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AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs



(ngilizce - Trke) GLOSSARY

(English - Turkish)

Ankara, Aralk 2003

Ankara, December 2003

ISBN 975-19-3520-2



Her Hakk Sakldr

(All rights reserved)

Parayla Satlmaz
(Free of charge)



BALARKEN ... Bilindii zere, Avrupa Birliinde ok dillilik (multilingualism) prensibi geerlidir. Topluluk resmi dillerine ilikin hkmler ieren Kurucu Antlamalar ve Avrupa Topluluklar Konseyinin 1958 tarih ve 1 sayl Tz hkmleri erevesinde, her trl Avrupa Birlii mevzuat Topluluk dillerinin hepsine evrilmekte ve Avrupa Birlii Resmi Gazetesinde yaymlanan tm hukuki metinler hangi dilde olurlarsa olsunlar asl (authentic) kabul edilmektedir. Trke, lkemizin Avrupa Birliine katlmndan sonra Topluluun resmi dillerinden biri olacak, Avrupa Birlii mevzuat Trke olarak Avrupa Birlii Resmi Gazetesinde yaymlanacaktr. inde bulunduumuz katlm ncesi srete, Avrupa Birlii Mktesebatnn stlenilmesine ilikin almalarn tamamlanmas bakmndan ilgili mevzuatn Trkeye evrilmesi byk nem arz etmektedir. Avrupa Birlii Mktesebatnn evirisine ilikin almalar Genel Sekreterliimiz koordinasyonunda, evirileri talep eden Kamu Kurum / Kurulularmz bnyesinde oluturulan eviri Teknik Komiteleri ile ibirlii ierisinde srdrlmektedir. Sz konusu eviriler gerekli kontrollerden getikten sonra Kamu Kurum / Kurulularmzn kullanmna alacaktr. eviri almalarna balanmadan nce, evirilerde terminoloji birliinin salanmas amacyla bir terminoloji szl hazrlanmasnn yerinde olaca dnlm, Genel Sekrerliimizin ilgili birimlerinin katklaryla Avrupa Birlii temel terimlerine karlk gelen 2.600 civarnda kavram ieren bir szlk hazrlanmtr. Szln hazrlanmas srasnda bata ktisadi Kalknma Vakf tarafndan hazrlanan Avrupa Topluluu Temel Hukuki Terimleri Szl (1987) ve Avrupa Birlii - Trkiye Kavramlar Szl (1999), Aye CEYHAN tarafndan hazrlanan Avrupa Topluluu Terimleri Szl (1991), AT Komisyonu Trkiye Temsilcilii tarafndan hazrlanan Avrupa Topluluu Szl (1984), Trk Hukuk Kurumu tarafndan hazrlanan Trk Hukuk Lugat (1998), Mustafa OVACIKn Trke - ngilizce, ngilizce - Trke Hukuk Szl (1999), Pars TULACInn ngilizce-Trke Ekonomi ve Hukuk Terimleri Szl (2002) olmak zere pekok kaynaktan yararlanlmtr. Oluturulan szlk Genel Sekreterliimiz Genel Sekreter Yardmcs Mustafa DNMEZ bakanlnda Tercme Koordinasyon Birimi alanlarndan oluturulan bir heyet tarafndan gzden geirilmi ve Avrupa Birlii Hukuku alannda alan akademisyenlerin grne sunularak basma hazr hale getirilmitir. Szlk, eviri sreci iinde eklenecek yeni kavramlarla, sizlerin ilave ve dzeltmelerinizle zenginletirilecek ve gncelletirilecektir. Szlkte, kavramlarn karlklar verilirken, ana kavramlar koyu renkte, ana kavramlarla ilgili ibareler normal renkte verilmitir. Ayn anlama gelen fakat kk farkllklar ieren Trke karlklar virglle, farkl anlama gelen karklklar ise noktal virglle ayrlm, ayrca ayn kavramn yeni ve eski dildeki karlklar / ile gsterilmitir. Genelde kartrlan ngilizce kavramlar toplu olarak bir kutu iinde verilmek suretiyle bu kavramlarn Trkeye evirileri esnasnda yeknesakln salanmas amalanmtr. lkemiz ile Avrupa Birlii arasnda nmzdeki dnemde balamas ngrlen mzakereler balamnda Trk mevzuatnn ngilizceye evirisi de gndemde olduundan bu evirilerde tutarll salamak bakmndan benzer ekilde bir Trke - ngilizce Avrupa Birlii Temel Terimler Szl de hazrlanmaktadr. Sz konusu szlk en ksa srede bitirilerek istifadenize sunulacaktr. Avrupa Birlii Mktesebatnn evirilerinin tutarll ve kavramlarn yeknesakl bakmndan ok nemli olduunu dndmz ve sizinle paylamaktan mutluluk duyduumuz szl titizlikle inceleyen Ankara niversitesi Hukuk Fakltesi retim yesi Prof. Dr. Sn.Turul ARATa, deerli katklar iin yrekten teekkr ederiz. Szle ilikin her trl nerinizi adresine gndermeniz bizi mutlu edecektir. Murat E. SUNGAR Bykeli Avrupa Birlii Genel Sekreteri

FOREWORD ... As is known, one of the main features of the EU as a multicultural structure is its multilingualism. The provisions of the founding treaties and the Council Regulation No. 1 on the linguistic regime of the Community affirm that the basic linguistic principle of the Community is the equality of the official languages of the Member States. Treaties and EU legislation are drawn up in all the official languages. Hence, all the language versions of Acquis Communautaire published in the Official Journal of European Union are authentic. Following the accession of Turkey to the European Union, Turkish will be one of the offical languages of the European Union and Turkish version of Acquis Communautaire will be published in the Official Journal of European Union. In the framework of the pre-accession period, the proper translation of European Union legislation into Turkish has utmost importance for the harmonisation of Turkish legislation with that of the European Union. The Secretariat General for European Union Affairs, together with the technical committees set up within the related ministries is responsible for revising the texts translated by freelance translators. Prior to the translation activities, in order to improve the consistency of the translations, a terminology glossary, containing approximately 2,600 key terms used in the Community documents prepared with the contributions of different departments of the Secretariat General. The draft glossary is based on a wide range of sources and revised by a team under the auspices of Mr. Mustafa Dnmez, Deputy Secretary General, consisting of members of Translation Coordination Unit. The second revision of the draft glossary has been made by the academicians who are experts on EU related issues. The Glossary which is expected to improve the standardisation of translation will be regularly updated and expanded with your valuable contributions. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Professor Turul ARAT from the Department of EU Law at Ankara University Faculty of Law, who revised the draft glossary, for his significant contributions. We would appreciate all your contributions and comments on the draft glossary that will be sent to the e-mail address Murat E. SUNGAR Ambassador Secretary General for the EU Affairs


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

- Ato abolish abolition of obstacles to freedom of movement kaldrmak, lavetmek dolam zgrln/serbestisini kstlayan engellerin kaldrlmas kstlamalarn kaldrlmas gmrk vergilerini kaldrmak

abolition of restrictions to abolish customs duties

abolish: amend: annul: annulment: cancel: dissolve: nullify: postpone: repeal: suspend:

lavetmek, kaldrmak (bir sistemi veya uygulamay) tadil etmek (bir eyi iyiletirmek, slah etmek veya daha doru ve eksiksiz hale getirmek amacyla) iptal etmek (seim), feshetmek (szleme) iptal (evlilik veya kontratn btn sonularyla iptal edilmesi) iptal etmek (belge, organizasyon, politika, bor) infisah etmek (kurum, kurulu, meclis) hkmsz klmak (hukuki bir karar veya usul) tehir etmek, ertelemek (bir faaliyeti) yrrlkten kaldrmak (yasal/idari dzenleme) askya almak

absence absence of an opinion absence of customs protection abstain member states shall abstain from ... to abstain from any measure abuse abuse of dominant position abstention

yokluk, bulunmay, gyap; gaiblik gr yokluu gmrk korumasnn yokluu kanma; ekimser kalma ye devletler ..den kanrlar her trl tedbirden kanmak ktye kullanma, istismar etme, kt muamelede bulunma hakim durumun ktye kullanlmas ekimserlik

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

acceptance acceptance of appointment access right of access accession accession criteria Accession Partnership application for accession conditions of accession instrument of accession pre-accesion aid pre-accession strategy accommodation accommodation facility accord accorded advantages by common accord in accordance with to accord advantages to alter in accordance with the provisions set out below account account being taken accounting accounting officer clearance of accounts closure of accounts current account balance current accounts European Unit of Account Farm Accounting Data Network (FADN)

kabul grevin kabul edilmesi giri/girme, katlma; eriim girme hakk, katlma hakk; eriim hakk katlm katlm kriterleri Katlm Ortakl (Belgesi) katlm bavurusu katlm artlar katlm belgesi katlm ncesi yardm katlm ncesi stratejisi konaklama konaklama imknlar mutabakat; raz olma; anlama; uygunluk tannan avantajlar ortak rzayla, ortak mutabakatla uygun olarak, uyarnca avantajlar tanmak aada yer alan hkmler uyarnca deitirmek hesap tutulmakta olan hesap muhasebe sayman hesaplarn ibras hesaplarn kapanmas cari ilemler dengesi cari ilemler Avrupa Hesap Birimi iftlik Muhasebe Veri A

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

government accountant operating accounts profit and loss account accreditation International Accreditation Forum (IAF) International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) to accrue customs duties accrued on the product Acquis Communautaire acquisition acquisition of shares acquittal act act declared void act of the Council (Council act) contested act failure to act original acts Single European Act (SEA) to fail to act to review the legality of acts of the Council action action for compensation action for failure to act action programme concerted action food safety action plan improper action joint action

sayman iletme hesaplar, faaliyet hesaplar kar zarar hesab akreditasyon Uluslararas Akreditasyon Forumu Uluslararas Laboratuvar Akreditasyon birlii (rgt) tahakkuk etmek; oalmak, birikmek; eklenmek mala tahakkuk eden gmrk vergileri Topluluk Mktesebat iktisap, kazanm, devralma hisselerin iktisab beraat, aklanma; ibra hareket, fiil/eylem; ilem; belge; kanun/yasa hkmsz ilan edilen tasarruf/ilem Konsey tasarrufu/ilemi itiraz edilen tasarruf/ilem hareketsizlik, ilemden kanma asl belgeler, temel ilemler Avrupa Tek Senedi hareketsiz kalmak, savsaklamak Konsey tasarruflarnn/ilemlerinin hukuka uygunluunu denetlemek eylem;dava; davran;tutum tazminat davas hareketsizlik/eylemsizlik davas eylem program uyumlu eylem gda gvenlii eylem plan aykr davran, uygunsuz davran ortak eylem

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to bring an action (before the court) to bring an action for an infringement to proceed by common action activity branch of activity categories of economic activity level of activity

dava amak ihll nedeniyle dava amak ortak eylemde bulunmak faaliyet/etkinlik faaliyet dal ekonomik faaliyet kategorileri faaliyet seviyesi; i hacmi

active: activity: effective: effectiveness: efficiency: efficient: productive:

faal/etkin faaliyet / etkinlik etkili/messir etkililik etkililik / messiriyet etkili / messir verimli

adaptation add added value Additional Protocol additive address to address this decision is addressed to the Member States to adopt

uyarlama katma, ekleme, ilave; toplama katma deer Katma Protokol katk maddesi adres hitap etmek, yneltmek bu karar ye Devletlere yneliktir kabul etmek, kabul karar vermek; kanunlatrmak (meclis); evlat edinmek kabul etme, kanunlatrma, evlat edinme ibu tz kabul etmitir ibu ilke kararn kabul etmitir ye devletler bu nlemleri kabul ettiinde (kendi hukukunda)

adoption has adopted this regulation hereby adopts this resolution when member states adopt these measures

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to administer administrative arrangements administrative reform Common Transit and Single Administrative Document (SAD) Single Administrative Document admission readmission temporary admission adulteration advantage accorded advantages mutual advantage to accord advantages to cause a disadvantage to involve an advantage advertisement board of advertisement commercial advertisement misleading advertisement secret advertisement agency European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) European Agency for Safety and Health At Work (EU-OSHA) European Environment Agency European Productivity Agency European Space Agency (ESA) paying agency specialised agency

ynetmek/idare etmek idari dzenlemeler idari reform Ortak Transit ve Tek dari Belge Tek dari Belge kabul; izin, giri; kabul izni; itiraf, ikrar geri kabul geici kabul tai, aldatma, kandrma fayda, yarar, avantaj tannan avantajlar karlkl yarar avantajlar tanmak bir zarara sebep olmak, sakncal bir duruma meydan vermek bir avantaj iermek reklm reklam kurulu ticar reklm aldatc reklm gizli reklm kurum; ajans; daire; birim Avrupa Tbbi rnler Deerlendirme Ajans Avrupa Sal ve Gvenlii Ajans Avrupa evre Ajans Avrupa Verimlilik Ajans Avrupa Uzay Ajans deme kuruluu uzmanlam kurum

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to agree has agreed as follows have agreed on the following provisions (in convention) agreement association agreements agreement on pre-shipment inspection categories of agreements EC-Turkey Association Agreement energy sales and treasury guarantee agreements exclusive distribution agreements exclusive purchasing agreements franchise agreements free trade agreement General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) inter-enterprise agreement Interim Agreement (1973) multilateral agreements notification of inter-enterprise agreement Partial European Agreements plurilateral agreements proposed agreement public service concession agreements Schengen Agreement specialisation agreement to conclude an agreement to renew agreements

anlamak, mutabakata varmak; kararlatrmak aadaki gibi anlamtr aadaki hkmler zerinde anlamtr (uluslararas szlemelerde) anlama ortaklk anlamalar sevkiyat ncesi kontrole ilikin anlama anlama kategorileri AT-Trkiye Ortaklk Anlamas enerji sat ve hazine garantisi anlamalar tek elden datm anlamalar tek elden satn alma anlamalar franchising anlamalar serbest ticaret anlamas Gmrk Tarifeleri ve Ticaret Genel Anlamas irketler aras (teebbsler aras/iletmeler aras) anlama Geici Anlama ok tarafl anlamalar irketler aras/teebbsler aras/firmalar aras anlamaya ilikin bildirim/ihbar/tebli Avrupa Ksmi Anlamalar oklu anlamalar nerilen anlama kamu hizmeti imtiyaz anlamalar Schengen Anlamas uzmanlk anlamas anlama yapmak anlamalar yenilemek

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

agriculture agricultural and forestry tractors agricultural combat research institutes agricultural currency unit agricultural markets agricultural prices agricultural quarantine directorates agriculture sales co-operatives Committee of Agricultural Organisations in the European Community Common Agricultural Policy common organisation of agricultural markets European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (FEOGA, EAGGF) interventions on the agricultural market processed agricultural goods aid categories of aid state aids to provide non-repayable aid air air pollution measurement vehicle air transport alignment to allocate allocated appropriation allocation allocation of funds

tarm tarm ve ormanclkta kullanlan tekerlekli traktrler zirai mcadele ve aratrma enstitleri tarm hesap birimi tarmsal piyasalar tarm fiyatlar zirai karantina mdrlkleri tarm sat kooperatifleri Avrupa Topluluu Tarmsal Kurulular Komitesi Ortak Tarm Politikas ortak tarm piyasalar dzeni Avrupa Tarmsal Ynlendirme ve Garanti Fonu tarm piyasasna mdahaleler ilenmi tarm rnleri yardm yardm kategorileri devlet yardmlar geri demesi olmayan yardm salamak hava hava kirlilii lm arac hava tamacl uyum/ uyumlatrma tahsis etmek, datmak, pay etmek tahsis edilen denek tahsisat, datm fon tahsisat, fonlarn tahsisi

