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Health is Wealth: How to care Health?

Health products allow persons to do what drugs and manmade chemicals cannot. These products interact with body in a way that nurtures healing processes thereby treating the cause and not introducing chemicals which causes additional complications. Focus is dedicated to furnish the consumer demands for healthy living. The current legislation divides products into food or drugs. This proposal recommends that the term drug must be replaced by the term health product. These products include the following categories such as Blood Pressure Monitor, Weighing Scale, Nebulizer, Foot Care, Health Care, Cervical Support and Walking Sticks.

Healthy Living: Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally!

A blood pressure monitor is a device which is used to measure blood pressure. Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood against the walls of arteries. BP is recorded as Systolic pressure and Diastolic pressure. People with high BP possess symptoms like headache, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, chest pain and have problem in breathing. A person can reduce BP by implementing small changes in their lifestyles.

Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood against the walls of arteries. BP is recorded as Systolic pressure and Diastolic pressure. Systolic is recorded when the heart muscle contracts. Diastolic is recorded when the heart is relaxed. Categories for BP Levels (measured in millimeters of mercury, or mmHg) are:

Normal: Less than 120 over 80 (120/80) Prehypertension: 120-139 over 80-89 Stage 1 high BP: 140-159 over 90-99 Stage 2 high BP: 160 and above over 100 and above

Manual BP monitoring devices utilizes a stethoscope for auscultation. Auscultation is the action which helps in listening sounds from the heart, lungs, or other organs, using a stethoscope. Digital BP Monitoring devices use a manual or automatic cuff and works on a digital mode which indicates the readings on a large display screen. High BP is a condition in which BP remains abnormally high (140/90 mm Hg or greater). Low BP is a condition in which BP remains abnormally low (90/60 mm Hg or lower). Causes of high BP includes smoking, obesity/overweight, lack of physical activity, high salt intake, high fat diet, too much alcohol intake, stress, old age, genetics and diabetes. People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing hypertension. It usually consists of no as such symptoms and sometimes it is referred as silent killer. However sometimes people with high BP possess symptoms like headache, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, chest pain and have problem in breathing. People often do not seek medical care until they develop symptoms such as organ damage caused by chronic high BP. The following types of organ damage are commonly observed are heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure, eye damage with progressive vision loss and peripheral arterial disease which causes leg pain. High BP contributes to an alarming number of deaths each year. Although it may not have apparent symptoms it leads to heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. A person can reduce BP by implementing small changes in their lifestyles. A good workout ensures the heart uses oxygen more efficiently. Practice exercise in your daily routine will help to reduce the risk of high BP. Learning some slow breathing and meditation techniques can do you wonders. It will help reduce stress drastically and keep your blood pressure in check. Meditation plays an important role in reducing stress which keeps BP in check.

Add potassium rich food in your diet. Fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. Try to reduce intake of salt in your diet. Before adding extra pinch of salt to your food, at least think once that you really need it. Salt intake can be substituted with lime, garlic, pepper and spices.

Alcohol intake may increases the risk of high BP. When alcohol is consumed in small amounts, it can prevent heart attacks and coronary artery disease. But, more than one or two drinks possess harmful effects.

A blood pressure monitor is a device which is used to measure blood pressure. It is composed of an inflatable cuff that is wrapped around the upper arm. When the cuff is inflated it is allowed to restrict the blood flow and simultaneously mechanical manometer measure the pressure. Health is related deeply to life-style. Health may be defined as a potentiality i.e. the ability of an individual to modify itself continually with changing conditions of life not only in order to function good in the present but also to function better in future.

Take Care of Your Body, Its the Only Place to Live!

If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. He, who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything. To succeed in life, you need confidence. A weighing scale is an essential component to maintaining the health and measuring the progress of a growing child. It is used to measure weight or mass of an object. The foremost benefit of weight scales is fitness and raised confidence. The national health institute uses a persons weight to calculate a Body Mass Index (BMI) that can determine whether a person is under or overweight. A weighing scale is used to measure weight or mass of an object. This equipment is used to maintain the fitness. It is used to calculate a Body Mass Index that helps to determine if a person is under or overweight. It possesses an essential role in determining the body fat percentage. By monitoring weight, a person will have a better idea about fitness. Weighing scales play an imperative role to measure accurate weight. Physical fitness not only improves the quality of life but it also increases cardiovascular fitness and body endurance.

