Aiesec Unic Application

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Dear applicant!

Congratulations for taking the step of applying for a life-

changing experience with AIESEC. In the following pages you
will find the questions which you should answer as a part of the
selection process.

Please submit one recent CV together with the

Application Form.

Contact AIESEC UNIC office for more information regarding

logistics, next steps.
Good luck!

AIESEC in University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University

and DTU
Købmagergade 52, 2. tv
DK-1150 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 33328304

Part One: Personal Information






Date of Birth:

Year of Study and type of

program (Bachelor/Masters)

Study Background (Ie.

Business Administration,
Education, etc.)

Expected Graduation Date

(Month and Year)

Part Two: AIESEC Questions (Max. 100 Words)

1) How do you know about AIESEC?

2) Please illustrate with real life examples how you work best: in a team or alone?

3) What are you most passionate about?

Part Three: Motivation

1) Why do you want to join AIESEC?

2) How do you think the experiences and opportunities in AIESEC can contribute
to your own personal and professional development?
3)Please mention whether or not you're interested in going on an internship
through our Work Abroad program and within how much time you plan on doing

Date: __/__/2009

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of AIESEC.

You will be contacted further by you local AIESEC office.

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