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Area Menu maintenance

Create Area Menu

Use You want to create a new Area Menu and assign it to a user or user group as a new menu or submenu (transaction SE43). Procedure 1. Enter a name for the Area Menu in the Area Menu input field. Do not use Umlauts or special characters in Area Menu names; they are not allowed in object names. 2. Choose reate. 3. Enter a meaningful description for the Area Menu in the following dialog box. 4. Choose Insert entries.

Result When you have created an Area Menu you go to editing mode. See also: Edit Area Menu Enhance Area Menu

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Area Menu maintenance

Edit Area Menu

Use You have created a new Area Menu or selected an existing one. You want to insert entries, delete, change existing entries or sort in the selected menu. Procedure If you have created a new Area Menu, skip steps 1 and 2. 1. Enter the menu name in the Area Menu input line. You can choose from the possible entries help or your favorites. 2. Choose e. 3. You go to Area Menu maintenance editing mode.

If you created a new Area Menu, only the Area Menu description which you entered is displayed, as above. Result See also: Create Menu Entries Edit Menu Entries Enhance Area Menu

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Area Menu maintenance

Create Menu Entries

Use You want to put more menu entries in an existing Area Menu. Prerequisites You are in Area Menu maintenance editing mode. Procedure 1. Select a menu node. If the menu is new, select its header. 2. Choose Edit Insert menu entry As subnode or Edit Insert menu entry At same level. You can enter several new menu entries at the same time in the following dialog. They can be transaction, Reports, Folders or links to other Area Menus.

Insert transactions When you put transactions in the menu, you must enter the transaction code and the menu entry text. If you enter a transaction code without a text, the transaction name is used as a text. If the transaction code is not in the current system, the transaction code is used as text. Insert reports To put reports in the area menu, choose the Report pushbutton . Choose the report which you want to insert, in the following dialog. Select a report type. The input fields for the type appear.

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Area Menu maintenance

Create transaction code automatically A transaction code is generated for the selected report when you leave the dialog. You must specify the development class and possibly a transport request. If the selected report already has a transaction code, it is used. Manual transaction code assignment To specify the transaction code for the report, choose Display other options. Two additional input fields, in which you can specify the transaction code and a descriptive text, appear. You must deactivate the input field checkboxes Generate automatically and Copy report description. Enter folders To enter folders, enter a text without a transaction code. The entry is interpreted as a folder. Inserting references in submenus You can put references to other Area Menus (including previous Report trees) in an Area Menu. In this way you can construct a menu from several submenus which are maintained separately. Activate the menu references checkbox in the menu entry creation dialog. You can now enter an Area Menu name, or choose one in the F4 help, instead of a transaction code. If you are not in the menu entry creation dialog, choose Edit -> Reference to another structure -> As subnode/At the same level. A dialog, in which you can specify another area menu and the menu entry text, appears A referred submenu appears in display mode and in the system as an integral part of the Area Menu.

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Area Menu maintenance

Edit Menu Entries

Use You want to change or move menu entries in an existing Area Menu. Procedure Change menu entries To change menu entries: 1. Select an entry. 2. Choose or double-click on the entry. 3. Change the entry in the following dialog box. Transactions, folders and links to menus are completely convertable. Delete menu entries To delete menu entries: 1. Select an entry 2. Choose . 3. The entry is deleted if you confirm the confirmation prompt. You can select and delete several menu entries at the same time. Choose Select/Deselect. Move menu entries To move an entry to another position in the menu: 1. Select an entry. To select several entries at the same time, choose for each entry. 2. Select the target position. 3. Choose . 4. Specify in the following dialog box whether the entry is to be inserted at the same level as the selected position or as a subnode. Using the clipboard You can copy entries onto the clipboard and enter them at another position as copies. The contents of the clipboard are retained until you logoff from the SAP system. You can insert the copied entries in another menu during processing. To copy entries onto the clipboard: 1. Select an entry. To select several entries at the same time, choose Edit each entry. 2. Choose . To put the copied entries in a menu: 3. Choose


If you insert entries from the clipboard with the pushbutton, they are inserted as subnodes if you have selected a folder. In all other cases, the entries are inserted at the same level, next to the selected entry.