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

allowance annual allowance family allowance amendment amendment of a provision amendment to a treaty amount amount of a compensation amounts devoted to carrying out the programme compensatory amount correction amount minimal amount up to the amount of their share of capital analysis methods of sampling and analysis animal animal health animal health and surveillance animal health certificate animal husbandry animal identification code animal identification system animal passport animal waste animal welfare domestic animals epidemic animal diseases rearing animals to announce commercial announcement

tahsisat, denek,aylk balama,istihkak, tahsis yllk denek aile yardm dei(tir)me/ tadil bir hkmde deiiklik antlamada deiiklik yaplmas miktar; tutar, mebla tazminat tutar programn gerekletirilmesi iin ayrlan miktar telfi edici tutar dzeltici tutar asgari tutar kendi sermaye paylarna den miktarna kadar zmleme/tahlil/ analiz numune alma ve tahlil yntemleri hayvan hayvan sal hayvan sal ve zabtas hayvan sal sertifikas hayvanclk hayvan tanmlama kodu hayvan kimlik sistemi hayvan pasaportu hayvansal atk Hayvan refah yerli hayvanlar, evcil hayvanlar salgn hayvan hastalklar yetitirme amal hayvanlar duyurmak/ilan etmek ticar iln

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to annul anxious to (in resolutions) appliance appliances burning gaseous fuels gas appliances household appliances lifting and mechanical handling appliances application application of procedures application of the "polluter pays" principle scope of application to apply to apply (make) a reduction to apply in its entirety it shall apply from ... to ... appointment acceptance of appointment appropriate to appropriate appropriate supervision where appropriate appropriations appropriation appropriations to approve approving .. (in recommendations) approves

iptal etmek arzu ederek; isteyerek (ilke kararlarnda) alet gaz yakan aletler gaz yakan aletler ev aletleri kaldrma ve mekanik tama aralar uygulama, tatbik etme; bavuru usuln uygulanmas "kirleten der" ilkesinin uygulanmas uygulama alan uygulamak; bavurmak indirim uygulamak (yapmak) btnyle uygulamak .. den ... e kadar uygulamada kalr tayin; grevlendirme; ata(n)ma grevin kabul edilmesi uygun/mnasip ayrmak (denek)/tahsis etmek uygun denetim uygun olduu hallerde gider, sarf; tasarruf; denek denek deme emri verilen krediler onaylamak/tasdik etmek, uygun bulmak/tasvip etmek; kabul etmek onaylayarak, tasvip ederek (tavsiye kararlarnda) onaylar, uygun bulur/tasvip eder

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

approval prior approval type approval laboratory unanimous approval

onay n onay tip onay laboratuvar oybirlii ile onay, oybirlii ile uygun bulma

approval: assent: endorsement: ratification:

onay / tasdik / tasvip uygun gr/muvafakat tasdik/dorulama; onaylama onay (uluslararas an(t)lamalarda)

approximation approximation of legislation arbitration arbitration procedure arbitration clause arbitration committee arbitration committee for consumer problems award (decision) of an arbitration board grant of licences by arbitration international arbitration pre-court settlement body (arbitration) aquaculture area free trade area specially protected environment area under-developed area wildlife protection area

yakla(tr)ma mevzuatn yaklatrlmas tahkim, hakemlik tahkim usul tahkim hkm, tahkim art, tahkim klozu tahkim komitesi tketici sorunlar hakem heyeti tahkim kurulu karar tahkim yolu ile lisans verilmesi uluslararas tahkim duruma/ yarglama ncesi zm organ (tahkim) su rnleri yetitiricilii/akuakltr alan, blge serbest ticaret alan zel evre koruma alan az gelimi blgeler yaban hayat koruma alan


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

arrangement administrative arrangements arrangements having similar effect customs arrangement duty relief arrangement exchange arrangement land arrangement legal arrangement Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA) art artisan article in particular article(s) ... thereof sole article assent assent of the European Parliament assent of the authorities assent procedure assets cultural assets natural assets assessment conformity assessment conformity assesment procedure environmental impact assessment mode of assessment risk assessment systems

dzenleme/tanzim idari dzenlemeler e etkili dzenlemeler gmrk dzenlemesi gmrk muafiyeti dzenlemesi kambiyo rejimi arazi dzenlemesi yasal dzenleme, hukuki dzenleme ok Elyafllar Anlamas sanat, zanaat kk sanatkr madde; eya; para zellikle ilgili .... nin ... numaral maddelerini tek madde rza; uygun bulma, muvafakat Avrupa Parlamentosunun uygunluk gr yetkili makamlarin uygun grmesi, rzas muvafakat usul varlklar, deerler,kymetler; alacaklar, aktifler kltrel varlklar doal varlklar deerle(ndir)me; keif ve takdir etme uygunluk deerlendirmesi uygunluk deerlendirme prosedr evresel etki deerlendirmesi deerlendirme usulleri risk deerlendirme sistemleri


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to assign

ayrmak, tahsis/tayin etmek; devretmek; havale etmek; temlik etmek; terk etmek; fera etmek (mal); ciro etmek (senet) komisyon tarafndan kendisine verilen grevler komisyonu grevlendirmek yardm,destek, iane, muavenet karlkl yardm Teknik Yardm ve Bilgi Deiim Ofisi ortaklk; birlik; dernek ortak ye ortak devlet ortaklk anlamalar AT - Trkiye Ortaklk Komitesi AT - Trkiye Ortaklk Konseyi ortaklk kurumlar AT-Trkiye Ortaklk Anlamas Avrupa retmenler Birlii Avrupa Serbest Ticaret Birlii Avrupa Risk Sermayesi Birlii ortakln gayesi dernek kurma hakk ortaklklar kurmak; dernekler kurmak

tasks assigned to it by the commission to assign tasks to the commission assistance mutual assistance Technical Assistance Information Exchange Office (TAIEX) association associated member associated state association agreements EC-Turkey Association Committee EC-Turkey Association Council association institutions EC-Turkey Association Agreement European Association of Teachers European Free Trade Association (EFTA) European Venture-Capital Association (EVCA) purpose of association right of association to form associations

association: cooperation: joint: membership: partnership:

ortaklk ; dernek ibirlii karma, ortak yelik irket ; ortaklk (birlikte alan iki veya daha fazla birey, rgt, kurulu, lke arasnda)


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

asylum asylum seeker atom European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC-EURATOM) Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community to attain attainment of the objectives to attain its objectives attorneyship audiovisual audit audit on records auditor compliance audit the European Court of Auditors ex post financial audit body ex-post external audit ex-post internal audit performance audit risk audit author author's royalties authority assent of the authorities

iltica, snma snmac atom Avrupa Atom Enerjisi Topluluu Avrupa Atom Enerjisi Topluluunu Kuran Antlama erimek, elde etmek; kazanmak amalara ulalmas amalarna ulamak avukatlk grsel-iitsel murakabe, muhasebe denetimi kaytlarn denetimi deneti, murakp uygunluk denetimi Avrupa Saytay harcama sonras denetim yapan birim harcama sonras d mal denetim harcama sonras i mal denetim performans denetimi risk denetimi yazar, mellif yazarlk haklar otorite, kurum; makam; yetkili; salhiyet yetkili makamlarn uygun grmesi, rzas, muvafakat, icazeti, cevap vermesi ye devletlerdeki yetkili makamlar yksek otorite ulusal makam resmi merciler blgesel ya da yerel ynetimler

competent authorities in member states high authority national authority official authorities regional or local authorities

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

authorization authorized dealers in foreign exchange authorizing officer exchange authorization investment authorization preliminary authorization prior authorization to revoke an authorization autonomy autonomous arrangements autonomous tariff to have financial autonomy award award of an arbitration board aware (in resolutions)

yetki verme/salahiyet, izin dviz ilemleri yapma yetkisi alm kii veya kurumlar ita amiri kambiyo izni yatrm izni n izin (topluluk mevzuatndan sreli muafiyet) n izin bir izni yrrlkten kaldrmak, izni geri almak zerklik otonom dzenlemeler otonom tarife mal zerklie sahip olmak hakem karar tahkim kurulu karar farknda olarak (ilke kararlarnda)


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Bbalance available balances balance of payments bank banking commissions banking operations (transactions) banking profession board of governors of the bank European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) European Central Bank (ECB) European Investment Bank (EIB) liberalisation of banking services basic basic requirements basis immovable purchased on a time share basis on a non-discriminatory basis on a reciprocal basis on an equitable basis behalf on its behalf on behalf of the governments of the member states benefit beneficiary right to benefit denge; bakiye; bilano kullanlabilir bakiye demeler dengesi banka bankaclk komisyonlar bankaclk ilemleri bankaclk meslei banka guvernrler kurulu Avrupa mar ve Kalknma Bankas Avrupa Merkez Bankas Avrupa Yatrm Bankas bankaclk hizmetlerinin serbestlemesi temel temel gerekler esas; ilke, kural; temel, prensip devre mlk esasnda satn alnan tanmaz ayrmc olmayan bir temelde, ayrm yaplmakszn karlkllk temelinde hakkaniyet temelinde adna, namna, yerine kendi adna, kendi namna ye devletlerin hkmetleri adna fayda, istifade; kr; menfaat faydalanan, yararlanan yararlanma/istifade etme hakk


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

bill bill of lading binding to have a binding force this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the member states bio bio-availability biodegradable bio-equivalence board account experts board award of an arbitration board Board of Directors of the Bank Board of Governors of the Bank decision of an arbitration board body competent body notified body pre-court settlement body (arbitration) status of a body to resign as a body border border inspection post brand brand name bribe

hesap; fatura; senet; polie konimento balayc balayc gc olmak bu tzk ye devletlerde btnyle balaycdr ve dorudan uygulanr. biyo biyoyararlanm biyolojik olarak paralanabilen biyoedeerlik idare meclisi; kurul hesap uzmanlar kurulu tahkim kurulu karar Banka Ynetim Kurulu Banka Guvernrler Kurulu tahkim kurulu karar birim, organ, kurulu; kurum yetkili organ, yetkili birim onaylanm kurulu duruma/ yarglama ncesi zm organ (tahkim) bir kurumun stats, bir organn stats toplu olarak istifa etmek snr, hudut snr kontrol noktas marka; cins; eit marka ad rvet

bribery: corruption: counterfeit: fraud:

rvetilik yolsuzluk taklit, sahte hile, sahtekrlk, dolandrclk


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to bring an action (before the court) burden burden-sharing cadastre business

dava amak yk, klfet klfet paylam, masraf paylam kadastro i; meguliyet

business: career: job: occupation: position: post: profession: work:

i / meguliyet kariyer i / meslek ura (i veya meslei kapsar) i i meslek (yksek renim gerektiren i) i / alma


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Ccalibration in camera to cancel unilateral cancellation capacity capacity decrease capacity utilisation competitive capacity in one's personal capacity installed capacity telephone switchboard capacity capital capital goods capital increase contributions to the capital fixed capital invested capital liberalisation of movement of capital paid-up capital registered capital risk capital seed capital up to the amount of their share of capital venture capital kalibrasyon kapal(gizli) oturum iptal etmek tek tarafl fesih kapasite, yetenek; ehliyet, yetki; sfat; hacim; istiap haddi kapasite indirimi kapasite kullanm rekabet gc kiisel yetkisiyle, kiisel yetkisine dayanarak kurulu g telefon santral kapasitesi sermaye; fon; anapara yatrm mallar, sermaye mallar sermaye artrm sermayeye katlm, sermayeye itirak sabit sermaye yatrma dntrlm sermaye sermaye dolamnn serbestletirilmesi denmi sermaye kaytl sermaye risk sermayesi ekirdek/balang sermayesi kendi sermaye paylarna den miktarna kadar risk sermayesi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

carnet case as the case may be case of infringement case-law of the european court of justice in case of urgency to investigate a case cash cash flow table in cash or in kind modified cash system to cause to cause a disadvantage

karne durum/vaziyet, hal; mesele; vaka, hadise/olay; dava duruma gre, halin icabna gre ihll durumu, ihll hali, ihll olay avrupa topluluklar adalet divan itihad acil durumda bir durumu soruturmak, bir olay tahkik etmek nakit, para, efektif nakit akm tablosu ayni veya nakdi olarak uyarlanm nakit esas neden olmak, sebebiyet vermek bir zarara sebep olmak, olumsuz duruma sokmak, sorunlara neden olmak zarara neden olmak sansr etmek haberlemeyi sansre tbi tutmak tenkit etmek, eletirmek; knamak gensoru, gvensizlik nergesi gensoru nergesi vermek merkez Avrupa Bilgi Merkezleri Avrupa Irklk ve Yabanc Dmanln zleme Merkezi yenilik aktarm merkezleri tahl, hububat sertifika, vesika, belge; ahadetname A.TR dolam belgeleri mene ahadetnamesi yeminli mal mavirlik

to cause a damage to censor to subject the correspondence to censorship to censure motion of censure to table a motion of censure centre Euro-Info Centres European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) innovation relay centres cereals certificate A.TR movement certificates certificate of origin certified councillorship


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certified copy certificate of warranty European Organization for Testing and Certification (EOTC) laboratory certification testing, certification and inspection institutions cessation cessation of joint control chapter

onayl nsha garanti belgesi Avrupa Test ve Belgelendirme rgt laboratuvar belgelendirmesi test, belgelendirme ve muayene kurulular durma; ara verme ortak denetimin sona erdirilmesi blm, fasl

article: chapter: paragraph: subparagraph: title:

madde blm,fasl fkra , paragraf bent balk

charge assembly charges countervailing charges in respect of imports repair charges storage charges transit charges to choose by lot circulation free circulation goods in free circulation civil civil employment civil engineering civil law civil liability civil protection

masraf; cret; vergi; gider; har; resim montaj masraflar ithalata konan telfi edici vergiler onarm masraflar, tamir giderleri depolama masraflar transit gei vergileri kura yoluyla semek devir; dolam serbest dolam serbest dolamdaki mallar vatandalara ait, sivil, medeni sivil istihdam inaat mhendislii medeni hukuk hukuki sorumluluk sivil savunma (afetlere kar)

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

civil servant European Community civil servants explosive for civil use rules of civil procedure citizen claim to claim claim for damages to claim a compensation clearance customs clearance negative clearance climate climate change cluster coal coal site European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) code code of conduct code of good practice co-decision co-decision procedure co-finance cohesion economic and social cohesion cohesion fund collective collective bargaining collective defence commandite

memur Avrupa Topluluu memurlar sivil amal patlayclar medeni usul hukuku kurallar vatanda iddia; talep; alacak hakk iddia etmek; talep etmek, istemek tazminat talebi tazminat istemek gmrk makbuzu; gmrkleme; tasfiye; takas gmrkleme menfi tespit iklim iklim deiiklii kme Kmr kmr sahas Avrupa Kmr ve elik Topluluu kanun/yasa, kod davran kurallar iyi uygulama kodu ortak karar ortak karar usul ortak finansman uyum ekonomik ve sosyal uyum uyum fonu ortak; toplu; kolektif toplu szleme kolektif savunma komandit (irket)


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

commerce commercial announcement commercial property commercial usage normal bona fide commercial practice commission banking commissions commission on guarantees commissions of the European Parliament joint commission (committee) EC-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Commission member of the commission Commission Commission Decision Commission Directive Commission proposal Commission Recommendation Commission Regulation Commissioner European Commission President of the European Commission should the Commission find commitment commitment of expenditures long-term commitments committee advisory committee advisory commitee on restrictive practices and dominant positions arbitration committee

ticaret ticar ilan ticar mlkiyet ticar teaml iyiniyetli ticar uygulama komisyon; komisyoncu/arac creti bankaclk komisyonlar garanti komisyonlar Avrupa Parlamentosunun komisyonlar karma komisyon (komite) AT-Trkiye Karma Parlamento Komisyonu komisyon yesi Komisyon Komisyon Karar Komisyon Direktifi Komisyon tasars Komisyon Tavsiye Karar Komisyon Tz Komisyon yesi (Komiser) Avrupa Komisyonu Avrupa Komisyonu Bakan Komisyon ... saptarsa taahht/yklenme; vaat giderlerin taahhd uzun vadeli taahhtler komite, heyet istiari komite, danma komitesi snrlayc uygulamalar ve hakim durumlar danma kurulu tahkim komitesi


