Modul Pengayaan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester Ganjil SMP Negeri 2 Toroh

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BANK SOAL KELAS VII.1 Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! Hi, my name is Joko.

My full name is Joko Siswanto. My call name is Anto. I am twelve years old. I am 155 cm tall. I am an SMP student. I have black straight hair. I live at 354 Jalan Ahmad Yani Semarang. My hobby is swimming and playing football. Liverpool is my favorite team. My father is Joko Sudarmono. He is forty eight years old. He is tall and handsome. He is a lawyer. My father likes to play badminton. My mother is Yeni Susanti. She is forty three years old. She is not very tall. She is beautiful. My mothers job is a nurse. I have a brother. His name is Joko Purwanto. He is five years old. He is fat and funny. His hair is curly. I love my brother very much. 1. a. b. c. d. 2. a. b. c. d. 3. a. b. c. d. How old is Anto? 11 years old 12 years old 13 years old 14 years old How is Antos hair? curly and black straight and brown straight and black straight and brown What is Antos hobby? reading hiking playing badminton playing football c. a nurse d. a lawyer 9. a. b. c. d. 10. a. b. c. d. How old is Antos brother? 3 years old 3,5 years old 4 years old 5 years old Does Anto love his brother? No, he is not Yes, he is Yes, he does No, he does not

11. Doni

: How old are you, Dian? Dian : . a. I am 154 cm tall b. He is 12 years old c. I am 12 years old d. He is 155 cm tall

12. Maria : Hi, Lina. How are you? Lina : . a. Fine, thank you b. How do you do? c. Nice to see you, Maria d. How, about you? 13. A : ? B : She is a tall and beautiful. a. Is Sari tall and pretty? b.How is Sari? c. What is Sari like? d.What is Sari? 14. X : What . These? Y : Some books. a. Is b.Am c. Do d.Are

4. What is the name of football team Anto likes best? a. Barcelona b. Liverpool c. Manchester United d. Persija 5. What is Antos father job? a. Lawyer c. Singer b. Doctor d. Nurse 6. a. b. c. d. 7. a. b. c. d. Is his father handsome? Yes, he is Yes, it is No, he is not No, it is not How old his mother? 43 years old 48 years old 58 years old 58 years old

15. is my teacher mother a.

The correct arrangement is a. My teacher is a mother b. A teacher is my mother c. My mother is a teacher d. A mother is my teacher 16. Andi : is that man? Ani : He is our new teacher? a. Who b. What c. Which d. Why 17. Teacher Students a. : Good morning, students. : ., sir Good morning

8. What is his mothers job? a. a stewardess b. a waitress

b. c. d. 18. John is Morrison a. b. c. d. 19. Dono Dina a. b. c. d.

Good afternoon Good night Good evening my brother .. complete name is John Her My His Our

28. The month after November is . a. January b. December c. June d. September Dear Cynthia, Hope your birthday is just the beginning of a year full of happiness! Wish You health and success Love Nadia 29. Who is the sender of the card? a. Chyntia b. Nadias love c. Nadia d. Love

: What is your name? : .. name is Dina Her My His Our

20. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is a. Monday b. Wednesday c. Saturday d. Friday 21. It is Friday. The day after tomorrow is . a. Saturday b. Monday c. Sunday d. Tuesday 22. Today is Wednesday. Yesterday was . a. Thursday b. Monday c. Sunday d. Tuesday 23. Thirteen plus twenty is . a. Thirty two b. Thirty three c. Twenty three d. Fifty three 24. What is seventy minus twenty? a. Fourty eight b. Fifty eight c. Sixty eight d. Sixty nine 25. What is twenty seven divided by three? a. Twenty four b. Seven c. Eight d. Nine 26. The first month is . a. March b. April c. February d. January 27. The month before September is . a. January b. April c. July d. August

30. Nadia wishes the following, except .

a. b. c. d. happiness health success love

31. Look at the picture

a. b. c. d.