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Area Menu maintenance

Enhance Area Menu

Use You need enhancement mode to be able to make changes to Area Menus in other system than the original system of this menu. You can also edit delivered SAP Area Menus in enhancement mode. Changes made in change mode would be overwritten by the next transport from the original system. Enhancements are retained in this case. Prerequisites You are either working in a system which received Area Menus by transport from an original system and want to change such an Area Menu, or you want to change an original SAP Area Menu. Procedure You can change an Area Menu which is not original in the current system in two ways. You select the processing mode in a dialog box before you edit the menu.

Change If you choose the processing mode Change, all changes are saved as repairs. These changes are then overwritten by a transport of the menu from the original system. Enhancement In the editing mode Enhancement, new menu entries are retained after the next transport of the menu from the original system. You must specify an enhancement ID. The enhancement ID creation dialog appears before editing the menu. It distinguishes whether the current system is original or not. Choose Create enhancement ID or choose an existing ID from the list.

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Area Menu maintenance

Enhancement IDs are transportable objects, so a transport dialog appears after an enhancement ID has been created. Enhanced menu entries are only displayed if the system contains the enhancement ID. If you create menu enhancements, but do not transport the enhancement ID with the menu, they will not be displayed in the transport target system.

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Area Menu maintenance

Creating a SAP Area Menu

To create an SAP Menu, go to transaction: SE43

Click on Create. Enter the name of the Area Menu and the Description of the same.

Select the Area menu and Click on Add entry as Subnode.

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Area Menu maintenance

Enter the required transaction in the table below:

Click on OK. Now save and execute the Transaction ZDEMO. Output:

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Area Menu maintenance

Creating your own SAP Customized Main Menu

Is their any method in SAP for a person can check for his own accessible details with particular user login. You can add additional menu transaction in the SAP main menu without affecting the original SAP default area menu S000. For example, you have created a transaction code called (Z123 - ABC Own Report) and you want to insert it under Logistics. The specific user will be able to access ABC Own Report by clicking Logistics -> ABC Own Report. Steps : Goto Transaction SE43 - Area Menu Click the copy button. Copy from S000 to ZXXX After copying, click Change (area menu ZXXX) Double click on Logistics and add in your transaction code in the AreaMenu. Remembers to Activate it. Next Goto Transaction SU01 - Maintain users Type in the user name and click the Defaults button Type in the area menu (ZXXX) in the Start Menu field.

Click Save The user will be able to see the additional transaction on the next logon.

The CUA area menus are converted to tree navigation in Release 4.6A. The menu contents are automatically copied into a new data structure in Upgrade to Release 4.6A or higher. You can edit Area Menus with a new maintenance interface (Area Menu maintenance transaction: SE43). Reporting Tree Integration - Only transactions could previously be put in Area Menus. From Release 4.6A you can also put all the types of reports which are in reporting trees, in Area Menus. The system automatically assigns a transaction code to call the report from the menu. If you have already put the report in another Area Menu, no new transaction code is generated; the unique transaction code already assigned is used. You can create Area Menus from complete reporting trees with the migration transaction RTTREE_MIGRATION. The report transaction codes are generated automatically. Reporting trees can only be displayed. They cannot be maintained. To modify the contents of reporting trees, you must convert them with the migration transaction. You can then modify the contents with the Area Menu maintenance. Advantages of the new Area Menus The new data structure has the following advantages: Delinking by reference technique You can construct a menu from submenus which are maintained separately in different systems.

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Area Menu maintenance

Less restrictions The new area menus have no nesting level limit like CUA menus. The allowed length of menu texts has increased to 75 characters.