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arbitration committee for consumer problems association committee conciliation committee Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) Committee of the Regions consultative committee European Economic and Social Committee economic study committee EC-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee European Standardization Committee (CEN) European Electro-Technical Standardization Committee (CENELEC) subcommittee to constitute the committee to set up a committee common Common Agricultural Policy common attitude Common Commercial Policy Council Common Position Common Customs Tariff (CCT) Common Customs Tariff Nomenclature Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) common market common market organisations common policies Common Position

tketici sorunlar hakem heyeti ortaklk komitesi uzlatrma komitesi Daimi Temsilciler Komitesi Blgeler Komitesi danma/istiare komitesi Avrupa Ekonomik ve Sosyal Komitesi ekonomik incelemeler komitesi AT-Trkiye Karma Parlamento Komisyonu Avrupa Standartlar Komitesi Avrupa Elektroteknik Standardizasyon Komitesi alt komite komiteyi oluturmak komite kurmak ortak Ortak Tarm Politikas ortak tavr Ortak Ticaret Politikas Konsey Ortak Tutumu Ortak Gmrk Tarifesi Ortak Gmrk Tarife Nomenklatr Ortak Balklk Politikas Ortak D ve Gvenlik Politikas ortak pazar ortak piyasa dzenleri ortak politikalar Ortak Tutum

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Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Common Transit and Single Administrative Document (SAD) Common Transport Policy to proceed by common action communication communiqu communication to the parties member states shall communicate to the commission their laws, regulations and administrative provisions with regard to the application of this directive community Community acts Community formularies Community initiative Community instructions Community instruments Community law Community legislation Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) Community rules decision-making procedure of the European Community European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC-EURATOM) European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) European Community (EC) European Community civil servants European Community funds European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) European Community institutions

Ortak Gvenlik ve Savunma Politikas Ortak Transit ve Tek dari Belge Ortak Tamaclk Politikas ortak eylemde bulunmak bildirim, tebli; iletiim, haberleme tebli taraflara tebli etme, bildirme ye devletler bu direktifin uygulanmasyla ilgili kanun, tzk ve idari dzenlemelerini komisyona bildirirler topluluk Topluluk tasarruflar/ilemleri Topluluk formlar Topluluk inisiyatifi Topluluk talimatlar Topluluk aralar Topluluk hukuku Topluluk mevzuat Topluluk Bitki eitleri Ofisi Topluluk kurallar Avrupa Topluluu karar alma usul Avrupa Atom Enerjisi Topluluu Avrupa Kmr ve elik Topluluu Avrupa Topluluu Avrupa Topluluu memurlar Avrupa Topluluu fonlar Avrupa Topluluu nsani Yardm Ofisi Avrupa Topluluu kurumlar

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

European Community law European Community of Consumer Cooperatives (EURO-COOP) European Community presidency European Community Statistical Office (EUROSTAT) European Economic Community (EEC) European Defence Community (EDC) general standard of economic activities Official Journal of the European Communities Programme of Community aid to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (PHARE) to safeguard the interests of the Community Union of Industries of the European Community company company law joint stock company limited liability companies limited liability company local distribution company parent company profit-making company (firm) transfer of the seat of a company or firm unlimited company (general partnership) compensation action for compensation amount of a compensation

Avrupa Topluluu hukuku Avrupa Tketici Kooperatifleri Topluluu Avrupa Topluluu dnem bakanl Avrupa Topluluu statistik Ofisi Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluu Avrupa Savunma Topluluu ekonomik faliyetlerin genel snflandrlmas Avrupa Topluluklar Resmi Gazetesi Orta ve Dou Avrupa lkelerine Topluluk Yardm Program Topluluk karlarnn korunmas Avrupa Topluluu Sanayileri Birlii irket irketler hukuku anonim irket, sermayesi paylara blnm irket snrl sorumlu irketler limitet irket yerel datm irketi ana firma kr amal irket bir irketin veya firmann merkezinin yer deitirmesi ahs irketi (adi irket) tazminat, telfi tazminat davas tazminatn tutar

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

compensation for damage compensatory amount compensatory indemnity compensatory levy to claim a compensation competence competent body general competence competition actual competitor competition authority competing industries competing undertaking competition policy competitiveness conditions of competition perfect competition rules on competition unfair competition unfair competitive practices compilation complementary complementary social security scheme component fixed component variable component compromise Luxemburg compromise (1966) compulsory compulsorily concentration to declare a concentration unlawful

zararn tazmini telfi edici tutar telfi edici tazminat telfi edici vergi tazminat istemek salahiyet / yetki; ustalk, yeterlik yetkili organ/birim, yetkili kurulu genel yetki rekabet fiili rakip, fiili rekabeti rekabet kurumu rakip sanayiler rakip teebbsler/firmalar rekabet politikas rekabet edebilirlik rekabet koullar tam rekabet rekabet kurallar haksz rekabet haksz rekabet uygulamalar derleme tamamlayc/btnleyici tamamlayc sosyal gvenlik sistemi unsur, para, bileen, sabit unsur deiken unsur uzlama Lksemburg uzlamas (1966) mecburi/zorunlu zorunlu olarak younlama bir younlamann hukuka aykr olduunu aklamak


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

condition conditions for loans European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions subject to the conditions to be conditional upon to fulfil a condition conduct serious misconduct to conduct negotiations to confer powers which are conferred upon it by this treaty to confer powers to confer rights within the limits of the powers conferred by this treaty conference intergovernmental conference to confirm confiscation conformity CE (Community Europe) conformity marking conformity assessment conformity assessment and certification bodies conformity mark conformity marking conformity to type in conformity with the guidelines legal conformity

koul / art dn verme koullar Avrupa Yaam ve alma Koullarn yiletirme Vakf ngrlen koullara bal olarak, ngrlen koullar uyarnca kouluna bal olmak bir koulu yerine getirmek davran; hareket; yrtme suihal mzakereleri yrtmek vermek, tevcih etmek ibu antlamayla verilen yetkiler yetkiler vermek haklar vermek ibu antlamann verdii yetkiler dahilinde konferans hkmetleraras konferans tasdik etmek / onaylamak, dorulamak / teyid etmek elkoyma, msadere uygunluk CE uygunluk iareti uygunluk deerlendirmesi uygunluk deerlendirme ve belgelendirme kurulular uygunluk iareti uygunluk iaretlemesi tipe uygunluk beyan klavuz ilkelerle uyumlu biimde yasal uygunluk, hukuki uygunluk


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congestion management conscious that (in protocol) consensus to consider considering that (in resolutions) considers construction

kst ynetimi bilincinde olarak; farknda olarak (protokollerde kullanlan deyim) oybirlii mlahaza etmek, gz nnde bulundurmak, mtalaa etmek gz nnde tutarak (ilke kararlarnda kullanlan deyim) gz nnde tutar inaat; yap; ina, zihinsel ina, kurgulama; genel anlam belirleme ; hukuki belgelerin veya hkmlerin zn ortaya koyucu yorumlama inaatlarda kullanlan i makinalar ve ekipmanlar inaat malzemeleri yapc ekimserlik danma/istiare komisyona dantktan sonra danmanlk danma usul istiari komite,danma komitesi Tketici Danma Komitesi danarak, istiare ederek hukuk danman tketmek tketici tketici sorunlar hakem heyeti tketici bilinci temerrde den satc / hizmet salayc temerrde den tketici tketici konseyi tketici mahkemesi tketici kredisi

construction plant and equipment construction products constructive abstention consultation after consulting the commission consultancy consultation procedure consultative committee Consumers Consultative Committee in consultation with juristconsult to consume consumer arbitration committee for consumer problems consumer awareness consumer by default consumer in default consumer council consumer court consumer credit

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consumer goods consumer protection policy Consumers Consultative Committee domestic consumers durable consumer goods European Bureau of Consumers Union European Community of Consumer Cooperatives (EURO-COOP) private consumption tax unfair terms in consumer contracts contagious contagious disease to contaminate contaminant contact in close contact with contract contract governed by private law contract governed by public law contract of limited duration contractor contract product contracting parties contractual liability contractual licences extracontractual high contracting parties insurance contract non-contractual liability relevant market for the contract products

tketim mallar tketicileri koruma politikas Tketici Danma Komitesi yerli tketiciler dayankl tketim mallar Avrupa Tketici Birlikleri Brosu Avrupa Tketici Kooperatifleri Topluluu zel tketim vergisi tketici szlemelerindeki haksz koullar bulac bulac hastalk bulatrmak; kirletmek kirletici, bulaan temas,iliki ile yakn ilikide olarak szleme zel hukuka tbi szleme kamu hukukuna tbi szleme snrl sreli szleme yklenici szleme konusu rn kit taraflar szlemeden doan sorumluluk, akdi sorumluluk szlemeye ait lisanslar, akitten doan lisanslar szleme d, akit d yksek kit taraflar sigorta szlemesi, sigorta akdi szleme d sorumluluk szleme konusu rnler pazar

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

subcontracting supply contract time-share holiday contract unfair terms in consumer contracts control cessation of joint control controls on standards

alt szleme, taeronluk tedarik szlemesi devre mlk tatil szlemesi tketici szlemelerindeki haksz koullar kontrol/denetim ortak denetimin sona erdirilmesi standart denetimleri

control: inspection: investigation: review: supervision: surveillance: verification:

kontrol/ denetim tefti (bir i yeri, kurum ya da insan topluluu iin kullanlr) aratrma, soruturma; tahkikat gzden geirme (bir durumu veya sistemi iyiletirmek iin kullanlr) denetim (bir yer, faaliyet ya da insan topluluu iin kullanllr) gzetim (polis, ordu veya yetkili kurum tarafndan yaplr) tahkik, dorulamak

convention Climate Change Framework Convention (CCFC) European Convention on Cross Border Television implementing convention Lom Convention Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment Convention convict to convict conviction convinced that (in resolutions, in conventions)

szleme (uluslararas), kurultay/kongre; gelenek klim Deiiklii ereve Szlemesi Avrupa Snr tesi Televizyon Szlemesi uygulama szlemesi Lom Szlemesi Snr Aan evresel Etki Deerlendirmesi Szlemesi sulu/mahkum; mahkum etmek; sulamak mahkumiyet; kanaat ; inan ... inanarak (ilke kararlarnda, uluslararas szlemelerde); kansna vararak


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to co-opt by cooption cooperation close cooperation cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs cooperation procedure cooperation with the institutions cooperative society cross-border cooperation European Monetary Cooperation Fund (FECOM) European Political Cooperation judicial cooperation methods of cooperation correction correction amount correspondence official correspondence to subject the correspondence to censorship corruption cost cost-benefit analysis cost accounting stranded cost council Council for the Council act of the Council association council Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

yanna almak, bnyesine almak (eklemek) seim yoluyla ibirlii yakn ibirlii adalet ve iileri alanlarnda ibirlii ibirlii usul kurumlarla ibirlii kooperatif ortaklk snr tesi ibirlii Avrupa Parasal birlii Fonu Avrupa Siyasi birlii adli ibirlii ibirlii yntemleri dzeltme dzeltici tutar yazma, haberleme resmi yazma haberlemeyi sansre tabi tutmak yolsuzluk maliyet; masraf fayda-maliyet analizi maliyet muhasebesi ykmlenilen maliyet konsey, meclis Konsey Konsey adna Konsey tasarrufu/ilemi ortaklk konseyi Avrupa Konseyi Bakanlar Komitesi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

Council Common Position Council Conclusions Council Decision Council Decision of (Day-MonthYear)........... (Year/Number/EC) Council Declaration Council Directive Council Framework Decision Council Joint Action ../../CFSP of ... on ... Council of Europe Council of European Municipalities Council of the European Union (Council of Ministers) Council of Ministers Council Recommendation Council Regulation Council Regulation (..) no ../.. of ... Council Resolution Decision-Making Procedure of the Council of the European Union European Council European Regions Council General Affairs Council Secretariat General of the Council (of the European Union) measures taken by the council municipal council session of the council of ministers special council of ministers to review the legality of acts of the Council counterfeit

Konsey Ortak Tutumu Konsey Sonu Belgesi Konsey Karar (Gn-Ay- Yl) tarihli, ....... (Yl/Say/AT) sayl Konsey Karar Konsey Bildirisi Konsey Direktifi Konsey ereve Karar ../../ ODGP sayl Konsey Ortak Eylemi Avrupa Konseyi Avrupa Belediyeler Konseyi Avrupa Birlii Konseyi (Bakanlar Konseyi) Bakanlar Konseyi Konsey Tavsiye Karar Konsey Tz ,,,sayl ve ,,, tarihli Konsey Tz Konsey lke Karar AB Konseyi Karar Alma Usul Avrupa Devlet ve Hkmet Bakanlar Konseyi Avrupa Blgeler Konseyi Genel ler Konseyi AB Konseyi Genel Sekreterlii Konsey tarafndan alnan nlemler belediye meclisi bakanlar konseyi toplants bakanlar zel konseyi Konsey tasarruflarnn hukuka uygunluunu denetlemek sahte; taklit


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countervailing countervailing charges in respect of imports countervailing import duties countervailing measures country African, Caribbean and Pasific countries country where the establishment is effected court Court of First Instance of the European Communities (CFI) Court of Justice of the European Communities Decisions of the Court European Court of Auditors hearing in court International Court of Justice (ICJ) pre-court settlement body (arbitration) preliminary ruling to bring an action (before the court) to submit a dispute to the court of justice within the terms of the judgment of the court crime organised crime cultural cultural assets cultural goods law on the protection of cultural and natural heritage movable and immovable cultural and natural properties

telfi edici ithalata konan telfi edici vergiler ithalatta telfi edici vergiler telfi edici nlemler lke Afrika, Karayip ve Pasifik lkeleri yerleim lkesi mahkeme Avrupa Topluluklar lk Derece Mahkemesi Avrupa Topluluklar Adalet Divan Divan Kararlar Avrupa Saytay celse / duruma Uluslararas Adalet Divan(Lahey Divan) yarglama / duruma ncesi zm organ (tahkim) n karar dava amak bir uyumazl adalet divanna gtrmek divan karar (hkm) erevesinde su rgtl su kltrel kltrel varlklar kltrel mallar kltr ve tabiat varlklarn koruma kanunu tanr ve tanmaz kltr ve tabiat varlklar

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

culture current balance of current accounts customs absence of customs protection common customs tariff Common Customs Tariff Nomenclature customs arrangement customs barrier customs clearance customs code customs duties customs duties of a fiscal nature customs duty exemption customs protection customs receipt customs regime customs territory customs union customs union joint committee customs value establishment of a customs union Integrated Customs Tariff of the European Communities (TARIC) reduction of customs duties relief from (free of) customs duties

kltr/ekin cari cari ilemler dengesi gmrk gmrk korumasnn yokluu ortak gmrk tarifesi Ortak Gmrk Tarife Nomenklatr gmrk dzenlemesi gmrk engeli gmrkleme gmrk kodu gmrk vergileri mal nitelikli gmrk vergileri gmrk muafiyeti gmrk vergileri ile koruma gmrk makbuzu gmrk rejimi gmrk blgesi gmrk birlii gmrk birlii ortak komitesi gmrk kymeti bir gmrk birliinin kurulmas Avrupa Topluluklar Entegre Gmrk Tarifesi gmrk vergilerinin indirilmesi gmrk vergilerinden muafiyet


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Ddamage claim for damages compensation for damage to make good a damage data data processing database computerized database date to run only from this date deadline debt external debt external debt monitoring report foreign indebtment public debt accountant to decide has decided as follows have decided to conclude this agreement decision Commission Decision Council Decision decision of an arbitration board decision-making procedure of the European Community decision-making procedure of the Council of the European Union decisions of the Court veri veri ileme veritaban bilgisayar destekli veritaban tarih, gn ancak (sadece) bu tarihten itibaren ilemeye balamak zere sre bitimi bor d bor d bor izleme raporu d borlanma kamu borlar sayman karar vermek aadaki gibi karar vermitir ibu anlamay imzalamaya karar vermitir karar Komisyon Karar Konsey Karar tahkim kurulu karar Avrupa Topluluunun karar alma usul Avrupa Birlii Konseyi karar alma usul Divan kararlar

zarar tazminat talebi zararlarn tazmini zarar gidermek

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

draft decision submitted by the Commission ECSC General Decision failure to take decision power to take decision reasoned decision this decision is addressed to the Member States this decision shall take effect on ... to defer the decision to rectify a decision to take a decision

