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Ashby Harmers Media Statement Friday 21 Dec.

2012 "Contrary to some public perceptions,James Ashby's sexual harassment case agains t Mr. Slipper has not been heard in court, and no judicial finding has been made as to whether James was sexually harassed by Mr. Slipper. The only matter that has been heard over the past 8 months was Mr. Slipper's Abu se of Process case. Later today, we planning to file James Ashby's sexual harass ment case with Fair Work Australia, with the aim that the whole evidence and the witnesses can be tested in open court at the appropriate time. This is designed to preserve and protect James' legal rights. In that matter, Ha rmers Workplace Lawyers will continue to act for James. As to the Abuse of Process case, an appeal against that decision will be lodged in mid January when the courts resume. " Spokesman ENDS Neither James nor Harmers will be making any further comment at this time. MEDIA CONTACT Anthony McClellan AMC Media Mob. 0433 122 360 T: antmac9

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