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Beam Design

Beam Data width depth clear cover to main Material Grades Concrete Steel Moment 200 mm 600 mm 15 mm d' eff depth 31 mm 569 mm
.= cc+ sdia + mdia/2 .= d - d'

20 MPa 415 MPa 153 KN-m Mu/bd2 xumax Mulim Mulim/bd2 2.36 273 179 2.76

.= (700/(1100 * (0.87 * fy)) * d .= 0.36*fck*b*xumax*(d-(0.42*xumax))

Beam is designed as Singly Reinforced Beam

Area of Steel Percentage Area of Steel

Tension (Ast)
0.782 %

Compr (Asc)

Refer Table 2 SP 16 pg 48

890 sqmm

Tension Reinforcement Type Bar dia Layer 1 16 mm Layer 2 20 mm Layer 3 20 mm

Nos Area of Steel 2 402 sqmm 2 628 sqmm 2 628 sqmm Total Steel Provided 1659 sqmm Provided Steel OK

1.458 %

Compression Reinforcement Type Bar dia Layer 1 16 mm Layer 2 12 mm Layer 3

Nos 2 2 Total Steel Provided

Area of Steel


Shear Force (Vu) v c cmax

300 KN 2.636 0.817 2.8

.=Vu / (b * d) Refer Table 61 SP 16 pg 179 Refer Table J SP 16 pg 175

or =(0.85 * (0.8*fck)*(1+5 ) -1)) / (6 )

Type Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3

Bar Dia 25 mm 25 mm 20 mm

Nos Area of Steel 2 982 sqmm 2 982 sqmm 2 628 sqmm Total Steel Provided 2592 sqmm

2.278 %

Sectional Dimensions OK Shear Reinforcements required

Type of stirrup Stirrup diameter Spacing

2 legged 8 mm 100 c/c

Steel Calculation

Grade Check 7.1 SRB a b c -p Ast DRB a b c -p Astlim

0.75 -3.611 2.363 0.782 890

.=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck) 2 .=(0.87/100) * (fy) .=Mu/bd 2 .=-(b (b2-4ac))/2a .=(p*b*d)/100

0.75 -3.611 2.762 0.955 1087

.=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck) 2 .=(0.87/100) * (fy) .=Mulim/bd 2 .=-(b (b2-4ac))/2a .=(p*b*d)/100

Mu2 Ast2 Ast 0.0545 0.1 d'/d fsc fcc Asc 0.205 890 -140 233 4552 890 .=0.85% / fy

-26 -133 954 0.10 353 8.92 -140

.=Mu - Mulim .=Mu2/((0.87*fy)*(d-d')) .=Astlim+Ast2

Refer Table F SP 16 pg 13 .=0.466*fck .=Mu2/((fsc-fcc)*(d-d'))

Min steel % Ast Asc Min Steel Max Steel Ast Asc

.=(0.85*b*d) / fy .=0.04*b*d)

Shear Calculations Pt provided Pc provided 2.278 1.020 .=(Ast*100)/(b*d) .=(Asc*100)/(b*d) .=(0.8*fck)/(6.89*Pt)

Shear Capacity of Concrete (Vs) Shear Stg to be caried by Stirrup (Vus) Spacing actual req min max max

93 207

.=c*b*d .=Vu-Vs provide the least of the 4

100 454 427 300

.=(Asv*0.87fy*d)/Vus .=(Asv*0.87fy)/(b*0.4) .=0.75d .=300mm

Slab Design

Slab thickness t
Concrete Steel Loading Slab Load Dead Load Live Load Finishes Load Total Load Factored Load fck fy

125 mm 20 MPa 415 MPa

Sunken Depth

325 mm


3.125 KN/m 3.000 KN/m 1.000 KN/m 7.125 KN/m 11 KN/m

Sunken Slab Load DL Dead Load Filler Load FL LL Live Load Finishes Load WL Wsk Total Load Factored Load Wsku

3.125 KN/m 5 KN/m 3.0 KN/m 1.0 KN/m 11.74 KN/m 18 KN/m

Slab Data Slab Type Load Longer Span (ly) Shorter Span (lx)

Regular 11 KN/m 8.20 m 4.00 m

ly/lx ratio Slab type


Loading on edges W longer W shorter Moments

one way

two way .=(w*lx/2) + (1-(1/3)*(lx/ly) 2 ) .=w*lx/3

21 KN/m



21 KN-m

one way two way .=w*lx 2 / 8 .= x * w*lx 2 .= y * w*lx 2

Thickness Check Deflection

OK 10 mm

.=Mulim > Mux or Muy .= 5*W*l 4 /(384EI)

Area of Steel

647 sqmm

Refer Chart 4 SP 16 pg 21 Refer Table 5-44 SP 16 pg 51-80


Spacing required in mm 8# x y 78 c/c

.=ast of bar*1000/ast req

10# x 121 c/c y x 175 c/c

12# y x 311 c/c

16# x

Final Ast provided

Design Calculations ONE WAY

a b cx -px Ast 0.75 -3.611 1.939 0.616 647 .=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck) 2 .=(0.87/100) * (fy) .=Mu/bd 2 .=-(b (b2-4ac))/2a .=(p*b*d)/100

.=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck) 2 a 0.75 b -3.611 .=(0.87/100) * (fy) 2 cy #VALUE! .=Mu/bd -py #VALUE! .=-(b (b2-4ac))/2a Ast #VALUE! .=(p*b*d)/100

Min Ast



150 Table 26 IS 456 pg 91

Interpolation x exact lower value value 2.05 #N/A 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 0.056 0.064 0.072 0.079 0.085 0.089 0.107

ly/lx lower value FALSE

upper value #N/A interptn. value #N/A 0.056

upper value FALSE

xumax 50 .= (700/(1100 * (0.87 * fy)) * d Mulim 30 KN-m .= 0.36*fck*b*xumax*(d-(0.42*xumax)) Mulim/bd2 2.76 Mux/bd2 1.94 Muy/bd2 #VALUE!

