you dont stand up for yourself, or if you dont take control and lead the situation, you are not a dominant man.

Tests are all about your male dominance.

This testing is not a conscious process of hers. Shes not being malicious. Its just her unconscious way to determine if shes with a real, sexual, dominant man, or a Wuss. She wouldnt even bother testing you unless she saw at least some value in you. After all, if the woman wasnt serious about having a sexual relationship with you she wouldnt even bother testing you in the first place. So you have to see tests for what they are opportunities. Every woman youre ever in a relationship with is going to test you, at least on occasion. A test is a golden opportunity to set the tone and frame of the relationship and establish your masculinity and dominance in the eyes of a woman. After all, shes hoping that youll pass. Shes hoping that you dont put up with her antics and establish yourself as the kind of dominant man that she wants. Shes hoping that youre not like all the other average guys out there who immediately bend to being her whipping boy. So you want to look forward to a womans tests.

How NOT to Handle a Test

If you dont react quickly to the lack of respect and handle the test correctly, youll blunt a womans sexual desire toward you.

If she blames you for something that you didnt do and you try to defend yourself, youre already buying into her frame the frame that she can pick on you for something trivial out of her imagination. If she tests you and you try to smooth things over by giving her a backrub, or talking about feelings, youre rewarding her bad behavior. If shes moody and impolite, dont make her hot chocolate to calm her down. Rewarding a woman in the face of a test makes her lose respect for you as a man. Neither do you want to become upset or angry in the face of a test. Part of the purpose of a test is to determine if you give too much importance to what she says and let her antics control your inner state. If you call her out on her behavior and youre upset and angry, you come across as weak, out of control, and placing too much importance on it. If a woman doesnt return your call, getting upset that she didnt call you back only makes you look needy. Even if you calmly point out her behavior, she may feel attacked and want to fight back even if on some level she knows that her behavior is bad. Some women may even start to feel self-righteous about their bad behavior in the face of an accusation.

How To Pass Her Tests

The answer to passing tests is that no test deserves a serious answer. After all, as soon as you give a serious answer or response, whether its getting upset or saying dont be mad or trying to make her feel better, youve surrendered your frame and youre buying into hers. As soon as you let your inner state get out of whack, youve already lost the match and failed the test. Instead of getting serious, keep yourself relaxed and playful, as if you were playing a game. If a woman tells you in an impolite manner to get her something to drink, you could tell her, Hey sure, Ill get you a drink and then pick her up and lift her off the ground, spin her around, tickle her, and play wrestle her. Instead of getting her the drink, physically dominate her. Being physically dominant lightens the mood and established whose boss. And then you can tell her to ask you again, and if she asks nicely this time with kisses youll get her a drink. In this way you dont accept her frame and assume the physical leadership in the situation. You can also reframe and dominate the woman physically sexually.

If she makes a wild accusation based on virtually no evidence like telling you, What is this number on your cell phone that you called? Is this another woman? Are you cheating on me? dont take the test seriously. Tell her instead, Yeah, Im cheating on you with two girls in fact. Both girls with tight bodies like yours. Then squeeze her butt and put your hand down her pants and start fingering her and talking dirty. The key to passing tests is always the same ignore the frame of the test and show her that it doesnt worry or bother you. Playfully reframe the test and physically dominate your woman. This instantly lets her know who is the dominant man. So dont cave in or fall for her tests. If you do, your woman will lose respect for you and sexual attraction is killed. But once she realizes that her games and bull wont affect you, that youre a physically and sexually dominate male, that you assume a role of leadership, and that your happiness and inner state isnt dependent on her mood swings, shell finally think to herself that she has a real man. With time youll come to enjoy tests as you come to see them as opportunities to build respect in your womans eyes. With time, your woman will test you less and less as she comes to understand at a deep level your sexual dominance in the relationship.

Not All Of Your Womans Drama Is a Test Heres How To Tell The Difference
Not everything a woman does is a test. Not everything a woman does is a test! Sometimes a woman is simply communicating a genuine and legitimate emotional need of hers that youre not meeting. For instance, she may ask you to buy her dinner as a way to tell you, I need more affection, or Lets do something romantic once in a while. Other times, she may try to improve you into the kind of man she really desires. For example, she may tell you that she doesnt like your flip flops, not because shes testing you, but because she cant feel attracted to a man who dresses down. This is merely an expression of her love and caring and wanting to feel attracted to you. Or if you spend all of your time traveling and youre never home in the evenings, she may flirt online with other men to meet an emotional need for affection or perhaps excitement.

