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Manage, Click, Learn! 2011

Your indispensable guide to this years 100 best learning sites on the Net

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All rights reserved. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is published with the understanding that the author and the publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Eric Garner, KSA Training Ltd, individually or corporately, does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from the actions of any parties involved. You may pass this e-book on freely as long as you do not change anything in it, do not charge for it, and as long as you acknowledge the ManageTrainLearn copyright. ManageTrainLearn 2011

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Introduction Hi! The idea behind this ebook is to give you a quick and easy entry to the wealth of FREE business learning material thats available in the year 2011 on this amazing phenomenon we call the Internet. Ive selected what I consider to be the best 100 sites on the Internet today for management and personal development, based on one simple criterion: the quality and quantity of FREE material they offer. The material youll discover ranges from something as simple as a personality questionnaire, to something as detailed as a 383page book -full of ideas and advice. If youre a manager, trainer, or learner, and youre interested in developing your own skills, or those of your team, this book is like falling headfirst into an Aladdins cave. At a rough count, I reckon theres over 1000 hours of training and development here. All waiting for you to explore and use. And the great thing is, its all FREE! Of course, my problem has been not on what to include (that was relatively easy) but what to leave out. So, heres how you can help. If you know of a great management, training, or learning site that Ive missed out, just email me and let me know at my address below. Who knows, together we could produce a 1000-resource book. Now that would be something! Best wishes and good reading, Eric Garner ManageTrainLearn Page 3 of 107 Get the MTL Experience!

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Table of Contents Introduction Table of Contents 1. 1000Ventures 2. 12Manage 3. A Better Workplace 4. Accelerated Learning 5. Accel-Team 6. Action Leadership 7. Aimm Consulting 8. All Business 9. Anecdotage 10. 11. Inc 12. Be a Better Manager Basic Learning Systems Better Workplace Now

20. 21.

Citehr Coaching2grow

22. Customer Service Manager 23. Customer Service Training 24. Discovery Health Channel 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. DWM Beancounter Easy Training Empowering Messages Entrepreneur Evan Carmichael Everyone Negotiates

31. Executive Coaching Studio 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Executive Planet Ezine Articles Fast Company Fenman First Steps Training Games2Train Get More Done Harvard Business School Harvey Mackay

13. Big Dog and Little Dog's Bowl of Biscuits 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Body Language Expert Brain Connection Business Balls Business Marketing Business Simplification Changing Minds

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41. 42.

Hello, My Name Is Scott Human Links

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82.

Patricia Fripp People Alchemy Penn State Psychology Personal Development Philip Humbert Positive Club Presentation Helper Proven Models Robin Sharma Roger Dawson Ron Kaufman Salad Ltd Silicon Beach Training Skills Converged Stressbusting Self Growth Test Caf The Change Agent The Leadership Hub

43. Human Resources About 44. Institute of Silly and Meaningless Sayings 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Leadership Now Leadership Tools Leader-Values Leading Today Lessons in Lifemanship Management Help Manager Wise ManageTrainLearn Marshall House Mind Power System Mind Tools MIT OpenCourseware mp3motivators

58. National School Board Association 59. 60. 61. 62. Negotiation Enterprises Negotiator Magazine New Conversations Office Diversions

83. The Improvement Encyclopedia 84. 85. The Logic of Success The Manager
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86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93.

The Workplace Doctors Thiagi Thinking Managers Tickled By Life Tom Antion Tom Peters Trainerbubble Trans4Mind

94. Value-Based Management 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Vark Learning Styles Wilderdom Workforce Online Work Worries Xage Consultancy Zig Ziglar

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1. 1000Ventures

New Wonder of the World What a great way to start this compilation! This site is the brainchild of Vadim Kotelnikov who describes his Ten3 Business E-Coaching site as the worlds number 1 inspirational business e-coaching resource. It links to two of his other sites at and The first impression you get of each site is the bright primary colours of the different models and the huge amount of fascinating information packed in. It reminded me of an interactive mind map. Dont ask me whats here because the answer is, Everything. And lots of fascinating original stuff too. I was particularly attracted to models called The Jazz of Innovation and The Tao of Business Success. In fact, theres so much that its the sort of site you reserve for a rainy Sunday afternoon when theres not much else to do. Its sure to brighten up your day. Brilliant! Summary of Free Resources: Colourful and original models of management Series of colourful hyper-slides Original ideas, connections and advice Site Home Address: Email Address:

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2. 12Manage

Rigour and Relevance I ferreted about on this site for quite a while trying to work out why it was called 12Manage. At first, I thought it was because you can translate any page into any one of 12 languages (including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean). Only after more wandering around did I realize that in fact its due to the 12 hubs around which the site is built. These hubs are 12 management disciplines ranging from change through human resources and leadership to supply change and quality. This site is a formidable resource. At its core is an A to Z dictionary of management methods, models and theory. When I last looked there were over 1500 easy-to-access entries. Since you can add your own entries to the dictionary, the chances are the number is much higher by now. In addition to the dictionary, theres also a management news section giving links to all the latest management gossip; a list of courses being run (to which you can add your own); and a forum. Its like an internet in an internet just for managers. Summary of Free Resources: an A to Z dictionary of 1500 management terms forum news links. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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3. A Better Workplace

Making Workplaces Work Better I love this website which is the brainchild of Daniel Robin. Its not fancy, colourful, or trendy, but it is full of great content for anyone interested in making their workplace a better place. Where to start? Well, theres a 13-part series on leadership with sections such as Knowing when to get out of the way, Natures Leadership Lessons; and Measuring the Mirth. Then there are toolkit, tips, and tools sections. But what makes me pop back to this site regularly is its irreverent series of Laugh At Work features. Daniel lists the things you shouldnt say at work, (my pick of which is the phrase: That is so not going to happen); senseless acts of immaturity (eg Skip rather than walk); and Ways not to describe your boss (eg The elevator is on the ground floor and hes pushing the down button). Who said that work should be too serious anyway? Summary of Free Resources: forum on workplace issues e-letters and archive huge selection of articles self-evaluations laugh-at-work features (add dontsayit.html; describe_coworkers.html; and dysfirmations.html to the site address) massive list of resource references. Site Home Address: Email:

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4. Accelerated Learning

Free Learning Styles Test This is a lovely site. Itll introduce you to the concept of Accelerated Learning for both adults and children and offers a free Personal Learning Style test based on the theory of Howard Gardner that each of us has one of 8 intelligences. (Linguistic, Mathematical, Visual, Musical, Inter-personal, Intra-personal, Bodily, and Naturalistic). There are 35 questions in the test which is very well-designed and shows the effect of your answers as you proceed. The questions are all straightforward, eg I keep a personal diary and I am a good talker with a well-developed vocabulary. I know that I am linguistic and so was curious to see whether the test would come out right. It did! Summary of Free Resources: learning style profile. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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5. Accel-Team

Advancing Employee Productivity There are some nice features on this site. Theres a history of employee productivity that will take you all the way back to the Pyramids. (For example, did you know that the base of this huge structure is only 7 inches from being a perfect square?). Then there are detailed features on teambuilding, motivation, and employee development, plus some well-presented explanations of time management, self-appraisal, and coaching. One thing thats a bit different here is a set of Checklists. They include Time utilization, Machine utilization, Space utilization, and Interpersonal relations. Summary of Free Resources: pdf articles on coaching, productivity and team development excellent and well-illustrated modules on teambuilding and motivation. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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6. Action Leadership

Brent Filsons Leadership System Its funny how some management writers just do it for you while others dont. For me, Brent Filson does it and this is his website where youll find his collection of management and leadership articles. Im not too sure exactly why I like his writing. It could be because he always seems to come up with a refreshingly new angle that just makes me think but of course Take his article Elephants Can Jump for instance. Here Brent makes the point that, unlike management which involves simply the care and feeding of the organisational elephant, leadership makes the elephant jump. He goes on, From now on, see every leadership challenge as a way of having people increase their knowledge, skills, courage, tenacity, and leadership abilities. And to cultivate that perspective you need kindness. I like the concept that management trainers and management training should be kind. And thats why I think I like Brent Filson. Yes, Id willingly jump through hoops if he asked me. Summary of Free Resources: insightful leadership articles. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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7. Aimm Consulting

Performance Based Assessment Questionnaire One of the most attractive features of many management and personal development websites is the chance to assess your skills. The website of Aimm Consulting gives you the chance to find out how good you are at influencing and leading. There are 14 questions covering areas like I explore with others different ways to accomplish goals. Youre offered some examples of always doing this, or rarely doing this. Then you score yourself. The final score will give you a feedback on areas such as Delegation, Motivation, and Conveying Credibility, which are great starting points for further self-development. I took the test and was honest (I really was!) and this is how I scored: good at conveying credibility but improvement could be made in all other areas. Summary of Free Resources: personal flexibility skills test situational judgment tests articles quotes newsletter. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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8. All Business

Champions of Small Business This is an amazing site for anyone running a small business. Theres everything you could possibly need to help you run an efficient business. Theres advice on managing every aspect of your business, including employment and HR and business plans. There are news reports, blogs, guides and tips. And there are special campaigns such as the one I followed called 6 for 06 where six businesses are followed for a period of six months. Of course, many of the products on the site are only available through purchase, but there is a huge amount of free material. One that particularly caught my eye was a search directory of over 700 business publications containing over one million (yep, thats one million!) articles. I couldnt resist it so I looked up at random a leadership publication and chose Journal of Leadership and Organisation. This led me to a number of articles from which I chose Empowerment in the Context of Organisational Change. And sure enough there it was. One in a million. Isnt the web amazing? Summary of Free Resources: blogs tip of the day database of business periodicals. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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9. Anecdotage