Komisyon tarafndan sunulan taslak karar AKT Genel Karar karar alamama karar alma yetkisi gerekeli karar bu karar ye Devletlere yneliktir bu karar ... tarihinde yrrle girer karar ertelemek bir karar dzeltmek bir karar almak

communication: decision: directive: opinion: recommendation: regulation: resolution:

bildirim / tebli karar direktif gr tavsiye karar tzk ilke karar

to declare act declared void declaration declaration of intent regulation declared void to defer to defer the decision deficit trade balance deficit

beyan etmek, bildirmek hkmszl aklanan karar bildiri niyet bildirisi hkmszl aklanan tzk, hkmsz olduu bildirilen tzk ertelemek; geciktirmek karar ertelemek ak; eksik d ticaret a


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to deliver delivery delivery terms to deliver opinion derogation save for the exceptions or derogations provided for

teslim etmek mal teslimi teslim koullar gr bildirmek derogasyon ngrlen muafiyetler ya da derogasyonlar sakl kalmak kaydyla

derogation: exemption: free: relief:

derogasyon muafiyet muaf muafiyet (vergide)

desiring to desirous of (in recommendations) development development activities European Development Fund(EDF) European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) inter-regional differences in terms of development National Development Plan (NDP) priority regions for development sustainable development to sustain development under-developed areas digital diploma diploma equivalance

arzusuyla; isteiyle arzusuyla (tavsiye kararlarnda) gelime; kalknma kalknma faaliyetleri Avrupa Kalknma Fonu Avrupa Blgesel Kalknma Fonu blgeler aras gelimilik farklar ulusal kalknma plan kalknmada ncelikli yreler srdrlebilir kalknma kalknmay srdrmek az gelimi blgeler saysal diploma diploma denklii


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

device active implantable medical devices medical devices to differ elevation difference difficulty to encounter difficulties direct direct applicability direct effect direct income support directive by means of directives Commission Directive Council Directive Directive Year/Number/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of Day-Month-Year........ New Approach Directives Old Approach Directives the purpose of this Directive is to.. disadvantage to cause a disadvantage disbursement chief of disbursement disclosure to discriminate discrimination on a non-discriminatory basis non-discrimination principle

cihaz; alet; gere vcuda yerletirilebilir aktif tbbi cihazlar tbbi cihazlar farkl olmak; benzememek ykselti fark glk glklerle karlamak dorudan dorudan uygulanabilirlik dorudan etki dorudan gelir destei direktif direktifler vastasyla, araclyla Komisyon Direktifi Konsey Direktifi ....... hakknda ...... tarih ve Yl/Say/AT sayl Avrupa Parlamentosu ve Konsey Direktifi Yeni Yaklam Direktifleri Klasik Yaklam Direktifleri bu Direktifin amac .. dezavantaj; zarar bir zarara sebep olmak, olumsuz duruma sokmak deme; harcama; hediye; paylatrma ita amiri aklama ; ifaat ayrm yapmak ayrmclk ayrmc olmayan bir temelde ayrmclk yapmama ilkesi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to dispose disposal of products recycling and disposing of wastes safe disposal of nonrecoverable waste, residues dispute settlement of disputes to have jurisdiction in disputes to submit a dispute to the Court of Justice distortion to distribute distributor exclusive distribution agreements local distribution company diversification diversification of resources document Common Transit and Single Administrative Document (SAD) domestic domestic wastewater labelling of domestic appliances domicile done at Brussels draft draft opinion

srmek; yok etmek; bertaraf etmek; kullanmak; tasarruf etmek rnlerin pazara srm; rnlerin (imha) bertaraf edilmesi atklarn geri dnm ve imha edilmesi geri dnmsz atklarn gvenli bertaraf edilmesi tartma, mnakaa; uyumazlk anlamazlklarn halli/uyumazlklarn zm uyumazlklara bakma yetkisine sahip olmak bir uyumazl Adalet Divanna gtrmek bozulma datmak; bltrmek; paylatrmak datc tek elden datm anlamalar yerel datm irketi farkllama; eitlilik; farkllk kaynaklarn eitlendirilmesi belge Ortak Transit ve Tek dari Belge i; evsel; yerli; yurtii evsel atksu ev aletlerinin etiketlendirilmesi ikametgh Brksel ( de yaplmtr/ imzalanmtr) taslak taslak gr

draft: taslak proposal: tasar


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

drug European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) illicit use of drugs illegal trafficking in drugs dumping dumping of waste at sea duty countervailing import duties duty relief arrangement excise duties

uyuturucu; ila Avrupa Uyuturucu ve Uyuturucu Bamlln zleme Merkezi yasa d uyuturucu madde kullanm yasa d uyuturucu madde ticareti damping atklarn denize verilmesi vergi; vazife/grev ithalatta telfi edici vergiler gmrk muafiyet dzenlemesi zel tketim vergileri


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Eearnings individual earnings economic categories of economic activity Economic and Monetary Union European Economic and Social Committee economic equilibrium economic study committee European Economic Area (EEA) European Economic Community (EEC) exclusive economic zone general standard of economic activities standing committee for economic and commercial cooperation effect arrangements having similar effect country where the establishment is effected to put into effect electrical electrical equipment electrical hazard electrical material electrical risk electromagnetic compatibility etki e etkili dzenlemeler yerleim lkesi yrrle koymak, uygulamaya koymak elektrikli; elektriksel elektrikli tehizat elektriksel teklike elektrikli materyaller elektriksel risk elektromanyetik uyumluluk kazan; kr; gelir, cret bireysel kazan ekonomik/iktisadi ekonomik faaliyet kategorileri Ekonomik ve Parasal Birlik Avrupa Ekonomik ve Sosyal Komitesi ekonomik denge ekonomik inceleme komitesi Avrupa Ekonomik Alan Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluu (AET) mnhasr ekonomik blge ekonomik faaliyetlerin genel snflandrlmas ekonomik ve ticar ibirlii daimi komitesi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to emphasize emphasises the interest in to employ employee employer employment civil employment European Employment Strategy (EES) hidden (disguised) unemployment level of employment to bring offers of employment into touch with applications for employment to safeguard the continuity of employment underemployment unemployed unemployment unregistered employment registered employment enactment energy energy efficiency energy manager energy sales and treasury guarantee agreements renewable energy resources enforcement law enforcement personnel enlargement enlargement of quotas to enter into force

vurgulamak nemini (yararn) vurgular istihdam etmek; altrmak alan iveren istihdam sivil istihdam Avrupa stihdam Stratejisi gizli isizlik istihdam dzeyi i gc arz ve talebini bir araya getirmek istihdamn devamlln korumak eksik istihdam isiz isizlik kayt d istihdam kaytl istihdam yasalatrma/ kanun yapma enerji enerji verimlilii enerji yneticisi enerji sat ve hazine garantisi anlamalar yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklar icra etme; yrtme, uygulamaya koyma; etkili hale getirme yasa uygulayclar genileme kotalarn geniletilmesi yrrle girmek


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

enterprise European Centre for Public Enterprise (CEEP) European Charter for Small Enterprises inter-enterprise agreement Multi Annual Programme for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship notification of inter-enterprise agreement entry after the entry into force entry point entry price entrepreneur entrepreneurship to entrust entrusted tasks to entrust a task undertakings entrusted with the operation environment environment policy environmental auditing environmental impact assessment environmental management European Environment Agency receiving environment specially protected environment areas Transboundary Environmental mpact Assessment Convention equilibrium economic equilibrium external equilibrium

teebbs / giriim, iletme, firma Avrupa Kamu letmeleri Merkezi Kk letmelere Ynelik Avrupa Szlemesi iletmeler / firmalar aras anlama Iletmeler ve Giriimcilik ok Yll Program iletmeler / firmalar aras anlamaya ilikin bildirim giri; snr yrrle girmesinden (girdikten) sonra, yrrle girmesini takiben snr kaps giri fiyat giriimci, mteebbis giriimcilik vermek, tevdi etmek verilen grevler bir grev vermek faaliyetin yrtlmesi ile grevlendirilmi iletmeler evre evre politikas evre denetimi evresel etki deerlendirmesi evre ynetimi Avrupa evre Ajans alc ortam zel evre koruma alanlar Snraan evresel Etki Deerlendirmesi Szlemesi denge ekonomik denge d denge

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

equipment personal protective equipment establishment country where the establishment is effected freedom of establishment right of establishment

ekipman kiisel korunma ekipman yerleme; kurulu, tesis yerleim lkesi yerleme zgrl (serbestisi) yerleme hakk

establishment: institution:

kurulu kurum

Europe assent of the European Parliament Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) commissions of the European Parliament Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Council of Europe1 Council of European Municipalities Council of the European Union (Council of Ministers) Court of Justice of the European Communities Euro-Info Centres Eurochambers

Avrupa Avrupa Parlamentosunun uygun bulmas Orta ve Dou Avrupa lkeleri Avrupa Parlamentosunun komisyonlar Avrupa Konseyi Bakanlar Komitesi Avrupa Konseyi Avrupa Belediyeler Konseyi Avrupa Birlii Konseyi (Bakanlar Konseyi) Avrupa Topluluklar Adalet Divan Avrupa Bilgi Merkezleri Avrupa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odalar Birlii

Avrupa Konseyi (Council of Europe), kinci Dnya Savandan maddi ve manevi byk kayplarla kan Avrupa'da bir daha ayn trajedilerin yaanmamasn salamak, Avrupa'da gerginliin ve atmann yerini gven ve ibirliinin almas amalaryla 5 Mays 1949'da 10 Avrupa lkesi tarafndan kurulmutur. Avrupa Konseyi, Avrupa Birliinden ayr bir uluslararas rgttr ve Avrupa Birliinde, Devlet ve Hkmet Bakanlarnn biraraya geldikleri European Council ile kartrlmamaldr. Bugn, Avrupa Konseyinin aralarnda Trkiyenin de bulunduu 41 yesi vardr. 44

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Europartenariat (az gelimi blgelerin gelimesini destekleme program) Avrupa Anlamas Avrupa tutuklama emri (belgesi) Avrupa retmenler Birlii Avrupa mar ve Kalknma Bankas Avrupa Yayn Birlii Avrupa Merkez Bankas Avrupa vatandal Kk letmelere Ynelik Avrupa Szlemesi Avrupa Kmr ve elik Topluluu Avrupa Polis Ofisi Avrupa Yeniden Yaplandrma Ajans Avrupa Standartlar Komitesi Avrupa Topluluklar Avrupa Topluluu Avrupa Topluluu hukuku Avrupa Snr tesi Televizyon Szlemesi Avrupa Bilimsel ve Teknik Aratrma Alannda birlii Avrupa Devlet ve Hkmet Bakanlar Konseyi Avrupa para ylan Avrupa Demokrat grubu Avrupa Demokratik Birlii Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluu

Europe Agreement European arrest warrant European Association of Teachers European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) European Broadcasting Union (EBU-Eurovision) European Central Bank European citizenship European Charter for Small Enterprises European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) European Police Office (Europol) European Reconstruction Agency (ERA) European Standardization Committee (CEN) European Communities European Community (EC) Eeuropean Community law European Convention on Cross Border Television European Cooperation n the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) European Council European currency snake European Democratic group European Democratic Union European Economic Community (EEC)


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

European Electro-Technical Standardization Committee (CENELEC) European Foundation for Science European Foundation for the Improvements of Life and Working Conditions European Free Trade Association (EFTA) European hymn European interest groups European Investment Bank (EIB) European Monetary Cooperation Fund (FECOM) European Monetary System (EMS) European Ombudsman European Organization for Testing and Certification (EOTC) European Parliament European Parliament Internal Regulation European Parliament Resolution European Parliament Sittings Official Reports European Patent Office European Patent Organisation European People's Party European Political Cooperation European Productivity Agency European Refugee Fund European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) European Regions Council European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) European Single Market European Social Fund (ESF)

Avrupa Elektroteknik Standardizasyon Komitesi Avrupa Bilim Vakf Avrupa Yaam ve alma Koullarn yiletirme Vakf Avrupa Serbest Ticaret Birlii Avrupa mar Avrupa kar gruplar Avrupa Yatrm Bankas Avrupa Parasal birlii Fonu Avrupa Para Sistemi Avrupa Ombudsman Avrupa Test ve Belgelendirme Organizasyonu Avrupa Parlamentosu Avrupa Parlamentosu Tz Avrupa Parlamentosu lke Karar Avrupa Parlamentosu Resmi Oturum Tutanaklar Avrupa Patent Ofisi Avrupa Patent rgt Avrupa Halk Partisi Avrupa Siyasi birlii Avrupa Verimlilik Ajans Avrupa Mlteci Fonu Avrupa Blgesel Kalknma Fonu Avrupa Blgeler Konseyi Avrupa Gvenlik ve Savunma Politikas Avrupa Tek Pazar Avrupa Sosyal Fonu

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

European Space Agency (ESA) European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) European Telecommunication Standards Committee (ETSI) European Trade Unions Confederation (ETUC) European Union (EU) European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights European unit of account European University Institute (EUI) Multi-speed Europe Official Journal of the European 2 Union Partial European Agreements President of the European Parliament Single European Act (SEA) Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community South East European Stability Pact Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community Treaty on European Union (TEU) Union of Industrial and Employers Confederations of Europe (UNICE) Variable Geometry Europe Western European Union (WEU) to evaluate to evaluate all relevant factors

Avrupa Uzay Ajans Avrupa Uzay Aratrma rgt Avrupa Telekomnikasyon Standartlar Komitesi Avrupa i Sendikalar Konfederasyonu Avrupa Birlii Avrupa Birlii Temel Haklar art Avrupa hesap birimi Avrupa niversite Enstits ok Vitesli Avrupa Avrupa Birlii Resmi Gazetesi Avrupa Ksmi Anlamalar Avrupa Parlamentosu Bakan Avrupa Tek Senedi Avrupa Atom Enerjisi Topluluunu Kuran Antlama Gney Dou Avrupa stikrar Pakt Avrupa Kmr ve elik Topluluunu Kuran Antlama Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluunu Kuran Antlama Avrupa Birlii Antlamas Avrupa Sanayici ve veren Konfederasyonlar Birlii Deiken Geometrili Avrupa Bat Avrupa Birlii deerlendirmek btn ilgili faktrleri deerlendirmek

Avrupa Topluluklar Resmi Gazetesi, 1 ubat 2003 tarihinden itibaren, Avrupa Birlii Resmi Gazetesi olarak yaymlanmaya balamtr. 47

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

exemption block exemption exempting regulation individual exemption tax exemption to expand progressive expansion of the trade expenditure assessment of expenditure classification of expenditures commitment of expenditure compulsory expenditure expenditure order non-compulsory expenditure payment of expenditures public expenditure tax expenditure to expire it shall expire on .. export export levy export promotion export refunds (restitution) export restrictions export subsidy export tax refund export volume temporary export expulsion

muafiyet grup muafiyeti muafiyet tz bireysel muafiyet vergi muafiyeti genile(t)mek; by(t)mek ticaretin giderek artmas gider; harcama; masraf gider tahakkuku harcamalarn snflandrlmas gider taahhd zorunlu harcama harcama emri zorunlu olmayan harcama giderlerin denmesi kamu harcamalar vergi gideri sona ermek; sresi dolmak ... sresi ... tarihinde dolar ihra ihracat prelevman ihracatn teviki ihracat iadeleri ihracat kstlamalar ihracat sbvansiyonu (destei) ihracatta vergi iadesi ihracat hacmi geici ihracat snr d etme; ihra etme; tart etme, karma


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

external external debt monitoring report external equilibrium external financial stability evaluation ex-ante evaluation ex-post evaluation mid-term evaluation

d d bor izleme raporu d denge d mal istikrar deerlendirme n deerlendirme nihai deerlendirme ara deerlendirme


