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Kayleigh Stevens

Evaluation Activity 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Lily Inhumane

Mathilda Leon the professional

Appearance/Props/costume Similarities: Both girls are of a young age: under 14. They both still have childlike body shapes. Neither girl is wearing make up. Both girls are white. Both carry a cuddly toy. Differences: Lily looks scared whilst Mathilda looks fierce. Mathilda wears a more revealing costume. Mathilda has a gun whilst Lily is weaponless. Lily is in a house.

Kayleigh Stevens

Story/Character Similarities Both girls began as innocent characters and are changed dramatically by an older male character. The girls both have mixed emotions toward the male in their life. Both films end with the girls separated by the men in their life. Differences Mathilda changes and enjoys the life of violence with Leon. Mathilda ends up falling in love with Leon. Mathilda ends up alone due to Leon dying whilst saving her, whereas Lily does not have romantic feelings to Brendan and so escapes from him. The audiences response to the characters The audience responds to both female characters in a similar way, to begin with they feel protective of the girls and are against what both older are men are doing. Further into the story the audience learns more about the men; that they dont mean any real harm to the girls, we get to the stage where the audience feel grateful for how the men are caring for the girls as we know both girls would otherwise have a life of neglect. Mathildas ending: As an audience you feel sad that Leon died and Mathilda must go on alone without his constant care. Yet you are in the knowledge that Leon died for her. Although it was wrong the characters loved each other, and Leons dying stopped it before it went too far, making the audience acceptant of the relationship. Lilys ending: Brendan never caused any harm to Lily, yet she still decided to escape him leaving a life of hope for her previous neglected life. The audience can understand why Lily chooses to leave as it is still an uncomfortable and possibly dangerous situation, however at the same time they pity Brendan and his loneliness.

Kayleigh Stevens

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