Famous People, Funny Stories If youre looking for an amusing story to add to a presentation, illustrate a learning point, or just to entertain friends at the pub, then this is the place to visit. Its absolutely crammed with anecdotes, aphorisms, and amusing stories, perhaps more than youll ever need to get to grips with. Fortunately, theres a useful search button that allows you to fine-tune your search according to a category, name or keyword. When I keyed in Business, the database came up with 493 stories. How about this one pulled out at random? Its about Japanese businessman, Koji Fujii who in 2003 marketed little pieces of gold-plated excrement as lucky charms. He sold over 2 million, partly on the basis that the Japanese word for poo (unko) is an anagram of the word for luck (koun). Now, tell that down the pub and see if they believe you! Summary of Free Resources: a huge resource of anecdotes including business stories. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Be a Better Manager

Solve Problems; Seize Opportunities; Achieve Results The first thing you see on the Be a Better Manager website is a spinning wheel that breaks management into 6 key areas. These are: Strategy; Information; Processes; Physical Resources; People; and Financial Resources. Click on any of these and you get a selection of links. Click on a link and you get a diagram with individual lists of dos and donts. If you register and log in, you can build your own personal collection of checklists. This website is particularly useful for managers in the UK. It provides a list of industry sectors with links to their Skills Council. In the same way, the checklists from the spinning wheel all link to the relevant National UK Occupational Standard, showing how learning a skill related to levels of performance. There are also links to local resources around the UK. Lastly, theres an online questionnaire to find out what your strengths and weaknesses as a manager are. It has 15 questions and delivers immediate feedback. Summary of Free Resources: Checklists on best practice Good links Management questionnaire Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Basic Learning Systems Inc


Do You Know Your Reading Speed? If you want to find out how quick you read, then spare a minute or two for this easy test from Basic Learning Systems Inc, a business communications company run by Gloria Pincu. The test is designed to measure your English reading speed which for most people is slightly less than 200 words per minute. All you do is click a start button when you begin to read a passage and then after 20 seconds a pop-up box stops you. Note where you got to, and hey presto, youll find out your reading speed. For the record, I made it to 354. Of course, it doesnt exactly test your comprehension, but whos counting? Summary of Free Resources: reading test (add /bls/readtest.htm to the site address) weekly business writing tips. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Better Workplace Now

Free Buzzword Bingo Tom Terez is a man with a mission and this is his website. Toms aim is to create better workplaces. Ill let him take up the story: Imagine a workplace where everyone is fully engaged. Where people eagerly use their brainpower. Where teamwork comes naturally. Where kindness rules. Imagine the innovative power of such an organization. Imagine the sense of mission and spirit of fun. Imagine its passion for serving customers. Imagine its ability to attract and retain talent, to compete, to thrive. Yea, just imagine! One of the fun ideas on this site is Toms set of free buzzword Bingo cards. This is a card of 25 squares on which is printed a buzzword eg empower; value-added; envision. You simply take this card to your next meeting and see if you can mark 5 buzzwords in a row. Just be sure you know what reaction youll get if you suddenly interrupt the chairmans speech with cries of Bingo! Summary of Free Resources: buzzword bingo (add /bingo/index.html to site address) difficult dozen help zone instant feedback report awful bosses hall of fame article reprint centre. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Big Dog and Little Dog's Bowl of Biscuits


The History of Training Don Clark is the mastermind behind this formidable resource on everything to do with training and learning. Its a massive resource and a lot of it is original. Amongst the goodies are: current training news; the art and science of leadership; the learning process; definitions of learning terms; and performance management. But the one feature I remember from years ago when I first came across this site, and still look at, is The History of Training. Its the best around. Youll take a journey from Lao Tzus Ancient China via Plato and Socrates in Ancient Greece through medieval guilds to e-learning. Its still as good as ever. By the way, in case youre wondering about that title, Don has a big German shepherd dog and a smaller companion. Summary of Free Resources: a massive resource on performance, learning, leadership and knowledge. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Body Language Expert

Understanding Body Language and the Signals BodyLanguageExpert contains over 60 articles written by experts who continually update and add new content. There are 7 topic areas: Ask Our Experts; Gender Differences; Parenting Advice; Personal Interaction; Practical Applications; The Basics; and The Business World. So, in one tour of this site, I learnt how to use my body language at job interviews, why mobile phone shop staff dont use desks, and how to convey sincerity and warmth with my face and gestures. Cue: open smile, relaxed stance, and friendly gesture. Summary of Free Resources: articles on all aspects of body language Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Brain Connection

Brain Buzz This is a fabulous site on everything to do with the brain. Youll learn curious facts such as why we have to scratch an itch and why phone numbers in America are 7 digits long. Then you can view nicely-designed animations which uncover what goes on in your brain, such as why you conceive a word in one part of your brain and utter it from another. Theres a weekly brain bender to test your knowledge (which I got wrong!); a series of articles on things like how we remember and why we forget (I now know exactly where a new face is stored in my head); and a set of 29 images that dissect the brain as if you were there with a scalpel! But, to be honest, the thing that always draws me back to this site is its collection of Brain Teasers. You can play Bumper Cows, Sound Sequence or Dunk Tank. Its like a couple of hours doing press-ups down the brain gym! Summary of Free Resources: articles, illusions, brain teasers, brain games, quiz, A to Z glossary animations free half hour online course. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Business Balls

Great Balls of Fire This is Alan Chapmans mega site. Its absolutely huge and covers everything you could ever need on training, management and business. It has all the familiar, and not so familiar, models like those from Maslow, McGregor and McLelland; a glossary of training terms; feedback forms; time management planners; appraisal forms; induction training checklists; the tree swing cartoons; and Aesops fables. It even has a graphology test, explaining how to read personality from your handwriting. Theres a fun test that Alan calls Big Boys Test where you have to insert the names of cars into a story. And templates of resignation letters. Shall I go on? Ive barely scratched the surface. Where Alan got the time from to produce all this beats me. But while others charge for a fraction of whats here, this is all free. So just go and enjoy it! Summary of Free Resources: teambuilding activities, exercises and icebreakers motivational and amusing posters file tools and materials puzzles, quizzes, multiple intelligence tests training models and much more too numerous to mention. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Business Marketing

Free Magazine Subscriptions Heres a free offer of trade magazines in both professional subject areas like Human Resources and Sales and Marketing, as well as in categories such as Education, Government, Internet, and Transportation. It comes from Business Training Media who offer onsite courses and a big catalogue of training materials. The free professional trade magazines on offer include: Human Resource Executive; Corporate Meetings and Incentives; Presentations; Call Centre; and The Deal. A specific area like the Internet offers 33 different publications ranging from Application Development Trends to eWeek and HP World Magazine. Take them while theyre on offer! Summary of Free Resources: free video previews newsletter tips free magazine subscriptions management articles. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Business Simplification

Simple Really This is Australian David Brewsters site devoted to ways of simplifying business. This is what David says: Cost reduction has been a central focus in most businesses for many years now. Yet there is one hidden area of cost which has rarely been addressed: complexity. Complexity imposes its price on organizations as a whole and on each individual within them: managers and staff and even customers. The only way to deal with it is to focus more effort on simplicity. When you register here you get a free toolkit including a meeting planner, a busy managers complexity audit, a Make It Simple poster, and a set of paperclip templates to keep the campaign fresh in your mind. Summary of Free Resources: E-book called Success with Simplicity toolkit of materials monthly e-zine. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Changing Minds

How We Change What Others Think, Believe, Feel and Do I am full of admiration for the author of this site, David Straker. Hes compiled a huge resource of interconnected websites covering the whole gamut of learning models and theories. In Davids own words, he is first a learning junkie, hooked on the thrill of discovery; second, an engineer who needs to connect theory to practice, and thirdly a teacher who loves to pass on the ahas of what he knows. In fact, changingminds is just one of a tribe of sites from David Straker. The others are: syque, creating minds, quality toolbook, improvement encyclopaedia, and business articles. They probably account for over 6000 web pages of industrial-strength knowledge. David apologises that his creations are done in his spare time. No need to apologise, David. Youre what the webs all about. Well done! Summary of Free Resources: forum blog (with nice references to his family and friends) huge collection of disciplines, techniques, principles, and explanations. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Improving Organisations The CiteMan network is one of my favourite resources. Its the brainchild of Sidhartha Roy who founded the network back in May 2004 with the sole mission of helping improve organisational business management. The network now has hundreds of thousands of members from India where it is based to every corner of the world. One of the beauties of the network is that it allows exchanges of real-world business situations rather than just straight theory. When I last looked there were over 50,000 downloadable resources. There are 7 networks Finance, General, HR, Operations, and Sales/Marketing, Legal, and Jobs. Each is a goldmine of information, ideas and resources. As Sidhartha says, everything is available to everyone at no charge; use it well! Summary of Free Resources: massive network of management. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Online Executive Coaching for Managers Coaching2Grow is an online coaching resource for managers. You can use it as a standalone coaching tool or as a supplement to working with a live coach. Coaching2Grow covers most of the topics and issues that managers discuss with coaches including: Leading others; Working with difficult colleagues; Managing yourself better; and Influencing a tough boss. As you work your way through the topics, you can make notes on your thoughts and plans in a Personal Growth Workbook. One exercise you can do on your computer screen is to identify your top 10 personal strengths from a long list. There are also 18 self-assessment quizzes to assess your own performance and suggest areas for change. They range from Feedback to Musts and Shoulds and Enemy No 1. Why employ a coach when you can do it all yourself? Summary of Free Resources: Personal growth workbook Strengths inventory 18 sets of quizzes Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Customer Service Manager

