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Team Chocolicious

Jaeha Kim: Ladies and Gentlemen, and Judges, please take a look at these stressfilled, coughing, caffeine-less, poor, and acne-infested group of five students. To get more specific, these five students, including me, are the most nerdiest, most academic souls of the century. And without many of the nutrients from the everso-valuable chocolate, I am sure that in the next hour, these students will suffer severe consequences beyond our imagination. Therefore, before I introduce you to our teams solid and concrete arguments, I would like to ask you as the audience members, to keep in mind that your decision can change our day and your day too. Argument 1: These students, these students, are the future academic leaders of our society. As good as it is to be an academic leader, a lot of unenumerated responsibility follows. In order to fulfill this unenumerated responsibility, of being expected to get a hundred on every test, quiz, assignment,etc., all of us study until 3 A.M, including the weekends. Due to this we go through physical exhaustion and absorb a lot of stress. But this isnt the only source in which we receive stress. We, as teenagers too, go through many heartbreaking break ups. Even yesterday, me and several of these students went through a breakup. And because multiple Swiss scientists have proven chocolate to be one of the most effective stress-reliever, one hour without chocolate, our painkiller, would result in catastrophe. So please give us the opportunity to stay out of pain, for one more hour.

Argument 2: Chocolate. A slab of immensely fattening but extremely tempting sweet, disguised as the most scrumptious and exquisite delicacy ever. The rich flavor and heavenly aroma brings joy to people all around the world. However, chocolate doesnt just pleasure our taste buds, it also benefits

our body to a great extent. It is a proven fact that dark chocolate boosts up your intelligence level for a certain amount of time.This is due to the large amount of flavonoid contained in the chocolate, which is an antioxidant that keeps the brain sharp and focused. Also, according to studies from the New England Journal of Medicine, countries that consume the most chocolate, s/a Switzerland, produce the most Noble Prize winners. As mentioned before we are some of the most diligent, and intellectual students at this school. We have worked so hard, to make up for the wealth that we lack. We are not able to go to academies or hire private tutors like the rest of our peers, but we still have a superior and outstanding achievement. Now, to maintain this, not only do we need to relieve our stress as emphasized in the first argument, we also need to boost our brain power at times, especially during the exam periods. We must bring out our full potential just like the other students, but we don't have the money to go to academies to do last minute cramming with teachers that guide us step by step. If we are given the chocolate, we will be able to produce greater results on our exams, without having to spend tons of money we don't even have, on academies. If we do well in our exams, it will increase our chances of being accepted to a better college, get a better job, and have a better, happier future. The chain reaction formed from this one act of kindness from you, will save us from the cruel poverty that we live in now. This is why you, the judges, must give the chocolate to us.

Argument 3: We dont have enough money, which in result made us only devour high cholesterol consisting fast foods. Fast foods including hamburgers, french fries, ramen for the past, endless 6 years. Because of this we know that these cholesterols will lead to plaque inside our arteries and later provokes severe heart diseases. These plaques can be developed when LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) meets unstable molecules in our blood, it becomes oxidized. Once this happens, other LDL cholesterol particles will meet and cause a cluster, in which will fill our arteries later causing our artery to explode, and in result leading us to a heart disease. It is not only the heart that gets affected. Legs get devastated. We wont be able to walk freely, run around, shop in the mall, play with our pet, and certainly will modify OUR daily life. Well, based on Swiss scientists have proven that chocolate is capable of breaking down cholesterol, and actually relaxing, maintaining-flexibility of your artery, and even expanding it. Blood will smoothly and fluently flow through my body, in which will relax our minds. The chocolate is of real great significance to us. Even though it may seem like a piece of candy for the other people. Therefore, because this piece of candy, chocolate, can be the line between life and death. We really need it!
-Not enough money -6 years of fast food -hamburgers, fries, ramen -cholesterol -plaque inside arteries -LDL (bad cholesterol) meets unstable molecules = oxidized -meets more of LDL and cluster -fill up and explode -leads to heart disease and leg problems -cant freely move -affect daily life -Swiss scientists = proved that chocolate is capable of breaking down cholesterol, relax, maintain flexibility, and expand -blood moves fluent and smooth -chocolate = great significance to us -isnt ordinary candy..special candy. -we need it!

Argument 4:

Winter is here, and its the season for colds and flu. It literally is the worst season for the five of us since we are poor, nerdy, hard-working students who are very susceptible targets for cold. Because we live in a poor class environment, we cannot afford appropriate clothing for the winter. We wear a ragged hoody at most and often wear t-shirts during the winter. This soon leads to coughing, which turns into a heavy cold that can finally turn into a lethal disease. But this is not the biggest problem. Through that disease, we might have bigger consequences. If we are sick, we need to sacrifice some of our study time to rest, but we are not able to do that because we are hard working students. And since we have no money to buy medicine for all these stages, we shiver in fear when we start coughing, which in fact you guys dont even worry about. And believe it or not chocolate is known to be a great cough-reliever as it has been proven by various doctors and scientists. So, since we dont have enough money for medicine, we need an alternative: chocolate. And by giving us that chocolate, we will make better use of it than all the other groups here in this classroom. Argument 5: Ladies, gentlemen, and judges. I have a feeling that some of you are still not persuaded by our arguments. Well, I would like give the final argument by relating it to all of you. As hard-working teenagers who already started studying for the SSAT, SAT and other ATs, we barely have time to take care of our body ,especially our sensitive skin. And skin is an important part of your body, isnt it? I mean, who would like to have skin filled with FIJI oil and black and white heads. Well, amazingly, dark chocolate is known to be good for your skin. And though we may be poor, and academically focused, we are teenagers. We care about our appearance! We Care About Our Skin!

Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, and judges. You have listened to our arguments, you have been sitting for quite a while and you have probably been thinking about if we should give these students the chocolate. Well now, we lay that decision onto you and we would like to say that the fate of our life depends on your choices. We need this chocolate more than anyone because it gives us enjoyment. Not only

a high factor of enjoyment but it also gives us a lot of health benefits. Not only is this small but delicate amount of chocolate going to be beneficial towards us but we are going to donate half of the chocolate received to the Swahili tribes in West Africa. This means that we are going to be using the received chocolate more efficiently. As Jaeha has mentioned before, we are very stressed out due to a lot of academic responsibilities, the constant pressure that we receive from our parents that we must get one hundred on tests and such. Not only has this become a part of our daily schedule but is this also been affecting the way we act around other people. We need this chocolate fast. Just Remember, you will regret it, sooner or later, if you dont choose us.

Argument 1 : Dark chocolate reduces stress levels (Logos + Pathos) (Jaeha Kim) Argument 2 : Chocolate boosts up our intelligence level (Logos + Ethos) (Jennifer Kim) University of Nottingham researcher Argument 3 : Chocolate helps lower cholesterol level. (Alex) Argument 4 : Chocolate serves as a cough reliever (Ashley Seo) Argument 5: Chocolate helps protect our skin and makes us more awake, alert, and ready for education!


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