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Isabella Brzola Y7 19/12/2012

Project Review
I was satisfied with my excel game because it had a variety of questions. For example I had some hard questions and some easy ones. I believe that my quiz was succesful because I got to finish it. Also because all of my formulas and functions were correct. I personally liked my quiz because it was colourful and neat. I made this quiz using many formulas and functions.I never thought I would use any of them in my life! I used IF statements which tell if you if the answer is right or wrong. I also merged cells , that works for joining many cells into one cell only.When the answer is wrong it turns red and when it is correct it turns green, to make that I used conditional formatting. I also did things like: Freezing cells , Count IF etc. If i had more time, I would definitely make some improvements to my quiz. I could have added more information to where it says: Answer in the purple cells. Like : If you get the question wrong the cell will turn red and if you get it right it will turn green. Some things did went wrong like Count IF or IF Statements . At the end I found a solution to that. Because my computer is in spanish , it wouldnt accept IF Statements they are called another way.They are called s , for those who want to know. If I started the project again from zero I would start by doing another topic like celebrities or something like that because I found it a little hard to find pictures. I would also change some of the pictures because some are really hard. To make the quiz look better , even though I like it, I would have changed some colours . I didnt like the font I used but I did not notice it until the very end. I really liked my quiz because it looked good and it was well done. But off course I could have changed some things. I also made many mistakeswhile doing it, but at the end they were solved. I am proud of it because I really never thought I could be that good in excel. It was also a lot of fun making it in class . I had never done something like that. I hope you enjoy this and have fun!

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