Are You Being Served? Customer Service Manager describes itself as the webs leading community for customer service professionals bringing you news, reviews, articles and resources to help improve customer service worldwide! Its an e-magazine for Customer Service Professionals. There are tons of great information on this site. In a short visit, I learned that the average European consumer spends 2 hours 3 minutes a week dealing with customer services; that people in Poland are the most satisfied with customer service; and that lengthy waiting times are still the top frustration of customers. What else? Well, theres a great free magazine and technical document subscription service with 16 products offered. Theres one of the biggest lists of customer service articles Ive seen. And a series of useful aids, such as Customer Service Job Descriptions, Tests, Surveys, and Scorecards. Summary of Free Resources: Magazine subscriptions Articles on customer service Service topics Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Customer Service Training

Deliver Today, See Results Tomorrow This is the Telephone Doctor or Customer Service Training site. Where you come when youre sick of customers, perhaps? No, seriously, its a smashing site run by Nancy Friedman, whos put together a library of video programmes on customer service. On the link below, youll find 16 free previews of the videos. Theyre all hard-hitting, to the point, and expertly presented by Nancy herself. Amongst my favourites are: Exploring the Rudeness Matrix; Five Forbidden Phrases; and From Curt to Courteous. Summary of Free Resources: newsletter video previews. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Discovery Health Channel

A Test of Your Communications Skills If youre into self-assessments, heres a true feast. You can get 31 free Basic Personality tests on this site, ranging from Your Anger profile, through Communications Skills, to Perfectionism, Procrastination and Type A Personality tests. (Theyre all taken from the Queendom site, so if you want more of the same, pop over there). Heres an example of what youll face in one of the set, the Locus of Control and Arbitration test. The preamble explains: This test assesses your locus of control orientation and your attribution style. "A locus of control orientation is a belief about whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent on what we do (internal control orientation) or on events outside our personal control (external control orientation)." There are 10 statements with which you strongly disagree, disagree, partially agree/disagree, agree, or strongly agree. The first statement is: Heredity determines most of a persons personality and the last one is: If you set realistic goals, you can succeed no matter what. Now off you go! Summary of Free Resources: free personality tests. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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DWM Beancounter

We Count While You Manage Im a bit of a duffer where accounts are concerned (thank goodness for a good accountant!), so a good free course on all things accounting is right up my street. Dave Marshalls Bookkeeping course fits the bill nicely. He has a nice friendly, reassuring and conversational style. I dont feel Im being talked down to and theres no jargon. There are 7 lessons in the course, covering stuff like Debits and Credits, The General Ledger and Journals, and Financial Statements. As well as viewing this free course, you can also sign up for Daves other courses (eg Special Journals; Payroll; and Merchandise Inventory) as a guest and get the first lessons free. Theres another great free service that Dave offers: links to free business software. Youll find links to the Open Office suite of programmes; Onestep Accounting; Big E-Zs free trial version; Acemoney Lite; Checkmate Plus; Lazy8 Ledger; and many more. All this should put you in your accountants good books! Summary of Free Resources: free bookkeeping course links to free financial software. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Easy Training

And You Think Strawberries Are For Eating! Most management speeches tend to fall into two types: the formal ritual, as in the awards presentation or retirement bash; or the procedural, as in the annual statement to the board. Prepare then to be captivated by a wonderful presentation from James Lavenson to the American Marketing Association that fits neither of these categories. Itll have you smiling to yourself one minute and nodding in agreement the next. It works on many levels. Its an astonishing testimony to an inspiring leader, (Lavenson was president and chief executive of the prestigious Plaza Hotel in New York); its a great template for a superb presentation, (check out the almost imperceptible presentation techniques that are used); and its a unique learning experience. (You guessed: I like it!) Just read it. And just hope that you have a leader who can similarly rise to the occasion next time he or she is in front of a microphone! Summary of Free Resources: articles customer service presentation script. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Empowering Messages

Free Empowerment Chats This is an uplifting site that should put you in a good mood. Its all about empowerment (aka positivity). There are empowering stories, cartoons, a huge collection of positive news stories, and some really inspiring articles. But what is a bit special about this site is the collection of 83 empowering audio messages from some of the top positivity speakers in the USA. Youll be able to listen to Jack Canfield on The Power of Studying Success, Lisa Jimenez on The Power of Conquering Your Fear and Greg Reid on The Power of Now. Now, if that doesnt brighten your day, theres no hope for you! Summary of Free Resources: audio messages. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Make It Big In Business The Entrepreneur website is the shop window for the Entrepreneur magazine which is an American magazine sold off line from most bookstalls and booksellers. As the title implies, its aimed at start-up and home-based businesses and if its advice youre after, theres heaps of it here. For a start, theres everything you could possibly need to know on starting a business, from finding an attorney to engaging new staff. There are ideas galore on what kind of business to make money in, from home-based businesses to franchises. And theres a hand-holding guide to managing and growing your business, from raising money to taking time off. As if all that werent enough, theres an A to Z encyclopaedia of small business terms. Now all you have to do is count your first million! Summary of Free Resources: newsletters business tools calculators an A to Z of small business terms topics, features, and magazine. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Evan Carmichael

Motivation and Strategies for Entrepreneurs If youre an entrepreneur looking for help, training, and advice, this is the site for you. Evan Carmichael is a Toronto-based entrepreneur who has his own communications group. He succeeded at the early age of 19 with his own software company and now his passion is to pass his secrets on to others. On this site, youll find a treasure-trove of resources for entrepreneurs. These include videos, articles, advice, bios of famous entrepreneurs, and a page of unique resources supplied by contributing experts. At the start of the year, there were 348 items, including Creating a Mission Statement to Maslow for Entrepreneurs to Start Up Capital Strategies. Summary of Free Resources: Videos on famous entrepreneurs eg Steve Jobs Blog network Template downloads, eg Partner Questionnaire Tools and guides Entrepreneur advice Free downloads. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Everyone Negotiates

YIKES ,Youve Got To Be Kidding This is Peter Barron Starks site, which he calls: your premier resource for sharpening your negotiating skills. Its not hard to see why. There are lots of free resources here on negotiating, including a test of your negotiating style, a monthly newsletter, and incisive articles. But what caught my eye was his list of over 60 short sharp negotiating gambits. Theyll catch your attention too because theyre very much to the point and memorable. Who, for instance, would forget YIKES Youve Got to be Kidding which is about expressing surprise to your opponent, or Appealing to Mother Teresa which is a cunning message for help that only a hard-hearted person could refuse. If these gambits dont turn you into a powerful deal-maker, Ill eat my hat. Summary of Free Resources: articles, newsletters and collection of negotiation gambits negotiating style self-assessment. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Executive Coaching Studio

Free E-Course for Executives This is an executive coaching website run by Sean McPheat. One of the free goodies on offer is a 5part email course called The Top 5 Secrets of the Most Successful Executives. The 5 parts arrive in succession in your email box and because of Seans laid-back, friendly style are easy to read and easy to absorb. After the first part which is an Introduction, you get Making Things Happen, then Great Communication Skills are Part of the Top Executives Armoury, followed by Understanding Others and ending up with Seeking Good Counsel. Beats those long journeys to training courses! Summary of Free Resources: articles, newsletter email course for executives. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Executive Planet

Cross-cultural Training If you do business around the world, this site is an essential companion to your airline tickets, suitcase, and hotel booking. Its main feature is a guide to business culture when negotiating in 49 different countries. For each country, you get advice on: negotiating tactics; entertaining; making appointments; how to address people; what to wear; and conversational dos and donts. Plus for each country, youll get advice from an expert along with facts about laws, culture, and etiquette. The site works like a wiki, meaning you can register and update articles. Summary of Free Resources: Details of how to communicate in 49 different countries from Argentina to Yemen. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Ezine Articles

Ezine Articles for Authors I had to include an article directory in this compilation simply because of the huge amount of material youll find on any one of these sites. For me, the best article directory by far is Ezine Articles, run by Christopher Knight. This site is mind-bogglingly massive. Here are a couple of statistics. It has over 100,000 articles (and probably growing all the time). And over 25,000 authors (also probably growing all the time). What makes Ezine Articles the best of a big bunch is that it doesnt just allow anyone to stick any article on its site. It reviews everything that it archives which means youll get only good stuff. Ive spent many a valuable hour or two here and come away with ideas that would make my head burst. In the business section, there are all the categories you could wish for if you are looking to extend or update your knowledge, including: Customer Service, Change Management, Teambuilding, Presentation, Negotiation, Communication, and Top 10 Tips. In the Self-Improvement section, youll find Leadership, Time Management, Coaching, Goal Setting, Motivation, and Creativity. The list just goes on and on. See you in a couple of hours time! Summary of Free Resources: massive article directory. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Fast Company

