Herbal Medicine in Indonesia

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Dr liza Health Department Cirebon Indonesia


Indonesia is blessed with the greatest and most diverse biological resources in the world, after Brazil.

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, located between two oceans, the Pacific and the Indian, and bridging two continents, Asia and Australia. It consists of more than 17,000 islands, including five main islands - Java, Kalimantan (Borneo), Irian Jaya (Papua), Sumatera and Sulawesi. Scientists acknowledge Indonesia, which has a population of around 220 million, as one of the world's 'mega centers' of biodiversity for her wide range of natural habitats, rich flora and fauna species. About 17 per cent of all species in the world can be found in Indonesia, although it forms only 1.3 per cent of the Earth's land surface. The country has around 515 mammal species, 122 species of butterflies, 600 species of reptiles, 1531 species of birds, 270 species of amphibians, and 28,000 flowering plants.

About 6,000 species of plants are known to be used directly or indirectly by the people. The use of plants in the production of traditional herbal medicine or "Jamu" is very common. As the largest tropical forest in the world, Indonesia has species-rich forests that harbor the world's greatest diversity of palms; more than 400 species or 70 per cent of the world's dipterocarp species (the most valuable timer species in Southeast Asia) including ebony, teakwood, and sandalwood; and 122 species of bamboo. The country also has over 350 species of rattan and produces three-quarters of the world's rattan cane.

Jamu is The unique herbal remedies from Indonesia, which evidently potent to cure many diseases for many centuries. The study of jamu had been conducted by Rumphius, a botanist as early as the year 1775 AD by publishing a book 'Herbaria Amboinesis'. A scientific research for jamu by the research center of herbal medicine in Bogor Botanical Garden, resulting a publication of a book 'Medical Book for Children and Adults', composed by E. Van Bent.

Jamu Gendong

The word gendong means to 'carry on the back'. Early each morning well before dawn the jamu gendong prepares several litres of three or four different of jamu in her home, having purchased the ingredients from a local market. She measures out the plant materials, grinds them on a stone mortar and pestle mixes them with water, and pours them into empty plastic bottles, puts the bottles into a large round bamboo basket, hoists the basket on to her back and sets off on her regular jamu route.


She carries a plastic pail of water to rinse out her glass between customers as well as a wad of change wrapped up in the knot of her shoulder cloth. Each jamu gendong has a regular route. She begins at dawn visiting her steady customers on foot although she might have to take a bus to get to her area.

Spices Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) Lempuyang (Zingiber Oronaticum) Temu Lawak/ Wild Ginger (Curcuma Cautkeridza) Kunyit/ Tumeric (Curcuma Domestica) Kencur/ Greater Galingale (Kaemferi Galanga) Lengkuas/ Ginger Plant (Elpina Galanga) Bengle (Zingiber Bevifalium) Brotowali (Tiospora Rumpii Boerl) Adas (Foeniculum Vulgare Mill) Fruits Jeruk Nipis/ Calamondin (Citrae Aurantifalia Sivingle) Kayu Manis/ Cinamon (Gijeyzahyza Glabra)

In Principle there are two types of jamu; Jamu to maintain physical fitness and health,
The second is jamu to cure various kinds of illness.
Galian Singset (to keep women body fit and slim) and Sehat Lelaki (to keep men body healthy).

Except the above, there are special jamu created with the purpose to maintain a loving family harmony. The popular products among other are Sari Rapet, which makes a women sexual organ in a good condition, as for the man the matched product is jamu Kuat Lekaki (strong man).

The Javanese are also taking a great care to pregnant women during pre and postnatal period by producing the related jamu. There are also jamu for the babies


first seminar about jamu has been held in Solo in 1940, followed by a Formation of Indonesia's Jamu Committee in 1944. In the 1966, a seminar on jamu was held again. In 1981, a book by title of 'The use of Medical Plants' was established to support the jamu industry in the country.

Javanese calls Jamu for herbal remedies, without chemist material as additive. Jamu has traditional connotation, because Jamu is ancient tradition, before modern pharmacology comes in Indonesia. Some formulas have a hundred years old and are used until now.


origin of Jamu is obscure. No one really knows its source. However, popular stories link first Jamu to seventeenth century Mataram Hindu Empire, where ladies of the palace who rather preoccupied with keeping themselves young and beautiful for their husband undertook the preparation of Jamu and herbal cosmetics. And Madhawapura's Inscription from Majapahit Empire tells us about 'Jamu maker ' that call as Acaraki.


tradition was being flourished in the palace of Jogjakarta and Solo princes, those become main reference for manufacturers Jamu in Indonesia. But until the early of 20th century, this tradition is still exclusively, only aristocrat communities doing this.