Fine, thanks How do you do? Im working See you later

Text for question 32 to 33 My name is Edward. I am a seven-year student at junior high school. Every morning I get up at 4.30. Then I take a bath and take a morning prayer. I have to prepare many things before I go to school. I always check my books and other school equipments. After that I have breakfast and brush my teeth. Then I wear my school uniform. I usually go to school at 6.30. It takes about fifteen minutes to arrive at my school. 32. What does Edward to before taking his morning prayer? a. He takes a bath b. He checks many things c. He prepares many things d. He gets up 33. He goes to school at 6.30 and it takes fifteen minutes to get there. What time does Edward arrive at school? a. 6.30 c. 6.55 b. 6.45 d. 7.00

Text for number 34 to 35 My favorite teacher is Mrs. Dewi, my English teacher. She is tall, slim, and beautiful. She is about twenty six years old. She has long curly hair. She is also my homeroom teacher (wali kelas). She is kind and helpful. She always asks her students to study hard. 34. How is Mrs. Dewi hair? a. long and wavy b. curly and short c. long and black d. long and curly

b. Brother d. Cousin 41. How many sisters does he have? a. One c. Three b. Two d. Four Text for number 42 and 43 To : Fajar Please pick up (jemput) your uncle and aunt at the railway station before noon. I cant join as I have an important meeting at the office. Thank. Dad. 42. What must Fajar do? a. He must attend a meeting at the railway station b. He must join Fajar to the train station c. He must meet Fajar at the train station d. He must pick up his uncle and aunt at the train station 43. When aunt? a. b. c. d. 44. What does the notice mean? a. Do not throw rubbish in the park b. Do not be noisy in the park c. Do not play in the park d. Do not run in the park 45. Devi : Rona, look at the dogs. The dog number 5 is big but the does Fajar pick up his uncle and around 11 am around 8 am around 1 pm around 5 pm

35. Which is not true about Mrs. Dewi?

a. b. c. d. She is kind and helpful She is tall, slim, and beautiful She has long curly hair She has a big body CONGRATULATIONS! Dear Firda, You are really the best for that English speech contest. Im so proud of you. Please do the best for the next year competition. Kemala 36. What does the text tell us about? a. A condolences card b. A message card c. A birthday card d. A greeting card 37. Why did Kemala say congratulation to Firda? a. Because Firda did her best b. Because Firda joined a competition c. Because Firda won the English speech competition d. Because Firda followed the English speech contest Text the number 38 to 41 My name is Dodo. My parents names are Mr and Mrs Sulistyo. I have two elder sisters. Their names are Jeni and Hana. We like traveling. The place that we often visit is Bali. Almost every holiday, we go to my grandfathers house in Bali. His name is Mr. Haryo. He has a restaurant near Kuta Beach. The restaurant faces directly to the beach so that the people in the restaurant can see the sunset. 38. What does the text tell about? a. The writers children b. The writers family c. The writers grand sons d. The writers grandfather 39. What is the writers name? a. Dodo c. Sulistyo b. Jeni d. Hana

dog with number 6 is . Rona : Yes. Youre right. a. Tall c. Small b. Long d. High 46. Selvi : Im going to sleep now . Mother : Ok. Sweet dream, honey. a. Good night b. Good evening c. Goodbye d. Bye 47.

40. Based on the text, Jenis is Dodos .

a. Sister c. Niece

Look at the picture. a. How is life? b. How do you do? c. Whats your name? d. What are you doing here? 48. Mother Son : When will you go to granpas home? : Two days from now mom. I have some works to finish. Mother : Its Tuesday. So, youll go on right? a. Monday c. Thursday b. Wednesday d. Friday 49. Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentences. Furniture The person who makes is 1 2 3 4 a carpenter 5 6 a. 234651 b. 241356 c. 231456 d. 256413 Text for the number 50 and 51 Fill in the blanks with suitable words given.
Ill be home lathe this evening. Today your elder older brothers invites his friends to have dinner with us. Go to the (50).and (51).. these things: 1 large chicken 1 kilo potatoes 2 packs of coconut sugar 1 ounce of garlic 250 gram rice four

b. Please excuse me c. I am very sorry d. You are welcome 55. Linda : Can you show me where the library is? Nina : . Its near the lab. a. Sorry c. You know b. Sure d. I dont think so 56. Alex Zaki : How many pets do you have? : I have three birds and two dogs. are all healthy. a. It c. They b. Its d. There The text for number 57 to 59 Andy is a bellboy. He works in a (57).. in Surabaya. He (58) .. the guests to handle the baggage. He guides them how to use the equipments. He also often gets tips from (59) Sometimes he helps them to find their need too. Andy always wears his uniform at work. 57. a. drug store b. doctors house c. laboratory d. hotel 58. a. helps b. asks c. brings d. guides 59. a. they b. them c. her d. him

