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Alex Caraveo 9/25/2012 COMM 1080 Journal Assign.

#3 Power Imbalances

Power Imbalances
Wilmot & Hocker stated some relatively convincing words in the book called Power-The Structure of Conflict, those with less power often feel, "If I were just the boss, things would be a lot better... Wilmot & Hocker go on saying that having a higher power over someone else is that it may corruption you. I will give examples of power imbalalances and offer negative and supportive counterparts, along with a short reflection answering, Does power imbalance hinder conflict resolution and corruption? Describe at least one example of potentially negative consequences of power; o 1) The conflict- A demanding and unappreciated environment with no one to listen to the needs of the bottom of the totem pole. o 2) The participants- This example is of the little power employees and the bosses who may seem to have all the power. o 3) The power balances- Once the employees become organized they could go on a strike. This could prove productive, yet could backfire like we saw with Hostess. But for the most part this is a sign or form of power balance. My description of negative consequences thats due to power in this conflict. o Well to begin, we can look at the Hostess example, the employees organized, they initiated getting heard and were able to cripple the company, and power had shifted. The employees failed to see their crippling power, this lead to the negative consequences of the company having to close their doors for good.

Alex Caraveo 9/25/2012 COMM 1080 Journal Assign. #3 Power Imbalances

What forces affect this power balance? o 1) Social- We are lead to believe that large companies are not looking out for their employees, which may be the case, but not always. o 2) Historical- The past has said allot of big companies and how they used employees as easy replacements, thats why unions formed, to level the field out. o 3) Political- The rules and laws set by political agendas are in place due to the lack of understanding the communication used by our leaders, if change is needed one must communicate that need, one must gap that missing link called communication.

How do power issues affect communication in this conflict? o If the striking union party had not been so hungry for power they would have foreseen the outcome ahead. o The company could have used better communication tactics prior to loosing their work force.

What advise could you offer to the participant to help them manage power balance more productive? Be aware of power imbalances, be open and pay attention to the differences of each others imbalances. In order to resolve conflict its important to understand one another, be prepared to work together.

Reflection- (Im sure that Hostess had a plan of dumping the company, but thats my perception and Im running with that.)

Alex Caraveo 9/25/2012 COMM 1080 Journal Assign. #3 Power Imbalances

Hostess used the workers greed, or some may say need, I guess its relative to where your standing, regardless Hostess knew that their unhappy work force would go on strike, and then call them bluff when they would announce their closure. In my example, my focus of power imbalance was primarily with the hostess vs. workers but this view on Does power imbalance hinder conflict resolution and corruption? can be universal, my example explains the need for a healthy line of communication, which can be applied to any group. As a result, the lack of Hostess keeping an open communication of their plans to liquidate may have given the employees the needed spirit for that company to flourish. The employees if smart could have suggested a co-op where the employees own part or all the company, yet nothing was accomplished, and potentially both parties lost. What I got from this assignment was the words we choose to communicate with can lead us to greater conflict or can provide us greater opportunities, one must be wise as how to promote a power balance when we are in a power position, knowing how to promote this power with communication can provide a happy flourishing working body from the bottom to the top.

Alex Caraveo 9/25/2012 COMM 1080 Journal Assign. #3 Power Imbalances

Reference: Wilmot & Hocker, Power-The Structure of Conflict Some information was retrieved from Power Points & lectures

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