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English Studies Periodic Publications

VOLUME 1 | YEAR 2012 Instruction to Authors SUBMISSION GUIDELINES I.1. Paper Length. Articles should be between 800 and 1,500 words in length. All other documents are included in this figure. I.2. Which language shall I use in my paper? It is compulsory to write the article in English, and authors must be aware of the importance of using accurate and flawless English. Thus, a formal style is required, avoiding colloquial language as humanly possible. I.3. Format and Style of your paper. Papers must be left-justified, with a 5 cm left margin left. Pages must be numbered in a consecutive order. With reference to the main body of the text 1.5 spacing should be used, whereas all the other texts (abstract, keywords, acknowledgments) must be typed single-spaced. I.4. Specifications to the main text. The font Times New Roman with size 12 is the only-accepted. Regarding headings and subheading, up to three levels of them are permissible. The use of bold and italics is compulsory from the second level onwards. I.5. Brief Curriculum Besides, a brief curriculum (130 words maximum) must also be adjunct to the paper so as to add it to About the Authors section. OTHER POINTS Contributions must be submitted by e-mail to the Issue Editor(s): Aitor Garcs Manzanera General Editor of English Studies Periodic Publications Deadline for submission of papers is set for: JUNE Monograph for this volume:



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