Transaction: RTTREE_MIGRATION Usage: To find standard Report tree for reports

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Area Menu maintenance

The list is under table SERPTREE Reporting: Tree Structure Example: RKS1 menu from Information system belongs to Cost Center Accounting:

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Area Menu maintenance

Under SE43, in field Area Menu:

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Area Menu maintenance

How to modify multiple items in the SAP menu

How do you add/remove/modify several items in the SAP menu for particular/all users? Login to the development client; make sure that changes to repository or cross-client customizing are permitted. Use t-code SE43N and you will see the Area Menu Maintenance screen. The default area menu in SAP is S000, so if you want to change the items in SAP Menu, it is better that you copy the S000 menu, for example copy it to Y000 (Ctrl-F5) .

SAP screen will ask you which language the copy will be created, choose English; for the development class fill it with one of the default sap development class, exp. ZDEV; and click save. It will prompt you to make a transportable Workbench request. You have to create this because we will need to transport the new SAP menu to the destination client. Click "create request" (F8) and fill in the short description. It will create new request number. Click to continue. To modify your new SAP menu, please click the change area menu button (F6).

In the Edit Area-menu you can select one of the node/sub-node and make your changes by clicking one of the buttons on the screen: Add entry as sub-node (Shift-F7), add entry at the same level (Shift-F8), change nodes (Shift-F9), .etc. After you have finished your changes, click the save button. Now that you have done the changes, the next thing is that you have to transport your area menu to the destination client (the client that you want to show the new SAP menu to your users). You can do this by using t-code SE10 to release your change request, and use t-code STMS to import your change request number that you have been released (as usual transport). To apply your new SAP menu to the user, all you have to do is login to the destination client. Use tcode SU01, fill in the username and then click the change button (Shift-F6). Click the default-tab and fill in your new SAP menu name in the start menu textbox. Click Save. If you want to set your new SAP menu to several/all users at the same time, use t-code SU10 (user maintenance: mass changes).

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Area Menu maintenance

Example: Copy Area Menu RKS1 to ZRKS1 Use button after you mention the source area menu to be copied:

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Area Menu maintenance

How to attach transaction codes to Area Menu

We know how to create transaction codes. We can use the transaction code SE93 (Maintain Transaction). Module pool programs/On-line programs must be attached to a transaction code to execute them. Report programs (executable programs) can be executed directly without attaching them to the transaction codes. But in real time, we do create custom transaction codes both for module pool programs/On-line programs and report programs. Module pool programs and on-line programs are one and the same, where we do create screens using screen painter (SE51). In real time business scenarios, after creating transaction codes, we need to attach them to Area Menu. End users can easily access the transaction codes if they are attached to Area Menu. Area Menu is nothing but starting screen where in the left hand side we find menu. The transaction code to maintain area menu is SE43. Using SE43, we can attach our custom transaction codes to the area menu. Please explore how to create nodes and sub nodes under menu using SE43.

Find the SAP menu path for a transaction

There are many SAP transaction codes and sometimes we forget the menu path. For this, a search menu path standard ABAP program was created for you to search the corresponding SAP transaction code. However, you won't be able to find the menu path for the Implementing Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG). IMG are all stored in tables and SAP have not created all the individual tranaction code (they can if they want to) for them excepts tree structure which you can click. Version 4.6x Transaction code - search_sap_menu Version 3.0x go to transaction SE43 click Utilities - Global Search Global search in area menu - key in '*' Find - key in the transaction code you want to find A list will be display. The line with the word Functions is the Main Menu.

How to assign the SAP query to area menu?

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Area Menu maintenance

Attach the transaction to a particular portion in the menu

Transaction: SE43 / SE43N Menu: Tools ABAP Workbench Development Other Tools Area Menus Select the Area Menu: CO*

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Area Menu maintenance

) (F6):

Select icon Change area menu (


Select the needed Enhancement ID which is specified in next screen:

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Area Menu maintenance

To display the transaction codes

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Area Menu maintenance


Save . Now, the transaction Z0118_PL001 will be find in SAP Easy Menu under submenu Balance sheet/P+L statement (where was insert).
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