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Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education Food and Nutrition I-Objectives: At the end of the lesson the

student should be able to:

Recognize the importance of proper nutrition and good health.

Distinguish between malnutrition and undernutrition.

II - Subject- Matter/Content: Topic: Importance of Good Health and Proper Nutrition References: Technology and Livelihood Education I pp.87-91 Materials: computer, projector III-Procedure: Preparation Prayer Checking of attendance Unlocking of difficulties - basic knowledge about nutrition, defining key terms A. Motivation: - with the use of a video clip, let the students watch it and let them write an essay about the importance of good health. B. Lesson Proper 1. Lecture 2. Q and A with the students C. Comparison 3. Compare their essay before the lesson and their opinions after the lecture. - Is there a change in view and perception? What are they? 4.Call several students to share their experiences with regards to improper nutrition. D. Generalization - Why is good health important? Is there any significance of proper nutrition to our day to day lives? - What will you consider from now on when choosing the food to eat? Why? E. Application - Divide the students into six groups. Each group will design campaign posters to promote proper nutrition. Poster size should be on one sheet of cartolina. Place these posters in the different parts of the school. IV Evaluation: - Check Yourself test *10 items (10 points)

V Assignment: 1. Go to the nearest market and observe the types of food sold. 2. Report to the class your observations and suggestion to improve our nutrition. Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education Food and Nutrition I-Objectives: At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
Provide ways on how to develop good nutrition.

Improve ones nutritional status.

II - Subject- Matter/Content: Topic: Maintaining Good Health Through Proper Nutrition References: Technology and Livelihood Education I pp.93-95 Materials: computer, projector III-Procedure: Preparation Prayer Checking of attendance Unlocking of difficulties - differentiating a well-nourished from a poorly nourished person 4. Motivation: - show 2 pictures depicting a person that has proper nutrition and a person that has poor nutrition. B. Lesson Proper 1. Lecture 2. Q and A with the students C. Comparison 3. Differentiate optimum nutrition and malnutrition. - Describe their effects on the body 4.Call several students to share some ways to develop good nutrition. D. Generalization - When is optimum nutrition possible? - Master carefully the foods in the three food groups E. Application - Divide the class into six groups. Each group will compose a jingle that will promote health and nutrition. The group may adapt a melody from a popular song. IV Evaluation: - Check Yourself test *True or False

V Assignment: Keep a quarterly record of the family members height and weight. Note down your findings. Compare your actual weights with the ideal weights of Filipinos in order to get the general health status of the family. Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education Food and Nutrition I-Objectives: At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
Define nutrients and classify them.

Enumerate the different types of nutrients and their sources.

II - Subject- Matter/Content: Topic: Nutrients and Their Sources and Functions References: Technology and Livelihood Education I pp.97-101 Materials: computer, projector III-Procedure: Preparation Prayer Checking of attendance Unlocking of difficulties - defining nutrition 4. Motivation: - have a discussion about the food the students ate last night and whether they are nutritious or not. B. Lesson Proper 1. Lecture 2. Q and A with the students C. Comparison 3. Differentiate the types of nutrients and provide their functions. - Describe their effects on the body 4.Provide pictures of a junk food and a nutritious food and let the students identify the nutrients they will get. D. Generalization - Which of the nutrients help in the growth and healthy maintenance of the eyes,skin,blood, bones, and teeth ? - What are examples of micronutrients and macronutrients. E. Application - Divide the class into two groups. Each group will think of foods that can be classified under

go,grow, and glow then present it to class. IV Evaluation: - Check Yourself test *Matching Type V Assignment: 1. Chart your nutrient intake including those in your meals and snacks for one week Identify the nutrient content of each food item. Submit your chart to me at the end of the week.

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