E 2.24E+07 I 1.63E-04 .= bd 3 /12 4 Defln 9.79 .= 5*W*l /(384EI)

Column Design
Design Loads Load Moment Column Data width depth length Grade Concrete Steel Pu/(fckbd) Mu/(fckbd2) d'/d

Pu Mu

2000 KN 20 KN-m

b d l

200 mm 200 mm 3.00 meters

fck fy 2.50 0.01 0.05

20 MPa 415 MPa Minimum eccentricity 1.27 mm ex 1.27 mm ey


Refer Chart 31 of SP 16, Page no: 116 pt/fck pt Ast 0.18 3.60% 1440 sqmm

Number of bars dia 25 mm 20 mm 20 mm Total

nos 4 4 4 12

ast 1963 sqmm 1257 sqmm 1257 sqmm 4477 sqmm Steel provided OK

4- 25# 4- 20# 4- 20#


Architects & Consulting Engineers
Project Title Designer Date : : : : GAT M2 7.2m lvl Fahim H. Bepari 25-Dec-2012

Slab thickness
Concrete Steel

t fck fy

150 mm 20 MPa 415 MPa

Loading Slab Load Dead Load Live Load Garden Load Water Proofing Load Total Load Factored Load


3.75 KN/m 2.00 KN/m 7.20 KN/m 1.00 KN/m 13.95 KN/m 21 KN/m

Design & Reinforcement Details of Slabs

Slab type Spacing provided in mm c/c y x y Slab type Slab Data Sl.No Sl. Id Thickness Load Wsu / Wsku 1 2 3 3A 3B 4 5 6 7 Sunk Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 21 KN 21 KN 21 KN 21 KN 21 KN 21 KN 21 KN 21 KN 21 KN Longer Span ly 5.20 m 5.20 m 6.50 m 2.00 m 5.30 m 35.00 m 9.20 m 9.20 m 8.00 m Shorter Span lx 5.00 m 2.50 m 5.80 m 1.10 m 4.30 m 2.60 m 4.10 m 4.00 m 3.20 m ly/lx Spacing required in mm Loading on edges W longer 36 KN/m 26 KN/m 45 KN/m 10 KN/m 35 KN/m 27 KN/m 43 KN/m 42 KN/m 34 KN/m 41 KN/m 8 KN/m 30 KN/m W shorter 35 KN/m Moments Thickness Check Area of Steel 8# x 67 c/c 135 c/c 41 c/c 50 c/c y 71 c/c x 10# y x 12# Slab Name

31 KN-m 16 KN-m 46 KN-m 3 KN-m 29 KN-m 18 KN-m 44 KN-m 42 KN-m 27 KN-m

29 KN-m OK OK 40 KN-m 1 KN-m 22 KN-m OK OK OK OK OK OK OK

753 sqmm 372 sqmm

706 sqmm

1.04 2.08 1.12 1.82 1.23 13.46 2.24 2.30 2.50

+ + + + -

104 c/c 111 c/c 150 c/c 160 c/c 211 c/c 64 c/c 78 c/c 304 c/c 92 c/c 113 c/c

1231 sqmm 1005 sqmm 180 sqmm 691 sqmm 404 sqmm 1154 sqmm 1083 sqmm 638 sqmm 180 sqmm 504 sqmm

279 c/c 279 c/c 436 c/c 436 c/c 628 c/c 628 c/c 73 c/c 100 c/c 114 c/c 156 c/c 164 c/c 224 c/c 124 c/c 44 c/c 46 c/c 79 c/c 194 c/c 68 c/c 73 c/c 123 c/c 280 c/c 98 c/c 104 c/c 177 c/c

+ + + + -

Project Date

NCC 25-Dec-12

Grid Floor Analysis & Design

Data Length of beams Number of beams Spacing of ribs Depth of beam Width of beam Width of flange Thickness of flange Grade of Concrete Grade of Steel Modulas of Elasticity Loads Live Load Floor Finish Other Loading Calculation Total weight of slab Total weight of beams in x direction Total weight of beams in y direction Total weight of Live load Total weight of Floor Finish Other load Total Load Total Load/sqm Total Factored Load/sqm Design Parameters Ratios Df/D = 0.167 bf/bw = 10.000 Moment of Inertia I = (k x *b w *D 3 )/12 kx = 2.3 I = 2.79E-02 Flexural Rigidity of ribs D x =EI/a 1 Dx = 3.12E+05 Modulus of Shear G=E / (2(1+ ) G = 9.72E+6 KN/sqm Torsional Constants (Polar Sectional Modulus) C 1 =(1-(0.63*(b w /D))*(b w 3 *D/3) C 2 =(1-(0.63*(b w /D))*(D 3 *b w /3) C1 = 2.06E-3 cum C2 = 4.18E-2 cum Torsional Rigidity C x =GC 1 /b 1 Cx = 1.00E+4 2H=C x +C y 2H = 2.13E+5 D x / L x 4 = 8.13 D y / L y 4 = 8.13 2H / (L x 2 *L y 2 ) = 5.55 Deflection Check Central Deflection x direction Lx = 14.00 meters Nx = 6 nos a1 = 2.00 meters D = 900 mm bw = 200 mm bf = 2000 mm Df = 150 mm fck = 20 MPa fy = 415 MPa E = 2.2E+07 KN/sqm y direction Ly = 14.00 meters Ny = 6 nos b1 = 2.00 meters


bw a1

3.00 KN 1.00 KN 0.00 KN


ws = 735.00 KN wbx = 378.00 KN wby = 345.60 KN wll = 588.00 KN wff = 196.00 KN wol =

ws+wbx+wby+wll+wff+wol = 2242.60 KN q = 11.44 KN/sqm Q = 17.16 KN/sqm


refer Chart 88 of SP 16 pg 215

D y =EI/b 1 Dy = 3.12E+05

C y =GC 2 /a 1 Cy = 2.03E+5

=(16*Q/ )/((D x /L x 4 )+(2H/(L x 2 *L y 2 ))+(Dy/Ly 4 )) = 13.09 mm

Long Term Deflection Lt defl . = 3* Ltdefl. = 39.28 mm

span/deflection (Clause 23.2 IS 456) s/d = 56.00 mm Maximum deflection including long term effects is within permissible limits i.e. Ltdefl < s/d ratio