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Ffact in law or in fact factor factors of production to fail action for failure to act to fail to act to fail to fulfil an obligation failure to act failure to take decision farm farmer registrations farm accounting data network farmers register system fish farm stockfarming feasibility feasibility report feasibility studies federation European Trade Unions Confederation (ETUC) finance financing investment trust joint financing SME finance facility Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) sources of finance

vaka/olay, davann maddi unsurlar hukuken veya fiilen faktr; sebep, etken, amil retim faktrleri yapmamak; ihmal etmek; baaramamak hareketsizlik davas hareketsiz kalmak, savsaklamak bir ykmll yerine getirmekten kanmak hareketsizlik, ilemden kanma karar alamama iftlik ifti kaytlar iftlik muhasebesi veri a ifti kayt sistemi balk iftlii besicilik yaplabilirlik/ fizibilite fizibilite raporu fizibilite almalar federasyon Avrupa i Sendikalar Konfederasyonu maliye, finansman finansman yatrm ortakl ortak finansman KOB finansman imkan Merkezi Finans ve haleler Birimi finansman kaynaklar

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

financial close of financial year current financial year ex post financial audit body external financial stability financial protocol financial regularity financial regulation financial statement financial tasks financial year review of financial statements suspicious financial transactions to have financial autonomy to take care not to prejudice the financial stability fiscal customs duties of a fiscal nature exclusively fiscal nature semi-fiscal transaction fish Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) fish farm fisheries co-management fisheries management food European Food Safety Authority (EFSA ) food safety food safety action plan foodstuffs foodstuff laboratories

finansal, mal mal yln kapanmas iinde bulunulan mal yl harcama sonras denetim yapan birim d mal istikrar mal protokol mal uygunluk mal tzk mal bildirim mal grevler bte yl; mal yl mal bildirimlerin incelenmesi pheli mal ilemler mal zerklie sahip olmak mal istikrar tehlikeye drmemeye zen gstermek mal mal nitelikli gmrk vergileri mnhasran mal nitelikli yar mal ilem balk Ortak Balklk Politikas balk iftlii ortak balklk ynetimi balklk ynetimi gda, besin Avrupa Gda Gvenlii Kurumu gda gvenlii gda gvenlii eylem plan gda maddeleri gda laboratuvarlar


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

force after the entry into force labour force Rapid Reaction Force this regulation shall enter into force on to have a binding force forest forestation foundation European Foundation European Foundation for Science European Foundation for the Improvement of Life and Working Conditions framework Climate Change Framework Convention (CCFC) Community Support Framework (CSF) within the framework of the task fraud European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF) free European Free Trade Association (EFTA) free circulation free movement of goods free movement of persons free movement of services free movement of capital free movement of workers free repair free trade agreement

g, kuvvet; etki; cebir yrrle girmesinden (girdikten) sonra, yrrle girmesini takiben i gc Acil Mdahale Gc bu tzk ... tarihinde yrrle girer balayc olmak orman aalandrma vakf; temel Avrupa Vakf Avrupa Bilim Vakf Avrupa Yaam ve alma Koullarn yiletirme Vakf ereve klim Deiiklii ereve Szlemesi Topluluk Destek erevesi grev erevesinde hile, sahtekrlk, dolandrclk Avrupa Sahtekrlkla Mcadele Brosu serbest Avrupa Serbest Ticaret Birlii serbest dolam mallarn serbest dolam kiilerin serbest dolam hizmetlerin serbest dolam sermayenin serbest dolam iilerin serbest dolam cretsiz onarm serbest ticaret anlamas

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

free trade area free trade zone goods in free circulation relief from (free of) customs duties the right to move freely freedom freedom of establishment freedom of movement of persons freedom of movement for workers freedom to provide services fund credit guarantee fund European Community funds European Development Fund (EDF) European Monetary Cooperation Fund (FECOM) European Refugee Fund European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) European Social Fund (ESF) revolving fund fon

serbest ticaret alan serbest ticaret blgesi serbest dolamdaki mallar gmrk vergilerinden muafiyet serbeste yer deitirme hakk zgrlk / serbestlik yerleme zgrl / serbestisi kiilerin dolam zgrl / serbestisi iilerin dolam zgrl / serbestisi hizmet sunma zgrl / serbestisi

kredi garanti fonu Avrupa Topluluu fonlar Avrupa Kalknma Fonu Avrupa Parasal birlii Fonu Avrupa Mlteci Fonu Avrupa Blgesel Kalknma Fonu Avrupa Sosyal Fonu dner sermaye


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Ggas greenhouse gas geography geographical information system geographical signs global Global Environmental Facility (GEF) globalisation global warming good code of good practice guidelines of good clinical practice guidelines of good laboratory practice to make good a damage goods capital goods counterfeit goods defective goods durable consumer goods finished goods free movement of goods good laboratory practice goods in free circulation intangible goods intermediate goods manufactured goods pirated goods replacement of goods trade in goods

gaz sera gaz corafya corafi bilgi sistemi corafi iaretler global, kresel Kresel evre mkan kreselleme kresel snma iyi iyi uygulama kodu iyi klinik uygulamalar klavuzu iyi laboratuvar uygulamalar klavuzu zarar gidermek mallar yatrm mallar sahte mallar; taklit mallar aypl mallar dayankl tketim mallar nihai mallar mallarn serbest dolam iyi laboratuvar uygulamalar serbest dolamdaki mallar gayrimaddi mallar ara mallar mamul mallar korsan mallar maln yenisi ile deitirilmesi mal ticareti

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to govern board of governors of the bank central government contract governed by private law contract governed by public law governance local government rules governing the system of property ownership grant grant of licences grant of licences by arbitration to grant a repayment to grant loans and to give guarantees growth Stability and Growth Pact guarantee commission on guarantees credit guarantee fund guidelines employment guidelines in conformity with the guidelines introductory guidelines sectoral guidelines

idare etmek / ynetmek banka guvernrler kurulu merkezi hkmet zel hukuk szlemesi kamu hukuku szlemesi ynetiim yerel ynetim mlkiyet rejimini belirleyen (dzenleyen) kurallar hibe; imtiyaz; verme; bahetme lisans verilmesi tahkim yolu ile lisans verilmesi geri demeden yararlanma imkan bahetmek bor ve garantiler vermek byme stikrar ve Byme Pakt garanti garanti komisyonlar kredi garanti fonu klavuz (yol gsterici) ilkeler istihdama ilikin klavuz ilkeler klavuz ilkelerle uyumlu biimde balang esaslar, n klavuz ilkeler sektrel klavuz ilkeler


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Hharmonisation harmonisation of laws structural harmonisation uyum/ uyumlatrma kanunlarn uyumlatrlmas; hukuklarn uyumlatrlmas yapsal uyumlatrma

adaptation: adoption: alignment: approximation: harmonisation: incorporation: transposition:

uyarlama kabul etme uyum / uyumlatrma yaknlatrma uyum / uyumlatrma der etme aktarm

heading headings and subheadings of the CCT headings of the tariff sub-heading tariff headings health public health hearing pre-hearing

balk; pozisyon OGT pozisyon ve alt pozisyonlar tarife pozisyonlar alt-pozisyon tarife pozisyonlar salk genel salk celse / duruma; oturum yarglama / duruma ncesi

hearing: open session: session: sitting:

duruma / celse (mahkeme); oturum halka ak oturum oturum, celse, toplant (mahkeme, meclis veya resmi bir grup iin) oturum (mahkeme, meclis veya resmi bir kurum iin)

holiday paid holiday scheme


tatil cretli izin

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Iidentity European identity imitation imitated goods immigrant illegal immigrants immigration immovable immovable purchased on a time share basis immunity to implement implementation of a policy implementation of a provision implementing convention implementing institution implementing regulation import countervailing charges in respect of imports countervailing import duties discounted imports dumped and subdisied imports import deposit import levy import regime import substitution safety controls on imports subsidised imports kimlik Avrupa kimlii taklit taklit mal gmen yasa d gmenler g tanmaz mal devre mlk esasna ge satn alnan tanmaz mal dokunulmazlk; baklk uygulamak bir politikann uygulamaya konmas (icras, yrtlmesi) bir hkmn uygulanmas uygulama szlemesi uygulayc kurulu ynetmelik ithalat ithalata konan telfi edici vergiler ithalatta telfi edici vergiler dampingli ithalat dampingli ve sbvansiyonlu ithalat ithalat teminat ithalat prelevman ithalat rejimi ithal ikamesi ithalattaki gvenlik kontrolleri sbvansyonlu ithalat

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

income income tax direct income support individual individual earnings individual exemption industry competing industries industrial component industrial good industrial plant industrial property industry policy intellectual and industrial property manufacturing industry Union of Industries of the European Community urban and industrial waste to inform they shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof information geographical information system information-network system information society security information form infringement action for infringement alleged infringement of an obligation case of infringement should the infringement be repeated

gelir gelir vergisi dorudan gelir destei bireysel bireysel kazan bireysel muafiyet sanayi/ endstri rakip sanayiler sanayi pay sna mal sanayi/endstri tesisi sna mlkiyet sanayi politikas fikr ve sna mlkiyet imalat sanayi Avrupa Topluluu Sanayileri Birlii kentsel ve endstriyel atklar haberdar etmek, bilgilendirmek Komisyonu durumdan derhal haberdar ederler bilgi corafi bilgi sistemi bilgi-a sistemi bilgi toplumu gvenlik bilgi formu ihll ihll davas ykmllk (bor) ihlli iddias ihll olay ihll halinin tekrar edilmesi durumunda


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to bring an action for an infringement to bring the infringement to an end to have an infringement established to record an infringement to initiate on its own initiative the initiative of ...(member state) to initiate the procedure injury material injury innovation innovation relay centres inspection agreement on pre-shipment inspection market inspection task of inspection institute European University Institute (EUI) institution association institutions cooperation with the institutions European Community institutions implementing institution institutions the seat of the institutions instruction Community instructions mandatory instructions to seek instructions instrument instrument of ratification

bir ihll davas amak ihlle son vermek ihllin saptanmas ihllin kayda geirilmesi balatmak; girimek kendiliinden, resen .... (ye devlet) giriimi sreci balatmak zarar, hasar; yara maddi zarar yenilik yenilik aktarm merkezleri tefti, denetim; muayene sevkiyat ncesi kontrole ilikin anlama piyasa denetimi tefti/denetim grevi enstit Avrupa niversitesi Enstits kurum ortaklk kurumlar kurumlarla ibirlii Avrupa Topluluu kurumlar uygulayc kurum kurumlar kurumlarn merkezi talimat Topluluk talimatlar (zorlayc) talimat talimat beklemek, talimat (alnmasn) istemek belge; ara; alet; senet onay belgesi

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

instruments of the European Community measuring instruments insurance insurance contract insurance services maternity insurance social insurances integration European integration to intend intending to ... interest European interest groups interest rate prejudiced interests public interest safeguard the interests of the community interim Interim agreement interim measures Interim protocol international international arbitration international road transport (TIR) to interpret interpretation in dispute intervention derived intervention price intervention price

Avrupa Topluluunun aralar l aletleri sigorta sigorta szlemesi sigorta hizmetleri analk sigortas sosyal sigortalar btnleme/entegrasyon Avrupa btnlemesi/Avrupa entegrasyonu niyet etmek, amalamak niyetiyle, ...i amalayarak menfaat, kar; yarar Avrupa kar gruplar faiz oran zarar gren karlar kamu yarar topluluk karlarnn korunmas geici, muvakkat Geici Anlama geici nlemler Geici Protokol uluslararas uluslararas tahkim uluslararas karayolu tamacl yorumlamak tartmal yorum mdahale belirlenmi/hesaplanm mdahale fiyat mdahale fiyat


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to introduce

yrrle koymak; getirmek, balatmak, takdim etmek, bir konu hakknda genel tantm yapmak aratrmak, tahkik etmek/soruturmak aratrma, tahkikat/soruturma bir durumu soruturmak, bir davay soruturmak, bir olay tahkik etmek yatrm Avrupa Yatrm Bankas yatrma dntrlm sermaye yatrm izni yatrm indirimi yatrm belgesi gayrimenkul yatrm ortakl davet etmek Komisyonu ....(yapmaya, etmeye) davet eder

to investigate investigation to investigate a case investment European Investment Bank (EIB) invested capital investment authorisation investment allowance investment certificate real estate investment trust to invite hereby invites the Commission to ...


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Jjoint EC-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee joint action joint financing joint parliamentary commission joint position joint principles joint venture journal Official Journal of the European Communities Official Journal of the European Union2 judicial judicial cooperation judgment judgment of the Court of Justice to give judgment within the terms of the judgment of the court jurisdiction to have jurisdiction in disputes to have jurisdiction to give preliminary rulings under their jurisdiction unlimited jurisdiction karma, ortak AT-Trkiye Karma Parlamento Komisyonu ortak eylem ortak finansman karma parlamento komisyonu ortak tutum ortak ilkeler ortak giriim gazete Avrupa Topluluklar Resmi Gazetesi Avrupa Birlii Resmi Gazetesi adli, yargsal adli ibirlii yarg, hkm; ilm, mahkeme karar Adalet Divan hkm, ATAD karar hkm vermek Divan hkm (karar) erevesinde yarg yetkisi; yarg alan uyumazlklara bakma yetkisine sahip olmak n karar vermeye yetkili olmak kendi yarg yetkileri dahilinde tam yarg yetkisi

Avrupa Topluluklar Resmi Gazetesi, 1 ubat 2003 tarihinden itibaren, Avrupa Birlii Resmi Gazetesi olarak yaymlanmaya balamtr. 62

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

justice area of freedom, security and justice Court of Justice of the European Communities International Court of Justice Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) to submit a dispute to the court of justice

adalet zgrlk, gvenlik ve adalet alan Avrupa Topluluklar Adalet Divan Uluslararas Adalet Divan Adalet ve ileri uyumazl adalet divanna gtrmek


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Llabel labelling labelling of household appliances watermarked visa label laboratory laboratory certification type approval laboratory type examination laboratory labour demand for labour labour force labour force participation rate labour market labour requirement supply of labour land land arrangement land consolidation land filling land registration system land use plan law civil law Community law company law contract governed by private law contract governed by public law derived law etiket etiketleme ev aletlerinin etiketlendirilmesi filigranl vize etiketi laboratuvar laboratuvar belgelendirmesi tip onay laboratuvar tip inceleme laboratuvar i gc; i; alma i gc talebi i gc igcne katlm oran i gc piyasas i gc gereksinimi i gc arz arazi, toprak arazi dzenlemesi arazi toplulatrlmas dzenli depolama arazi kayt sistemi arazi kullanm plan hukuk; yasa, kanun medeni hukuk Topluluk hukuku irketler hukuku zel hukuk szlemesi kamu hukuku szlemesi ikincil hukuk


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

EC primary law EC secondary law European Community law in law or in fact law enforcement personnel primary law legal community legal instruments illegal workers legal arrangement legal capacity legal conformity Community legal instruments legal personality retention of legal personality to be a party to legal proceedings to review the legality of acts of the Council to legislate legislation approximation of legislation Community legislation EC legislation harmonization of legislation horizontal legislation legislation of the European Communities level level of activity level of employment level of prices permissible noise level wage level warning level

AT birincil hukuku AT ikincil hukuku Avrupa Topluluu hukuku hukuken veya fiilen yasa uygulayclar birincil hukuk hukuki; kanuni/ yasal Topluluk hukuki aralar kaak iiler yasal dzenleme hukuki ehliyet yasal uygunluk, hukuki uygunluk Topluluk hukuki aralar tzel / hukuki kiilik tzel kiiliin korunmas davada taraf olmak Konsey tasarruflarnn hukuka uygunluunu denetlemek yasamak, kanun koymak mevzuat mevzuatn yaklatrlmas Topluluk mevzuat AT mevzuat mevzuatn uyumlatrlmas yatay mevzuat Avrupa Topluluklar mevzuat seviye/dzey; hacim faaliyet seviyesi; i hacmi istihdam dzeyi fiyat dzeyi izin verilebilir grlt dzeyi cret dzeyi uyar dzeyi

