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1. Figure out at which airport you plan to land at. Then choose the runway on which you plan to land. 2. Get your plane into a position that the runway you are landing at is directly ahead of you and the tip of the runway is facing you. You may not be able to see the runway just yet. If that's the case, then check your flight analysis to make sure you are in the right position. This position may take a lot of time and effort to get into but everything is easy after that. 3. Pull back on your throttle and gently push forward on the stick. You should be going down at an angle less than five degrees but you should make your speed go down which will cause your plane to descent. 4. Get near the runway you can adjust your angle of descent. If you are to low, then descent slower. If you are to high, then descent at a greater rate. 5. Be very close to the runway, then even out your plane and pull back on the throttle gently, bringing it to idle. The back tires are suppose to lick the ground (softly.!). 6. Slow down. After you are going slow, apply the brakes and finally the parking brake. Now you have stopped. 7. Be proud of yourself because you have landed a plane which is very difficult. 8. There is a certain Procedure for executing a normal Landing. The basic difference is a Visual Approach and ILS Instrument Landing Sys. 9. Figure out the Nav frequencies of your runway and tune it. Press NAV in Autopilot for it to guide you through the Glide Slope & Localizer. At decision Height (200 ft generally for the ILS) disengage autopilot, Idle Thrust, arm auto brakes and flare. Engage reverser after the nose wheel touches the runway and apply Speed Brakes '/' key. 10. Good Luck. 11. You should be on the runway. Now you

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