Maximum Moment & Shear Values Max Bending Moments M x =D x *( /L x ) 2 * Mx = 206 KN-m Max Torsional Moments M xy =(C x * 2 * 1 )/(L x *L y ) Mxy = 7 KN-m Shear Force
Q x =[(D x *(/L x ) 3 )+(C y *( 3 /(a*b 2 )))]* Q y =[(D y *(/L y ) 3 )+(C x *( 3 /(b*a 2 )))]*

M y =D y *( /L y ) 2 * My = 206 KN-m

Qx = 48 KN

Qy = 48 KN

Staircase Design

Data Effective Span (l) Riser (R) Thread (T) Waist Slab thickness (t) Clear Cover Effective Depth of Waist Slab (d) Grade of Concrete (fck) Grade of Steel (fy) Loading Loads on going Self weight of waist slab Self weight of steps Live Load Floor Finish Load Total Load Factored Load

5.00 mm 150 mm 300 mm 150 mm 15 mm 135 mm 20 MPa 415 MPa

4.19 KN/m 1.88 KN/m 3.00 KN/m 1.00 KN/m 10.07 KN/m 15.10 KN/m

Loads on waist slab Self weight of landing slab Live Load Floor Finish Load Total Load Factored Load

3.75 KN/m 2.00 KN/m 1.00 KN/m 6.75 KN/m 10.13 KN/m

Bending Moment

Calculate Bending Moment using the equation (W*L*L )/8

Bending Moment = 47 KN-m Reaction to be used as UDL = 38 KN 60 KN-m Area of Main Steel Ast Spacing Diameter of bar Spacing across x Provded Main Steel: 12 96 c/c 16 170 c/c 1184 sqmm

Area of Distribution Steel Ast Spacing Diameter of bar Spacing across y Provided Distridution Steel: 8 279 c/c 10 436 c/c 180 sqmm

Seismic Zone Seismic Intensity Importance factor Response Reduction Factor Lateral Dimension of Building Height of the of Building

z I R d h

II 0.1 1.5 3 65.6 50.4

Table 2 IS 1893 2002 pg 16

Table 6 IS 1893 2002 pg 18 Table 7 IS 1893 2002 pg 23 meters meters

Fundamental Natural Period Type of Soil Spectral Acceleration Coefficient Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient Seismic Weight of Building Design Seismic Base Shear

with brick infill Ta 0.560 Medium Soil Sa/g Ah W VB 2.428 0.06071 680034 KN

41284.63 KN

Date 25-Dec-12 Footing No. F2

Footing Size Design

Load 1 Load 2 Combine load Design Load Moment in x dir Moment in y dir c/c dist b/w col in x dir c/c dist b/w col in y dir Col Dim

Pu1 Pu2 Pcu Pc Mux Muy

2000 KN 1850 KN 3850 KN 2823 KN 40 KN-m 40 KN-m 2.725 meters 0.000 meters

x dir y dir q A req L B A prvd x bar y bar Zx Zx Nup

0.20 meters 0.20 meters 150 KNm2 18.82 sqmm 6.00 meters 3.20 meters 19.20 meters 1.309 0.000 10.24 19.20 151 KNm2

SBC Footing Size required Footing Size Provided Area Provided

Increase the Footing Size

Beam Design Total Load Factored Load 1.691 meters W Wu 151 KNm2 725 KNm2 2.725 meters 1.584 meters

3.20 meters

6.00 meters

725 KNm2

1.69 meters

2.73 meters

1.58 meters

Beam Size

width depth Mb

600 mm 900 mm 898 KN-m


Design the beam from the BEAM DESIGN SHEET Bottom Reinforcement Type Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3

Bar dia 25 mm 25 mm -

Nos 6 6

Area of Steel 2945 sqmm 2945 sqmm

Total Steel Provided 5890 sqmm Percentage of Steel 1.148 % Top Reinforcement Type Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3

Bar dia 25 mm 20 mm -

Nos 6 6

Area of Steel 2945 sqmm 1885 sqmm

Total Steel Provided 4830 sqmm

Slab Design

Net upward pressure

Nup l Ms Mus fck fy dmin D c d' d'

151 KNm2 1.30 meters 128 KN-m 191 KN-m 20 MPa 415 MPa 264 600 mm 50 mm 56 mm 544 mm Spacing c/c in mm 16# 198 c/c

/=width of footing from col face M=Nup*l 2 /2 1.5*Ms

Bending Moment Factored Moment Concrete Steel Minimum Depth Required Depth Provided Clear Cover Effective Cover Effective Depth Area of Steel across x dir 1014 sqmm


12# 112 c/c

20# 310 c/c

Ast across x direction Dist Ast across y direction

12 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c 8 mm dia @ 175 mm c/c

1131 sqmm 287 sqmm

Shear Check for Slab Vu1 v c 171 KN 0.315 MPa 0.316 MPa

Shear Check OK

5 6.00 meters

3.20 meters

600 mm

1.7 meters

2.73 meters

1.6 meters

600 mm

900 mm

6 - 25 mm dia 6 - 20 mm dia

6 - 25 mm dia 6 - 25 mm dia

250 mm

8 mm dia @ 175 mm c/c

12 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c

6 - 25 mm dia 6 - 20 mm dia

6 - 25 mm dia 6 - 25 mm dia

600 mm

Design Of Isolated Footing 1 Footing Size Design Load Design Load Moment in x dir Moment in y dir Column size Pu P Mux Muy cx cy q A req L B A prvd Zx Zx Net upward pressure Nup 2500 KN 1833 KN 30 KN-m 30 KN-m 450 mm 450 mm 150 KN/sqm 12.22 sqmm 3.30 meters 2.40 meters 7.92 meters 3.17 4.36 242 KNm2