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

levy compensatory levy liability civil liability contractual liability personal liability product liability liberalisation consolidated liberalisation list degree of liberalisation liberal professions liberalisation of banking services liberalisation of foreign trade liberalisation of movement of capital liberalisation of payments liberalisation of services licence contractual licences exploration licence grant of licences grant of licences by arbitration operating licence scope of the licence term of the licence the licence shall be deemed void verification of licences limit limitation of noise emission to alter the time limit unlimited jurisdiction

vergi; prelevman telfi edici vergi sorumluluk/mkellefiyet hukuki sorumluluk szlemeden doan sorumluluk kiisel sorumluluk rn sorumluluu serbestletirme konsolide liberasyon listesi serbestleme derecesi serbest meslekler bankaclk hizmetlerinin serbestletirilmesi d ticaretin serbestletirilmesi sermaye dolamnn serbestletirilmesi demelerin serbestletirilmesi hizmetlerin serbestletirilmesi lisans, ruhsat;ehliyet szleme temelinde verilen lisanslar arama ruhsat lisans verilmesi tahkim yolu ile lisans verilmesi iletme ruhsat ruhsatn kapsam ruhsat sresi ruhsat geersiz saylr ruhsatlarn/lisanslarn tahkiki / onaylanmas limit, snr; had grlt snrlandrlmas sre snrn deitirmek tam yarg yetkisi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

within the limits of its power within the limits of the powers conferred by this treaty liquidation livestock loan conditions for loans to issue a loan use on free loan long long steel production long-term commitments loss profit and loss account

yetkileri dahilinde ibu antlamann verdii yetkiler dahilinde tasfiye hayvanclk dn, bor dn verme koullar tahvil karmak karlksz olarak uzun uzun elik retimi uzun vadeli taahhtler/ykmllkler zarar; kayp kar-zarar hesab


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Mmaintanence maintanence service to make to apply (make) a reduction to make a regulation to make applicable to make good a damage majority absolute majority qualified majority required majority simple majority bakm; tamir, idame; muhafaza bakm onarm hizmeti yapmak indirim uygulamak(yapmak) tzk karmak uygulamaya koymak zarar gidermek ounluk salt ounluk nitelikli ounluk gerekli ounluk basit ounluk

absolute majority: majority: qualified majority: quorum: unanimity:

salt ounluk ounluk nitelikli ounluk nisap/karar yeter says oybirlii

mandatory mandatory instructions manufacture good manufacturing practices manufactured goods manufacturing industry supervision of manufacture

zorlayc, zaruri, emredici (zorlayc) talimatlar imalat iyi imalat uygulamalar mamul mallar imalat sanayi imalat denetimi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

maritime European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) maritime freight market common market common market organisations European Single Market internal market market inspection market price market share threshold market surveillance marketing Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) placing on the market material raw material mayor measure Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements coercive measures countervailing measures interim measures measurement station measures taken by the Council proposed measures protective measures scope of a measure security measures to abstain from any measure

denizcilie ait Avrupa Deniz Gvenlii Ajans navlun pazar, piyasa ortak Pazar ortak piyasa dzeni Avrupa Tek Pazar i Pazar piyasa denetimi piyasa fiyat pazar pay eii piyasa gzetimi pazarlama Pazar (Marka ve Dizayn) Uyumlatrma Ofisi piyasaya arz madde hammadde belediye bakan nlem/tedbir; lm; l Nkleer lmler Merkez Brosu zorlayc nlemler/cebri tedbirler telfi edici nlemler geici nlemler lm istasyonu Konsey tarafndan alnan nlemler nerilen nlemler koruyucu nlemler nlemin kapsam gvenlik nlemleri her trl tedbirden kanmak

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to suspend the measures unit of measurement when member states adopt these measures

nlemleri askya almak l birimi ye devletler bu nlemleri kabul ettiinde (kendi hukukunda)

measure: precaution:

nlem/tedbir ihtiyat, tedbir

medicine medicine for humans Mediterranean Medpartneriat to meet summit meetings member associated member member of the commission Member State Member States shall retain the right nationals of a Member State membership criteria memorandum memorandum of understanding to merge merger Merger Treaty method method of calculation methods of cooperation metrology

ila beeri ilalar Akdeniz Akdeniz ortakl bir araya gelmek; bulumak zirve toplantlar ye ortak ye komisyon yesi ye Devlet ye Devletler... hakkn sakl tutar bir ye Devletin uyruklar yelik kriterleri zabt, and mutabakat zapt birlemek birleme, fzyon Birleme Antlamas yntem/usul/metot hesaplama yntemi ibirlii yntemleri metroloji


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

mode mode of assessment mode of collection modular approach monetary Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) European Monetary Cooperation Fund (FECOM) European Monetary System (EMS) money money laundering refund of money to monitor external debt monitoring report to carry out continuous monitoring monopoly monopolies delegated by the state to others revenue-producing monopoly state monopolies morality public morality motion carried motion motion of censure to table a motion of censure movement free movement of capital free movement of goods free movement of persons free movement of services freedom of movement for workers moveable property

usul; tarz/stil deerlendirme usulleri tahsil usulleri modler yaklam parasal Ekonomik ve Parasal Birlik Avrupa Parasal birlii Fonu Avrupa Para Sistemi para kara para aklama para iadesi zlemek; denetlemek d bor izleme raporu srekli denetim yrtlmesi (icras) monopol, tekel devlete bakalarna devredilen tekel yetkileri mal tekel, mal imtiyaz devlet tekelleri ahlak genel ahlak nerge, teklif kabul edilen teklif gensoru, gvensizlik nergesi gensoru nergesi vermek dolam, hareket sermayenin serbest dolam mallarn serbest dolam kiilerin serbest dolam hizmetlerin serbest dolam iilerin dolam zgrl (serbestisi) menkul mallar

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

the right to move freely transboundary movement of pollutants municipal Council of European Municipalities municipal committee municipal council municipality mutual mutual advantage mutual assistance mutual recognition

serbeste yer deitirme hakk, serbest dolam hakk kirleticilerin snr aan tanm belediyeye ait Avrupa Belediyeler Konseyi belediye encmeni belediye meclisi belediye karlkl karlkl yarar karlkl yardmlama karlkl tan(n)ma


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Nnation most favoured nation (MFN) national authority national park nationals nationals of a member state supra-national nature biological diversity and natural resources management exclusively fiscal nature nature monuments nature park nature protection zone natural natural assets natural disaster natural spring water negotiation to conduct negotiations to determine by negotiations to enter into negotiations Uruguay round multilateral trade negotiations noise limitation of noise emission noise pollution permissible noise level regulation on noise control ulus en ok kayrlan ulus ulusal makam milli park uyruklar bir ye devletin uyruklar uluslar st doa; nitelik biyolojik eitlilik ve doal kaynak ynetimi mnhasran mal nitelikli doal antlar doal park doa koruma alan doal doal varlklar doal afet doal kaynak suyu mzakere, grme mzakereleri yrtmek mzakereler yolu ile saptamak mzakerelere balamak Uruguay turu oktarafl ticaret mzakereleri grlt grlt emisyonu snrlamas grlt kirlilii kabul edilebilir grlt dzeyi grlt kontrol tz


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

nomenclature combined nomenclature Common Customs Tariff Nomenclature Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics (NUTS) non-recoverable non-recyclable note to note having noted (in resolutions) notes noting that...(in recommendations) notification notification of inter-enterprise agreement notified body Notified Bodies Logistics Support (NBLS)

nomenklatr/snflandrma kombine nomenklatr Ortak Gmrk Tarifesi Nomenklatr statistiki Blge Birimleri Snflandrmas geri kazanmsz geri dnmsz not kaydetmek kaydederek (ilke kararlarnda) dikkat eder, kaydeder kaydederek (tavsiye kararlarnda) bildirim, tebli; ihbar iletmeler aras anlamaya ilikin bildirim onaylanm kurulu Onaylanm Kurululara Lojistik Destek

announcement: declaration: notification: statement:

duyuru bildiri/beyanname bildirim, tebli, ihbar beyan, bildirim

nuclear central bureau for nuclear measurements

nkleer nkleer lmler merkez brosu


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Ooath to hear on oath to take an oath objective attainment of the objectives essential objective objectives laid down in article x to attain its objectives obligation obligations arising from their duties pecuniary obligation supplementary obligations to evade the obligations to fail to fulfil an obligation to impose a pecuniary obligation occupation gainful occupation occupational accident occupational disease occupational mobility occupational safety occupational standards professional occupation office accounting officer assessment officer ant, yemin yeminli ifade almak ant imek ama, gaye amalara ulalmas esas ama madde x de yer alan amalar amalarna ulamak ykmllk, bor grevlerinden kaynaklanan ykmllkler parasal ykmllk ek ykmllkler ykmllklerini yerine getirmekten kanmak bir ykmll yerine getirememek/ifa edememek parasal bir ykmllk yklemek ura/meslek; igal kazan getirici faaliyet i kazas meslek hastal mesleki hareketlilik i gvenlii meslek standartlar serbest meslek bro; iyeri; daire; grev sayman tahakkuk memuru


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

authorising officer European Patent Office office of president registered office term of office to remain in office official European Parliament Sittings Official Reports Official Journal of the European Union one stop shop oil crude oil oil/gas transmission waste oils operation banking operations operating accounts transfer of operating rights (TOOR) opinion absence of an opinion draft opinion to deliver opinion order payment order public order

ita amiri Avrupa Patent Ofisi bakanlk makam merkez, tescil edilmi iyeri grev sresi grevde kalmak resmi Avrupa Parlamentosu Resmi Oturum Tutanaklar Avrupa Birlii Resmi Gazetesi bir hizmet srecinin tmnn tek bir messese tarafnca stlenilmesi petrol ham petrol petrol/gaz iletimi, nakli, ulatrmas atk yalar ilem; iletim; faaliyet banka ilemleri iletim hesaplar iletme hakk devri gr gr yokluu gr tasla gr bildirmek emir, talimat deme emri kamu dzeni

public health: public morality: public order: public policy: public security:

genel salk genel ahlak kamu dzeni kamu dzeni, kamu politikas kamu gvenlii


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to organise European Patent Organisation European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) organised crime Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) World Trade Organisation (WTO) organism genetically modified organisms origin certificate of origin original acts Pan-European System of Cumulation of Origin place of origin proof of preferential origin own Community's own resources own resources ownership rules governing the system of property ownership

rgtlemek Avrupa Patent rgt Avrupa Uzay Aratrma rgt rgtl su Avrupa Ekonomik birlii Tekilat Ekonomi birlii ve Kalknma Tekilat Dnya Ticaret rgt organizma genetik olarak yaplar deitirilmi organizmalar mene/kken mene ahadetnamesi temel ilemler Pan Avrupa Mene Kmlasyonu Sistemi mene yeri tercihli mene kant kendi, z Topluluk z kaynaklar z kaynaklar mlkiyet mlkiyet rejimini dzenleyen kurallar


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Pparagraph paper green paper white paper parliament assent of the European Parliament commissions of the European Parliament EC-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee European Parliament European Parliament Internal Regulation European Parliament Resolution European Parliament Sittings Official Reports joint parliamentary commission president of the European Parliament proceedings of the Parliament partnership accession partnership ordinary partnership Partnership for Peace (PfP) unlimited company (general partnership) party contracting parties high contracting parties fkra, paragraf kitap; kat; matbu evrak; bilimsel veya resmi yaz yeil kitap beyaz kitap parlamento Avrupa Parlamentosunun uygun bulmas Avrupa Parlamentosu komisyonlar AT-Trkiye Karma Parlamento Komisyonu Avrupa Parlamentosu Avrupa Parlamentosu Tz Avrupa Parlamentosu lke Karar Avrupa Parlamentosu Resmi Oturum Tutanaklar karma parlamento komisyonu Avrupa Parlamentosu Bakan Parlamento tutanaklar ortaklk; irket katlm ortakl belgesi adi ortaklk, adi irket Bar in Ortaklk kolektif irket parti; taraf kit taraflar yksek kit taraflar


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

third party proceedings to be a party to legal proceedings pasture patent European Patent Office European Patent Organisation non-patented payment balance of payments current payments general payments system indemnity payments issuing payment order overall balance of payments payment of expenditures penalty penal provision penal sanction people prosperity of people peer review to perform performance audit performance reserve period grace period periodical settlement set-off period permanent Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER) permit izin

nc kiilere ait dava ilemleri davaya taraf olmak mera patent Avrupa Patent Ofisi Avrupa Patent rgt patenti alnmam deme demeler dengesi cari demeler genel demeler rejimi tazminat demeleri deme emri karma genel demeler dengesi giderlerin denmesi ceza cezai nitelikte yasa hkm cezai yaptrm halk halkn refah emsal tarama ifa etmek/yerine getirmek; icra etmek performans denetimi performans rezervi dnem demesiz dnem dnemsel bor tasviyesi mahsup dnemi daimi Daimi Temsilciler Komitesi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

person freedom of movement for persons in one's personal capacity legal personality personal liability retention of legal personality pharmaceutical medicinal products/ pharmaceuticals pharmaceutical preparations pharmaceutical professions pharmaceutics phytosanitary pit lignite pit place place of origin plan contingency plans Planning and Early Warning Unit plant plant health fuel recycling plant industrial plant plant species thermal power plant point entry point policy Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) common policies

kii kiilerin dolam zgrl (serbestisi) kiisel yetkisiyle, kiisel yetkisine dayanarak tzel / hukuki kiilik kiisel sorumluluk tzel kiiliin korunmas farmastik tbbi rnler/ farmastikler farmastik mstahzarlar eczaclk meslekleri eczaclk bitki sal maden oca, kuyu linyit iletmesi yer mene yeri plan acil durum planlar Planlama ve Erken Uyar Birimi tesis, fabrika; bitki bitki sal yakt geri kazanm tesisi endstri tesisi, sanayi tesisi bitki trleri termik santral nokta; kap giri kaps, giri noktas, hudut/snr kaps, snr noktas politika Ortak D ve Gvenlik Politikas ortak politikalar

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

Common Transportation (Transport) Policy conjunctural policy implementation of a policy industry policy public policy research and development (R&D) policy social policy to pollute noise pollution polluter pays principle (PPP) pollution prevention sea pollution transboundary movement of pollutants population rural population urban population position abuse of dominant position joint position privileged position power conferring of powers executive power full power misuse of powers power to take decision powers which are conferred upon it by this treaty thermal power plant to confer powers

Ortak Tamaclk Politikas konjonktr politikas bir politikann uygulamaya konmas (icras, yrtlmesi) sanayi politikas kamu dzeni / kamu politikas aratrma gelitirme (Ar-Ge) politikas sosyal politika kirletmek grlt kirlilii kirleten der prensibi kirliliin nlenmesi deniz kirlilii kirleticilerin snr aan tanm nfus krsal nfus kentsel nfus durum, pozisyon, konum hakim durumun ktye kullanlmas ortak tutum ayrcalkl/imtiyazl durum g; yetki yetkiler verilmesi yrtme/icra yetkisi tam yetki yetkilerin ktye kullanlmas, yetki saptrmas karar alma yetkisi ibu antlama ile verilen yetkiler termik g santrali yetki vermek

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

within the limits of its power within the limits of the powers conferred by this treaty plenipotentiary practice concerted practices environmental impact assessment practices good laboratory practice (GLP) normal bona fide commercial practice precaution as a precaution precautionary principle preference Generalised System of Preferences mutual preferential regime preferential companies preferential regime preferential trade prejudice prejudiced interests without prejudice to the provisions preliminary preliminary authorisation preliminary rulings of the court premium insurance premium president office of president President of the European Parliament n

yetkileri dahilinde, yetkisinin belirledii snrlar iinde ibu antlamann verdii yetkiler dahilinde tam yetkili temsilci uygulama; adet, usul; eylem uyumlu eylemler evresel etki deerlendirmesi uygulamalar iyi laboratuvar uygulamalar iyiniyetli olaan ticar uygulama ihtiyat, tedbir ihtiyat olarak htiyatllk ilkesi tercih Genelletirilmi Tercihler Sistemi karlkl tercihli rejim ayrcalkl irketler tercihli rejim tercihli ticaret halel, zarar zarara urayan karlar hkmler sakl kalmak kouluyla

n msaade divann n kararlar prim; ek cret sigorta primi bakan bakanlk makam Avrupa Parlamentosu Bakan