Or if you have an angry outburst with a woman and she walks out of the room on you, its not a test shes simply reacting to your out of control behavior. Shes simply protecting her feelings. So if you read into everything a woman does as a test, youll be ignoring important information that a woman is giving you to improve the relationship. How Does One Tell the Difference? So how can you tell the difference between a test and the expression of an unfulfilled need? The purpose of a test is to test your dominance and masculine strength and whether youre the leader or whether she can control you. If you try to justify yourself, appease her, or get upset or angry, youve shown yourself to be weak and youve lost the test. Genuine communication of her needs on the other hand has no power motive. Shes simply missing something important in the relationship and shes letting you know. If you cant tell the difference between the two, its simple. If you playfully reframe and physically dominate her, in a test shell typically crumble immediately and the test will be over. She was simply testing your male dominance and once you pass, its over. But if she continues to bring it up again and continues to be serious, this suggests shes expressing a core need thats important to her in the relationship thats not being met. Lets say for example that youre watching sports on television and she abruptly tells you to change the channel. If this is a test, simply displaying your male dominance would end it. However, if her vision of having a sex worthy man is not someone who passively sits in front of the television watching sports all day, simply playfully reframing and physically dominating her in the moment will not stop her from communicating to you to change the channel. In that case, continuing your behavior and violating her core needs could end up damaging the relationship. So you dont want to fall into the trap of seeing everything a woman does a test. Many times its the expression on an unfulfilled need and you have to be sensitive to the difference. ~ Jesse

Relaxed Guys Get The Girl

October 18th, 2010 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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There is nothing more exciting to a woman than a man in control. In control of himself. In control of the frame. In control of her. How does one gain this control? A few men out there have mastered this, and the majority of men have not At least not around a beautiful woman. The answer is relaxing into the situation. The more relaxed you are in social situations, the more attractive you will be to women. The more relaxed you are in social situations, the easier you will find it to carry conversations with women. The more relaxed you are in social situations, the more people will begin to look up to you. You nonverbally demonstrate a huge amount of information that is nonverbally demonstrated to women when you are laid back and relaxed. This relaxation is responsible for affecting and influencing all of your body language. Through your body language, you demonstrate relaxation. You demonstrate comfortableness. You demonstrate confidence. So make relaxation a habit.

Relaxation gives off a feeling to others of calmness. You show no anxiety in your movements as a result. When you show no anxiety, women notice. Total relaxation creates a vacuum in a womans mind, thanks to the countless amounts of desperate, needy guys coming onto them all day long. The vacuum is a space you leave open by not acting like normal, every day men that try to seduce her. She expects something to occur, and it doesnt, so she fills the vacuum by responding to you. You are different. The vacuum that leaves a womans mind blank, because she is expecting you to fall into the social pattern of every other loser that came before you. The vacuum thus is easily created there is something missing that she cant put a finger on. It is this vacuum that you create by having the state of relaxation and not acting like other men that enhances your ability to attract a woman for more than just a one night stand. RELAX AND DO NOT THINK WHEN PICKING UP WOMEN. And its not enough to be just relaxed. You must be the MOST relaxed. If you were to look at all the men in the particular venue you find yourself, you must make sure that you are the most relaxed of ALL of them. Youll find that almost everything you do within an ultra relaxed state will go over much smoother. Your words, thoughts, and actions will flow unrestrained, uninhibited. This feeling of uninhibited flow makes relaxation the most important default state you want to have. There are other states, but this is paramount to all of them. Begin now to incorporate relaxation into every part of your life. When Im picking up women with my ladies, Ive noticed that in the beginning it didnt go as well as planned when I wasnt relaxed enough. My women and I are always a team, but I must monitor my relaxation levels. The more relaxed Ive become, the easier it has been for MY women to pick up girls for me. How so? Women pick up on your energy. If you are jittery, nervous, or overly excited, they will feel it. And once they feel it, they will mirror you.

