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Roberts Road, Balby, Doncaster DN4 OJN Telephone: 01302 344678 Fax: 01302 341231 e-mail:

December 2012

Attendance award was won this week by: Top Dog Hilda 98.5% The Cup Brigid 94.6% School Target is 95.5% School weekly total 94.3% School total 95.1% WELL DONE !!

School will re-open on 7th January Congratulations to the whole school community for a very successful ofsted school inspection visit. The outcome was a judgement of GOOD for all 5 areas. The full report is on our website www. from 28th December 2012. If anyone cannot access this, please let Mrs Bowker know at the school office. Thank You to all those who spoke to the inspection team, completed the questionnaires or simply supported the school through their childrens positive attitudes. Can we please remind all parents that if their child is poorly and will be absent from school they need to telephone school in the morning, leaving a message on the answer machine. Telephone 344678 and then choose option 1 and leave a message. This includes nursery children Let Gods love shine in our lives as we care and share and learn together

December Draw KS1 Zach Szurgot and Madeline Hanman KS2 Grace Gregory and Daisy Culkin Each child received a 5 gift voucher for WhSmiths and parents received a 5 gift voucher for Tesco. Well Done and Thankyou.

Advent Fayre Thank you to all that supported the Advent Fayre. We raised 273.00. Guess the mile was won by Grace Gregory. Name the teddy was not won.
Raffle 1st 485 white 2nd 899 pink 3rd 899 pink 4th 414 white 5th 452 white 6th 417 white 7th 839 pink 8th 760 pink 9th 882 pink 10th 846 pink 11th 421 white 12th 431 white 13th 840 pink 14th 446 white 15th 817 pink 16th 793 pink 17th 454 white 18th 433 white 19th 785 pink 20th 424 white

Head lice are about again !!!

Anyone with hair can catch head lice, but children who have head-to-head contact, either at school or during play, are most commonly affected. Head lice are not fussy about hair length or condition (whether it is dirty or clean).Head lice affect only humans, and cannot be passed on to, or caught from, animals. The staff and governors would like to wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas Let Gods love shine in our lives as we care and share and learn together

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