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

presidency Presidency of the Council of the European Union European Community Presidency price basic price derived intervention price guide price intervention price level of prices lump sum price market price orientation price predatory pricing price differences price fixing price index purchase price reference price sluicegate price target price threshold price turnkey lump sum price unit price prima facie principle principle of progressivity to set out principles privilege procedure acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 252 of the Treaty

bakanlk Avrupa Birlii Konseyi (Dnem) Bakanl Avrupa Topluluu (Dnem) Bakanl fiyat temel fiyat belirlenmi (hesaplanm) mdahale fiyat rehber fiyat mdahale fiyat fiyat dzeyi gtr bedel piyasa fiyat ynelim fiyat ykc fiyat uygulamas fiyat farklar fiyat tespiti fiyat endeksi satn alma fiyat referans (gsterge) fiyat set fiyat hedef fiyat eik fiyat anahtar teslimi gtr bedel birim fiyat ilk bakta, ilk intiba zerine prensip, ilke aamallk ilkesi ilkeleri belirlemek imtiyaz/ayrcalk usul Antlamann 252. maddesinde ngrlen usule uygun ekilde hareket ederek

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

application of procedures assent procedure consultation procedure cooperation procedure inward processing procedure procedure for revising rules of civil procedure rules of procedure screening procedure tendering procedure to initiate the procedure to result a procedure in a decision proceedings proceedings in which a regulation is in issue proceedings of the Parliament record of the proceedings third party proceedings to be a party to legal proceedings to institute proceedings process inward processing regime outward processing regime product blood products concerned product construction products contract product dairy products defective products disposal of products

usuln uygulanmas uygun bulma usul danma usul ibirlii usul dahilde ileme usl gzden geirme usl medeni usul hukuku kurallar usul kurallar tarama usul ihale usul, teklif verme usul sreci balatmak srecin bir kararla sonulandrlmas duruma, dava; mzakere; tutanak tzn geerli olup olmadnn konu alnd dava Parlamento tutanaklar duruma zabt nc kiilere ilikin dava ilemleri davada taraf olmak dava amak, dava ilemlerini balatmak ameliye/ilem; sre dahilde ileme rejimi harite ileme rejimi rn kan rnleri ilgili rn inaat malzemeleri szleme konusu rn st rnleri aypl rnler rnlerin pazara srm; rnlerin (imha) bertaraf edilmesi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

general product safety homeopathic products intended for human use immunological products last product medicinal products/ pharmaceuticals product liability product safety product quality assurance product verification products of the soil replacing product safe product semiconductor products sensitive products veterinary products withdrawal of a product from the market productivity European Productivity Agency production factors of production internal production control production quality assurance production restitution to dispose of the production profession banking profession medical and allied professions pharmaceutical professions

genel rn gvenlii beeri homeopatik rnler immnolojik rnler son rn tbbi rnler/farmastikler rn sorumluluu rn gvenlii rn kalite gvencesi rn dorulamas toprak rnleri ikame rn gvenli rn yar iletken maddeler hassas rnler veterinerlik rnleri rnn piyasadan toplatlmas verimlilik Avrupa Verimlilik Ajans retim retim faktrleri i retim kontrol retim kalite gvencesi retim iadesi retimi srmek; retileni imha etmek, elden karmak meslek bankaclk meslei hekimlik ve yardmc hekimlik meslekleri eczaclk meslekleri


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

professional professional disease list professional occupation professional secrecy profit non-profit profit and loss account profitability profit-making company (firm) programme amounts devoted to carrying out the programme Multi Annual Programme for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship The Sixth Research and Technological Development Framework Programme programming property commercial property establishment of incorporeal rights on property industrial property moveable property private property rules governing the system of property ownership to dispose of property proposal Commission proposal proposed agreement proposed measures to prosper prosperity of people

mesleki mesleki hastalklar listesi serbest meslek, profesyonel ura(lar) meslek srr kr kr amac gtmeyen kr zarar hesab krllk kr amal irket (firma) program programn gerekletirilmesi iin ayrlan miktar Iletmeler/Teebbsler ve Mteebbislik ok Yll Program Altnc Aratrma ve Teknoloji Gelitirme ereve Program programlama mlk; mlkiyet ticar mlkiyet glendirilmi ayn hak; mlkiyetin gayri ayn hak tesisi sna mlkiyet menkul/tanr mallar zel mlkiyet mlkiyet rejimi mal zerinde tasarrufta bulunmak tasar; neri/teklif Komisyon tasar nerilen anlama nerilen nlemler refaha ermek; baarmak halkn refah


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

protection civil protection customs protection habitat protection nature protection zone wildlife protection areas protective measures protocol to provide freedom to provide services save as otherwise provided provided for in article ... to provide non-repayable aid provision amendment of a provision general provisions implementation of a provision irrespective of the provisions of the article x provisions laid down by regulation provisions of the act special provisions the provisions of the articles 9 to 15 they shall apply these provisions from ... to amend provisions to repeal provisions public public awareness public debt accountant public expenditure

koruma; savunma sivil savunma (afetlere kar) gmrk vergileri ile koruma doal yaam ortamn koruma doa koruma alan yaban hayat koruma alanlar koruyucu nlemler protokol temin etmek, salamak; ngrmek hizmet sunma zgrl (serbestisi) aksine hkm olmadka, aksi ngrlmedike ... maddede belirtlen geri demesiz bir yardm salamak hkm bir hkmde yaplan deiiklikler, hkmn tadili genel hkmler bir hkmn uygulanmas x maddesi hkmlerinden bamsz olarak tzkle getirilen hkmler kanun hkmleri zel hkmler 9 ila 15. maddelerin hkmleri bu hkmleri .. den itibaren uygularlar hkmleri deitirmek hkmleri yrrlkten kaldrmak kamu kamu bilinci kamu borlarndan sorumlu sayman kamu harcamalar

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

public health public interest public morality public offerings public opinion public order public participation public policy public procurement public procurement law public sector public security public service public service concession agreements public undertaking publicity to purchase exclusive purchasing agreements purpose for the purposes set out in the article x the purpose of this directive is to.. to put to put into effect to put into force

genel salk kamu yarar genel ahlak halka arz kamuoyu kamu dzeni halkn katlm kamu dzeni, kamu politikas kamu almlar kamu ihalesi hukuku kamu sektr kamu gvenlii kamu hizmeti kamu hizmeti imtiyaz szlemeleri kamu iletmesi tantm; ilan satn almak tek elden satn alma anlamalar ama x maddesinde belirtilen amalar dorultusunda bu direktifin amac ...dr koymak yrrle koymak, uygulamaya koymak yrrle koymak


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Qqualification required qualifications quality flat and high-quality steel products full quality assurance quality assurance equipment remediation of water quality quorum quota enlargement of quotas opened quota quota increase quota restrictions tariff quotas ehliyet; nitelik gerekli nitelikler nitelik, kalite yass ve nitelikli elik rnler tam kalite gvencesi kalite gvence ekipman su kalitesinin iyiletirilmesi nisap/toplant veya karar yeter says kota kotalarn geniletilmesi ak kota kotalarn artrlmas kota kstlamalar tarife kotalar


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Rrate infant mortality rate work at piece rates work at time rates ratification instrument of ratification readmission reason reasoned decision reasoned submissions to recognise mutual recognition recognition of professional qualifications recognising ... (in convention) recommendation Commission Recommendation Council Recommendation ECSC Recommendation hereby recommends Member States (to..., that...) to confine oneself to making a recommendation to reconcile reconciliation record to record oran bebek lm oran para bana alma zaman esasna gre alma onay onay belgesi geri kabul neden; gereke gerekeli karar gerekeli maruzat tanmak karlkl tan(n)ma mesleki niteliklerin tannmas kabul ederek, bilincinde olarak (uluslararas szlemelerde) tavsiye karar; tavsiye Komisyon Tavsiye Karar Konsey Tavsiye Karar Avrupa Kmr ve elik Topluluu Tavsiye Karar ye Devletlere.... (yapmalarn, etmelerini) tavsiye eder kendini tavsiyede bulunmakla snrlandrmak uzlatrmak uzlatrma kayt kayt tutmak, kaydetmek


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

to rectify to rectify a decision redress to redress to obtain redress reduction reduction of customs duties to apply (make) a reduction referring to to refine refinery refugee European Refugee Fund refund to regard having regard to to regard a policy

dzeltmek, tashih etmek bir karar dzeltmek tazminat telfi etmek / tazmin etmek bir tazminat almak azaltma, indirim gmrk vergilerinin indirilmesi bir indirim uygulamak(yapmak) ...e atfta bulunarak artmak; inceltmek rafineri mlteci Avrupa Mlteci Fonu para iadesi gz nnde tutmak gz nnde tutarak bir politikay dikkate almak, gz nnde tutmak

acknowledging: believing: conscious that (in protocol): has agreed as follows: has decided as follows: having regard to: referring to: resolving to: whereas:

kaydederek inanarak bilincinde olarak; farknda olarak (protokollerde kullanlan deyim) aadaki gibi anlamlardr aadaki gibi karar vermitir gz nnde tutarak ...e atfta bulunarak kararl olarak -dndan

regime double-checking regime inward processing regime outward processing regime customs regime

rejim ift tarafl kontrol rejimi dahilde ileme rejimi harite ileme rejimi gmrk rejimi

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region Committee of the Regions European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) European Regions Council inter-regional differences in terms of development less favoured region priority regions for development regional discrepancies regional disparities regional or local authorities regional union register to register registered office registration regulation Commission Regulation Council Regulation European Parliament Internal Regulation financial regulation implementing regulation interim regulation regulation declared void Regulation number/year/EEC of the Council of (day-month-year) on (concerning, relating to)... The Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities the text of the agreement is attached to this Regulation

blge Blgeler Komitesi Avrupa Blgesel Kalknma Fonu Avrupa Blgeler Konseyi blgeler aras gelimilik farklar en az gelimi blge kalknmada ncelikli yreler blgesel farkllklar blgesel farkllklar, blgesel eitsizlikler blgesel ya da yerel ynetimler (makamlar) blgesel birlik sicil kaydetmek, tescil etmek tescil edilmi merkez, iyeri tescil, sicil tzk Komisyon Tz Konsey Tz Avrupa Parlamentosu Tz mal tzk uygulama tz geici tzk hkmszl aklanan tzk ...hakknda (ile ilgili) (gn-ay-yl) tarih ve say/yl/AETsayl Konsey Tz Avrupa Topluluklar Memurlar Personel Tzleri antlamann metni bu tze eklidir


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this Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States this Regulation shall enter into force on to make a regulation relation to promote relations to remain to remain in office remedy remediation of water quality to remedy a situation remission

bu Tzk ye Devletlerde btnyle balaycdr ve dorudan uygulanr bu Tzk ... tarihinde yrrle girer tzk karmak iliki ilikileri gelitirmek kalmak grevde kalmak are; deva; ila su kalitesinin iyiletirilmesi bir durumu dzeltmek affetme, balama; hafifletme, indirim; geriye gnderme; yollama; iade etme indirim uygulamak cret yenilemek yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklar yenileme anlamalar yenilemek onarmak cretsiz onarm onarm masraflar onarm hizmeti onarm; tazminat para ile tazmin iade, geri deme i vergi iadesi vergi iadesi geri deme plan geri demeden yararlanma imkan bahetmek yrrlkten kaldrmak

to grant a remission remuneration to renew renewable energy resources renovation to renew agreements to repair free repair repair charges repair service reparation pecuniary reparation repayment repayment of internal taxation repayment of taxation repayment schedule to grant a repayment to repeal

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to replace partial replacement replacement of goods replacing product report European Parliament sittings official reports treasury transactions report to represent Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER) research European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) European Research Area (ERA) European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) Research and Development (R&D) Policy The Sixth Research and Technological Development Framework Programme to direct research towards sectors residence residence permit resident

yerine bakasn koymak, ikame etmek ksmi yenileme maln yenisi ile deitirme ikame rn rapor Avrupa Parlamentosu resmi oturum tutanaklar hazine ilemleri raporu temsil etmek Daimi Temsilciler Komitesi aratrma Avrupa Bilimsel ve Teknik Aratrma Alannda birlii Avrupa Aratrma Alan Avrupa Uzay Aratrmalar rgt Aratrma Gelitirme Politikas (Ar-Ge) Altnc Aratrma ve Teknoloji Gelitirme ereve Program aratrmalar sektrlere ynlendirmek konut, mesken, ikamet edilen yer ikamet izni mukim, ikamet eden

citizen: citizenship: national: nationality: resident:

vatanda vatandalk uyruk milliyet, uyrukluk mukim, ikamet eden


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residue to resign to resign as a body resolution European Parliament Resolution resource Community's own resources diversification of resources fresh resources state resources responsibility to be responsible for to confer the responsibilities restriction disguised restrictions elimination of quantitative restrictions to restructure in-situ restructuring to review to revise procedure for revising to revolve revolving fund right Charter of Fundamental Rights enjoyment of a right exclusive right operating right right of association right of establishment right to benefit right of initiative

artk, kalnt; bakiye istifa etmek, ekilmek toplu olarak istifa etmek ilke karar Avrupa Parlamentosu lke Karar kaynak Topluluun z kaynaklar kaynaklarn eitlendirilmesi yeni kaynaklar devlet kaynaklar sorumluluk ...dan sorumlu olmak sorumluluk vermek kstlama rtl kstlamalar miktar kstlamalarnn kaldrlmas yeniden yaplandrmak mekanda yeniden yaplandrma gzden geirmek gzden geirmek, revize etmek gzden geirme usl dndrmek dner sermaye hak Temel Haklar art bir haktan yararlanma mnhasr hak iletme hakk dernek kurma hakk yerleme hakk yararlanma hakk inisiyatif hakk

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right of petition the right to move freely to agree to a right to possess a right of veto transfer of operating rights (TOOR) royalty author's royalties rule Community rule rules of civil procedure rules of procedure ruling preliminary rulings of the Court to give a ruling

dileke hakk serbeste yer deitirme hakk bir hakkn varl konusunda mutabakata varmak veto hakkna sahip olmak iletme hakk devri imtiyaz karl, fikr/sna hakkn devir bedeli telif haklar kural Topluluk kural medeni usul hukuku kurallar usul kurallar karar Divann n karar karar vermek(mahkemenin yarglama esnasnda karar vermesi) krsal krsal kalknma krsal nfus

rural rural development rural population


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-Ssafeguard safeguard measures korunma korunma nlemleri

to conserve: to prevent: protection: safeguard:

muhafaza etmek nlemek koruma, savunma korunma

safety European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA ) food safety food safety action plan occupational safety product safety safe disposal of nonrecoverable waste, residues sale distant sales sales campaign sales on credit sanction save save for the exceptions or derogations provided for ... school apprenticeship school

gvenlik, emniyet Avrupa Hava Gvenlii Ajans gda gvenlii gda gvenlii eylem plan i gvenlii rn gvenlii geri kazanmsz atklarn gvenli bertaraf edilmesi sat uzaktan satlar kampanyal satlar taksitli satlar yaptrm den baka; ancak; yalnz ngrlen istisnalar ya da sapmalar sakl kalmak kaydyla okul raklk okulu


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science European Foundation for Science scope scope of application sea deep sea discharge system dumping of waste at sea sea pollution seat the seat of the institutions transfer of the seat of a company or firm secrecy sector public sector sectoral policies security Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) public security security information form security measures social security securities to issue securities securities investments associations securities investments funds to seize seizure to sell door step selling

bilim Avrupa Bilim Vakf alan; kapsam uygulama alan deniz derin deniz dearj sistemi atklarn denize verilmesi deniz kirlilii mevki; yelik; koltuk(parlamento); merkez kurumlarn merkezi bir irketin veya firmann merkezinin yer deitirmesi gizlilik sektr; blge, mntka kamu sektr sektrel politikalar gvenlik Ortak D ve Gvenlik Politikas kamu gvenlii gvenlik bilgi formu gvenlik nlemleri sosyal gvenlik menkul kymetler menkul kymetler ihra etmek menkul kymetler yatrm ortaklklar menkul kymetler yatrm fonlar zapt etmek, ele geirmek, yakalamak; el koymak zaptetme, el koyma, haciz satmak kapdan satlar