Basically, your state rubs off on them. If you feel out of control and unfocused, they feel out of control and unfocused which can lead you to lose your cool and go get women on your own, without your ladies help. BIG MISTAKE. Imagine if you had three women with you. Why would YOU have to pick up anyone? It doesnt look good. If anyone should be doing the recruiting and the picking up, it should be your ladies. However, if you are totally relaxed, it also rubs off on your ladies, and they automatically become more comfortable. Your ladies are more comfortable because theyre being led around by a man who is relaxed and in control. It is this comfort that allows them to go and get other women for me. My ladies feel good about bringing a new girl into our entourage. And since Im relaxed, they started to feel like everything was going well, according to MY plan. Its just natural. So as you practice the art of relaxation, realize that sometimes you may temporarily lose your state because of lack of practice. No worries. Just get back to your default state of relaxation. You can practice being relaxed using many methods. You can use visualization. You can use meditation. You can even use hypnosis. The best way, in my experience though, is to just go out there, in the company of beautiful women. Or if youre alone, exposing yourself to beautiful women, and socialize. Socialize and practice being relaxed in the social situation. Check your body language once in a while. Make sure your shoulders and neck are not tense. Make sure your speech patterns and speed match your internal relaxed state. Within a few months, women around you will wonder why they feel so relaxed and comfortable around you. It makes it so much easier to seduce and build your harem. ~ Jesse

Increase Sexual Energy by Controlling Ejaculation

October 17th, 2010 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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According to Taoism, sexual energy originates in the kidneys, bone marrow, the penis, prostate, and bladder. Sexual energy bonds together the opposing male-female or yinyang forces. It amplifies thoughts, intensifies emotions, and multiples your creative energy. Sexual energy is lost or exhausted by a diet of fast food and sugar, shallow breathing, stress and negative states of mind. Its also lost by frequent ejaculation. Ejaculation should no longer be what you are trying to achieve. Once you ejaculate, your body releases hormones that tell you to sleep. Ever notice immediately after orgasm that you sometimes get a wave of tiredness and just want to put your head down and sleep? Women commonly complain about this that their man just rolls over and goes to sleep just as shes getting started. But by practicing semen retention, you can continue to have orgasms (orgasms and ejaculation are NOT the same thing) and pleasure her for orgasm after orgasm without getting tired and the more you do so, the more sexually charged you become. You will eventually find yourself having multiple and whole body orgasms. All your senses will be magnified, to the point where releasing the ejaculate is not worth the sacrifice of pleasure. Also, when you ejaculate, you lose your life force energy and your testosterone levels dramatically drop. Women can sense when you have low testosterone and its not

sexually attractive. Over the years, continued ejaculation will cause your sexual desire and stamina to steadily decline. However, were not saying to give up ejaculation entirely. We recommend taking a more liberal approach than the Taoists, who believe you should never ejaculate. If you do choose to ejaculate, youll notice that your ejaculate feels like a gift that youre giving this woman instead of just getting a release. Studies since the 1930s have demonstrated that full orgasms without ejaculating are easily achieved with practice. Orgasms and ejaculation are not the same. Theyre two different processes that in the west are lumped together because of their apparent simultaneous occurrence. By having orgasm without ejaculating, you can orgasm as much as you want to male multiple orgasms. Once you become multi-orgasmic, you will have the ability to satisfy your woman no matter how long she wants it. Unlike the west, Eastern culture has known this for thousands of years. ~ Jesse

Giving Women Oral Sex Taking Them Over the Edge

November 2nd, 2009 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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It must too be part of your bedroom repertoire to eat a womans pussy out good and proper. Cunnilingus is called by a lot of names; oral sex, eating pussy, going down, tongue thrashing, giving head, and muff munching to name a few. But whatever you call it, women love it. For some women, oral sex is the only way shes trained herself to have an orgasm. For others, its the most intense. Women will adore you if youre able to give them a good tongue lashing. You can easily compensate for having a small penis if she knows shes found a terrific tongue thrasher, and she wont let go of that easily.

You can move your tongue in ways your penis never could. And your tongue is naturally lubricated for her pleasure to boot. However, cunnilingus is not a natural skill that youre born with. If you dont take the time to learn the skill, women wont get the thrill. And fortunately for you, many guys are reluctant even to put their face in a vagina giving you a great advantage.

Love the Pussy

About 90% of men complain that cunnilingus takes too long, is uncomfortable to perform, or tastes funny. Imagine this scenario. A sexy, beautiful woman sits on your bed. You ask her for oral sex. She declines saying she doesnt like the taste, but finally agrees to go ahead with it. She pulls your cock out, takes a look at it and frowns. Ugh, she grunts as she takes the tip of it into her mouth. After a few minutes she asks, Arent you going to cum yet? Not very hot and sexy was that? Most of the fun of getting a blowjob is getting a good blowjob and knowing that the girl loves giving it. Its no different for a woman getting cunnilingus from a man.