How Smart People Work Fast Company is one of the original business information websites. I first came across it many years ago when the Internet was still relatively small and its nice to report that its still going strong. Essentially, of course, Fast Company is a monthly business print magazine that you can subscribe to. But on the site you can see the current edition for free and read selected articles. You can also browse their massive archive of past copies. But thats nowhere near all they do. For a start, you can subscribe to some very useful newsletters. The one I like most is Fast Take, which is a weekly roundup from the Web. For those of us too busy to spend every day surfing. Then, theres the Fast 50 which are 50 portraits of businesses that are writing the history of the future; a directory of businesses in your area (States only unfortunately); and a series of slide shows which includes: Six Jobs That Wont Exist in 2016 (Im OK, mines not there) and Top 10 Bosses From Hell. All in all, a fast feast. Summary of Free Resources: newsletters tools you can use the corporate shrink agony aunt portraits of the future slide shows. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Your One-Stop Shop For All Your Training Needs Fenman is a UK company with a long and successful record of creating training resources for management and personal development. They are now a formidable presence on the Web. The beauty of this site is that you can access all Fenmans offline products and at the same time instantly download free samples. Theres so much information that if you downloaded everything thats available, youd have a huge library of valuable material. As an example, this is what I did. I clicked on just one of their 25 categories, Recruitment, Selection and Induction. That took me to a page with 8 big products of which I was able to download samples from 4. As a result I had free access to over 70 pages of really excellent material including an exercise on Tackling Bullying, How to run an Assessment Centre, an Induction Toolkit, and an exercise on identifying employees with talent, called Danger Talent Zombies! Thank you, Fenman! Summary of Free Resources: huge range of training products with many free samples. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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First Steps Training

Put Life Back Into Your Employees Im a sucker for new team games and Ive included this site because many of the free activities listed here Id never come across before. For example, how about The Great Mississippi Lizard Egg or Moonball or Wampum ? Even the names are original. I wont tell you what you have to do in these games (theyre far too complicated). Just pop on over and try them for yourself. Incidentally, First Steps Training also provides a (paid) service where they will email you an exercise within 3 days to suit any specification you give them. Summary of Free Resources: team games performance builders webcasts free training activities team effectiveness questionnaire. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Serious Training In a Game Environment Wouldnt it be fantastic if we could get kids to be so enthralled with learning that they missed mealtimes, TV and other distractions? Thats the aim of Marc Prensky whos authored a book along these lines called Dont Bother Me Mom Im Learning and has created this website where the main form of training is playing games. There are 6 categories of games: Video games, Multiplayer games, Certification games, Quiz shows, Flash games, and Phone games. You can try out all of the categories if you have Flash installed. I gave Quiz show a go and chose Sexual Harassment as my subject. I then got to choose who I wanted to be and who to play against and the game started. The questions are the usual range of multiple choice and true or false but the graphics, audio, and design makes you really believe youre on a TV quiz show. I scored quite well and I certainly learnt. Great fun! Could this be the way our kids really will learn? Summary of Free Resources: samples of Flash-based training games. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Get More Done

A Free Time Tabulator In case you dont know what a time tabulator is, heres one from Pace Productivity. Its a way of working out how much time you spend on the 11 main areas of your life: from employment, to family, sleep and TV and so on. When youve allocated your weekly hours, you can see a pie chart of how well you do compared to others. You can also enter your ideal profile to see where you want to be. In addition to the time tabulator, the site offers 10 time tamer tips; some research into the top time wasters; and interesting time management quotes. Thats, of course, if youve got the time to read them! Summary of Free Resources: time tabulator quotes, tips, and research on time management. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Harvard Business School


Are These the Greatest Ever Business Leaders? Heres a run-down of 1000 of the greatest American business leaders of the 20th century. For non-Americans, there will be some unfamiliar names on the list, but most people will recognize people like Elizabeth Arden, Clarence Birdseye, Gilbert Colgate, and Hugh Hefner. There are brief but fascinating bios of each leader. Did you know, for example, that Thomas Watson of IBM brought out the companys first computer as early as 1952? Or that Henry J. Heinz started peddling his familys home-grown produce at the age of 8? Work hard and you might be in next centurys list! Summary of Free Resources: biographies of 1000 business leaders. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Harvey Mackay

Survive A Swim With the Sharks There arent too many gurus in this list of the top 100 Management and Personal Development websites. But I keep a special place for Harvey Mackay. Its just that he tells such a good story. If you want to know what I mean, read the articles on this website. For a start, just like the titles of his books (one of which Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive is behind our sub-heading above), the headings of these articles are immediately grabbable. Theres The heart of education is the education of the heart. Or Some squares are really sharp. Or how about Say thanks before its just a memory. Then theres the content. Many of these articles kick off with fascinating stories of successful business leaders or managers. (Harvey knows were all curious deep down). And then he draws some universal truths out of these stories that help us take home the message. Finally, hes just a great writer. You just have to read his stuff. And he packs a big message in the shortest possible space. Yep, I reckon youll learn a lot from this site. Enjoy! Summary of Free Resources: management articles. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Hello, My Name Is Scott

Stick Yourself Out There In my review of this site, I was going to say that a great future awaits Scott Ginsberg. And then I realised that this isnt true. Hes already got a great present! OK, Scott is still young, but he has already written 7 books, launched his own interactive TV, is a regular columnist, has a suite of websites, and has made a brand out of a nametag. (Apparently, he also has a nametag tattooed on his chest.) The theme behind Scotts ideas is Approachability. It underlies his Hello, My Name is Scott website. Here youll find what must be the biggest selection of articles related to Approachability anywhere. There are over 700 of them. Many of Scotts themes really chime with me. One of them is the idea that you shouldnt create customers; you should create fans. Another is his comfort around using modern technology to build customer relations. If you cant get enough of Scott on this site, take a look at his other video site and consultancy site. Summary of Free Resources: Over 700 articles on making an impact Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Human Links

The Only Indian Portal On HR Development This is a lovely Indian website that provides a wide range of services for human resource professionals. Amongst the many free goodies on offer here (along with the articles, links, forum, news and jobs) are a wide set of personality tests, a wide range of managerial tests (eg Manager in a Fix), a range of audits, (from training needs to climate, thinking skills to job satisfaction) and some general knowledge tests. Wherever you are, use it. Summary of Free Resources: management articles tests forum. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Human Resources About


Free Learning Styles Test If you havent yet become acquainted with the About concept, then youre in for a great treat. About as the name suggests is a multi-channel site that gives you an encyclopaedic tour of a wide range of topics. They start with 19th Century History and end up with Zoology. On the way they tackle Human Resources with guide Susan Heathfield. Susan takes you through 4 main areas: HR Basics; Employing People; Managing People; and Success at Work. Throughout the channel, youll find topics on Change Management, Communications, Employee Recognition, Management/Leadership, Motivation, Performance Management, and Teambuilding. To help you through this wealth of material, there are links to the most popular sections, the must reads, and the latest updates. As with all About sites, there are free 5-week email classes, here including Recruit and Hire the Best. Summary of Free Resources: Learning style profile Free policy samples, checklists and forms Interview tips Job descriptions Free email classes. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Institute of Silly and Meaningless Sayings

Bullshine Generator Heres some light relief, albeit with a serious purpose. Its the website of the Institute of Silly and Meaningless Sayings (author unknown but probably someone by the name of R Pottinger!) Part of the spoof is that it is set up as a legitimate institute and thus lampoons some professional institutes that take themselves far too seriously. For example, you can become a member of the institute and learn about the institutes history and purpose. Theres a coat of arms (motto: Back to Quo Vadis), roll of honour and list of bored members. The purpose of all this fun is to highlight some of the silly things we do and say in the workplace. Theres a swipe at management models, a list of hilarious workplace clichs, a Bullshine generator for producing management speak, a way to curse colleagues using pirate-speak (I kid you not!) and a Babel translator telling you what various professional people really mean behind the words they say. For a flavour of each of these, heres my favourite clich: He was in and out like a yo-yo; my favourite bullshine phrase: Has anyone seen my random data-stream analyser?; and my favourite pirate curse: What care I, thou plump, black-spotted pigeonfoot! Odd, but great fun. Summary of Free Resources: bullshine generator, ISMS curser, ISMS Babel translator carparktivity stickers. Site Home Address: Email Address: Page 50 of 107 Get the MTL Experience!

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Now Building A Community of Leaders There are a number of familiar features on this site such as leadership quotes, articles and a newsletter. But there are 2 features that make this site just a little bit different. For a start, theres a feature called Leadership Minute. This is a series of short one-minute reads on leadership subjects. They include: Thirteen Mistakes of Leadership and First Class Noticers. The other valuable feature is a reading room where you can read excerpts from some of the best management books around. They include: Brian Tracys The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success and Blaine McCormicks Ben Franklins 12 Rules of Management. Take a daily dip. Summary of Free Resources: leadership articles newsletter book excerpts. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Leadership Tools

A Free Thank you Heres something free that nobody else offers! An ecard message service for team members whove done a good job or who need cheering up on a tough assignment. This site gives you 20 e-cards to choose from. Theres one on Achievement, Integrity, Great Job, down to Well Done. All you have to do is jot down who you want to send the card to with your message, and bingo! off goes the card. It might be a bit cheesy for some, but theres no excuse any more for not letting your people know how much you appreciate them! Make sure you check out all the other free items on this site, such as a free copy of Oliver Swett Mardens success book, Pushing To The Front, interviews with top leaders, e-zine, and a range of leadership tools. Summary of Free Resources: success e-book tools for leaders, eg business planning toolkit coaching course articles and quotes teambuilding exercises ecards. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Valuing Leadership This is a very useful site. Its been put together by Mick Yates and is built around the idea of 4 Es of leadership: Envision, Enable, Empower, and Energize. You can watch various slide shows explaining this framework and learn how they apply to 5 leaders of the 20th century, including Gandhi and Pope John XXIII. On top of all this, there are 300 themed articles on leadership, 350 links, 200 magazine features, 400 book references, and 500 quotations. Now that should keep you quiet for a few days! Summary of Free Resources: slide shows leadership self-assessment leadership articles quotations book references. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Leading Today