15 of 40

SBC Footing Size required Footing Size Provided Area Provided

Change Footing Dimensions

Slab Design lx ly Bending Moment in x dir Bending Moment in y dir Concrete Steel Minimum Depth Required Depth Provided Clear Cover Effective Cover Effective Depth Area of Steel 1847 sqmm 833 sqmm Mx My fck fy dmin D c d' d' 1.425 0.975 369 KN-m 173 KN-m 20 MPa 415 MPa 366 650 mm 50 mm 58 mm 592 mm Spacing c/c in mm 16# 109 c/c 241 c/c

12# 61 c/c 136 c/c

20# 170 c/c 377 c/c

Ast across x direction Ast across y direction

16 mm dia @ 125 mm c/c 16 mm dia @ 125 mm c/c

1608 sqmm 1608 sqmm

Design Of Isolated Footing 3 One Way Shear along x direction Vu1 v c Vc1 727 KN 0.512 MPa 0.395 MPa 561 KN

16 of 40

Increase Depth 4 One Way Shear along y direction Vu1 v c Vc1 460 KN 0.235 MPa 0.279 MPa 546 KN

One Way Shear Check OK

Two Way Shear Vu2 v ks*c Vc1 2485 KN 1.007 MPa 1.118 MPa 2759 KN

Two Way Shear Check OK

Design Of Isolated Footing L= 3.30 meters

17 of 40


B= 2.40 meters


250 mm

16 mm dia @ 125 mm c/c

16 mm dia @ 125 mm c/c

650 mm

Dimensions of Dome Diameter d= Height h= Thickness t= Radius of Sphere r = = =

15600 mm 3000 mm 150 mm ######## d = 15.60 m 11640 mm 42.08 0 to 42.08

Loading Dead Load Live Load Wind Load Total Load Factored Load Meridional Stress

DL = LL = WL = W= Wu =

3.75 KN/m 0.10 KN/m 0.10 KN/m 3.95 KN/m 5.93 KN/m Hoop Stress 42.08 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 5.00 0.00 Mt 0.264 MPa 0.269 MPa 0.260 MPa 0.253 MPa 0.246 MPa 0.241 MPa 0.237 MPa 0.234 MPa 0.230 MPa 0.230 MPa 0.269 MPa Maximum Hoop Stress


r = 11.64 m

42.08 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 5.00 0.00

Mt 0.049 MPa 0.035 MPa 0.058 MPa 0.078 MPa 0.096 MPa 0.111 MPa 0.123 MPa 0.133 MPa 0.144 MPa 0.146 MPa 0.146 MPa

Maximum Meridional Stress

fck Fy st Area of steel Bar Dia Spacing 176 sqmm 10 mm 447 c/c

20 MPa 415 MPa 230.00 Area of steel Bar Dia Spacing 95 sqmm 10 mm 828 c/c

Meridional Thrust @ Base Horizontal Component on Ring Beam Hoop Tension on Ring Beam Area of steel Bar Dia No of Bars 996 sqmm 16 mm 5 nos

40 KN/m 29 KN/m 229 KN


Architects & Consulting Engineers
Project Block Date Designer : : : : MVJ L-Block 25-Dec-2012 Fahim H. Bepari

Design & Reinforcement Details of Columns

Sl Grid Col No. No 1 Col Col type Shape C1 R Design Constants Load Moment Column Data Grade Pu/(fckbdl) Mu/(fckbdl ) d'/d 1500 KN 30 KN-m 30 KN-m 200 mm 750 mm 750 mm 50 mm 3.60 m 20 MPa 415 MPa 0.50 0.01 0.1

Design Ast Req Paramenters Ast less than 0.02 0.40% 600 sqmm min Ast req. Remark


Ast Type 1 4 12 mm 452 sqmm

Area of Steel Check Fig Type 2 2 12 mm 226 sqmm Total Reinf Provided 6 679 sqmm Steel provided NOT OK


Required 1200 sqmm


Page 22 of 40

19.7 KNm2 Dimensions of Dome Diameter Height

d= h=

12600 mm 5000 mm

Radius of Sphere

r= = =

6469 mm 76.87 0 to 76.87

Loading Dead Load Live Load Other Load Total Load Factored Load

DL = LL = OL = W= Wu =

3.00 KN/m 0.10 KN/m 10.00 KN/m 13 KN/m 20 KN/m

Vertical Reaction Horizontal Reaction

VA = VB = HA = HB = 76.87 75.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 0.00

123.8 KN 234.0 KN x 0.00 0.05 0.70 1.34 2.14 3.07 4.09 5.18 5.74 6.30 y 0.00 0.21 1.77 2.69 3.49 4.13 4.61 4.90 4.98 5.00 Moment 0 -42 -331 -481 -596 -680 -737 -769 -777 -780 780 KN-m

Max Values

d = 12.60 m 76.87 r = 6.47 m

Radial Shear 67 59 -10 -56 -100 -141 -178 -209 -222 -234 234 KN


Normal Thrust 174 180 224 245 259 265 262 252 244 234 265 KN

0 42 331 481 596 680 737 769 777 780

67 59 10 56 100 141 178 209 222 234

174 180 224 245 259 265 262 252 244 234


Architects & Consulting Engineers
Project Title Designer Date Beam : : : : Jnana Vikas Terrace Floor Fahim H. Bepari 25-Dec-2012

