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Comparing Monotheistic Religions As any religion is devoted to their God it is like Im devoted to family A belief in one god Judaism,

Christianity, and Islam are monotheistic faiths Practiced by about half of the worlds population Which some involve meditation They each used holy books called Quran, bible, Torah, and Talmud they treated the book Carefully each time they took a look they treated it like a baby because it was so precious and fragile In Judaism the holy city was Mesopotamian Christianity it was Rome Islam it was Mecca During Ramadan Islamic people fasted Christians during services they would eat a small wafer of bread In Judaism They dont eat pork Their spiritual leaders were Allah, Jesus, and God They respected them and were devoted Like I am devoted to chocolate. The crescent and a Star, cross, and Menorah + Star of David Represented the groups because that was those were their symbols Mosque, Church, Synagogue Is where they would pray Friday afternoon for prayer Sunday, at mass Weekly Shabbat ~ which lasts from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. Those were the days of pray Ramadan

Christmas, Easter, and Lent, a forty-day holy period of penitence and self-denial Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sachet Torah, Chanukah, and Passover Where the days of holy.

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