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Assistive Technology

Fulfilling the needs of learners with special needs

Nikole McCoy EPC 2010: Technology Application for Teachers

What is assistive technology?

The federal governments description of assistive technology (AT) devices means any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of students (or individuals) with disabilities.

Is assistive technology just computers?

Assistive Technology can also be "any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the evaluation for and/ or selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.

Assistive technology is everywhere. Historically, weve all thought of assistive technology as something computerized and very expensive. However, assistive technology devices actually range from very inexpensive low cost, low technology items to the more expensive, high technology devices.

History of Assistive Technology

In 1808, Pellegrino Turri of Italy built the first typewriter for his blind friend Countess Carolina Fantoni da Fivizzono to help her write legibly. One of the greatest inspirations for assistive technology was provided by Louis Braille, who developed a language for the blind in the year 1821.

History of Assistive Technology cont. Alexander Graham Bell developed ways to reach the deaf in the 1870s. Bell's patent for the telephone, which was a byproduct of his studies with the hearing impaired, was granted in 1876.

In 1997, federal IDEA amendments make mandatory assistive technology consideration in every students individualized educational program (IEP) for children with disabilities.

Application to education
The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for All Students identify six broad competency categories (Thomas & Knezek, 1999): basic operations and concepts; social, ethical, and human issues; technology productivity tools;

Application to education cont.

technology communication tools;
technology research tools; technology problemsolving and decisionmaking tools

This chart list some of the more popular assistive devices, the disability they address, and information on what they do.


Device Large-size monitor Problem Addressed Low vision What Device Does Enlarges everything on the screen

Software magnification lenses Speech synthesizer Voice recognition system Headpointer and mouth stick Keyguards Expanded Keyboard

Low vision Blindness/ Low vision Physical disabilities Physical disabilities Physical disabilities Physical disabilities

Enlarges screen images When combined with speakers can be used to read text on a screen Accepts voice commands as input Provides alternative for children with good head control Prevents user from accidentally pressing incorrect keys Provided more space for keys and can be positioned in an accessible location


Physical disabilities

Allows the user to interact with the computer using only a single switch

There are a few misconceptions about Assistive Technology

Some people are against relying on an outside tool is not true learning.

In fact technology levels the playing field for students with disabilities assistive technology enables students to show what they know and to acquire academic content.

Assistive technology is an unfamiliar term to most general education teachers.

There is also the assumption that as the devices become more available, plentiful and visible in classrooms, they will be more accepted for use by the students.

Application to Education
Educators must first start with the curriculum and then ask how tools might assist students in achieving the outcomes. Assistive technology can be used to promote independent participation in classrooms. Also it can provide both routine and customized access to the general program for students with disabilities.

Assistive technology is a big benefit for mankind and its use should be popularized and widened in scope to assist and help disabled individuals, not only to be independent, but also to give them the chance to let out their talent and creativity and contribute to the world.

"Assistive Technology." CCS' - Exceptional Children's Services. Cumberland County Schools. Web. 07 Oct. 2010. <>. "What Is Assistive Technology?" University of Washington. 2002. Web. 07 Oct. 2010. <>. "Family Guide to Assistive Technology." Ed. Katharin A. Kelker. 1997. Web. 07 Oct. 2010. <>.

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