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Anger Management

Promoting Health & Wellness

Anger Management for Health and Wellness
Anger can cause a host of illnesses, injuries and trauma in otherwise healthy people. Understanding the emotion of anger and how to manage it could help you manage your health. Anger is an emotion that all people experience (like happiness, sadness, etc.). This class, facilitated by Rebecca Hasty, will focus on ways we choose to react to the anger emotion, from annoyance to rage, the consequences and the management. This class is not a psychotherapy class, a substitute for any therapy class, nor for people who have been court ordered to attend such a class. The class will not count for credit nor for counseling, and is, in part, based on the book, Anger Management for Dummies by W. Doyle Gentry.

The Anger Emotion

(Week 1)

Universal emotion Begins in infancy Problematic when is occurs too frequently and too intensely Choose how you express Anger Anger is a health issue Healthy people rarely get angry Anger says a lot about YOU

What is Your Risk?

Males are more intensely angry; rage Ages 13 to 39 Impulsivity and excitability Provocation, inadequate support system Cynicism, Self-absorption, aggressive Drugs, Life out of balance Highly irritable, constantly exhausted Depressed Communicate Poorly Lack problem-solving skills Stressed, judgmental, blaming

Bad Habits are Difficult to Change

Managing anger is a major life change Resistance to change Changing requires energy, motivation and commitment Take control of your anger Write a letter to the editor or stand up for yourself, but dont hurt others or yourself Get support

Reacting to Anger
If you dont know what to do when you begin to feel anger, your knee-jerk reactions can mean:
Loss of job, friends or family Poor performance in school Financial difficulties Institutionalization Loss of energy Health issues Court dates Your death

Responding to Anger
Keep your cool Ask yourself how much anger this situation warrants Anger-in or anger-out Rate your anger Maintain a healthy lifestyle Polish your problem-solving skills

How Angry are You? How Intense is Your Anger?

How often during the week did you get irritated, mad, or angry on a scale from not at all to more than 10xs a day think of all the times you felt the least bit angry. 0-------------------------------------------------------------10

Think of how you feel most of the time when you get angry and honestly rate your anger from 1 (mild) to 10 (extreme).

Both Frequency and Intensity Matter

(Week 2)

0 to 5 times per week for frequency is within a healthy, normal range 6 or below is within a healthy, normal range for intensity These are considered intermittent or episodic. However, any other answers means your anger is chronic and a problem. Ratings between 7-10 are rage and are always considered a problem.

Choose Health Over Anger

Anger has an instantaneous effect on your blood pressure Cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight On-the job injuries Road Rage Affects family

Steep Price to Pay to Make a Point

Burned that bridge?

Dont need to have the last word Ratchet down the anger Choose your response Settle for just being annoyed:
Its not the end of the world Dont take it personally Dont blame the other person Dont think about revenge Cope (music) No victim

Lengthening Your Fuse

Cut back on caffeine Drink alcohol only in moderation Get more sleep, naturally Get counseling for depression Be optimistic and thankful Use imagery Employ stress-management techniques Patiently suck on a Life Savers for 5 minutes

Becoming More Tolerant

Anger says that you think youre right and the other person is wrong. The more intolerant a person, the more intense his/her anger.

Diversity is the antidote.

Increasing Diversity
Read about religions different from your own See movies about places different than where you live Go to a restaurant & try something new Be adventurous Talk to a person you dont already know Travel all you can Socialize with people whos roots are different than your own Visit museums and art galleries Hang around people of all ages Attend free lectures on a variety of subjects Keep your eyes open, your mouth shut

Help for Type As

(Week 3)

Dance Laugh outrageously Smile Be honest and open about your feelings Write No one starts out being emotionally mature. Its a journey.

Becoming a Type B
Who you are/not what you do Engage in healthy competition (dont keep score) Walk with people who walk slower, at their speed Nominate someone else Dont wear a watch Seek diversity

Understanding Your Anger

Anger reveals your character Choose how you want to feel after you get angry Do not dwell on your angry feelings Focus your anger on the problem, not the person Accept that the problem can be solved and then problem-solve You are the source of your anger

Never comes easy Is a journey and takes time Requires support Acknowledge the frailty of human nature

Improvement Plans for Angry People

Stop smoking Lay off the caffeine Cut back on alcohol Become a more responsible consumer Understand your body chemistry Let the impulse pass Become less reactive Counterbalance stress Create positive sleep habits View faith as an anger-management tool Explore spirituality and emotional health

Remain Calm and Count to 9,000

Get Out of Dodge Before You Say Something Youll Regret Take as Long as you Need to Relax


Anger is expensive Anger is deadly

NEERAJ BHARDWAJ CONSULTANT, TRAINER +919374025383 -training-consultants

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