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that this model was adapted for this workshop from a reproductive health model for HIV counseling. The adapted model provides a conceptual framework for some of the important goals of working with survivors. The model can be adjusted according to the specific objectives of the service provider.

Important aspects of this model to emphasize are: Structure: using a semistructured interview is a useful strategy for assessment because it is an organized way to collect information, and also helps to decrease the possibility of the survivor becoming emotionally overwhelmed by keeping the focus of the interview goal oriented.

Validation and Education: At every opportunity, the service provider should offer validation to the survivor. The service provider should share knowledge and resources, rather than opinions, when providing the survivor with information.

Referral: The service provider should alwaysseek to link the survivor to other services. Creating a good referral network prevents the service provider from feeling like he/she must meet all the survivors needs, and helps the survivor to integrate or reintegrate into his/her community.

establish rapport clarify goals of meeting explain confidentiality

Ask: ask client for a brief explanation of how you may assist her, i.e., why she is seeking assistance. Ask specific questions about exposure to violence

Tell: If survivor acknowledges experiences of violence, offer validation and support. Reassure her that you will try to assist her.

Help: Once basic rapport has been established and you have identified the basic concerns of the survivor, it is important to conduct a more thorough assessment so that you better understand her experience of GBV and identify her related needs.

Educate: Reflect back to survivor what you have understood are her needs and what you have heard as possible stress reactions. Provide information to survivor that will help normalize her reactions.

Refer, Return, Review: Be prepared with list of referrals that may assist survivor. Schedule followup if possible. Review plan with survivor.

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