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

service freedom to provide services public service public service concession agreements session extraordinary session open session session of the Council of Ministers to sit in plenary session set-off to set-off set-off period settlement dispersed settlement periodical settlement pre-court settlement body (arbitration) settlement of payments shanty settlements small Small and Medium size Enterprise (SME) to smuggle anti-smuggling data bank interdiction of smuggling smuggling soil products of the soil

hizmet hizmet sunma zgrl (serbestisi) kamu hizmeti kamu hizmeti imtiyaz anlamalar oturum/celse, toplant olaanst oturum kamuya ak oturum Bakanlar Konseyi toplants genel kurul halinde toplanmak mahsup; takas; karlk; talep/iddia karlk olarak koymak mahsup dnemi yerleim; tanzim; deme; zm; tasfiye dank yerleim dnemsel bor tasviyesi duruma/ yarglama ncesi zm organ (tahkim) deme iin onay verme kaak yaplama kk Kk ve Orta Boy letme (KOB) kaaklk yapmak kaaklk bilgi bankas kaakln men edilmesi kaaklk toprak toprak rnleri

land: soil: territory:

arazi toprak lke, toprak(uluslararas hukuk)


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social European Economic and Social Committee European Social Fund (ESF) social dialogue social insurances social partners social policy social security space European Space Agency (ESA) European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) special special and differential treatment special council of ministers specialisation agreement specialised agency specialised courts spirit drinks standard controls on standards European Telecommunication Standards Committee (ETSI) harmonised standard insulation standard mandatory standard standardisation European Electro-Technical Standardisation Committee (CENELEC) international standardisation organizations state associated state

sosyal Avrupa Ekonomik ve Sosyal Komitesi Avrupa Sosyal Fonu sosyal diyalog sosyal sigortalar sosyal taraflar sosyal politika sosyal gvenlik uzay Avrupa Uzay Ajans Avrupa Uzay Aratrmalar rgt zel zel ve ayrcalkl muamele bakanlar zel konseyi ihtisaslama anlamas uzmanlam kurum ihtisas mahkemeleri alkoll iecekler standart standart denetimi Avrupa Telekomnikasyon Standartlar Komitesi uyumlatrlm standart yaltm standard zorunlu standart standardizasyon Avrupa Elektroteknik Standardizasyon Komitesi uluslararas standardizasyon kurulular devlet ortak devlet

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

nationals of a member state state aids state monopolies of commercial character state subsidies statement statement of general compliance verification of financial statements statistics Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) steel long steel production flat and high-quality steel products Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community stockfarming strategy structure infrastructure works structural funds superstructure to submit reasoned submissions subparagraph subsidiarity principle subsidiary substance dangerous substances noxious chemical substances psychotropic substances such as to be such as to gibi

bir ye devletin uyruklar devlet yardmlar ticar nitelikli devlet tekelleri devlet sbvansiyonlar beyan/bildirim genel uygunluk bildirimi mal bildirimin tahkiki istatistik statistiki Blge Birimleri Snflandrmas elik uzun elik retimi yass ve nitelikli elik rnler Avrupa Kmr ve elik Topluluunu Kuran Antlama besicilik strateji yap altyap almalar yapsal fonlar styap teslim etmek, tevdi etmek, sunmak gerekeli maruzat bent yetki ikamesi ilkesi ube; tali irket, tabi irket madde; z; maddi ierik tehlikeli maddeler zararl kimyasal maddeler psikotrop maddeler

nitelikte olmak


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

suffrage direct universal suffrage universal suffrage summit summit meetings supervision appropriate supervision supervision of manufacture to supplement supplementary obligations to supply supply contract supranationality surveillance bilateral surveillance market surveillance to suspend suspension to suspend the measures sustainability sustainable development system general incentive system prompt alarm systems title deed- cadastre system

oy hakk dorudan (tek dereceli) genel oy siyasal (genel) oy hakk zirve zirve toplantlar denetleme,denetim,murakabe, tefti, gzetim uygun denetim imalat denetimi eklemek, ilave etmek ek ykmllkler salamak, temin etmek, tedarik etmek tedarik szlemesi uluslarstlk gzetim, nezaret, denetleme, tefti ift tarafl gzetim piyasa gzetimi askya almak askya alma nlemleri askya almak srdrebilirlik srdrlebilir kalknma sistem genel destek sistemi hzl alarm sistemleri tapu-kadastro sistemi


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-Tto take to take a decision to take up an activity talk exploratory talks tariff autonomous tariff Brussels Tariff Nomenclature General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) headings of the tariff Integrated Customs Tariff of the European Communities (TARIC) items of the tariff non-tariff barriers to trade nullification of tariffs tariff barriers tariff concessions tariff description tariff headings task achievement of the task entrusted tasks task of inspection to entrust a task to perform a task within the framework of the task almak karar almak bir etkinlie balamak ve srdrmek konuma; grme istikafi grmeler tarife otonom tarife Brksel Tarife Nomanklatr Gmrk Tarifeleri ve Ticaret Genel Anlamas tarife pozisyonlar Avrupa Topluluklar Entegre Gmrk Tarifesi tarife kalemleri ticarette tarife d engeller gmrk vergilerinin sfrlanmas /kaldrlmas tarife engelleri tarife tavizleri tarife tanm tarife pozisyonlar grev grevin tamamlanmas verilen grevler tefti grevi bir grev vermek bir grevi yerine getirmek grev erevesinde


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

tax compensatory tax corporate tax cumulative multi-stage tax indirect tax private consumption tax stamp tax tax controller tax expenditures turnover tax taxation double taxation repayment of internal taxation repayment of taxation technical technical regulation technical specification telecommunication European Telecommunication Standards Committee (ETSI) temporary temporary admission tender call for tenders tendering procedure term term of office terms of reference territory Community Territory territory of the Member States of the European Union

vergi fark giderici vergi kurumlar vergisi kademeli vergi dolayl/vastal vergi zel tketim vergisi damga vergisi vergi kontrolr vergi giderleri (i hacmi), ciro vergisi vergilendirme ifte vergilendirme i vergi iadesi vergi iadesi teknik teknik dzenleme teknik artname telekomnikasyon Avrupa Telekomnikasyon Standartlar Komitesi geici geici kabul ihale, teklif ihale iin teklif isteme ihale usul, teklif verme usul mddet, sre, vade, devre, art grev sresi i tanm toprak; lke; blge Topluluk Alan Avrupa Birlii ye Devletlerinin lkeleri


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

terror suppression of terrorism text textiles thermal thermal power plant time sufficient time within the prescribed time work at time rates tissue tissue-typing reagents title title-deed title deed- cadastre system tourism package tour trade Common Commercial Policy general provisions in the field of technical barriers to trade European Free Trade Association (EFTA) free trade agreement free trade area insider trading General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) multilateral trade negotiations preferential trade progressive expansion of the trade trade balance deficit trade in goods trade registry

terr terrizmin durdurulmas metin tekstil rnleri termal, sl, sya ilikin termik santral, sl g santrali zaman, sre yeterli sre tannan sre iinde zaman esasna gre alma doku doku tipleyici ayralar balk tapu senedi tapu-kadastro sistemi turizm paket tur ticaret Ortak Ticaret Politikas ticarette teknik engellerin kaldrlmasna ilikin genel hkmler Avrupa Serbest Ticaret Birlii serbest ticaret anlamas serbest ticaret blgesi ieriden renenlerin ticareti Gmrk Tarifeleri ve Ticaret Genel Anlamas ok tarafl ticaret mzakereleri tercihli ticaret ticaret hacminin giderek artmas d ticaret a mal ticareti ticaret sicili

AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

trading companies World Trade Organisation (WTO) traffic illegal trafficking in drugs training basic and advanced vocational training European Training Foundation (ETF) vocational retraining vocational training

ticar irketler Dnya Ticaret rgt trafik; ticaret, alveri yasad uyuturucu madde ticareti eitim; renim temel ve ileri dzeyde mesleki eitim Avrupa Eitim Vakf mesleki yeniden eitim mesleki eitim

education: training:

eitim eitim (mesleki)

transaction purchasing transaction semi-fiscal transaction treasury transactions report banking transactions to transfer transfer of operating rights (TOOR) transfer of undertaking transit Common Transit and Single Administrative Document (SAD) transit charges transparency transport common transportation (transport) policy TIR (nternational road transport) transport policy

ilem satn alma ilemi yar mal ilem hazine ilemleri raporu bankaclk ilemleri aktarmak, devretmek, intikal etmek; tamak iletme hakknn el deitirmesi iletmenin el deitirmesi transit Ortak Transit ve Tek dari Belge (SAD) transit gei vergileri effaflk tamaclk; ulatrma ortak tamaclk politikas uluslararas karayolu tamacl(TIR) tama politikas

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transposition treatment advanced treatment treatment facility waste water treatment facility treaty amendment to a Treaty Amsterdam Treaty contrary to the Treaty Treaty Establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities (Merger Treaty) Nice Treaty powers which are conferred upon it by this treaty to draw up a treaty Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC Treaty) Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (Treaty of Paris) Treaty Establishing the European Community Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome) Treaty on the European Union (TEU) (Treaty of Maastricht)

aktarm artma; muamele ileri artma artma tesisi atk su artma tesisi antlama Antlamann tadili Amsterdam Antlamas Antlamaya aykr Avrupa Topluluklarna Tek Bir Konsey ve Tek Bir Komisyon Kurulmasna Dair Antlama (Birleme Antlamas) Nice Antlamas ibu antlama ile verilen yetkiler bir antlama kaleme almak Avrupa Atom Enerjisi Topluluunu Kuran Antlama Avrupa Kmr ve elik Topluluunu Kuran Antlama (Paris Antlamas) Avrupa Topluluunu Kuran Antlama Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluunu Kuran Antlama (Roma Antlamas) Avrupa Birlii Antlamas (AB Antlamas) (Maastricht Antlamas)

agreement: convention: pact: treaty:

anlama szleme pakt antlama

twinning twinning covenant

eletirme eletirme szlemesi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Uunanimity unanimous approval unanimously undertaking classes of undertakings conversion of an undertaking public undertaking undertakings entrusted with the operation union Council of the European Union customs union European Broadcasting Union (EBU-Eurovision) European Democratic Union European Trade Unions Confederation (ETUC) European Union (EU) regional union Union of Industrial and Employers Confederations of Europe (UNICE) unit European Currency Unit (ECU) European unit of account unit of measurement urban urban and industrial waste urban population oybirlii oybirlii ile onay oybirliiyle iletme, teebbs, giriim; taahht iletme kategorileri bir iletmenin(baka bir retim iin) dntrlmesi kamu iletmesi iin idaresi ile ykml iletmeler birlik Avrupa Birlii Konseyi gmrk birlii Avrupa Yayn Birlii Avrupa Demokratik Birlii Avrupa i Sendikalar Konfederasyonu Avrupa Birlii blgesel birlik Avrupa Sanayici ve veren Konfederasyonlar Birlii birim Avrupa Para Birimi Avrupa hesap birimi l birimi kentsel kentsel ve endstriyel atklar kentsel nfus


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

urgent in case of urgency on grounds of urgency to use user's manual

acil acil durumda ivedilik gerekesiyle kullanmak kullanm klavuzu


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Vvade-mecum value customs value issuing a declaration under exceptional value threshold value vehicle motor vehicles road vehicles vehicle and container screening system verification unit verification verification of licences veto to possess a right of veto visa watermarked visa label vocation basic and advanced vocational training European Centre for the development of vocational training (CEDEFOP) vocational rehabilitation vocational retraining vocational training void act declared void vize filigranl vize etiketi meslek temel ve ileri dzeyde mesleki eitim Avrupa Mesleki Eitim Gelitirme Merkezi mesleki rehabilitasyon mesleki yeniden eitim mesleki eitim hkmsz, geersiz hkmszl hukuken beyan edilen ilem el kitab deer gmrk kymeti istisnai kymetle beyan dzenlemek eik deer ara motorlu tatlar karayolu tatlar ara ve konteyner tarama sistemi tahkik, doruluunu aratrma, dorulama birim dorulamas ruhsatlarn tahkiki veto veto hakkna sahip olmak


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automatically void regulation declared void the licence shall be deemed void to vote the votes cast

kendiliinden hkmsz iptal edilen tzk ruhsat geersiz saylr oy kullanmak kullanlan oylar


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

-Wwage wage level cret cret dzeyi

earning: pension: remuneration: salary: wage: income:

kazan emeklilere yaplan demeler, emekli maa cret maa cret gelir

waive to waive immunity war in the event of war to warn warning level warranty certificate of warranty waste domestic wastewater dumping of waste at sea hazardous waste organic waste recyclable waste recycling and disposing of wastes waste oils waste water treatment facility

feragat etmek, vazgemek; dokunulmazl kaldrmak muafiyetten feragat etmek sava sava durumunda uyarmak uyar dzeyi garanti garanti belgesi atk evsel atk su atklarn denize verilmesi tehlikeli atk organik atk geri kazanlabilir atk atklarn geri dnm ve imha edilmesi atk yalar atk su artma tesisi


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

water drinking water ground water yield inland waterway natural spring water remediation of water quality surface waters utility water wetland where appropriate whereas to withdraw withdrawal of the marketed product within within three months of the date of work European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions European Agency for Safety and Health at Work worker clandestine workers freedom of movement for workers illegal workers migrant worker field work work at piece rates work at time rates

su ime suyu yeralt suyu verimi i su yolu doal kaynak suyu su kalitesinin iyiletirilmesi yzeysel sular kullanma suyu sulak alan uygun olduu hallerde -dndan geri ek(il)mek rnn piyasadan toplatlmas iinde, ierisinde itibaren aylk bir sre iinde i, alma Avrupa Yaam ve alma Koullarn yiletirme Vakf Avrupa Gvenlii ve Sal Ajans ii kaak iiler iilerin dolam zgrl/serbestisi yasa d iiler gmen ii saha almas para bana alma zaman esasna gre alma


AVRUPA BRL GENEL SEKRETERL Secretariat General for the European Union Affairs

AKSAN, AKL,Trke Franszca Franszca - Trke Hukuk Terimleri Szl, Dileri Bakanl, Ankara, 1978. ATALAY, HAMT, ngilizce- Trke Szlk, Atatrk Kltr, Dil ve Tarih Yksek Kurumu Trk Dil Kurumu Yaynlar: 714, 9.bask, Trk Tarih Kurumu Basmevi, Ankara, 1999. AVRUPA KOMSYONU TRKYE TEMSLCL, Avrupa Topluluu Szl, Pelin Matbaaclk, Ankara, 1984. CEYHAN, AYE, Avrupa Topluluu Terimler Szl, AFA (Glen Ofset), stanbul, 1991. DAYINLARLI, KEMAL, Franszca-Trke Hukuk Terimleri Szl, Daynlarl Hukuk Yaynlar Ltd. ti., Ankara, 1997. KTSAD KALKINMA VAKFI, Avrupa Topluluu Temel Hukuk Terimleri Szl, KT: 51, stanbul, 1987. KTSAD KALKINMA VAKFI, Avrupa Birlii Trkiye Kavramlar Szl, KV:157, Istanbul, 1999. MORAN, A. VAHD, Byk Trke-ngilizce Szlk A Turkish English Dictionary, Adam Yaynlar, stanbul, 1999. OVACIK, MUSTAFA, Trke-ngilizce Hukuk Szl, (Tpk Basm), Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Aratrma Enstits (T. Bankas Vakf), 4. Basm ,Yayn No: 340, Ankara, 1999. OVACIK, MUSTAFA, ngilizce-Trke Hukuk Szl, , Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Aratrma Enstits (T. Bankas Vakf), 3. Bask, Yayn No: 379, Ankara, 2000. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Scadplus Glossary, TULACI, PARS, ngilizce-Trke Ekonomi ve Hukuk Terimleri Szl, Gncelletirilmi 4. Bask, Remzi Kitabevi, stanbul, 2002. TRK HUKUK KURUMU, Trk Hukuk Lugat, 4. Bask, Babakanlk Basmevi, Ankara, 1998.


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