The Difference between Jamu and Modern Medicine The most glaring differences between Jamu and Modern medicine is in material. Jamu uses many kinds of nature herbs, even modern medicines from synthetic alchemy compound. So, Jamu has relatively fewer side effects than modern medicine. In other word Jamu has no alcohols, and no side effects


there are around 997 traditional medicine manufacturers in Indonesia, and 98 of them are industries. A few of the big jamu industries have exported their products such as cosmetics, oils and herbal medicines for women and babies to Malaysia, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Europe, the United States, and several Middle Eastern countries.


proceeds of the herbal medicine sales domestically reached around 2 trillion Indonesian Rupiahs (Rp) annually or about US$225 million, and its export value was only US$5 million, according to data from the Indonesian Food and Medicine Supervisory Body (POM) in 2002. The figure was very small compared with Chinas domestic sale value at US$5 billion and its export at US$1 billion. The demand for herbal diet supplements alone is estimated to be worth US$43 billion annually in the global market.

Indonesian herbal medicine, jamu, and quality standards.

As the 5th national congress of the Jamu and Traditional Medicine Producers Association got under way in Jakarta on 12th April delegates were reminded about the need to be competitive with other Asian producers of traditional medicines and cures.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono opened the meeting and asked that the Indonesian version of the F.D.A, the Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (POM), keep a closer watch on traditional medicine in the country to ensure that unregistered and unsafe medicines were not available. If not the whole industry would suffer, he said, especially given the fact that the year 2020 was nearing, when laws and standards for products such as jamu would be standardised throughout the ASEAN region.


a seminar entitled ASEAN Harmonization in Traditional Medicines and Health Supplements Husniah Rubiana Thamrin of the POM urged jamu producers to become more competitive and creative in anticipation of increased competition from India and China, countries whose economies were developing fast. The ASEAN harmonization program would help in this respect, he said, but Indonesian traditional medicines had to be of a higher quality.

CINNAMON (Kayu Manis)

TYPICAL INDONESIAN DOSE 3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce) MERIDIANS Heart, lung, urinary bladder :: ACTIONS Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, analgesic, relieves flatulence and indigestion, improves heart function, stimulates urine flow. :: TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN USES - to warm the channels and collaterals - to disperse cold - to improve circulation of excess vital energy - to strengthen heart excess yang

RECOMMENDED JAMU Jamu Sakit Pinggang (Kidney complaints and back pains)


MERIDIANS Heart, lung, spleen, stomach ACTIONS Anti-inflammatory, relieves flatulence and indigestion, circulatory stimulant, stimulates the flow of milk, stimulates urine flow, mild expectorant. TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN USES to regulate energy and alleviate pain to warm the stomach and middle 'triple burner' area TYPICAL INDONESIAN DOSE 3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce)


Heart, lung, spleen, stomach

GINGER ( Jahe )

:: ACTIONS Combats nausea and vomiting, antispasmodic, antiseptic, relieves flatulence and indigestion, circulatory stimulant, induces sweating, expectorant, relaxes blood vessels, topically: increases blood flow to the skin causing reddening.
:: TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN USES + Fresh Ginger - releases the exterior, strengthens defensive energy, - and disperses cold - warms the middle 'triple burner' part of the body. - reduces toxicity of other herbs + Dried Ginger - restores yang - warms spleen, stomach and the lung, and resolves phlegm

NUTMEG - Pala (Myristica fragans)

MERIDIANS Spleen, stomach, large intestine ACTIONS Antispasmodic, combats nausea and vomiting, appetite stimulant, anti-inflammatory, relieves flatulence and indigestion, digestive stimulant. TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN USES - to restrain leakage from the intestines and stop diarrhoea - to warm the spleen stomach and middle 'triple burner' area and regulate energy flow

TYPICAL INDONESIAN DOSE 1 - 6 grams (1/100 - 1/4 ounce)

ROSE - Mawar Rosa laevigata

MERIDIANS Kidney, urinary bladder, large intestine ACTIONS Astringent, antibacterial, antiviral, reduces cholesterol levels, tonifies uterus.


