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Weighted Criteria: t h I.

Goal Statements--for each of the four goals statements you will be given a score of 1 to 5 based on how well you meet the following criteria: (a) each goal is clearly and succinctly stated (b) each goal is stated in the affirmative (I will) and has an adequate degree of specificity (c) each goal clearly corresponds to the given category (e.g. knowledge, skills, experience, ethics) Cumulative total for the goals statements is up to 20 points II. Explanation of Significance--for each goal you are to provide an explanation of why the goal is important or significant for your professional development. Each explanation will be given a score of 1 to 5 based on how well you meet the following criteria: (a) each explanation is clearly written in three to five sentences (b) you give good reasons to justify the importance and significance of the goal Cumulative total for the explanations is up to 20 points III. Strategies--for each goal you are to give three to four concrete strategies for achieving the goal. The strategies for each goal will be given a score of 1 to 10 based on how well you meet the following criteria: (a) the strategies are clearly stated (b) the strategies are specific (c) the strategies are clearly linked to the achievement of the goal (d) the strategies fit the required time frame (i.e. they are not elaborations of the goal) Cumulative total for the strategies is up to 40 points IV. Format, Composition and Submissionyour assignment conforms to requirements in terms of format, cover page, includes rubric, the rudiments of composition, and all submission requirements Overall score of up to 10 points V. Reflection Essay--you will be given a score of 1 to 10 based on how well you
meet the following criteria Format and content conforms to requirements; you address each question adequately, including a description of the artifact, course and context; specific references to 3 State Competencies and an explanation of how your Philosophy shows evidence of the competencies; and an explanation of and specific references to what you have learned. Overall score for the Reflection Essay of up to 10 points Total Score (100 points possible) =

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