Now imagine this scenario. The same sexy, beautiful woman is sitting on your bed. She unclasps your belt, wetting her lips with her tongue. I find you so sexy, she says and her eyes smile when your cock springs to attention for her. Taking your cock in both hands she smiles from ear to ear with a devils grin. Hmmmm Im going to love sucking your cock, she says. She slowly licks the underside of your penis, sucks your balls, and takes you down her throat until wet saliva covers your shaft. Hmm I love the way your cock tastes in my mouth, she says. Dont cum yet The difference between bad oral sex and good oral sex is attitude. Its the way the giver enjoys what theyre doing without inhibition. Nothing is hotter to a woman than for her to think that you find her pussy the most delicious dessert on Earth. Let her know, or at least fake it, that you love eating her pussy out. Pretend her vagina is a cherry lollipop that youre dying to lick. You love the way her pussy tastes. You love the way her pussy smells. Youre NOT giving her oral sex for her pleasure youre giving her oral sex for your pleasure.

Give Her Eye Contact

Men make the mistake of not keeping eye contact when eating a woman out. Although more easily said than done, keep eye contact with her as you move toward her pink treasure. Glue your eyes to hers a little longer than you would normally, even during silences. A gaze that stays overtime awakens primal feelings in her. When you must look away, only do so reluctantly. Drag your eyes away slowly, as though they had been stuck with warm taffy. To spice things up more, throw her a devilish look that conveys lust. Throw her one as youre licking and sucking your way down her stomach. Stop and look. Install the feeling that youre a bad boy in your head, make eye lingering contact, and slowly lick your lower lip.

Smell It and Taste It

Most womens vaginas taste like hot, sweet, sticky, kind-of-salty candy. However, her specific taste will vary depending on her period, hormones, contraceptive method, what she ate that day, and her age. Whether shes worried about vaginas smell or taste or not, tell her how much you love it to relax her. When you first put your face in her inner thighs, breathe in deeply and say to her, Hmm you smell really nice down here. This next trick gets a woman really turned on. Once her pussy is soaking wet, stick your finger inside her vagina until its slick and shiny with her vaginal juices. Pull your finger out and suck her vaginal juices completely off while making eye contact. Tell her, Hmm your pussy juice tastes sooooo good. I could just eat down here all day. If she smells or tastes downright foul, this is caused by out-of-control bacteria, not her natural vaginal moisture. Dont tell her that she smells. Tactfully suggest that you take a shower together first so that youll both smell clean.

Above all else, make sure that YOU relax or she wont! If youre squeamish and tense, shell sense that immediately and follow you right into it. Remember, youre the leader and youre setting the tone. So relax. Dont worry. Theres almost nothing you can do that wont feel terrific. Even if at times you may feel confused and uncertain, shell be in heaven. Any licking and sucking of her vagina or clitoris is going to feel great to her.

Tease Her

Most men enjoy having their genitals touched at any time, whether theyre aroused or not. This is not the case with women however.

Most women need a good bit of stimulation before having their clitoris tongue lashed. Unless her clitoris is engorged with blood, it will be too sensitive to touch directly. So dont dive right in without a little prep work. First you need to get her dripping-wet hot down there. Approach her pussy slowly. Women, even more than men, love to be teased. Make her anticipate the sensations. Kiss and lick her inner thighs first. Then lick the groove where her inner thigh meets the outer vaginal lips. Go up to the very edge of her pussy licking long strokes. Before you touch her pussy with your tongue, gently use your softest, warmest breath on the whole area. Come dangerously close to her pussy and then float away.

Licking the Pussy

Once shes hot and wet, move onto the main feast. Give her pussy a tongue-lashing, but dont touch her clitoris yet youre still warming her up and her clitoris might be too sensitive still. Move in and out of her pussy lips and around and around with your tongue. Keep your tongue wet and moist. Now almost all men get this part wrong. Dont extend, tense or point your tongue like you see in porno flicks. These are actors putting on a show for the camera. Its better to use the whole surface or the flat of the tongue rather than just the tip. Just try licking your own hand with the point of your tongue and then again with the flat. Which one feels better? Again, tell her how much you like eating her. Sigh as if youre in heaven. Tell her, I love eating you out I could be down here all day mmmmmm. After youve pleasured her pussy to the point shes really wet and juicy, move on to her clitoris. A womans clitoris is the most pleasure-sensitive part of her vagina and thats where youll want to devote your attention. In fact, the tiny little clitoris has more sensory nerve endings than the entire penis! Imagine the sensation of your entire dick being stroked all at once in the space of green pea. In other words, be gentle! Most men make the mistake of licking the clitoris too hard. Keep the pressure light, especially at first. Every woman is different however. Some women will love it if you suck hard and directly on their clit. A few may shriek in pain at direct contact, even if theyre excited. For most women, what would have felt rough at first will feel fine once shes very excited.

