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Citizenship Mr.

Ducklow Politics and Public Policy Strand

In our next phase of Citizenship, we will be learning about politics, public policy, and political parties. Some core concepts that we will be learning about include the following: 1. Standards:
C.12.7 Describe how past and present American political parties and interest groups have gained or lost influence on political decision-making and voting behavior C.12.8 Locate, organize, analyze, and use information from various sources to understand an issue of public concern, take a position, and communicate the position

2. Essential Question: Why cant we all just agree on political issues? 3. Core Concepts: Political Ideology: What are our beliefs about politics? Political Socialization: Where do we get our ideas about politics? Traditional Political Spectrum and the Political Compass o The economic political spectrum o The social/moral political spectrum o Radical/Liberal/Moderate/Conservative/Reactionary o Authoritarian/Populist/Libertarian Foreign policy approaches: isolationist, internationalist/economic-free trader/proglobalization, interventionist, unilateralist, multilateralist, diplomacy Defense Approaches/Spending: Hawk vs. Dove Political ideologies: liberal, conservative, moderate, libertarian, authoritarian Political Parties: Reasons for? Functions of? o Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greenscore beliefs and party platforms Two-party systemreasons for it; evaluation: time to abandon it? Third Parties in American Politicsrole, types, functions

4: Learning activities (subject to change) Political Philosophy Tests Issues Match Activity Liberal v. Conservative Sorting Cards Game TED Video: Psychology: Liberal and Conservative Brain Political Party Project Articles: Why Most Americans are Liberal and Conservative; Third Party Rising

Videos: 2012 National Committee Speeches; 60 Minutes Interviews with Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. Web resource: Student News Daily: Liberal vs. Conservative Foreign Policy Frayer & Case Study Class notes/lecture/discussion

5: Unit Summatives On Demand Summative (in-class)50 points Personal Political Philosophy Paper (take-home)50 points

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