: CB11

Dimensions of Ring Beam Radius r= No of supports n=

6.30 mts 8 nos


= m = C1 = C2 = C3 =

23 deg 9 1/2 0.066 0.03 0.005

0.3927 radians 0.1658 radians

Loading Wu = 10 KN/m

F deg 0 9 1/2 22 1/2 Shear Force KN 24.74 14.29 0.00

M Bending Moment KN-m -20.62 -0.05 10.39

Mmt Torsional Moment KN-m 0.00 1.57 0.00

Beam Data width depth Equivalent Shear Ve = V+1.6(T/b) = 33 KN 300 mm 600 mm


Equivalent Moment Mt = T((1+D/b)/1.7) = Me1 = M+Mt = Me2 = M-Mt =

1 KN-m 22 KN-m 20 KN-m

Mt = BM due to torsion M e1 = Equivalent BM on tension side M e2 = Equivalent BM on compression side

A Moment Bottom Top

Load x-dir 0 6 Col Type

2700 y-dir 29 137 Rectangular Column (reinf. on 2 sides) x-dir y-dir 8250 8250 200 900 0.05 0.20 40

Unsupported Length Col Size d'/D d'

Concrete Steel D

20 415

Effective Length Ratio 0.80 from IS Code 0.90 manual Calculation Effective Length to be considered from Manual Calculation Effective Length (le) lex Ley 7425 7425 Slenderness Ratio le/D 8 Short Column le/b 37 Slender Column Moment due to Slen Muax 0 Muay 372 Min Ecc ex ey Moment due to ecc 46.5 23.2 Mux Muy 125.55 62.55

Reduction of Moments Percentage assumed Asc Puz k1 0.219 0.184 0.06 0.06 Max May

2.18 3924 2841 K2 0.096 -0.022 Pb 367 291

x-x y-y Kx Ky Additional Moments due to ecc

0 21

Modified Initial Moments

Mux Muy

3.6 70.6

Summary of Moments A Moment due to eccentricity + Modified additional moments Mux 126 Muy 83 B Modified initial moments + Modified additional moments Mux 4 Muy 91 0.4Muz + Modified additional moments Mux 0 Muy 32

Final Design Loads Pu Mux Muy

2700 126 91

Project Block Date Designer Column

: : : : :

Delhi Public School Indoor Sports Block 25-Dec-2012 Fahim H. Bepari C6a

Design Loads Pu = 2400 KN Mux = 192 KN-m Muy = 517 KN-m Col Data b = 600 mm D = 750 mm d' = 40.0 mm d'/D = 0.10 d'/b = 0.10 Material Grades fck = 20 MPa fy = 415 MPa Design Constants Steel % pt = 1.2 pt/fck = 0.06 Pu/fck*b*D = 0.27 Mux/fck*b*D2 = 0.11 Muy/fck*b*D2 = 0.11 Puz = 5682 Mux1 = 743 Muy1 = 594 Pu/Puz = 0.42 Mux/Mux1 = 0.26 Muy/Muy1 = 0.87

Ast = 5400 sqmm Min Ast = 3600 sqmm

n = 1.37
(Mux/Mux 1 ) n + (Muy/Muy 1 ) n Steel Percentage OK Steel Details nos dia 4 20 mm 8 16 mm 12 0.64% 0.98

Type 1 Type 2 Total Steel Percentage

ast 1257 sqmm 1608 sqmm 2865 sqmm

Load Length

Simply supported beam with UDL W 30 KN/m l 5.60 m

Simply supported beam with Point Load 10 KN/m 5.00 m 22000000 MPa 0.20 m 0.60 m 40.63 m 32.50 m 0.0036 mm4 0.3 mm Wl3/48EI

Elasticity of Concrete Ec 22000000 MPa = 5000(fck) Width Depth Moment Reaction Moment of Inertia bd3/12 Deflection Formula b d M R = 0.20 m 0.45 m 126.42 m 90.30 m

Ixx 0.0015 mm4 dy 11.5 mm 5Wl4/384EI

Cantilever beam with UDL 1400 KN/m 3.80 m 22000000 MPa 1.50 m 1.10 m 2601.46 m 2738.38 m 0.1664 mm4 10.0 mm Wl4/8EI

Cantilever beam with Point Load 10 KN/m 5.00 m 22000000 MPa 0.20 m 0.60 m 40.63 m 32.50 m 0.0036 mm4 5.3 mm Wl3/3EI

125 mm Span Moment 2 Mu/bd (KNm) Ast (mm2) Spacing 12# @ 243 c/c 3 16 1.45 465 16# @ 432 c/c 12# @ 169 c/c 3.5 22 2 669 16# @ 301 c/c 12# @ 126 c/c 4 28 2.54 899 16# @ 224 c/c 30 1.78 23 1.36 17 1.01 Moment 2 Mu/bd (KNm)

150 mm Ast (mm2) Spacing 12# @ 293 c/c 386 16# @ 521 c/c 12# @ 211 c/c 536 16# @ 375 c/c 12# @ 156 c/c 723 16# @ 278 c/c 12# @ 118 c/c 32 1.33 25 1.04 18 0.75 Moment 2 Mu/bd (KNm)

175 mm Ast (mm2) Spacing 12# @ 336 c/c 337 16# @ 597 c/c 12# @ 253 c/c 447 16# @ 450 c/c 12# @ 181 c/c 624 16# @ 322 c/c 12# @ 137 c/c 41 16# @ 210 c/c 1.71 824 16# @ 244 c/c 12# @ 109 c/c 44 1.36 34 1.05 26 0.8 19 0.59 Moment 2 Mu/bd (KNm)

200 mm Ast (mm2) Spacing 12# @ 306 c/c 369 16# @ 546 c/c 12# @ 269 c/c 421 16# @ 479 c/c 12# @ 202 c/c 559 16# @ 360 c/c 12# @ 153 c/c 741 16# @ 271 c/c 12# @ 121 c/c 54 16# @ 194 c/c 12# @ 85 c/c 1.67 931 16# @ 216 c/c 12# @ 98 c/c 65 16# @ 152 c/c 2.01 1155 16# @ 174 c/c 12# @ 80 c/c