Taking Her over the Edge

Shes getting close to orgasm now. Yes, varying your stimulation is good for getting her there, but once shes close to orgasm you want to keep a steady rhythm and intensity. When it comes to clitoral orgasms, wandering off or changing technique when shes on the verge of cumming will only sabotage it. Once youve got her hips bucking up and down, pressing against your face and she starts to have an orgasm dont let go of that clit! Most men make the BIG MISTAKE of stopping too soon. Stay in there no matter what. If shes bucking up and down, try to move with her as best you can. Unlike men, women enjoy strong stimulation while having an orgasm. So how long should you keep going? Until she makes you stop. Usually youll know when she suddenly pushes your head away or says, Stop! because her clitoris will be very sensitive after shes through having her orgasm. Otherwise, shes one of those women who can have more stimulation after orgasm and can have multiples, in which case just keep going. If youve tried every technique you know of and she still hasnt had orgasm, dont worry about it. Unlike for a guy, oral sex for a woman doesnt need to include orgasm for it to be very pleasurable and satisfying.

8 Cunnilingus Variations To Make Girls Orgasm Fast and Hard

November 1st, 2009 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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Think variety when it comes to giving women oral sex. Dont change tongue strokes every ten seconds, but if you repeat the same motion too long, shell become temporarily insensitive to it. Here are some variations shell love.

Cunnilingus The Alphabet Tease

Write the letters of the alphabet with the flat of your tongue on her pussy. This is more of a teasing technique to start out with, but shell enjoy the variety of strokes and sensations.

The Long Lick Tease

Lick the outside edge of her outer vaginal lips with long strokes, from the bottom of her pussy to the top. Then move inward and directly lick each vaginal lip, tracing it from the bottom to her clitoris. Move inward even more and lick between the inner and outer lips, tracing it up to the clitoris.

The Ice Cream Tease

Flatten your tongue and start your stroke from her perineum, the skin area located below her pussy. Slowly lick all the way up to her clitoris in one long stroke, covering as much of her vulva as possible as if youre licking an ice-cream cone.

The Tongue Thrust Tease

Press your mouth against her pussy and thrust your tongue in and out of her vagina hole as far as you can. You can also move your head forward and back to make your tongue go in and out.

The Clit Suck

Give her clitoris quick little sucks by pulling it into your mouth momentarily and releasing it. Knead it gently with your tongue, lips and mouth. Be gentle and dont bite!

Cunnilingus The Clit Swirl

Press your mouth over her pussy and swirl the tip of your tongue around her clitoris.

The Clit Flick

Take the very tip of your tongue and put it directly on her clitoris. Move your tongue very slowly in a small circle, or left to right, or up and down. You should be barely moving your tongue. Start slowly and go faster to see which speed she responds most favorably to and experiment to see which stroke she responds to best.

Cunnilingus The Cool Breath

Once her clitoris and pussy are warm and wet, blow on it with a very soft cool stream of air to provide a cool sensation on her clitoris (never blow air directly inside however). Then immediately follow up with a warm, hot stroke of your tongue. The contrast of your cool breath followed by your warm mouth will make her feel great. All women respond uniquely to different motions, pressures, and strokes. You may have driven your last lover crazy with ecstasy, but youll have to learn what to do all over again for the next woman. Of course, you can always ask her what she likes best. However, even if you ask, she may be quite unhelpful. Many women simply arent in tune with their bodies enough to know what they really like. Theyll say, I dont know it all feels good. Youll be lucky if she tells you to go harder or slower.

Female Orgasms
Womens capacity for orgasm is much greater than that of mens. Women can cum over and over and still want more. Some women have learned how to induce the vaginal contractions of orgasm just by thinking about it. Some women simply sigh and shudder during orgasm, other women moan or cry out and throw their bodies around. Other womens bodies become rigid with sexual tension. However, most men dont realize is that women can have many different kinds of orgasms.

