Hoo Haven: Press Release #1

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Hoo Haven Wildlife Rehabilitation & Education Center 10823 Cleveland Road Durand, IL 61024 815-629-2212 karen@hoohaven.

org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 25, 2012 Contact: Eric Hernandez 773-427-2183 ericahernandez@lewisu.edu

The future is coming to Hoo: Make way for new solar panels (DURAND, IL) Hoo Haven is pleased to announce a new addition to their facility: a Photovoltaic Green Energy System. A fancy name for what we all know as solar panels. The solar panels will convert the suns rays or solar radiation into electricity, giving the facility electric power and a smaller electric bill. Hoo is now going green thanks to the Illinois Clean Energy Community Grant Program. A community of people worked hard to coordinate the $30,000 grant. The Illinois Clean Energy Program recognized this effort and approved the grant for Hoo Haven, providing the needed funds to buy the solar panels. Steven Herdklotz, electrician and co-founder of Hoo Haven, expects the monthly electric costs to decrease significantly. Mr. Herdklotz states that every penny we save from not having to spend it on utilities goes back to the caring and feeding of the wildlife. In a years span, Hoo expects to save more than $1,000 in electricity bills.


The solar-powered generators will produce electricity for multiple buildings inside the 10-acre compound. This includes the eight animal enclosures, the Marlys Bulander Eagle Flight Recovery Center and the medical center. The medical center will significantly benefit from the solar panels. Inside the medical center features Hoos new walk-in freezer. The walk-in freezer is a recent donation from Ecolab. For more information on Hoo Havens efforts to go green, the organization will be participating in the Earth Day event on April 24 at Rock Valley College. Any questions regarding the organization can be answered at the Hoo Haven booth. With over 25 years of experience, Hoo Haven is dedicated toward providing welfare to North American wildlife. The non-profit organization fulfills this mission by supplying shelter, food and aid for an injured or orphaned animal. While rehabilitating that animal, the Hoo crew raises awareness to the public about preserving and conserving wildlife and their rightful habitat.


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