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FORSTER Edward Morgan (Forster(1879-1970

born in London .the friends he made and the intellectual companionship he found at .cambridge influenced his entire life He visited Greece and Italy .throughout hid life he tended to get Greek and Italian peasant life In symbolic contrast to the life of middle class England

Both Greek mythology and Italian Renaissance art influenced him He started writing as a contributor To the newly founded liberal independent review in 1903 His first novel Where Angels Fear To Trend Is a tragicomic projection of conflicts between refined english gentility and Italian vitality

:Visiting India
He had a extended visit to India in 1912 and had a English tutoring in .Germany His main interest was always in personal relations He was a member of BLOOMSBURY group included Virginia Wolf

: The longest journey

Was his second novel examines the differences between living and dead relationships with much incidental .satire

(:A Room With A View (1908

Explores the nature of love with a great deal of subtlety (niceness) .using Italy as a liberating agent

):Howards End (1910

Probes the relation between inward feeling and outward action between the kinds of reality in which people get involved in life His last novel : A Passage To India ((1924

:His last novel

His last novel :A Passage To India (1924( he takes the relations between the English and the Indians in early 1920s

Another novel published after his death is: Maurice In which Forster tried to define and do justice to the homosexual love .it was a great attempt but as a work of art .not a success

:His short stories

His shot stories as a rule were much simpler in theme and treatment than his novels.and characters struggling .against the meshes of convention The Road from colunus is one of his short stories that is more successful than other

Forster also writthen criyical, autobiographical and descriptive prose notably as a discussion of techniques of fiction by practicing novelist called : aspects of novel .1927

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