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Name: Alex McGregor Date: September 28, 2012 Period: 7 Assignment: Early Human Inquiry

Early Humans Inquiry History 30% Project Inquiry What is Your Question? (Complex QuestionHow, Why or What)
How did the early hominids make paint for the cave paintings, and what did they use to paint them?

Prediction What do you think you will find? (Be specific; Draw connections)
I think I am going to find out that the early hominids maybe used powder from rocks or grains to mix with a liquid, maybe from the river or stream to make paint. They might have used tree branches or leaves to paint on the walls, or maybe they just used their fingers, so that they could put the designs on the walls.

Investigation What did you uncover? (Expected and unexpected answers to your question)
Many paints used for cave paintings were made from natural recourses, and were probably mixed with animal fat. Yellow or red were some of the main colors used. Some were even outlined in charcoal. Sometimes the images on the ceilings of caves were messed up, but appeared normal on the ground. This technique was called anamorphosis.

References Who were your expert sources?

Name: Alex McGregor Date: September 28, 2012 Period: 7 Assignment: Early Human Inquiry

(Identify names, organizations, dates)

My first resource was I found an article titled Painting Techniques, by Marion B. Wilson. I got my other resource from ing, an article called Lascaux Cave.

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