Rough Idea For Action Research

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1. Context 1.1.

After attending practicum, I realize that fraction is one of the parts in mathematics where pupils find it difficult to understand. They do not like fraction since it was seldom being used in their real life context. They find that the study of fraction is wasted of time and they can not relate the topic with others topic in mathematics. This come to worst when its involve fraction with different denominator. They get confuse in order to decide which fraction bigger and hence lead to another problem when they learn to adding fraction with different denominator. After discuss with my friends, they also agree that it is not an easy task to teach fraction concept in primary school especially for pupil with low mathematics ability. 2. Focus/ aspect of practice to improve 2.1. The focus of this research is to improve the teaching of fraction with different denominator. In specific, to help pupil in identifying bigger fraction by building core concept of fraction by using smart fraction. Hence, I also believe that the strong grasp of fraction concept also benefit me in teaching addition of fraction with different denominator later. 3. Research objectives 3.1. general objectives 3.1.1. To motivates pupils to learn fraction as one of significance topic in mathematics. 3.2. specific objectives 3.2.1. To help pupils build core concept of fraction by using smart fraction 3.2.2. To enhance pupils confidence in dealing with fraction. 3.2.3. To assist pupil in dealing addition of fraction with different denominator.

4. Literature review 5. Subjects of the study 5.1. Sample is taken from class 4A of SRK St. Joseph, Penampang. The class consists of 38 pupils with 25 of girls and 13 others are boys. 6. Action plan 6.1. identifying problems 6.2. Use of smart fraction in building the concept of fraction. 6.3. Application of Cooperative learning to gain pupils confidence in handling fraction. 7. Implementation of action plan 7.1. 8. Data collection methods 8.1. observation 8.2. Fraction test 8.3. Questionnaires. 8.4. interviews 9. Reflection: data analysis and interpretation 9.1. 10. Work schedule 10.1. 11. Budget 11.1. refer Appendix B refer appendix A

12. Sources of references

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