Catia Tutorial Worm

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Designing parametric worms with Catia V5

Published at The worm is a part of a worm / worm wheel reduction gear

This tutorial shows how to make a basic worm that you can freely re-use in your assemblies.

1 Sources, credits and links

The worm can be coupled with a worm gear or with an helical gear. The principle for designing a worm consists in drawing a thread helix that cuts a cylinder. The worm dimension is taken from the part catalog Engrenages H.P.C, June 1999 edition. The worm above corresponds to the part ref. W1,5-1 page 358.

2 Table of worm parameters and formulas

# ParameterType or unitFormula Description Pressure angle: technologic constant (10deg a 20deg) Modulus. Number of turns of the thread (3 N 15). Diameter of the pitch cylinder. Length of the thread. Angle of the worm helix. Must match the angle of the worm wheel helix. Translation offset of the worm surface on the Z axis. Pitch of the teeth on a straight generative rack. Tooth thickness, measured on the pitch circle. Addendum = height of a tooth above the pitch circle. Dedendum = depth of a tooth below the pitch circle. Name in French

angular degree


Angle de pression.

2 3 4 5

m N D L

millimeter real

Module. Nombre de tours du filet de la vis. Diamtre du cylindre primitif. Longueur du filetage. Angle d'hlice de la vis. Doit tre gal l'angle d'hlice de la roue correspondante. Dcalage de la surface de la vis suivant l'axe Z. Pas de la denture sur une crmaillre gnratrice rectiligne. Epaisseur d'une dent mesure sur le cercle primitif.

millimeter millimeter p * (N + 1) angular degree atan( m / D)



millimeter -L/2

millimeter m *

millimeter p / 2

10 ha

millimeter m

Saillie d'une dent.

11 hf

millimeter m * 1.25

Creux d'une dent.

12 rr

millimeter m * 0.38

Radius of the root Cong de concave corner. raccordement la (m * 0.38) is a racine

normative formula.

d'une dent. (m * 0.38) vient de la norme.

1 Make the pitch helix

2 Add straight segments at each end of the thread

3 Draw the thread profile

4 Make the helical thread

5 Make the thread extremities

6 Insert a cylinder tangent to the outside circle

7 Intersect both surfaces

8 Fill the worm surface and add a hub

angle of t End of File

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