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Jake Nordstrom 10-23-12 6 Weekly Writing 3 The Homo Erectus (a.k.a.

the Upright Human) survived because of their ability to make fire, and also make better tools, for better uses. This illustrates how the Homo Erectus were more advanced than the earlier Hominids. For example, it was important for them to have the knowledge to make fire and tools because if they were only using rocks and bones, the only thing that would be better than the Australopithecus and Homo Habilis, is that they are stronger, taller, and a little smarter. Plus, if they are smarter than the other Hominids, then shouldnt they know more than the other Hominids anyway? Furthermore, if they do have the skill to do all of these advanced things (like making strong hand-axes made of stone), they (eventually) should be able to find out how to make really advanced tools and weapons (like spears, spear throwers, knives, bow and arrow, etc.). In conclusion, this information shows that if you think about it, the Homo Erectus wasnt really a smart Hominid after all! The Neolithic Settlers progressed beyond surviving and started thriving because of their ability to domesticate and train animals, like dogs (wolves) and pigs (boars). This illustrates that the Neolithic Settlers had good things to trade and had some kind of meat, milk, and sense of tracking (by the dogs only). For instance, in the Birth of Civilization movie clip, it showed the domesticated dog attack a snake, that would later be dinner for the dogs tribe. Furthermore, in notes on the video, one of the facts was that some of the sick animals carried a disease that killed a vast amount of people. This is the adverse part about having pigs and dogs as their pets. Some animals would be healthy and helpful, but some would be sick

Jake Nordstrom 10-23-12 6 Weekly Writing 3 and useless. In conclusion, overall the talent to domesticate animals was something that they couldnt have been without. The reason that the Persian Empire became a thriving civilization was because they had so many fascinating strategies. This shows that since they had such a big Empire, they had some pretty spectacular tactics. For instance, on the website, it quotes, The Persians divided their empire into 20 provinces that were managed by governors. In addition, they provided land to feudal lords in exchange for loyalty and guarantees of soldiers for the Persian army. Most of the people in the empire, including average Persians, simply remained struggling farmers or craftspeople. According to this informational, teacher approved website, these statistics prove that they had an extremely organized empire. Furthermore, it also gives examples of how they had laws, taxes, and various other strict rules, all being some kind of strategy. To sum it up, all of this interesting information clearly supports the idea that the Persian Empire had excessive strategies and was tremendously organized.

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