50. a. Market b. bookshop 51. a. bring b. buy 52. Robby : Erna

c. Restaurant d. drug store c. cook d. take At what time do your family usually have breakfast? : At .

60. Tono

: What is your fathers profession? Tini : He looks after sick people. Tono : I see. He is a . a. Director c. Waiter b. Doctor d. Librarian

a. b.

Five past six c. Six to past Five to six d. Six to five

53. Look at the picture. What is she doing? a. She is cooking b. She is lying c. She is sleeping d. She is running 54. Anto : You look upset. Whats up? Rima : I have a headache Anto : I have aspirin. Please take it. Rima : Thank you for your attention Anto : .. a. Thanks

61. (1) Adi : Good morning, Uut? (2) Adi : How do you do, Dewi? (3) Dewi : How do you do, Adi? (4) Uut : Good morning, Adi? (5) Uut : Adi, this is my sister, Dewi The good order of the dialogue is a. 14235 b. 14523 c. 41523 d. 41235 62. Teacher Dedi a. b. c. d. : Dedi, it is windy. It is cold. . : All right. Sir. Sweep the floor, please Close the window, please Keep silent, please Turn on the lamp, please

63. Cinta Fitri

: Can you read numbers in English? : Yes, I can. I have a studied it several months ago. Cinta : How do you read 4.765 in English? Fitri : Its .. a. Four thousand seven hundred and ninety-four b. Four hundred seven thousand and ninety-four c. Four thousand and seven hundred ninety four d. Four hundred and seven thousand ninety four 64. Look at the these picture.

b. c. d.

frying chicken sleeping in the tent hunting bird

69. How old is Janet Robinson now? She is years old. a. Thirteen c. Fifteen b. Fourteen d. Sixteen Text for number 70 to 72 There are many rooms in our school. There are 24 classrooms, laboratory, library, teachers office, headmasters office, computer laboratory, and canteen. Our canteen is in the back yard near the computer laboratory and the library. There are some tables and chairs in it. There is also a fan to make the room cool. We always go to our school canteen during the break or after we have physical exercise. We can have meal and drink there. My favorite meal is Soto and iced-tea. I like it because they are cheap and delicious. 70. How many rooms are there at the writers school? a. Twenty-onec. Twenty three b. Twenty two d. Twenty-four 71. Where is the canteen? a. Behind the library b. In front of the computer library c. In the library d. In the computer laboratory 72. When do they go to the canteen? a. In the morning b. During the physical exercise c. During the break d. Before the break Text for number 73

These correct command expression is . a. Open the door, please b. Close the window, please c. Close the book, please d. Open the book, please Text for number 65 to 66 This is Shireen Sunkar. She is an artist. She lives is 18 years old. She has . (65) nose and long straight hair. She is very (66). 65. a. b. big 66. a. b. good 67. Amir Andi Amir Andi Amir : : : : : Flatc. short d. pointed ugly c. handsome d. beautiful Hey, you cant stop here! Why not? Cant you see that sign? What does it say It says..

Join the extracurricular activities at school. Feel free to choose your favorite program. Dont miss out. Enjoy yourself. Head of OSIS 73. Who is the announcement for? a. OSIS members b. All students c. Teachers d. Yourself Text for number 74 and 75 Uncle Sam is my fathers brother. He is so kind and handsome. He is a director of foreign company. His wife is Aunt Tini who works in Kariadi Hospital as a nurse. Uncle Sam and Aunt Tini have three children. They are Samuel, Tineke, and Tommy. They live happily. 74. Who is Uncle Sam? a. The writers brother

a. b. c. d.