Clitoral Orgasms
Many women orgasm most easily through having their clitoris stimulated. Clitoral orgasms are sharp, sudden, and explosive. Only the outermost part of the vagina contracts in a clitoral orgasm, narrowly focusing the sensation. Unlike a mans orgasm, which once started no force on earth can stop it, a clitoral orgasm can easily stop midway through if stimulation is stopped before the orgasm is completed.

Vaginal Orgasms
Vaginal orgasms (sometimes called g-spot orgasms) feel different than clitoral orgasms. Rather than focused and sharp, vaginal orgasms feel deeper, last longer, are more relaxed, and for many women feel more satisfying. They spread in warm waves throughout her body. Rather than only the outermost part of the vagina contracting, the whole uterus, vagina, and pelvic region will contract. And unlike clitoral orgasms, which can stop halfway through, a vaginal orgasm continues through to the end once it begins.

Blended Orgasms
A blended orgasm is the best of both worlds; the simultaneous contractions of the outer vagina and clitoris (clitoral orgasm), and contractions in the vaginal, uterus, and pelvic regions (vagina orgasm).

Nipple Orgasms
Some women have learned how to orgasm through stimulation of their breasts and nipples alone. This kind of orgasm, like a vaginal orgasm, is fuller, more complete feeling, and less sharp than a clitoral orgasm.

Serial Orgasms
Most men get multiple orgasms confused with serial orgasms. Multiple orgasms happen immediately right after one another with uninterrupted stimulation. Serial orgasms, on the other hand, happen over intervals of time in one session. All women who have had an orgasm are also capable of having serial orgasms.

Multiple Orgasms (multi-orgasmic)

Multiple orgasms are experienced like repeated shot gun fire, one immediately after another with continued stimulation. About 15% to 25% of women report that they are multi-orgasmic. The recorded record is 134 in one hour! And research indicates that at least 60% of women are at least physically capable of having multiple orgasms. However, not all women enjoy being re-stimulated shortly after orgasm. Her clitoris may be to sensitive to touch immediately after orgasm. In this case, shell feel more at home with serial orgasms rather than multiples. Thats okay though theres not necessarily any relationship between sexual satisfaction and having multiple orgasm. ~ Jesse

The 3 Secrets Of Story Telling That Entrance Good Looking Women Into Listening
November 30th, 2009 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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I find most guys interesting to talk to. I can always find something I have in common with them chicks, computers, games, sci-fi, chicks, sports, chicks, politics, chicks and so on.t However, to women what most guys talk about to other guys is well MORE BORING THAN WATCHING PAINT PEEL OFF THE WALLS! And I think most guys, at least on some subconscious level, know this. Thats why when youre with a woman on a first date conversation, you dont go on and on about guy topics, if youre smart. Because you know youll BORE her. Thats why a lot of guys on dates avoid guy talk. But at the same time, they dont know how to speak girl talk either. So theyre left with a void and left racking their brains trying to think of what to say next. They usually end up asking fill-the-void back-up questions like, So whats your major? and What do you do? and How many brothers and sisters do you have? These are all boring questions. The million dollar question is then HOW do you fill the void with GREAT stories that keeps women laughing and entertained in first date conversation? Easy. Tell STORIES. Yes, thats right become a storyteller.

Storytelling accomplishes a number of objectives that normal guy talk and asking questions doesnt.

1) Storytelling is ENTERTAINING.
Ever notice how as a child, you were always read STORIES? Notice now, how as an adult, you turn on the TV to watch STORIES? Even a science show on the Discovery Channel like Mythbusters is told as a story. Youre not just presented with the fact that an urban legend was busted or not that would be too boring to watch. Instead, youre shown HOW Jamie and Adam busted the myth or not and all the HUMAN INTERACTION between them that follows. Thats because people naturally like stories. People naturally like stories because stories are naturally entertaining.

2) Storytelling takes women on an emotional journey.

A good story evokes emotions. A good story in a first date conversation will bring a woman through a series of emotional states such as, for example, from intrigue and curiosity to surprise and ending on laughter. The series of states is not necessarily complex. The story may simply start on a point of intrigue and lead to a funny ending. The point is, women like to feel good emotional states. Stories are like a drug for them so that they can get their emotion fix.

3) Storytelling makes women laugh.