1418 16# @ 142 c/c


150 mm

175 mm

200 mm

12# @ 293 c/c 12# @ 336 c/c 12# @ 306 c/c 3 16# @ 521 c/c 16# @ 597 c/c 16# @ 546 c/c 12# @ 211 c/c 12# @ 253 c/c 12# @ 269 c/c 3.5 16# @ 375 c/c 16# @ 450 c/c 16# @ 479 c/c 12# @ 156 c/c 12# @ 181 c/c 12# @ 202 c/c 4 16# @ 278 c/c 16# @ 322 c/c 16# @ 360 c/c 12# @ 118 c/c 12# @ 137 c/c 12# @ 153 c/c 4.5 16# @ 210 c/c 16# @ 244 c/c 16# @ 271 c/c 12# @ 109 c/c 12# @ 121 c/c 5 16# @ 194 c/c 16# @ 216 c/c 12# @ 85 c/c 5.5 16# @ 152 c/c 16# @ 174 c/c 12# @ 80 c/c 6 16# @ 142 c/c 12# @ 98 c/c


1 Preliminary Data i) Height of RW ii) Soil Density iii) SBC iv) Angle of repose v) Surcharge Angle

h s qo Ws

vi) Coefficient of friction vii) Surcharge Load

3.00 meters 18 KN/cum 250 KN/sqm 30 degrees 0.524 radians 0 degrees 0.000 radians 0.5 4 KN/sqm

Pressure Coefficients Active Pressure Coefficients i) =(cos-(cos2-cos2)*cos) / (cos+(cos2cos2)) Passive Pressure Coefficients ii) = (1+Sin) / (1+Sin)

Ca Cp

0.333 3.00

Preliminary Dimensions i) ii) Thickness of Stem ts tb = 0.08 * (h + hs) L = 1.5 * (Ca/3) * (h + hs) L = 0.6h to 0.65h Proposed 0.24 meters 1.61 meters 2.09 meters hs = W s/s Hs = h+hs hi = (L-ts)* tan Hi = h+hi Adopted 0.20 meters 0.30 meters 2.00 meters 0.22 meters 3.22 meters 0.00 meters 3.00 meters 3.22 meters

Thickness of footing base slab Length of base slab iii) or iv) Extra Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge v) Total Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge

vi) Extra Height of RW due to inclined back fill vii) Total Height of RW due to inclined back fill viii) Design Height of RW considered H = Max of H1 & H2

Stability against Overturning i) Active pressure due Surcharge Load ii) Active pressure due Backfill Load iii) Total Load on stem iv) Overturning Moment

Pa1 = Ca*W s*h Pa2 = Ca*s*h2 / 2 Pa = Pa1 + Pa2 Mo= (Pa1 * h/2) +(( Pa2*Cos)* h/3)

4 KN 27 KN 31 KN 33 KNm

v) W 1 Backfill Load W 2 Surcharge Load W 3 Inclined Backfill Load W 4 Stem self weight W 5 Base self weight W 6 Downward component W 6 Other Load

Load = (L-ts)*(h-tb)*s = Ca*Ws*h = ((L-ts)*hi)/2*s = ts*(h-tb)*conc = L*tb*conc = Pa*sin W 87 KN 4 KN 0 KN 14 KN 15 KN 0 KN 120 KN

Lever arm from end of stem (L-ts) / 2 (L-ts) / 2 (L-ts) / 3 (L- (ts/2))/2 L/2 0.90 meters 0.90 meters 0.60 meters 0.95 meters 1.00 meters

Moment 79 KNm 4 KNm 0 KNm 13 KNm 15 KNm 0 KNm 0 KNm 110 KNm 0.92 meters 130 KNm

Mw xw=Mw/W Mr =W * (L - xw)

vi) Distance of Resultant Vertical Force from end of heel vii) Stabilizing Moment viii) Factor of Safety against OVERTURNING (FS)OT = 0.9 * (Mr/Mo)

3.54 > 1.4

Safe against Overturning

Stability against Sliding i) Sliding Force ii) Resisting Force iii) Factor of Safety against SLIDING (FS)SL=0.9*(F/(Pa*Cos))

Pa*Cos F = *W

31 KN 60 KN

1.74 > 1.4 Shear Key not required

Safe against Sliding

iv) Shear key Design a) b) c) d) e) v) Shear Key Size Distance from stem Heigth of exacavation Heigth of exacavation Passive Pressure Pp = x y z h1 h2 = h1 + y + (z * tan) Cp*s*(h12-h22) /2 0.00 meters 0.00 meters 0.00 meters 0.00 meters 0.00 meters 0 KN

Revised Factor of Safety against SLIDING (FS)sliding = 0.9 * ((F+Pp)/(Pa*Cos)) Safe against Sliding

1.74 > 1.4

Soil Pressures at footing base W = R i) Resultant Vertical Reaction Lr = (Mw+Mo)/R ii) Distance of R from heel e = Lr- L/2 iii) Eccentricity Eccentricity lies within middle third of the base hence OK iv) Pressure Distridution on soil qmax = R/L * (1+(6*e/L))

120 KN 1.19 meters 0.19 meters

95 KN/sqm 25 KN/sqm

qmin = R/L * (1-(6*e/L)) Max Pressure qmax<SBC hence pressure on base is OK v) Pressure at junction of stem and qsh=qmax-((qmax-qmin)/L)*ts) heel

88 KN/sqm


1 Preliminary Data i) Height of Retaining Wall ii) Soil Density iii) SBC iv) Angle of repose v) Surcharge Angle

h s qo Ws

vi) Coefficient of friction vii) Surcharge Load

3.00 meters 18 KN/cum 250 KN/sqm 30 degrees 0.524 radians 0 degrees 0.000 radians 0.5 4 KN/sqm

