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By every ancient wisdom and explanation, we are god.

Collectively, the word refe rs to/defines the creative potential, the total sum and individual light in each of us. If our social mask cannot understand the reality of the sum of "god," if our status quo and cliche system continues to marginalize those who don't "fit in," then we shall forever form our lives on fear, expectation and suffering. If we blame anyone at all for the recent tragic events, or blame any one thing whi ch is the result of our failure as humans, whether it be going with the status q uo or attributing illness as a measure of violent expression, then we are on som e level denying the presence of god. For some, it seems obvious that it is the i nability to know god which is likely the root of such forms of violent expressio n. If we prefer only to delineate god as a concept of wisdom we can aspire to, t hen such events surely remind us of our failure to know god. I don't mean some i dea of an old grandfather in the heavens making judgements or pulling strings. T he work which needs to be done has little to do with one man's idea of how he wi shes to define divinity. Our collective ignorance (including religion) has so mi sguided our societies. I sense an overwhelming feeling of guilt in people over t his recent unthinkable tragedy. Perhaps it is time to wake up and realize that p reservation of the self begins with a fundamental understanding that we are all in essence the same thing we are so desperately wishing to understand. Yes, such ignorance about guns and mental health are critical. But there is plenty of evi dence that addressing the god issue on an individual level will contribute to a healthier mind in our society. We are going through a vast awakening, on a globa l scale. The time to wake up is now.

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