South Africa Key Items List Week 4

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Key Items map Africa South of Equator:

Week 4

Countries Water
Angola Mozambique Channel
Botswana Seychelles Islands
Burundi Cape Verde
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) Comoros Islands
Equatorial Guinea Madagascar
Gabon Mauritius
Kenya Reunion
Kingdom of Lethoso Sao Tome & Principe
Malawi South Atlantic Ocean
Mozambique Indian Ocean
Namibia Cape of Good Hope
Republic of the Congo Mozambique Channel
South Africa Mountains
Swaziland Drakensberg Mountains
Tanzania Mt. Kilimanjaro
Uganda Mt. Kenya
Zimbabwe Rivers/Lakes
Lake Tanganyika
Shade these regions Lake Victoria
Congo Basin Congo River
Great Rift Valley Niger River
South African Plateau Zambezi River
Kalahari Desert Orange River
Namib Desert Source of the Nile (Lake Victoria)

Notice: South Africa is a COUNTRY –

we are studying Africa South of the
Equator this week.

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