- to consolidate vital energy and "essence" of kidney - to restrain leakage from the intestines

TYPICAL INDONESIAN DOSE 3 - 9 grams ( 1/10 - 1/3 ounce ) RECOMMENDED JAMU Bedak Sariawan (Softens the skin, dries up excessive oils) Bedak Jerawat Neera (Prevent, reduces blemishes)

FALSE DAISY Urang-Aring Eclipta prostata.

MERIDIANS Liver, kidney ACTIONS Antibacterial, stops or reduces bleeding . TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN USES

- to nourish liver and kidney yin - to clear heat from the blood and stop bleeding

TYPICAL INDONESIAN DOSE 15 - 30 grams (1/2 - 1 ounce) RECOMMENDED JAMU Minyak Cacap Rambut (Traditional Hair Growth Tonic)

Cancer can be cure with operation , chemotherapy and herbal

For cancer we can use keladi tikus (rodent tuber), curcuma alba , hedyotis corimbosa. This rodent tuber can be use after chemotherapy so the patients can add their eat passion, and reduce the effect of chemotherapy Especialy for cancer in uterus, we add with curcuma zedoaria (berg)roscoe The importand things, drink juice fruit everyday, and always positive thingking.

Rumput mutiara (hedyotis corymbosa)

Cancer ( 30 60 gr braised) Tonsillitis, pharyngitisgitis, bronchitis, pneumonia (braise 15 60 gr) Hepatitis( braise 15 60 gr) Chafed ( braise out of 4 glass become 2 glass of 15 60 gr)


ureter stone infection/ Turbid urine Hard of urine, ulcerated, hot, catalepsy, edema, haemodialysis Edema of liver Thrown, high blood, pile, typhus, leprous Bleeding cough, vomit blood, nosebleed Cough asthma, tuberculosis Fever, chafe tonsil, ill of gullet, bronchitis Headache, poisoned of jengkol stomachache, Wormy, add passion eat Red-eyed, bloated cell Revitalisation ( hurt, singe, husk ulcer, preventive of keloid, ex- hurt hipertropi)

PEGAGAN Centella asiatica

Centela asiatica

conteint : potassium, sodium, magnesium, Calcium, fe, asiaticoside, thankuniside, carotenoid Ureter infection , braise 30 gr plaint Venous revitalisation good to liking nosebleed Epilepsi hemoroid boill 4-5 sheet of the leaf and boil, drink after cold

KUNIR PUTIH Curcuma alba L


Add passion eat

reduce growth of cancer cell

heal gastric pain in stomach Cancer By dr liza

KELADI TIKUS Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd) BL

cancer of the breast, lung, large intestine, rectum, liver, prostate, kidney, cervix uteri, red lane, brain case, spleen, leukemia, pancreas and bile Netralize poison of drug Reduce the effect of chemotherapy By: dr liza

benefit Anti coagulant, contain saponin, flavonoid , volatile oil

Gynura segetum (Lour) Merr

Tumor Hurt beaten, catch a cold amerrohoe Hemorrhage of woman , breast edema, coughed, vomit blood Nipped by snake ( other animal) Eliminate blood clot in vein to prevent and cure stroke and heart attack Urinary bladder stone

Gynura segetum

if the menstrual haven't come yet, hurt beaten. Crop the leaf and boxed, drink decoction and patch in contusion edema of the breast , coughed, vomit blood, complete plant 1 bar boil and drinking after cold Tumor, eat fresh leaf 4 sheet everyday Prevent stroke and coroner heart ( 5 fresh vegetable sheet) Eliminate blood clot in vein ( 3 X 4 fresh vegetable leaf sheet)

Sambung nyawa (gynura procumbens)

High blood pressure : 5 fresh LEAVES / juice/ steam Tumor, raw 3 fresh leaf burnt every day ( see fomentation and abstention) Diabetes mellitus in fRESH pile, Cholesterolemia, gastritis Cancer ( 30 60 gr braised) Tonsillitis, pharyngitisgitis, bronchitis, pneumonia( braise 15 60 gr) Hepatitis braise 15 60 gr Chafed ( braise out of 4 glass become 2 glass of 15 60 gr)