Pressure Coefficients i) Active Pressure Coefficients =(cos-(cos2-cos2)*cos) / (cos+(cos2-cos2)) ii) Passive Pressure Coefficients = (1+Sin) / (1+Sin)





Preliminary Dimensions i) Thickness of Stem ts tb = 0.08 * (h + hs) L = 1.5 * (Ca/3) * (h + hs) L = 0.6h to 0.65h hs = W s/s Hs = h+hs hi = (L-ts)* tan Hi = h+hi Proposed min 200mm 0.24 meters 1.61 meters 2.09 meters 0.22 meters 3.22 meters 0.00 meters 3.00 meters 3.22 meters Adopted 0.20 meters 0.30 meters 2.20 meters

ii) Thickness of footing base slab iii) Length of base slab

iv) Extra Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge v) Total Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge

vi) Extra Height of RW due to inclined back fill vii) Total Height of RW due to inclined back fill viii) Design Height of RW considered H = Max of H1 & H2

Stability against Overturning i) Active pressure due Surcharge Load ii) Active pressure due Backfill Load iii) Total Load on stem (Force) iv) Overturning Moment due to Imposed load v) Overturning Moment due to Backfill load vi) Overturning Moment

PHS = Ca*W s*h PH = Ca*s*h2 / 2 Pa = PHS + PH MOIL = PHS*h/2 MODL = PH*h/3 Mo = (1.2*MDIL) + (1.4*MOIL)

4 KN 31 KN 35 KN 7 KN 33 KN 50 KN

v) Load W 1 Backfill Load W 2 Inclined Backfill Load W 3 Stem self weight W 4 Base self weight W viii)

= (L-ts)*(h-tb)*s = ((L-ts)*hi)/2*s = ts*(h-tb)*conc = L*tb*conc

105 KN 0 KN 15 KN 17 KN 136 KN

Lever arm at end of stem ((L-ts) / 2) + ts 1.20 meters ((L-ts) / 3) + ts ts / 2 L/2 Mw Safe against Overturning 0.87 meters 0.10 meters 1.10 meters

Moment 126 KNm 0 KNm 1 KNm 18 KNm 146 KNm

Mw not less than (1.2*MODL) +(1.4*MOIL) -clause 20.1 page 33 of IS 456 2000

Stability against Sliding i) Sliding Force ii) Resisting Force iii) (FS)SL= (0.9*F)/(Pa) -clause 20.2 page 33 of IS 456 2000 1.73 > 1.4

Pa = PHS + PH F = *W Safe against Sliding

35 KN 68 KN

Soil Pressures at footing base i) Net Moment at toe Mn = Mw - Mo 105 KN ii) Point of application of Resultant R x = Mn/W 0.77 meters iii) Eccentricity e = (L/2) - x 0.33 meters e<L6 Eccentricity lies within middle third of the base hence OK iv) Pressure Distridution on soil 117 KN/sqm qmin = W/L * (1-(6*e/L)) 7 KN/sqm Max Pressure qmax<SBC hence pressure on base is OK qsh=qmax-((qmax-qmin)/L)*ts) 107 KN/sqm qmax = W/L * (1+(6*e/L))

L/6= 0.37


Pressure at junction of stem and heel

Constants for Working Stress Method Design Constants i) Grade of concrete ii) Grade of steel iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Compr stress in concrete Tensile stress in steel Modular ratio Neutral axis depth factor Lever arm Factor

20 MPa 415 MPa c t m = 280/3c k=mc/(mc+t) j = 1 - k/3 R= cjk / 2 7.0 230 13.33 0.289 0.904 0.913 table 21 page 81 IS 456

Design A) Stem i) Beanding Moment at base of stem ii) Thickness required iii) Thickness provided


40 KN/m 0.01 meters 0.20 meters

dreq=(Ms/(R*b) ts Thickness of Stem is OK Ast = M/(t*j*tse)

iv) Ast required v) Ast provided vi) Percentage of Steel

16 mm dia @ 125 mm c/c pt = Ast/(b*d) Steel OK

1387 sqmm 1608 sqmm 0.99 %

B) Base Slab Force i) Force due to backfill+surcharge ii) Force due to inclined backfill iii) Self Weight of base slab vi) Upward soil pressure

= (H2-tb)*(L-ts)*s = hi/2*(L-ts)*s =L *tb*conc

105 0 17 122 114

Lever arm from end of stem (L-ts) / 2 1.00 meters (L-ts) / 3 L/2 ((qsh+(2*qmin))/(qsh+qmin)) / ((L-ts)/3) 0.67 meters 1.10 meters Md 1.59 meters Mu

Moment 105 KNm 0 KNm 18 KNm 123 KNm 181 KNm 181 KNm

Ws Nup = ((qsh+qmin)/2)*(L-ts) Downward Pressure is greater Msh = Mu-Md dreq=(Ms/(R*b) ts


Bending Moment

58 0.25 meters 0.30 meters Thickness of Stem is OK

vi) Thickness required vii) Thickness provided viii) Ast required ix) Ast provided x) Percentage of Steel

Ast = M/(t*j*tse) 16 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c pt = Ast/(b*d) Steel OK

1157 sqmm 1340 sqmm 0.48 %

C) Reinforcement Details


DESIGN OF Reverse L Shaped Cantilever RETAINING WALL

1 Preliminary Data i) Height of Retaining Wall ii) Height of Plinth Fill iii) Soil Density iv) SBC Angle of repose v) vi) Surcharge Angle

h hp s qo Ws

vii) Coefficient of friction vii) Surcharge Load

3.00 meters 0.50 meters 18 KN/cum 250 KN/sqm 30 degrees 0.524 radians 0 degrees 0.000 radians 0.5 4 KN/sqm

