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ROBOTICS AND ELECTRONICS CLUB Vietnamese and German University

VGU EMBEDDED PROGRAMMING CONTEST 2013 VGU EProCon 2013 Competition Rules I. General

Section 1. The VGU EProCon 2013 is an event which is organized by Robotics and Electronics Club (REC) of Vietnamese and German University (VGU). This contest may not represent the policies or opinions of VGU. Section 2. This document is included with the detail guide for VGU EProCon 2013 Section 3. This document may be changed by the organizer before the contest taking place

Section 1. Participation.


Any student of VGU who is interested in embedded programming and BKIT CAR RALLY can participate in the contest. Each team must fill into the application form to participate in the contest( from the website ????)

b) Each team has from 2 to 3 members including a team leader.

Section 2. Introducing a) The VEPC 2013 is a contest about embedded programming on BCR car. Participants must write a program for cars which can run on the BCR race b) Participants must write the program on only one MCU ATMEGA64. Section 3. Coding.

Robotics and Electronics Club

VGU EProCon 2013 Rules

December 2012

a) Participants are only allowed two Coding editors: AVR studio, Code vision. b) Participants are allowed to reference the sample code from any free sources apart other teams. However, the participants must reference the sources where they get and write his or her on the top of the program file. More than one name of writers in a file are allowed c) Each member of the team will be asked about his or her work based on the file having his or her name. In case of more than one name in a file, the whole team will be asked. d) There are 4 criterions in the contest: 1. Adaptability (20 points): The code files of your team must be tested on 3 cars. You will get 6 points for one car if the car completes the race with no more than 3 times reset. If all 3 cars complete the race you will get more 2 bonus points 2. Speed (30 points): The average time to complete the race of 3 cars is the factor to determine your point: The 1st fastest team will get 25 points, the 2nd fastest team will get 20 point, the 3rd fastest team will get 15 point. The 3 next teams will get from 10 to 8 points based on their rank. Any car cannot complete the race will get the slowest time of the car which completed the race of the other teams 3. Acceleration and Event (35 points): This section is evaluated by 3 judges. Your point is the average point from 3 judges. There are factors which affect your point: The ability of acceleration after each event, your algorithms to detect the signal of the events and the time to complete each event. 4. Presentation (15 point): Each team will have a presentation in 7 minutes. The team must show the audiences the optimality of their code (briefly) and will be asked from the judges. The members REC will determine your point by voting. Section 4.Schedule.

a) Registration deadline is ???? b) At the week 6 of phase 3,(day ???), Each team writes their code to three testing cars. Each car runs for only one time. If the car gets lost, one member of the team can reset the car from the nearest check point. The score of Adaptability and Speed Criterion will be

Robotics and Electronics Club

VGU EProCon 2013 Rules

December 2012

announced at the end of the day. The code from the team will be sealed. c) At the week 7 of phase 3, each team will have a presentation on 7 minutes. Then, the team will be asked at least 3 question from the judges. The score of Acceleration and Event, Presentation Criterion will be announced after the end of the contest.



Section 1. Participation of your team can be withdrawn by organizer at any time for unacceptable

behaviors: a) Using any code from any sources without references. b) Using code from other teams c) Having any action making the disunity of REC and VGU d) Any action against the decisions of the judges e) Using any equipment or having any action to obstruct other teams
Section 2. Any student who violates the section 1 of Discipline will be prohibited to take part in any

contest of REC for one year.

PRIZE ????

On behaft of Robotics and Electronics Club Nguyen Doan Quang Khoi

Robotics and Electronics Club

VGU EProCon 2013 Rules

December 2012

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