Most women want a guy that makes them a laugh and stories are extremely effective at delivering the female smiles. Even a story about something morbid or mundane can be modified to have a few laughing points in it even if you have to make the funny parts up. For example, you might have a rather serious story about how your Aunt got into a car accident and broke her leg, but you could still crack a joke about how her car was such a piece of junk in the first place that it looked better AFTER the accident. Notice how these three objectives 1) entertainment, 2) emotional journey, and 3) laughter are all closely interrelated. In fact, they are all pretty much the same thing. If you are being entertained, it is highly likely you are experiencing an emotional journey as well as laughing. If you are laughing, it is highly likely that youre being entertained and being taken on an emotional journey. So if youre accomplishing one in a first date conversation, most likely youre accomplishing the other two as well.

~ Jesse

Cure Approach Anxiety With These Playfulness Exercises

December 7th, 2009 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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To cure approach anxiety, its all about being playful and outside youre head. For the first exercise to get into a playful state and cure approach anxiety, make a series of broad, wide movements using a maximum amount of physical space around you. Open up your body completely, spreading wide apart your arms and hands and legs. Spin around, jump up and down. Touch your toes. Stretch your arms out as far as possible. Involve and utilize your whole body. Now imagine having a beach ball and imagine throwing it in all different directions. Put it at your feet and kick it around the room. How fast can you bounce the ball off the walls? For the next playfulness exercise to cure approach anxiety, put on your favorite vocal music CD, something that you can sing a long with. ACT out the song. For example, if its 50 Cent singing out being a pimp, act like youre a pimp along with the music. If the song is Madonnas Material Girl act out being a material girl. Whats most

important is to be vocal, a little crazy, and physical. Do the physical gestures. Sing the voice. Step into a role thats not yourself. Heres another exercise that will amplify your playfulness and cure approach anxiety: 1. Relax, take a deep breath, and close your eyes. 2. Think about a time in your past when you felt playful, like when you were a kid, and everything was new and you were always eager to learn and discover new things. 3. Notice everything you see, everything you hear, and notice how you feel. Notice as much detail as possible. 4. Now when you are totally in that moment of your past, feeling playful, go ahead and say your code word or phrase out loud to yourself. 5. Open your eyes 6. Close your eyes 7. Now imagine yourself when you were in a situation with a woman in the past where you feel you needed to be more playful. Remember it with as much detail as possible. 8. Now say your code word to yourself, and notice how different you feel. 9. Open your eyes 10. Close your eyes 11. Imagine a time and a place in the future where you need to be more playful with a woman and all approach anxiety is abolished. 12. Say your code word and notice the change in how you feel. 13. When youre ready go ahead and say, Now I will count from one to five, and as I do so, I will awaken, feeling better than I have before ready to be playful and have a fun life12345. Notice that this exercise simply involves setting an anchor. Youre associating, or anchoring the state of playfulness to a word so that whenever you say that word to yourself youll automatically go into a playful state. Its a great little exercise to abolish approach anxiety in the moment.

Cure Anxiety Exercise #2

Have you ever had some sassy woman tell you something that you took personally? Or you had a bad night out? You go home feeling discouraged and for some reason you cant let go of the bad feeling and it feel so hard overcomeing your shyness. The next day you go out again and the only thing playing in your mind over and over again is the bad experience from the previous night. You even start remembering other bad memories from the past. And before you know it, youre not in the mood to do anything with women at all! The problem in overcomeing shyness is that your mind does not have an easy way to keep out those bad thoughts and keep you focused on your goals. In fact, these negative memories can come out at any time and mess you up at the most inappropriate moments!

Now, what if you could take all of those bad memories and make them vanish forever? And what if you could take all of your good memories, even ones that have not occurred yet, and use them to make women attracted to your positive energy? With this next exercise, you will learn how to separate negative from positive thoughts for overcomeing shyness. Dont rush. Its critical that you sloooow down, and relax. You should be free from all distractions. 1. Relax, take a deep breath, and close your eyes. 2. Now with this relaxed feeling, start to become aware of a big, floating cube of energy, as tall as you are, in back of you toward your left. This cube represents your PAST. 3. Now observe a negative event you remember. Imagine that the memory is like a black and white picture. 4. Go ahead and throw the black and white memories into the big, floating cube behind you. 5. Keep throwing any negative memories you have into the cube until the cube is full. 6. Once the cube is full, notice what happens as you shrink the cube to about an inch across and send it far away behind you. 7. Now start to become aware of a big, floating ball of energy, as tall as you are, in front of you toward your right. This ball of energy represents your FUTURE. 8. Now observe all the positive memories and experiences that you can easily remember in your life. As you observe these memories, turn up the brightness of the colors, and the loudness of the sounds. 9. Now, insert these positive memories, including the colors and sounds, into the big, floating ball of energy in front of you. 10. Keep adding memory after memory into the ball of floating energy until its full, noticing how the ball gets more intense and powerful with each positive memory. 11. Now expand the ball of energy and mentally step into it wash yourself in the experience. 12. Go ahead and count to yourself from 1 to 5, saying, Now I will count from 1 to 5. And when I do, I will awaken, feeling much better than I have ever felt before, overcomeing shyness, realizing that anytime I have a negative memory I can just send it to me past and shrink it, and anytime that I have a positive, wonderful experience I can send it into my future and step into it1 2 3 4 5. And slowly open your eyes. ~ Jesse