Web Enhanced Leadership Education and Development This is a wonderful online magazine resource for leaders and managers that, with regular visits, will change the way you manage and lead for good. Its run by Greg L. Thomas as a non-profit organisation dedicated to the understanding and education of organisational and personal leadership. At the heart of Leading Today are a set of archives that cover 10 years from 2001 to 2010. Browsing back through the early years, I found a Powerpoint show on Colin Powells Leadership Primer; a wide range of original articles, including one called What Is the Right Way to Peel a Banana?; interviews with successful leaders; and excellent book reviews. I cant speak too highly of this site. Maybe its because its a nonprofit organisation, but I sense a real joy in sharing information on Gregs part. To show you what I mean, theres even a section on Classical Historical Writings and Speeches, seen from a leadership perspective. They range from Politics by Aristotle, to The Art of War by Sun Tzu, to the inaugural addresses of American presidents. Summary of Free Resources: 10 years of archived articles, reviews, interviews Full sets of classical writings MP3 recordings on leadership tips Leadership terms. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Lessons in Lifemanship

A Course in Lifemanship This is an interesting site in which Bryan Bell attempts to explore what the meaning of lifemanship is. Bryan says that Lifemanship is like seamanship. Just as seamanship is defined as the ability to navigate the seas, so lifemanship is about navigating human relationships. Its about getting the skills that strengthen our relationships, making them more enjoyable for us and avoiding the self-defeating actions which make life a struggle. The course is split into 7 parts, including: How to improve relationships; how to get a job; how to find potential employees; and how to share success and motivation. Its like a compass to sail the seas of life (groan!). Summary of Free Resources: online course. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Management Help

Free Management Library I first came across this website some years ago when there was little else on management development on the web. I was astounded then and still am now. Its an amazing resource, the work of one man, Carter McNamara. Carter calls the site a complete, highly integrated library of management material. And its hard to argue with that. There doesnt appear to be anything left out. It covers everything in business from A, Advertising and Promotion, to Z, well V, Volunteers. (By the way, it has a bias towards non-profit organisations.) Lets see what happens when you explore one topic, say Group Skills. You start with an introduction and a set of links to outside sites. Then you move through Icebreakers and Group Matters, to General Resources and Related Library Links. And of course when you go elsewhere you have other links to explore. Its a real web of information, a true management help. Summary of Free Resources: encyclopaedia of management. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Manager Wise

To Work is Human, To Manage Divine This is nothing short of a management supersite. Where to begin? Well, theres a massive collection of articles in the Knowledge Bank, neatly categorised into sections such as Coaching, Culture, Innovation, Motivation and so on. The one I checked on Motivation has some really well-chosen subjects, such as Climbing the Mountain on your Terms and Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions. Then theres an A to Z glossary of management terms. For devilment, I selected Q and got Quick Ratio and Quality of Work. There are also links to universities, business schools, management publications, portals, and employment law sites around the world. As a bonus, you can buy the T-shirt with that slogan on (To Work Is Human, To Manage Divine) and hand it out to your delegates on your next training course. Summary of Free Resources: massive collection of management articles glossary of management terms. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Free Software Downloads I hope youll forgive this bit of self-indulgence since this is our site. ManageTrainLearn (MTL) focuses on the 20 skills that you need for professional and personal success in the 21st century. They range from Appraisal and Assertiveness to Teambuilding, Thinking Skills, Time Management and Training Skills. To help you and your organisation learn these skills, MTL provides a range of online products, including E-learning courses, Step-by-Step pocketbook guides. Manuals for Trainers, 1-day Course Plans, and a library of free e-books. You can download free evaluation versions of all these products from the site and enjoy them without limit at your leisure. Summary of Free Resources: Free daily management tips, e-courses, and e-books, plus samplers of all MTL training products prize quiz newsletter articles on management and development. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Marshall House

Your Free Daily Affirmation This site is run by Jeanie Marshall and each month of the year she offers a theme which is then translated into a daily affirmation. For example, in the week I checked it out, the theme was Balance, and the affirmation for the day was I act with purposeful awareness of equanimity and balance. Its a nice way to do some useful self-improvement each day and, the best bit is, its free. Other resources on this site include Jeanies guided meditation tapes. When I looked, the two available were: A Meditation for Centering which lasted 12 minutes and Your Source of Abundance which lasted 27 minutes. Peace and prosperity be with you! Summary of Free Resources: daily affirmation 3-monthly e-zines online guided meditations. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Mind Power System

Free Relaxation Programme This is one of the websites of Jose Silva, founder of the Mind Power System. If youre interested in getting more out of your subconscious mind and reaching a truly relaxed creative state of awareness, this is the site to come to. The free part of the programme is a 9-part email course which is the result of Jose Silvas 25-year research into how human beings can reach their full potential. Youll learn how to reach deep levels of meditation like a Buddhist monk, pull creative ideas out of thin air, and accelerate your own healing. Plus, you get a free 30-minute mp3 audio programme called How To Reach The Alpha Level. This programme shows you how to reach the alpha level of relaxation, an optimal state of being in which your right and left brains are working together and you are in a state of total, creative and deep relaxation. Go on, open up your mind, and discover possibilities you never imagined! Summary of Free Resources: mp3 relaxation programme email course. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Mind Tools

Online management and leadership training, instantly available Each year, helps more than 10,000,000 visitors learn the essential skills they need for an excellent career. Here you can learn hundreds of essential management skills, free of charge, and develop yourself on an ongoing basis with the Mind Tools popular e-newsletter. One recent addition to MindTools are 2 self-assessment questionnaires on How Good are Your Management Skills? and How Good are Your Leadership Skills?. Each has a set of questions that cover all the key skills in both functions. When youve finished, you review what your score means and get pointers in how to develop yourself further. Another new addition is a poll of the top 20 articles as voted by readers. Currently top is How Good is Your Time Management? There is also a members area, called Career Excellence Club, for access to all the materials, interviews with experts, and a forum. Summary of Free Resources: free skills-builders Over 450 articles with a top 20 list of the best Self-assessment questionnaires 140 articles downloadable as an e-book personal development plan workbook. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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MIT OpenCourseware

Sloan School of Management When it first announced that it was opening up all its course material free to the world, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made newspaper headlines. Now a few years on, here are the results: MIT Opencourseware. This is how it works. There are some 34 departments ranging from Aeronautics to Writing Studies. The most relevant to anyone interested in business is the Sloan School of Management with over 100 programmes. Programmes are courses run in any particular semester. Lets take as an example Practical Leadership. What youll get on this course is a syllabus, calendar, reading references, lecture notes and assignments, both in pdf. What you dont get, obviously, is the actual lessons. Its up to you how you might use this information. You could be a trainer and use the plan as a structure for your own courses. Or you could use the references as the basis for your own self-paced learning. Its up to you. Other programmes of interest to managers are: Advanced Managerial Communication; Listening to the Customer; Negotiations and Conflict Resolution; and Communications for Management. Now you can turn yourself into a MIT graduate! Summary of Free Resources: online courses trainers resources. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Free mp3 programme This site supplies the top audio programmes from the worlds best personal development speakers. The free gift offered on the site comes when you recommend the site to a friend. When I did this, the free mp3 I got was Bob Proctor and Jim Rohn talking about Goalsetting. It lasts all of 25.45 minutes and can be played straight from your PC or an mp3 player. Considering what youd pay to hear either of these two speakers in person, thats not a bad deal! Summary of Free Resources: motivational mp3s free copy of As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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National School Board Association

Professional and Leadership Development This site contains a useful professional and leadership programme. Although its aimed at school governing bodies, the lessons have universal appeal to managers and leaders in any organisation. Theres good stuff on the qualities that make up a leader, the different ways to communicate, and quite a big section on dealing with conflict. Maybe they have something in mind? Summary of Free Resources: leadership course. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Negotiation Enterprises

Empowerment Through Negotiation Heres a tricky negotiation skills test called So You Think You Know How To Negotiate? There are just 7 questions and youre given 5 minutes to complete them. All the questions are case studies. The first case is as follows: A client walks into your office and is exceedingly angry and difficult to talk to. How do you approach your client so as to make your meeting as productive as possible? You have 5 possible options for each answer. After submitting your answers, you get the correct versions and a rationale, which is quite instructive. Summary of Free Resources: negotiating skills test. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Negotiator Magazine

The Most Comprehensive Resource On Negotiating Today This is probably the biggest database of negotiating material on the web. Its absolutely massive. And its all the work of one man, John Baker. John has compiled everything to do with negotiations ranging from Crisis Negotiation to Gender Negotiation to Salary Negotiation and Travel Negotiation. Theres no fee so its a resource you can wander around at will. One feature that took my eye was a page on Outstanding Negotiations in which readers are asked to submit their nominations for the best negotiating performance ever carried out. Two entries are currently topping the list. The first was what John calls the King Solomon Maternal Claims Dispute, in which King Solomon had to choose between two women who claimed to be the mother of a baby boy. The second is the Louisiana Purchase by James Monroe and Robert Livingston in 1803, in which these two men doubled the size of the USA overnight for the price of $15 million. Cheap at twice the price! Summary of Free Resources: huge database of negotiating material. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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New Conversations

The Seven Challenges This is Dennis Rivers site which he calls a cooperative communication skills community. He offers a range of free ebooks, articles and exercises to help visitors communicate more creatively, successfully, and compassionately; to encourage dialogue and resolve conflict; and to build a more co-operative life at home and work. There are 5 free e-books including: The Seven Challenges written by Dennis himself. It goes into subjects such as Listening; Expressing yourself clearly; and Focusing on learning. Compassionate Listening by Gene Knudsen Hoffman, which explores how to transform conflict Human Becoming, an anthology of works by David Richo on our journey toward becoming whole and human, (look out for his excellent affirmations on overcoming fear) The Geometry of Dialogue, again by Dennis, which uses mandala-like flow charts to map and facilitate human interaction. Summary of Free Resources: communication skills e-books a set of resources on forgiveness, including a bumper sticker. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Office Diversions