Pressure Coefficients i) Active Pressure Coefficients =(cos-(cos2-cos2)*cos) / (cos+(cos2-cos2)) ii) Passive Pressure Coefficients = (1+Sin) / (1+Sin)





Preliminary Dimensions i) ii) Thickness of Stem Thickness of footing base slab if sloped backfill if horizontal backfill ts tb = 0.08 * (h + hs) = 1 - (q0/2.7*s*H) L = H*sqrt((Ca*cos)/((1-)*(1+3)) = 1 - (q0/2.2*s*H) L = 0.95*H*sqrt((Ca)/((1-)*(1+3)) L = 0.6h to 0.65h hs = W s/s Hs = h+hs hi = (L-ts)* tan Hi = h+hi Proposed min 200mm 0.24 meters -0.60 meters 0.00 meters -0.96 meters 0.00 meters 2.09 meters 0.22 meters 3.22 meters 0.00 meters 3.00 meters 3.22 meters Adopted 0.20 meters 0.45 meters

iii) Length of base slab

2.45 meters

iv) Extra Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge v) Total Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge

vi) Extra Height of RW due to inclined back fill vii) Total Height of RW due to inclined back fill viii) Design Height of RW considered H = Max of H1 & H2

Stability against Overturning i) Active pressure due Surcharge Load ii) Active pressure due Backfill Load iii) Total Load on stem (Force) iv) Overturning Moment due to Imposed load v) Overturning Moment due to Backfill load vi) Overturning Moment

PHS = Ca*W s*h PH = Ca*s*h2 / 2 Pa = PHS + PH MOIL = PHS*h/2 MODL = PH*h/3 Mo = (1.2*MDIL) + (1.4*MOIL)

4 KN 31 KN 35 KN 7 KN 33 KN 50 KN

v) Load W 1 Front fill Load W 3 Stem self weight W 4 Base self weight W 5 Other Load

= (L-ts)*(hp-tb)*s = ts*(h-tb)*conc = L*tb*conc PT Beam Load W

2 KN 14 KN 28 KN 0 KN 43 KN

Lever arm at start of heel ((L-ts) / 2) 1.13 meters (ts/2) + (L-ts) L/2 2.35 meters 1.23 meters Mw Safe against Overturning

Moment 2 KNm 33 KNm 34 KNm 69 KNm


Mw not less than (1.2*MODL) +(1.4*MOIL) -clause 20.1 page 33 of IS 456 2000

Stability against Sliding i) Sliding Force ii) Resisting Force iii) (FS)SL= (0.9*F)/(Pa) -clause 20.2 page 33 of IS 456 2000 Shear key Design Shear Key Size Distance from stem Heigth of exacavation Heigth of earth mobilization Passive Pressure x y z h1 h2 = h1 + y + (z * tan) Pp = Cp*s*(h12-h22) / 2 0.55 < 1.4

Pa = PHS + PH F = *W Unsafe against Sliding

35 KN 22 KN

5a a) b) c) d) e) v)

0.30 meters 0.30 meters 0.30 meters 0.60 meters 1.07 meters 21 KN

Revised Factor of Safety against SLIDING (FS)sliding = 0.9 * ((F+Pp)/(Pa*Cos)) Unsafe against Sliding. Shear Key Required

1.09 > 1.4

Soil Pressures at footing base i) Net Moment at toe Mn = Mw - (MOIL+MODL) 28 KN ii) Point of application of Resultant R x = Mn/W 0.65 meters iii) Eccentricity e = (L/2) - x 0.58 meters e>L6 Eccentricity lies outside the middle third of the base. Revise the base dimensions iv) Pressure Distridution on soil 43 KN/sqm qmin = W/L * (1-(6*e/L)) -7 KN/sqm Max Pressure qmax<SBC hence pressure on base is OK qsh=qmax-((qmax-qmin)/L)*ts) 39 KN/sqm qmax = W/L * (1+(6*e/L))

L/6= 0.41


Pressure at junction of stem and heel

Constants for Working Stress Method Design Constants i) Grade of concrete ii) Grade of steel iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Compr stress in concrete Tensile stress in steel Modular ratio Neutral axis depth factor Lever arm Factor

20 MPa 415 MPa c t m = 280/3c k=mc/(mc+t) j = 1 - k/3 R= cjk / 2 7.0 230 13.33 0.289 0.904 0.913 table 21 page 81 IS 456

Design A) Stem i) Beanding Moment at base of stem ii) Thickness required iii) Thickness provided

M = MODL + MOIL dreq=(Ms/(R*b) ts Thickness of Stem is OK Ast = M/(t*j*tse)

40 KN/m 0.01 meters 0.20 meters

iv) Ast required v) Ast provided vi) Percentage of Steel

16 mm dia @ 120 mm c/c pt = Ast/(b*d) Steel OK

1387 sqmm 1676 sqmm 0.99 %

B) Base Slab Force i) Force due to Frontfill iii) Self Weight of base slab Ws vi) Upward soil pressure

= (L-ts)*(hp-tb)*s = L* tb * conc Nup = ((qsh+qmin)/2)*(L-ts) Upward Pressure is greater Msh = Mu-Md dreq=(Ms/(R*b) ts

2 28 30 35

Lever arm from end of stem (L-ts) / 2 1.13 meters L/2 ((qsh+(2*qmin))/(qsh+qmin)) / ((L-ts)/3) 1.23 meters Md 1.03 meters Mu

Moment 2 KNm 34 KNm 36 KNm 36 KNm 36 KNm


Bending Moment

0 0.01 meters 0.45 meters Thickness of Stem is OK

vi) Thickness required vii) Thickness provided viii) Ast required ix) Ast provided x) Percentage of Steel

Ast = M/(t*j*tse) 12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c pt = Ast/(b*d) Steel OK

2 sqmm 754 sqmm 0.00 %

C) Reinforcement Details


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