Temu putih /curcuma zedoaria (berg.) Roscoe

This contain cineole, camphene, zingiberene, borneol, camphor, cur cumin, resin, curcumol , curdione Pharmacology , antiinflamation, homeostatic, fibrynolitic, anti neoplastic Especially for cancer cervix, cyst ovarian, pain when menstruation

Containt: antivirus, anti biotic, anti cancer, laktone, deoxy andrograholide, andrograholide, neoandrographolide, 14 deoxy 11,12 didehydroandrographolide , flavonoid, polyemethosyflavone, andrographin, panicolin, mono o methylwithin, apigenin , demethyl ether, alkane,ketone Benefit: cancer Hypertension Typhus abdominals ( 10-15 ) Dysentery basilar / diarrhea Flu, headache, fever Influenza Lung tuberculosis whooping, High blood, oral infection, tonsillitis

Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees

Pharyngitisgitis diabetes Scabies dysentery Snake bite gonorrhea fever cancer trophoblastic diseases mesotic infection awaken passion eat Trophoblastic disease


DAUN UNGU Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff.



- Cashew Leaves20%(Anacardi Folium 20%) -- Turmeric 20%(Curcumae Rhizoma 20%) -- Curcuma aeruginosa Root 20%(Curcumae aeruginosae Rhizoma E) -- Papaya leaves 20%(Caricae Folium 20%) -- Languatis Root 20%(Languatis Rhizoma 20%) -

QUESTIONS 1. Can it be taken by teenagers/youths or unmarried ladies? Will there be side effects? Highly recommended because according to WOMAN , her mother insisted on her taking this jamu as soon as she got her menses. No side effects. (and will reduce the smell of menses) 2.Can a woman having her periods consume the jamu? - Most encouraged since the jamu will clear out all the blood clots. That is why women who are in their post-natal period must drink the jamu to rid off all the remaining blood in the womb.

3. Is it recommendable for those who have rheumatism to take the jamu? Usually for those who strained due to hard work would feel pain at the joints. The jamu would actually enhance blood circulation and improve the general condition of our body. Thus, this would give a sense of lightness to the body.

4. Is there any side effects from consuming this jamu? - ME and OTHER WOMAN have been taking it for quiet a number of years. Ive never had any negative side effects. We consume it once after every two or three months (for a week). 5. Jamu is actually healty, is it recommended for those who are having hypertension/high blood as well? - yes there are medicine plants for hypertension such as sambiloto

6. Is it recommended for pregnant ladies to take jamu? Will it effect the foetus? - Not recommended.

Reduce & prevent the acne.

- Turmeric 20%(Curcumae Rhizoma Extract 20%) -- Papaya leave 20%(Caricae Folium Extract 20%) -- Bitter Mellon 25%(Momordicae Folium Extract 25%) -- Andrographidis herb 15%(Andrographidis Herba Extract 1) -Gotu Kola 20%(Centellae Herba 20%) -

Smoothen lactation ( Lactagogum)

- Coriander 10%(Coriandri Fructus

10%) -- Beard Moss 10%(Usneae Thallus 10%) -- Fennel Seed 10%(Foeniculi Fructus 10%) -- Alyxiae Bark 10%(Alyxiae Cortex 10%) -Elephantopus Leaves 20%(Erythrinae Folium 20%) -

Anti Anxiety (To ease sleeping problems.)

Valerian 50%(Valerian Radix 50%) -- Bearing Spurge 15%(Hirtae Herba 15%) -- Marsh Fleabane leaves 15%(Plucheae Folium 15%) -- Cinnamomum Bark 20%(Burmani Cortex 20%) -

Tighten and strengthen uterus. Women's Health Aphrodisiac ( Women )

- Parameriae Bark20%(Parameriae Cortex 20%) -- Beard Moss 20%(Usneae Thallus 20%) -- Gallae 15%(Gallae 15%) -Gambir 5%(Gambir 5%) -- Coriander 15%(Coriandri Fructus 15%) -


It consists of ingredients, which: - Decrease fever (ules, clove leaves, peppermint leaves) - Prevent headache and nausea (ginger, peppermint leaves) - Prevent sore throat (adas, clove leaves and peppermint leaves) - Raise body resistance (ginseng)


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