The Productivity Reduction Discovery Centre Dont tell your boss the subtitle for this site or he/she will seriously think youre wasting your time here. However, if you do get caught, then just quote the subtitle on the home page, which says: Important survey reveals long-term medical importance of active on-the-job stress reduction. Because thats what this site will do for you: reduce your stress and give your fun hormones a real boost. There are tons of great material here: office jokes galore; lists of phobias; games of concentration; world clockwatching; office pranks; timewasters; 2035 headlines (eg Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in 7th largest country in the world, California); brain twisters, and jigsaw puzzles. When a bit jaded, Ive often whiled away a half-hour doing a jigsaw puzzle on this site and come back to my duties refreshed. (Really!) Perhaps the first of the 10 Office Commandments on this site is reason enough to play around here from time to time: Thou shalt have no other life beside work! Oh, and in case your boss does catch you looking at this site, theres a panic button called Yikes Its The Boss which will take you to a page on well find out for yourself! Summary of Free Resources: jokes, games, pranks, puzzles on office working forum poll free office clipart. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Patricia Fripp

Confessions of an Unashamed Relentless SelfPromoter Patricia Fripp is an award-winning coach and speaker, and by her own admission, an unashamed relentless self-promoter. I dont mind that because I like her style and tone and enjoy what she offers. For example, she has a huge list of articles covering the whole raft of management and personal development topics. For example, in Presentation skills, she offers Put Your Audience in the Opening (good advice); in Marketing Skills, she offers Power Pitching; and in Leadership, she offers Make Your Presentations Fun. But theres more free stuff on this site. Theres a whole set of videos taken from Patricias presentations. Try Life is a series of Sales Situations for starters. Or how about The Story Behind Awesome Storytelling. And what better than Quantum Leap Performance? You certainly get your moneys worth here. After all, its free! Summary of Free Resources: management articles ezines on public speaking and business videos of presentations. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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People Alchemy

Turning People into Gold Dust The guys at People Alchemy claim that, if youre a manager whos stuck, overwhelmed, making mistakes, or under pressure (OK, OK, who isnt?), then you dont need training. You need answers. And their answer is their online (and offline if you want) portal of over 100 topics on management with lots of information on each. Its a great resource and they offer a Free Trial for 15 days. This enables you to access the full version and wander all over the place, using their search facility or just going where the mood takes you. Everything possible is included from 360 Degree Assessments to Diversity, Empowerment to Violence and Aggression. Everything I saw was superbly written and presented. A nice touch was also that you can bookmark pages and add your own notes. Oh, and if this wasnt enough, the portal is offered free to charities, just because they want to! Summary of Free Resources: Trial of a refreshingly different leadership manual Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Penn State Psychology

What Do You See? If youve ever been on a personal development programme, the chances are youve been shown an ambiguous picture showing 2 images which change according to how you look at them. Some trainers use the famous old hag-young queen image. Others use the Necker cube. And others mix numbers and letters as in the Is it 13 or B? picture. This site has a huge number of links to different optical illusion sites (though, being rather old, some of the links are now dead). Youll find the 3 just mentioned plus other well-known ambiguous illusions such as the Eskimo/Indian chief; the rabbit/duck; and the facing vases/faces. Theyre fun to play with or just to work out for yourself. And you can use them in a wide range of change programmes as great icebreakers, or quick power learning interludes. Summary of Free Resources: optical illusions. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Personal Development

Homespun Philosophy If homespun philosophy is your thing (and I have to confess to a certain weakness in this neck of the woods), then youll love Chuck Gallozzis articles and free e-book Roadblocks to Happiness on this site. There are nearly 250 articles to choose from, neatly arranged in A to Z fashion according to personal development themes. So we start with Abstinence, move on to Change and Complaints, steer right through Learning and Leaders, and end up with Wisdom Words and Worry. As an example of the folksy nature of these writings, heres the subheading to the article on Wisdom: Some folks are wise and some otherwise. Aaah. Say goodnight, John-Boy! Summary of Free Resources: articles and e-book free My Life Planner software. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Philip Humbert

Coaching to Achieve Your Goals and Live Your Dreams Dr Philip Humbert is my kind of guy. Hes a coach who says hes never worked in his life: what he does couldnt be described as work in the conventional sense. He does things that bring him joy and contribute value to others. I suppose theres no better definition of a trainer or coach than when he says: I love to pass on what Ive learned and help others enjoy their own brand of success. Philip shares a lot of his philosophy and ideas on this website of his. The free goodies include 3 free e-books: Goal-Setting 101; Personal Eco-Systems; and Making Money, Creating Wealth; audio tapes and top 10 lists. One of the best features is Philips newsletters and you can get copies for every month back to 2002. Oh, and I also like Philip because the most important stuff on his bio is his dog, Kodiak. Summary of Free Resources: 3 e-books Audio tapes Hundreds of quips and quotes on personal development Newsletter archive. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Positive Club

Free Inspirational Books If youre really interested in personal selfimprovement, then this site will shower you with great motivational literature, including some classic self-improvement books. You can get Napoleon Hills How to Overcome Failure and Achieve Success, Kahlil Gibrans The Prophet and Wallace Wattles The Science of Getting Rich. And many more besides. All free. In addition, theres a lovely relaxing slideshow from Kahlil Gibran, a really neat little positive boost trick that only a computer can deliver, Emile Coues relaxation formula thats a must whenever youre feeling down, a free 7 Eternal Laws CD, and a massive dictionary of self-affirming quotations from Abundance through to Youth. Now if none of these dont put you on cloud nine, there really isnt any hope for you! Summary of Free Resources: self-improvement e-books positive boost tests and quizzes inspirational slide show from Kahlil Gibran relaxation formula dictionary of self-affirming quotations. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Presentation Helper

Help For All Your Presentation Needs Ive seen quite a few sites that teach presentation skills but this is my favourite. Where to begin? Well, first off, theres some great advice on how to deliver your presentation, told in an easy-to-read, conversational style. Topics include What to Wear and Dealing with Investors. Then theres a range of free excellent Powerpoint templates under different headings such as business, seasonal, and a template builder. There are also quick links to the free Powerpoint viewer and trial version of the real thing. Next, youll find a collection of famous speeches and examples of what to say on special occasions such as weddings, funerals and retirements. And lastly, a really interesting forum from which you can see some of the presentations people have made such as The Life of a Potato, Ancient Egyptian Mummification, and The Future of the Pork Sausage Market. Summary of Free Resources: Slideshows Advice from famous presenters Templates Speeches Sound clips. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Proven Models

Models on the Cat Walk Although Provenmodels is primarily a resource for researchers and students, it can also be of value to those who want to develop their knowledge of management ideas. It comprises a collection of 64 models which can be accessed be a search of the model name, the author name, or the topic. Alternatively, you can browse the model book. In the top ten of models are favourites like Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, Theory X and Y, and Fayols 14 Principles of Management. The models themselves are displayed graphically with details of their characteristics, descriptions, pros and cons, and references. You can add your own comments. Summary of Free Resources: Collection of management models Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Robin Sharma

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari I dont believe that Robin Sharma is for one second the monk who sold his Ferrari, but as the name of his bestselling book, thats the person Ill always think he is. Robin Sharma is the ex-lawyer turned motivational speaker who has created a brand out of himself and uses this to promote a wide range of business and personal development material. You cant help getting infected by Sharmas enthusiasm and success aura. Everything he touches seems to turn to gold. The chief free resource on this site is a collection of audio podcasts. In all there are nearly 40 broadcasts in the archive, ranging from Lessons on Leadership from U2 to The Five Forms of Wealth to Ambidextrous Leadership and Be A Renaissance Person. These will really motivate you as you walk or drive along. Summary of Free Resources: free podcasts video segment on The 8 Things that Billionaires Do video excerpt on Lead Without a Title Extraordinary Leadership audio programme (60 minutes). Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Roger Dawson

Youll Never Make Money Faster than When Youre Negotiating Roger Dawson was one of the first speakers I ever heard on the subject of Negotiating Skills. Hes practical, entertaining, and tells a very good story. This site will show you Roger in action both on audio and video. Plus, youll also get a set of 23 articles on power negotiating, including: Ask For More, Flinching, and Money is not as important as you think. Summary of Free Resources: audio and video excerpts articles on negotiating. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Ron Kaufman

Uplifting the Power of Service Worldwide Ron Kaufman must surely be the most dynamic advocate of customer service in the world. He has reached more than 3 million people with his high-energy and high-content presentations. He has two websites: his own at ronkaufman and his customer service college at Up Your Service. Both sites will give you access to some of Rons excellent free material. There are great videos which will show you why Ron is such a draw when presenting. There are audio presentations with intriguing titles such as How to make a wrong customer feel right. There are 2 really creative Powerpoint slideshows called Service With a Smile and Up the Loyalty Ladder which you can download. And, as if this wasnt enough, a free Customer Service Training Library. Summary of Free Resources: Videos and audios on customer service Slideshows Articles and tips Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Salad Ltd

