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Connecting with your rader : Recreating Your Self and Your Audience


Your writing of your research will reflect judgments you have made about your readers knowledge and understanding, but most importantly, what you want them to recognize as significant in your research and your reader will judge you by how accurately you judge them

2. If you misjudge how much background they need you will lose the credibility that every writers needs to hold up his side of the conversation

Writers, readers, and Their social Roles In Learning, People can learn a skill in three ways: they read about it or explained, watch others practice it, or practice the skill themselves. The most effective learning combines all three, but the third is crucial: not just Reading, Listening, and watching, but doing.

Creating Your Role

For the duration of your research, imagine

yourself as someone with information or claim important enough to pass on to others

who should want to know. In doing this, you

may be expected to play the specific role of professional in the field.

Creating a role for your Reader

If you are an experienced researcher, you understand how readers differ, but if you are writing your first research paper, you should

know that readers adopt roles based on the different ways they will
use your research

the most important differences are among those who read for diversion, those who want a solution to a practical problem, and those who are dedicated to pursuit of pure knowledge and understanding.

1. The regulation of the interaction of the contractile proteins actin and myosin in the thin filament of the sar comere by means of calcum blockers is now a common means of controlling cardiac spasms 2. your most important muscle is your heart, but it cannot do its work when it is seized by muscle spasms. These spasms can now be controlled with drugs known as calcium blockers. calcium blockers work in small units of muscle fibers called sarcomeres. Each sarcomeres has two filaments, one thick and one thin. The thin filament contains two proteins actin and myosin. When actin and myosin interact, your heart contracts. That interaction is controlled by calcium blokers

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