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md. mahafujur rahmanIntroduction: Organic Farming is a course of GED 228. In this course we have to go a field tri p of organic farming.

The course instructor is MD. Shafiqul Islam. He suggested us to go on a field trip for organic farming. The place was Tangail (UBINIG). UB INIG is a NGO, Which provides the farmer how to farm in the field and how they c an remove from the chemical fertilizer. On 14th June 2012 we have started our to ur to Tangail. Objectives: The main objective of this course is organic farming. So because of organic farm ing we have gone to Tangail UBINIG. When we reached our destination UBINIG staff provided a short presentation about their organization. They have provided us s ome information about Nayakrishi Andolon . In this Nayakrishi Andolon they have provide d the farmer the best way of farming. Another main objective of this tour that w e have to farm with organic way. Nayakrishi says that we have to remove pesticid es, herbicides or any chemicals that kills or harms life. So our objectives say that we have to farm and suggest the farmer to farming with organic way.

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