Do What You Love Salad is a UK training company specialising in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Its run by Jamie Smart who is the author of most of the articles in the tips archive. There are over 80 articles here and they are really one of the best introductions Ive come across to NLP. Theyll enhance your communications and make you a stronger influencer. To get a feel for some of the tips, here are some titles: Put some fizz in your physiology (about the state of your body and the state of your mind); Wave goodbye to hesitation; and Power chunking. Signing up to Jamies tips means you get a whole host of NLP-related resources free. Summary of Free Resources: articles on NLP free NLP videos hypnotic language course irresistible influence language course and ebook free 1 year hypnosis course and ebook. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Silicon Beach Training

Training that Makes a Difference Silicon Beach Training are a Brighton (UK)based company that provide both online and offline training. They care about effective training and that means listening to their clients and course participants. What makes them really outstanding, though, is the range and depth of free resources on their site. To start off, they offer 13 courses that can be accessed from their website pages. These range from PRINCE2 to Six Sigma, Photoshop, and Social Media; as well as more familiar management courses. On each of the topics in their courses, you can follow up on tags (to see related items), share the topic on your social sites, or submit a comment of your own. Because they are also promoting their own offline courses, they also run a monthly prize competition with the winners receiving a free course. Summary of Free Resources: Free courses from their website Free monthly competition. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Skills Converged

Training Material on Productivity, Soft Skills and Personal Development Skills Converged is a great little training shop which provides offthe-shelf content for trainers. These include trainers notes, workbooks, exercises, slides, all of which can be customised to suit your own particular training needs. What makes this more than a training shop, however, is the wealth of free material on offer. These range from energisers and icebreakers to exercises and teambuilders. You get all the instructions along with the item which are usually well-illustrated. A great giveaway for training and learning. Summary of Free Resources: Free training resources on exercises, games, and role plays Icebreakers Quiz Teambuilding games Free download pack with guidelines and useful materials for running courses. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Wellbeing Solutions for Your Workplace This site has got everything you need to relieve you of stress. You can hunt for stressbusting ideas either via 12 zones like Workplace Stress and Money and Debt; or via the type of remedy eg a link to another area or product. There are really interesting articles. I liked in particular the idea of Firebreaks around your busy day, from Dr Roger Henderson. Then there is the Stressbusting channel with a variety of short programmes on relaxation, meditation, and stretching. Therapies cover 13 remedies from Yoga to Colour Therapy to Shiatsu. And the Directory offers a good set of links to more specialised areas. The one irresistible feature is the Stress Test which will let you know how vulnerable to stress you are. Send me to the relaxation couch now. Summary of Free Resources: Articles, advice and tests on stress busting. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Your Path to Success If success is important to you in life, (and who doesnt have some kind of desire for their own success?), then this is the place for you. The focus on this entire site is success; in fact, developer Robert Stubergs mission can be summed up in this simple statement:our goal is to help you experience more success! Youll find products from the well-established success authors here such as Jim Rohn and Wayne Dyer. Plus audio programmes, coaching courses, software and videos. But what about the free resources? Well, these are pretty amazing. For a start you can download a free CD and MP3 of The Secret. Then theres an amazing article directory, to which you can add your own items. Plus a demo of a Life Organizer that plans your personal success. And email tips, quotes, and powerwords. Oh, and I forgot, theres a great selection of e-cards that you can send to your contacts too. Success guaranteed, I think. Summary of Free Resources: Free CD and MP3 on Robert Stubergs The Secret Free coaching session Free newsletters, quotes, Massive personal success article directory Free tour and demo of Life Organizer E-cards to send to your contacts. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Self Growth

The Online Self-improvement Encyclopaedia Selfgrowth is reputedly one of the largest self-improvement sites on the Internet. It is a resource, a community, and a place to learn. The site has 6 areas: Success Skills; Love and Relationships; Health and Fitness; Money and Careers; Mental Health; Spirituality; and Lifestyle. You can access experts in each of these areas; sets of articles; events; blogs; newsletters; and products. Once youve registered, you can develop your own member pages and connect to others through chat, instant messaging, and discussion boards. As an encouragement to participate, members can earn user points for all their activity on the site, including adding an expert page (100 points), adding an article (50), or simply daily logging in (5). As a reward for gathering points, you can be featured on the site and offered prizes. Its a very well-managed resource and the links alone will set you on a personal development adventure that may take you anywhere. Summary of Free Resources: A choice of 13 free newsletters Links to online IQ and EQ tests Huge directory to specialist sites dealing with self growth Access to experts. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Test Caf

Brain Tests This is one of the best sites around for taking tests. You can take them on your IQ, on your career choices, on teamwork, on time management, on assertiveness, and on your personality. As an example, theres a free Brain test that has 32 questions and will take you 12 minutes to complete. Other free tests include How Smart Are You? How Smart Are Your Emotions? Are You Left-Brained or Right-Brained? Teamwork Are You A Leader? Are You Organised? Are You Self-Confident? Half-Full or Half-Empty? Are You Assertive? Enneagram Test What Color Is Your Aura? What Kind of Person Are You? OK. Testing, testing. Summary of Free Resources: tests and self-assessments. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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The Change Agent

Are You A Change Agent or A Change Victim? Patti Hathaway is a consultant who specialises in helping organisations manage change, or, in her words, detect change. Thats why she calls herself the change agent (get it?) This site is a showcase for her very interesting articles on change, ranging from Change Is A ManySplintered Thing to When Youre At the End of Your Rope, Let Go. Thats not all. You can also listen to Patti talking about some of her work assignments and you can download one of the best pdf brochures Ive ever seen, about Patti and her work. Its in the form of a spy file. Summary of Free Resources: articles on change management audio excerpts. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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The Leadership Hub

The Worlds Online Leadership Community The Leadership Hub is claimed to be the worlds first online collaborative leadership development community. Think MySpace or Facebook for Leaders and youre in the right kind of territory a leadership collaboration and development site that uses social networking principles and tools. The site is based on Web 2.0 tools with members writing their own leadership diaries, blogs, messaging each other, emailing within the platform, uploading their own video clips, documents and other useful tools to share with the rest of the community. This means that leadership experts and practitioners from all over the world can collaborate with each other. Some of the groups on the site include: Professional Voice, Be Inspired, Be Entertained, and one I particularly like, Disney Leadership, which aims to inspire people with Walt Disneys leadership style and show them how to be a connoisseur of talent. Move over Mickey! Summary of Free Resources: 60-second leadership book extracts Blogs, videos, documents on leadership Site Home Address: Email Address:

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The Improvement Encyclopedia


Brief Descriptions of Quality Terms and Tools Here is another one of learning junkie David Strakers sites, a companion to changingminds, creatingminds, and qualitytools (which youll find elsewhere in this book). This one is a long list of around 400 items, each with a page containing descriptions of tools and terms about improvement and quality, ranging from original Japanese terminology to Six Sigma frameworks. So, you can start with the A-O Diagram and journey through Bell Curve, Chumbo Chart, and Fault Tree Analysis and, if this is your sort of thing, end up with Z-Chart and Zenbara. Hats off to David for another amazing encyclopaedic resource. Summary of Free Resources: articles on quality and improvement. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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The Logic of Success


Motivation with Intelligent Content This is Victor Gonzalezs site. Victor is an American motivational speaker who is very entertaining. (You can see him in action on this site in 4 video excerpts.) What makes the site worth a visit is the special collection of articles on success. There are 62 of them and theyre all written the way Victor speaks: highly personal, conversational, direct, and instructive. They range from My First Trophy, a bitter-sweet story of how nobody sees you when you really succeed; through The Winning Mindset of a True Leader, which is summed up as: never try to win; and ends with The 10 Steps to Overcoming Public Enemy No 1: Fear. Read and be entertained! Summary of Free Resources: video excerpts articles, newsletter, and free e-book on success. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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The Manager

The Knowledge Intermediary The Manager is a massive resource focusing on management issues. Warning: only attempt if youve got an hour or two to spare as youll almost certainly get absorbed in its fascinating meanderings. For a start, it has a wonderful glossary, sending you off in all sorts of explorations. There are Finance, Marketing, HR, and other categories that will shoot you off to even more resources elsewhere on the Net. Which makes this section alone a great research tool. Then there are links to Publications, a Knowledgebase, and a Daily Knowledge Special. In fact, if you ever need to look something up about management, this is as good a place to start as youll find. Summary of Free Resources: glossary of management terms articles galore on management. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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The Workplace Doctors


Dear Doc This is an off-beat work-related website run by William Gorden, Dan West, and Tina Rowe. The main part of the site is a Question and Answer section in the style of an Agony Aunt column which responds to all sorts of workplace issues. Here youll find answers to questions that really bother people at work, such as Help! I Cant Spel, How Can I Combat Tardiness? and I Work With A Jerk!. In addition, theres a very amusing section that includes: some of the crazy things managers say, in Management Without Logic; Lists to Hang Up at work; and a comparison between work and prison. Hint: prison wins out! Summary of Free Resources: workplace question and answer amusing things that managers say. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Improving Performance Playfully This is the site of Sivasailam Thiagarajan (or Thiagi, for short). Thiagi was born in Madras (now Chennai) and became an instructional leader devoted to making learning fun. And theres a lot of free fun training on the site, including 104 training games from $20 to Zoom 36 interactive lecture styles webshell games like Hangman, Project Life Cycle, and Tic Tac (Noughts and Crosses) About the World a glossary of 66 strategies for improving performance interactive puzzles, eg on facilitator characteristics, TV game shows, and e-learning, to name just a few. trivia puzzles email games. Just go and play! Summary of Free Resources: games, quizzes, puzzles and guides training resources. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Thinking Managers