BMI is a calculation that uses your height and weight to estimate how much fat you have. Too much fat creates problem because it can lead to illnesses and other health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal. For body to function properly it is essential that it contains a certain amount of fat. Evaluation is important to keep track of weight loss program. Weight machine plays an important role to measure both BMI and BF%. Weighing scales are available as analog and digital scales. Analog can withstand rough environmental conditions and are accurate. Digital one helps in getting quick and accurate measurements. Modern weighing scales use digital calibration to give a more accurate and quicker reading as digital scales are more accurate than analog. The most common method for measuring at home is to simply use a bathroom digital weighing scale. A digital diet kitchen scale is the basis for lasting good health. This can be used both in the private home and in the professional sector i.e. for nutritional consulting. Body fat percentage (BF %) is simply the percentage of fat that your body contains. When people want to lose weight it indicates that they want to lose fat. By monitoring BF% a person will have a better idea about changing the amount of fat in body or the amount of muscle. Calculating BF% gives you a better idea that how much weight you wants to lose. It is better to determine your BF% and achieve a healthy

lifestyle. The BF % analyzed is employed to evaluate the status of an individuals health and fitness. Body Fat Monitor provides affordable and easy way to monitor BF% in addition to measuring your weight. Weighing scales play an important role to measure your weight accurately. Fitness always improves your lifestyle. Physical fitness improves our quality of life and being physically fit increases blood circulation which helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all the tissues. When someone wants to gain or lose weight, the foremost priority is to be able to measure the state of body and to monitor the changes that decide what should do further either add or subtract calories from diet, this is where weighing machine possess importance. Being healthy feels great and it gives you the freedom to live your life the way you want, and the energy to do all of the things that you want to do, and it gives you the vitality to have all of the fun that you want to have, and you can really enjoy life to your fullest potential. When a person has neck injury, he may have a cervical fracture and further it causes spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injury could lead to paralysis or death. A common cause of this injury would be due to whiplash, an injury of the cervical spine caused by sudden jerking motion of the head. In order to avoid further injury, such patients are recommended to use cervical collar until x-rays can be taken to detect if there is a fracture. A patient may also need this to support the neck during recovery after surgery. Relaxation relieves pain by reducing tension in the muscles. Cervical support is guaranteed to meet the expectations to relieve pain and gives comfort. Nebulizer is commonly used for the treatment of asthma and other respiratory diseases. The mode of function is to use oxygen, compressed air or ultrasonic power which actually breaks up medical solutions and suspentions into small aerosol droplet so that it can be directly inhaled from the mouthpiece of the device. Nebulizers are available in variety of size and it can run on either electricity or battery power. It consists of a compressor that pumps oxygen. Once the oxygen mixes with the liquid, it is delivered in vaporized form through the mouthpiece or facemask to the lungs. A person may not think about feet but they are an essential part of almost everything he does. Whether walking, running, exercising or just standing feet has an important role in life. Healthy feet allow a person to be active in every work. Healthy feet prevent falls in seniors. Proper foot care can alert people to early signs of other more serious health issues such as diabetes.

A walking stick is a device used by people which facilitates balancing while walking. Walking sticks provide a number of benefits such as reduced stress on legs and knees. Using walking sticks can reduce the strain on legs. These sticks keep hands near to heart level which keeps blood circulating better. The goal for a health care system is to ensure the good health and respond to the expectations of people. Because of the current competitive environment these products are constantly searching for better services and better means for delivering them. Health is related deeply to life-style and may be defined as a potentiality i.e. the ability of an individual to modify itself continually with changing conditions of life not only in order to function good in the present but also to function better in future.

This article mainly focuses on the health care products such as Blood Pressure Monitor, Weighing Scale, Nebulizer, Foot Care, Health Care, Cervical Support and Walking Sticks. The aim of health care product is to ensure the good health and respond to the expectations of people. Because of the current competitive environment these products are constantly searching for better services and better means for delivering better services. A person can reduce many complications by implementing small changes in their lifestyles. The main focus of this article is dedicated to furnish the consumer demands for better life and healthy living as health is related deeply to a persons life-style.

RESOURCE: Healthgenie is an online shopping store and it provides wide ranges of personal care, elderly care, baby care, beauty, nutrition, diabetes, wellness and homecare. This article mainly deals about the health products such as Weighing Scale, Nebulizer, Foot Care, Blood Pressure Monitor, Health Care, Cervical Support and walking Sticks. If you want to buy or know any detail about these products, contact us now:

Thanks Swati Jain (Blogger and Writer) Tel: +91-11-46434400 Healthgenie - A division of GST Corporation LTD

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