You cant play here You cant make U-turn You mustnt park here You mustnt pass this street

Text for number 68 to 69 Name Place of birth Date of birth Sex Hobby Ideal Motto : : : : : Janet Robinson Padang Pariaman 17 August 1995 Female Cooking, camping, and gardening : Botanist : Love plants as you

68. Janet Robinson likes to do these activities,

except a. watering flowers

b. c. d.

The writers uncle My father My brother

can keep one and exchange the rest to other friends. This one the way to make our collection more complete 82. Why do people like collecting stamps? Because a. the stamps are colorful b. the picture are colorful lc. the stamps can put in an album d. collecting stamps is very useful 83. what is the main idea of paragraph two? a. the children love collecting stamps b. the importance of collecting stamps c. collecting stamps is a good hobby d. the way to make our collection more complete 84. what do the stamps record? The following the stamps record, except a. certain important events b. tourist record c. art and resort d. flags of some countries 85. what make the value of the stamps higher a. the price of the stamps b. the age of the stamps c. the shape of the stamps d. the design of the stamps 86.Mr. Yadi : Do you like to read comics? Mr. Didi : Yes, a. I think so b. I don't like it c. I don't know d. I like it a lot 87.Amel : Do you like hamburger? Jamie : ______________ hamburger. a. I can't stand b. I don't know c. I enjoy d. It's goog? 88.Siti is Mr. Rochanda's daughter. Mr.Rochanda is Siti's a. Father b. Uncle c. Brother d. Wife 89.Evi is Arif's nephew. Arif is Evi's a. Father b. Brother c. Mother d. Uncle

75. What is he? a. a nurse b. a director c. a worker d. a doctor 76. Radtya hates dangdut music The sentence is the same as a. Radtya enjoys dangdut music b. Radtya dislikes dangdut music c. Radtya is interesting in dangdut music d. Radtya loves dangdut music 77. Anisa and Santi .. cooking a. take delight in b. takes delight in c. are taking delight in d. took delight in 78.The sailor.around the world on his ships last year a. go b. went c. gone d. going 79. my teacher always.English well a. spoke b. speaking c. speaks d. speak 80. tom and I often football together a. playing b. plays c. play d. played 81. Arrange these jumble words. Stamps like foreign collecting They 1 2 3 4 5 a. 5-4-3-2-1 b. 5-4-1-2-3 c. 5-2-4-3-1 d. 5-2-4-1-3 text for number 82 - 85 COLLECTING STAMPS Children love collecting stamps. The stamps are colorful and the pictures are interesting. Collecting stamp is really useful. The stamp record certain important event, art, culture tourist resort, insect, animals, sport, natural disasters and still many other. So by seeing the year, for example, we can remember when the total solar eclipse happened. The older stamps have higher their value will be. From the stamps we can also learn the currency of other country, name of the presidents, flags and soon. We have two or more on the same kind, we


Sigit is Wawan's nephew.Wawan is Sigit's a. Father b. Brother c. Mother d. Uncle

91.My sister I went to the Mall. a. But b. And c. With d. Except 92. The books are the table.

Indra : The sixth month is a. April b. Mei c. June d. July 98. Wati : Where are you from, Rin ? Rini : from Kedungbanteng a. She is b. He is c. I am d. They are 99. Dont be a in the library a. Noisy b. Disturb c. Silent d. Smart 100. a. b. c. d. They shoot elephant in the forest An A The Or

a. in b. at c. on d. behind


The Cat is the table.

a. under b. in c. on d. at 94.

101. 1996, how do you say ? Answer : a. One nine nine six b. One nine ninety six c. One hundred nine thousand and ninety six d. One thousand nine hundred and ninety six

A : What is time is it? B : it's__________ a. five fiveteen b. five c. five fortyfive d. four 95.

A : Whati is time is it? B : It's______________ a. ten pas ten b. ten to ten c. ten two d. ten twenty two 96.Januar : . Budi : My name is Budi a. I d like introduce my self b. May I introduce my self c. Lets me introduce my self d. What is your name ? 97. year ? Ana : What is the sixth month of the

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