Expand Your Thoughts The two Thinking Managers who edit this site are Robert Heller and Edward de Bono, both outstanding writers, consultants and thinkers in their own right. Heller is the founder of the magazine, Management Today and de Bono is one of the worlds leading authorities on creative thinking. As you would expect from two such luminaries, there is a wealth of material on this site, much of it available in the Letter to Thinking Managers newsletter which is free for the first two months. There is also a huge library of management material. Unusual and original features of the site are various newsfeeds on management topics. These include a Guru Watch which follows the latest work on over 70 of the worlds top management gurus; a Media Watch which summarises the headlines of the worlds top business publications; and an update on the worlds top companies. Finally, there is a Resources section linking to a big database of other sites and companies. Summary of Free Resources: Management library Blog watch Media watch Links library. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Tickled By Life

Productivity and Life Enhancement Does life excite you? Are you blown away by the newness of every moment? Do you tap your creativity to the full? Are you passionate about your goals? Does playfulness come naturally to you? In short, are you tickled by life? will surprise you, provoke you, inspire you and wow you with a host of free articles, stories, anecdotes, puzzles, jokes, discussions, interviews, games, comments and much more. The objective of this site is to enable you to live your life creatively and joyfully in your own way so that you can experience goose bumps of success in all areas of your life. Cor, wish Id had an intro like that! Summary of Free Resources: Terrific collection of Tickles (thought-provoking articles) Poll of the week. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Tom Antion

Wake Em Up Business Presentations. Tom Antion is a business speaker who also runs a range of seminars on other topics. On his site youll find a great free ebook on how to keep your audience awake and captivated by your business presentations. Its huge, 336 pages long, and has some very interesting ideas and techniques. Toms title for the e-book is: Wake Em Up! and the subtitle is Your A to Y Guide (No ZZZZZs Allowed) to more interesting, fun and memorable programs. Its printable online reading but if you want to buy the book you can. If you want to inject more pizzazz into your presentations, try it. Oh, and dont you think that book cover is kinda snazzy? Summary of Free Resources: ebook on presentations free articles on presentations. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Tom Peters

When Exactly Will You Go For Wow? This is the site of the gurus guru, Tom Peters. Peters is a legend in his own lifetime. He is far more than a motivational speaker, he shakes up enterprises to re-think what they do. Years ago, when I was just a humble HR manager, I dreamed of attending one of Peters seminars a mix of Deming and Robbins, I used to think. The thing that stopped me going then was that Peters seminars were invariably sold out and I could never make out a good enough business case to justify the cost. But now of course the cost doesnt come into it. For here on Peters site, I can get the next best thing to attending one of his seminars: all the powerpoint slides for free. There are heaps of stuff here, from seminars in the States, Brazil, the Middle East, Spain, Romania, and more. Plus, slides and pdfs on Peters thoughts. You can discover what the great man thinks about interviewing excellence, or transformational change, or innovation, or the nub of leadership, or dozens more. Tom implores us to use these resources. Take them. Use them. Send them to friends. Spread them around. Have your way with them. Please! As if he had to ask! Summary of Free Resources: powerpoint slides of Tom Peters seminars master and special slides newsletter and daily quote pdf files covering thoughts and tips. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Affordable Training Solutions Trainerbubble sells a range of products for trainers, including Business Development, Communication, Customer Care, and Health and Safety. They also provide consultancy and bespoke services. The site and company is the creation of Andrew Wood whose aim was to develop a website where trainers, leaders and anyone involved in the development of others could access a set of simple to use trainers notes that are highly interactive, simple to follow and easy to access, whilst remaining affordable. As well as this service, Trainerbubble provides a huge list of free samples that are ideal for anyone running courses, seminars and workshops. Plus, if you are a UK charity, you qualify for a free training pack. A great training resource. Summary of Free Resources: Samples of training materials, eg Leading Effective Teams and The Art of Negotiation Free energisers, such as Aeroplanes and Ha Ha Exit interview questionnaire Meeting planner Powerpoint games Quizzes and fun Teambuilding games Training Models Training documents Icebreaker, Metaphors, Lateral thinkers. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Tools for Transformation This link will take you to a wealth of free goodies from Peter Shepherds Trans4mind website. For starters, theres a 30-lesson course called The Positive Approach which is intended to help you become clearer about your own identity, what you want in life and how to consciously transform your life for the better. Then you can download a 242-page pdf book called Transforming the Mind and take a range of personality tests covering extroversion/introversion, stable/unstable, and assertive/unassertive preferences. Plus, you can also download a 107-page pdf book called The Whole Person Handbook which uses a questionnaire to lead you through your key development issues. And, if thats not enough, there are 3 more free courses on Communications, Heart Intelligence, and Nutrition. And that just scratches the surface. Phew! Summary of Free Resources: E-book courses on self-development free coaching free copy of Transforming the Mind free copy of The Whole Person Handbook. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Value-Based Management

Management Methods Theres no room for pretty designs or graphics on this site. You get whats on offer thrown straight in your face. In fact, its an amazing management portal linking to over 250 management methods and theories in areas like: strategy and value creation, valuation and decision making, organization, change and culture, communication and marketing, and leadership and management. In just a few minutes, I could jump from Game Theory to Six Thinking Hats to Emotional Intelligence to Coveys Seven Habits theory. Its like an internet inside an internet. Nearly every concept on management must be here, and most importantly... it's all completely free! Summary of Free Resources: portal for management articles and ideas free magazines hall of fame. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Vark Learning Styles


Discover Your Learning Style VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinaesthetic, which are the 4 main learning styles (though check out Accelerated Learning who expand this to 8 multiple intelligence learning styles). This site from New Zealander, Neil Fleming, has a questionnaire of 13 typical learning situations that will tell you what your preferred learning style is. Heres one of the situations: You have a problem with your knee. How would you like the doctor to explain whats wrong? Would you prefer him to show you on a model; tell you; or explain on a diagram? Once youve answered all the case studies, youll get a page that explains your learning style. Summary of Free Resources: learning style questionnaire helpsheets on the styles books and software. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Gear for Adventurous Learning This wonderful site is James Neils collection of classic and novel group games, activities and exercises. They can be used, or adapted, for any experiential learning course, whether youre working with colleges, corporate managers, or the local scout troop. I could happily spend hours on this site. For example, there are all the classic teambuilding games such as Lost At Sea, Survival On The Moon, and Nuclear Holocaust, any of which could easily account for half a days training. Then there are some of my favourite icebreakers such as Cheeky Cheeky and Zoom. And trust activities such as Sherpa Walk and Human Ladder. If you really want to push the boat out, you could even try out some indigenous games such as the String games of the Navajo and traditional Hopi games. For me, this is a treasure trove of training and if there were such a thing, Id award James Neil the Nobel Prize for Experiential Learning! Summary of Free Resources: 13 categories of group games massive store for all things training trainers resources. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Workforce Online

Educating You About Your Workforce This is a huge resource and its hard to know where to begin. For a start you can get a free copy of the Workforce magazine which covers current issues of interest to HR and general management. Then there are all sorts of additional free features. When I last looked, there were articles, a news poll, a Dear Workforce agony aunt, a forum, newsletter, topic channels, and cartoons. Registration gives you access to the full site and its free so theres no need to miss out on anything. Summary of Free Resources: magazine articles news poll cartoons hot list of HR providers and vendors free sample issue of Workforce Benefits forum. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Work Worries

Help With People Problems At Work If you have problems at work and need help to sort them out, then Work Worries is the place to visit. Its based on the idea that all workplace problems are caused by people and that, if youve had a problem, then so has someone else who now has an answer. There are over 1200 articles and resources to choose from with headings like Bad Bosses, Bullying, and Office Politics. Theres also a discussion forum where you can let off steam. The original feature that I like about this website is the Vault. This isnt a place where you can drop difficult employees and let them rot but a place to deposit all the articles you like and come back to in your own time. Summary of Free Resources: links to articles and resources discussion forum personal vault to collect and store your resources. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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Xage Consultancy

Your Very Own Online Management Consultancy Xage is a new site for me. It is an international Human Resource Management Consultancy that helps organisations meet their HR challenges by developing and implementing actionable solutions. It is run by Karen Davies and Gary Malcolm with, unusually, an office based in Vietnam. The free downloadable library on the site is the real draw. Here youll find a huge list of books under different categories such as HRM, Recruitment, Performance Management, HR Planning, Job Analysis, Training and Development, Leadership and Management, Assessment Centres, Policy and Procedures, and Teambuilding. A large number of the books are MBA notes. Titles include: The Definitive Book of Body Language, English Brainstormers, Dont Guess Your Way to Success, and The Psychologists Book of Personality Tests. Its a true management library. Summary of Free Resources: large collection of e-books Site Home Address: Email Address:

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100. Zig Ziglar

Its About Being Better The reason I included Zig Ziglars website in this book isnt because I liked the idea of an entry under Z but because I liked the idea of how one man can turn himself into a brand. Zig Ziglar is a motivational speaker and trainer, much like many of the others in this book. What sets him apart from the rest is that he knows how to stand out. You dont easily forget the name or the clever way in which he uses the name as a brand. For example, his short training courses are called Ziggets, his forum is called Ask Zig!!, and every day there is a new Zig Quote of the Day. There are a few great free offerings to be found as well, including a self-talk card and a performance planner. But if you want to find out how to turn yourself into a distinctive brand, and all youve got going for you is you, then you cant do much better than copy Zig. A bit like Zigzagging all the way to success! Summary of Free Resources: newsletter self-talk card performance planner free download of Zigs Biscuits, Fleas and Pump Handles when you sign up for the newsletter.. Site Home Address: Email Address:

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