How To Make Her Horny For You In 60 Seconds

December 2nd, 2009 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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Another way of getting a woman sexually hot enough to want sex is to make her horny VARY your foreplay until you hit upon what she likes most and what really turns her on. Straight up tongue-to-tongue smooching and stroking a womans breasts might not get your particular woman turned on enough. Different women like different strokes. Some women get most turned on and you make her horny when you dry rub their crotch through their jeans. Other women love having the inside of their thighs stroked. Other women have particular hot spots that when touched and kissed really drive them crazy their neck, collar bone, small of their back, or even their wrists and inside of their forearms. Some women go wild from dry humping. Others like soft bites. Other women get turned on by dirty talk. Other women have a fantasy to be dominated, taken, and sexually ravished, surrendering themselves to a mans power. The point is to experiment to make her horny. If one particular stroke isnt working, take a step back and try stroking her thighs or other parts of her body. Most likely, youll hit her magic spot soon or later which will melt away her resistance.

One Step Back, Two Steps Forward

Heres how the guy gets girl to overcome final resistance: If she continues to put up a more adamant resistance, especially if she uses physical resistance such as pulling your hand away, she is willing to sleep with you but youre moving TOO FAST for her. Men need very little sexual stimulation to be ready for sex. But women require more time, and that amount of time varies from girl to girl. Some girls only need ten minutes of tongue to tongue make-out action before they feel comfortable enough for sex. Other girls need to have their bodies touched and kissed all over for an hour before they feel comfortable enough. So her resistance is not a plea for you to stop entirely, but really a message for you to SLOW DOWN. When she says: This is moving so fast She really means, I like the feelings youre giving me I want to do this but I need more kissing and cuddling first before Im ready. Slow down a little and well both get what we want. In this case, you need to adopt the strategy of two steps forward, one step back. If youve been kissing her mouth, neck, and brushing over her nipples with your hands, and she begins to give you heavy resistance when you touch her inner thighs, simply BACK OFF from that area. Continue kissing her and touching her breasts for another ten minutes. Give her more foreplay time. This is the step back. Then, once shes even hornier than before and more comfortable with your touch, step forward again. Touch her inner thighs again. Most likely, shell put up less resistance this time or none at all and the guy gets the girl! Back and forward, back and forward. Repeat as many times as necessary. ~ Jesse

How To Best Compliment a Girl A Super Secret Trick!

December 12th, 2009 by Jesse Charger Print PDF

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Heres a tip on how to compliment a girl. After the first compliment stop. Do not keep complimenting the girl, otherwise youll only look needy. You only want to give women a huge but very short dose of how they affected you and then you want to switch conversation topics altogether and go into something else. For example, if you compliment her on her great smile, DONT continue to dwell on her great smile after that. Shift into a more playful, conversational approach and other topics. One thing I like to do is take away the compliment completely and get them to work for more. For example, I might approach a woman and say, I just couldnt help but notice something about you and I had to come over and tell you that you have the most incredible energy about you. And then I might take it away saying, You know I could see us getting together in the future, but Im realizing I dont really know you. What else is there about you that I should know about? Are you easy to get along with? And Ill say this in a playful, fun tone of voice with a smile. Notice how in this case I pace first, pause, build the anticipation and then BAM I give her a short but powerful dose of pumped up emotion, the compliment, and then immediately I take it away from her, telling her in a playful tone that yeah, she has a nice energy but I dont really know her and she still has to prove herself to me. This kind of build of anticipation, BAM hit her with a powerful compliment, and then take it away is very powerful on women. If you say it in a relaxed confident manner, it shows her that youre confident enough to approach her, to go after what you want with no apologies, and at the same time she still has to work for you, she still has to prove herself to you to get your approval.

And thats how to best compliment a girl! ~ Jesse

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