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Name: ______________________________ Date: _________ Period: _______

CLOSE READ: April 2000: The Third Expedition by Ray Bradbury

Directions: Be sure to support your answers with evidence from the
1. What tone does the author create when describing the ship in
space? (Look at the underlined text.)
2. How does the ship in space compare with the ships image on
3. How do the men as they arrive on Mars compare with the men as
they traveled through space?
4. Compare the first words of Capt. Black to those of Lustig and
Hickston. What does the Captains comment say about his

Name: ______________________________ Date: _________ Period: _______

5. What stands out about the description of the town? ____________


6. Why are the men shocked? ______________________________


7. Based on their conversation, how is Captain Blacks attitude

different from Lustigs and Hinkstons?

8. What does Captain Black think of what he sees outside the

window? How does he reach his conclusion?___________________

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