Reflective Discourse

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A Final Reflection on My Educational Leadership and Organizational Skills The principles of leadership upon which I draw encompass strength

of character, confidence without arrogance, open mindedness without bias and articulate communication such that those under my supervision can define a sense of purpose to my direction and demonstrate a willingness to collaborate with the entire school community toward that end. Throughout my twenty nine years in the classroom, I have worked for many and various leaders who, despite his or her own individual style of leadership, were never able to adequately convey to the staff a vision, a plan, or an end-game. I know first-hand the detrimental effects this has on a faculty in terms of morale and school culture, as well the negative connotation such lack of vision has on the way that same faculty views the leader. It is therefore of paramount importance to me that my staff always is able to answer the question why? for any and all initiatives I am charged with directing. Failure to do so from the outset is practically a guarantee of failure in general. According to Glanz (2002), I possess and exhibit the qualities of a Dynamic Supportive leader with a strong leading toward Dynamic Assertive leadership qualities as well. As such, my leadership strengths are that I am articulate and I am able to command a presence and hold the attention of an audience. I am compassionate and empathetic, yet strong willed and determined. I believe this to be a tremendous asset for me as a leader as I firmly believe that you cannot lead those with whom you cannot engage. I have had parents and colleagues commend my ability to speak in public, saying that I have a way of reaching everyone, regardless of their educational level or intellectual abilities. My students have time and again told me that they like the way I teach because they feel that I have a way of reaching them so that they understand. Leadership feels natural to me and I look forward to moving in to a position of leadership in the near future. As we face the current reality that so much of American education needs to be reformed, refocused and reshaped, I have come to embrace the notion that all reform must be achieved at a systemic level, and as such will work toward that end. It makes no sense to ask teachers to operate in a wholly new way if the systems for which they work remain unchanged. As a leader I will work diligently to bring about systems thinking to education, attempting to build support for reform initiatives within the school and the greater community. School boards, superintendents, parents and students must be a part of the conversation about change not just teachers and principals. I believe my ability to reach and connect with people will serve me well as I endeavor to engage all stakeholders in the community in this conversation and subsequent movement. When I entered this program at UNE I was uncertain as to whether or not I wanted to remain in education for the duration of my career. I am so thankful to have been exposed to a plethora of new learning and discoveries that have helped me focus on my future in ways that had not ever before been under consideration. I have come to realize that leadership in education not only awaits me, but was perhaps destined for me. The exposure I have had to new theories and thinking has caused me to realize that I do want to remain in education, likely as a change agent in some capacity. There is much work to do and many challenges that surely lie ahead, but I feel well versed in addressing them and prepared to bring my own unique brand of leadership to them as a result of my work through the University of New England.

REFERENCE Glanz, J. (2002). Finding your leadership style: a guide for educators. Alexandria, VA.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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