Do Not Make Narrowing or Blockages

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Cardiovascular Meds ( ANGINA) In General : 1. decrease 02 demand 2. increase 02 supply to myocardium 3.

control symptoms of angina do not make narrowing or blockages causing angina go away

1. Nitrates- (Vasodilators) Relax smooth muscle of the blood vessel thereby producing vasodilation of vessels decreasing the workload of the heart and decreasing the demand for 02 Names: Nitroglygcerin., Nitro, Nitro stat, Nitro-bid, Isosorbide(mononitrate), Imdur, Isosorbide (Dinitrate), Isordil

2. Calcium Channel Blockers Movement of calcium ions across cell membranes is crucial to the functioning of muscle in the heart and blood vessels. These meds, block the influx of calcium into the cells. The result is : 1. relaxation of muscles in the walls of arteries leading to dilation of the arteries. This lowers the blood pressure and improves blood supply to the heart. 2. relaxes heart muscle thereby decreasing 02 demand 3. depresses/slows the rate of the SA node firing. 4. slows conduction from SA AV node All of these effects allow the heart to make do with a reduced blood supply, and help treat the sx of angina Names: Amlodipine, Norvasc, Verapamil, Calan, Diltazem, Cardizem, Nifedipine, Adalat, Procardia

2. Beta Blockers- When a person is nervous, frightened, or physically active, their body produces adrenalin. This makes the heart beat faster and harder. It constricts the blood vessels and raises the blood pressure. It does this by binding to receptors on the membranes of muscle cells in the heart. There are 2 types of receptors : alpha and beta. All of the beta blockers block the beta receptor. Some also block the alpha receptor. This results in a slowing of the pulse and lower BP. It makes it easier for the heart to work(decreased workload) thereby decreasing the demand for 02. Names: Atenolol, Tenormin, Propranolol, Inderal, Metoprolol, Lopressor, Toprol

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